ENGE102.N1 Async-Osong Saballegue

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Gemini J. Saballegue 2-BLIS 201411490

A. Read the stories of Juan Osong and answer the following questions:

1. Did you find the stories funny? Why or why not?

I think the story of Juan Osong is funny because it is both logical and absurd. The story
starts with a clear premise but then introduces different twists in the middle part. It
challenges the readers' imagination and invites us to relax and enjoy the story instead of
being too serious. It is a bit frustrating in the beginning because of how Juan Osong
carries conversation in such a high-falutin manner

2. What does the character of Juan Osong say about the nature of the Bikolanos? Do you
think it is a cultural stereotype? Why or why not?

The invitation to relax reflects how we Bikolanos see ourselves. Carefree yet decisive,
just like how Juan Osong responds sarcastically to the Kapitan's questions or follows
Pedro's orders by carrying the door with him to avoid thieves. If being a "pilosopo" is seen
as a cultural trait of being Bikolano, we can say that Juan Osong's story plays with this
idea and exposes the negative implications of the word "pilosopo."

In my own interpretation of the story, I can see resilience because of how Juan Osong
faces his challenges by creating humor around them. He does not let any bad events
affect his personality and he still succeeds and overcomes those obstacles.

3. Comment on this statement: “Juan Osong could well be the hero of a conquered people.
But not having the might to overthrow the Spanish colonial master, he managed to have
the better of him with his wits.” (readings on Bikol Culture, Luis General, 1972, p. 239.)

Juan Osong represents the spirit of resistance that persists even in the face of
oppression. He may not have been able to defeat the colonizers, but he did not surrender
or lose his identity. He inspires us to stand firm and courageous in times of hardship and
injustice. Despite the odds against him, he did not succumb to defeat or lose his cultural
identity. His determination serves as a powerful inspiration to us all, urging us to remain
steadfast and brave in the face of adversity and injustice.

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