What Makes A Hero

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At Genesis Christian College, the last day of school had finally arrived.

The hallways were filled with a

mix of excitement and nostalgia as students prepared to bid farewell to another memorable term
three. Amongst the crowd were five inseparable friends: Myself, Tahlia, Gigi, Lucy, and Emily. Tahlia,
with her determined spirit, had always been the driving force behind their adventures. Gigi, known
for her annoyingness, had an ability to spot hidden opportunities for fun. Emily, with her infectious
laughter, brought joy to every moment they shared. And Lucy, with her obedient nature, was always
there to support and encourage her friends. As the final bell rang, signalling the end of school. We all
gathered around our lockers saying our goodbyes while we were all shedding tears. We reminisced
about the countless memories that we had created together throughout our time at Genesis
Christian College. Circled around gifts that have been given to me as a farewell present, the boys
looked at us with judgement in their eyes while tears ran like a river down our cheeks. We could
never leave each other; we will always be the weird group in 8G that loves to annoy my Humanities
teacher Mr Raccoon. Bang! Loud noises fill the air while everyone screams, it was nothing I thought
just a random grumble of thunder.

As the days go past as storm crept over stopping everyone in their tracks. The world transforms into
a symphony of bangs and mesmerizing flashes. The sky wears a grey blanket, as raindrops dance
gracefully, tapping against windows and rooftops. The air carries a fresh, earthy scent, invigorating
the senses. Puddles form, reflecting the world like shimmering mirrors. Then a huge figure shapes
into a human made of lightning as it sucks the life out of people a strange box made its way into my
bag. As I opened it a flying little red fox came out her name was Trix, and she is my Quami giving me
the power of illusion. While I transform into my newly found powers the monster continues to
destroy and take lives. Another superhero joins me the black cat having the power of destruction.
We get closer and closer towards the monster, Shivers crept up my spine feeling like a spider crawling
up along my back. I was unable to move as tears fell from my face. It felt as if the world was
screaming at me. We hit the monster with everything we got only doing little damage, soon it
manages to grab my partner and take his life away only making him stronger.

I call for my power of illusion and use it against the monster in every way I possibly could. People
who were left came from there hiding places decided to come and help me defeat the villain once
and for all. Turns out the power of courage and trust is more powerful than anything in the world.
The screams of the monster fade away as it drifts of into the mountains leaving nothing but the
people it took from us. My partner soon returns, and we fix everything that has been destroyed.
Citizens come and congratulate us for our victory against as the monster made of lightning. I
untransformed from my superhero a small old man suddenly appears seeing the identity of who the
white fox is, my Quami Trix introduced me to her master the one who had put the box into my bag. I
hand him my necklace holding a strong power only to be used for the great of good. Whenever
danger appears so will White fox and the Black cat ready to face anything that is willing to take on
them and their powers.

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