Problem Set - Module 1

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SED 128 - Modern Physics for Teachers

Problem Set
Some Deficiencies of Classical Physics
Instructor: Mr. Kim Diate

Problem 1
Observer A, who is at rest in the laboratory, is studying a particle that is moving through the
laboratory at a speed of 0.624c and determines its lifetime to be 159 ns.

a. Observer A places markers in the laboratory at the locations where the particle is produ-
ced and where it decays. How far apart are those markers in the laboratory?

b. Observer B, who is travelling parallel to the particle at a speed of 0.624c, observes the particle
to be at rest and measures its lifetime to be 124 ns. According to B, how far apart are the two
markers in the laboratory?

Answers : a. 29.76 m , b. 23.21 m.

Problem 2
A sample of 2.37 moles of an ideal diatomic gas experiences a temperature increase of 65.1 K
at constant volume.

a. Find the increase in internal energy if only translational and rotational motions are
b. Find the increase in internal energy if translational, rotational, and vibrational motions are

Answers : ∆Eint =3,207.05 J or 3.21 x 103 J ∆Eint =4,489.87 J or 4.50 x 103 J.

Guide Equations and Constants

R = 8.3145 mol·K

MSU-IIT College of Education - Department of Science and Mathematics Education 1

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