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a , tank that has a vol

a gau ge ar:i '
d 25 oc is c ontained 1n ume of
at 25 kP
I 1. Air,
0.05 m • Th e
3 baron1 e tnc pressure 1s . 90 kPa and the local acceleration due
. . .
· . 9. 61 in/ s2 Ca lcu late the we igh t of air in the tank.
to grav1 t y 1s

· · · · at 900 kPa and 50 ° C.

2 · A leaking tank 1n1tially contains 50 k g of helium .
· leak s out if the fina l pre ssu re 1s 400
Determine t he mass of l1e1·1um that
kPa and the final t e mperat ure is 25 C.

3. A spherical balloon, 48 ft in diameter, contains helium at 80°F and 29.0 in.

Hg absolute. Compute the mass of helium in the balloon.

< 4. Air, at 200 mm Hg vacum m and 25 ° C , is contained in a tank tha t has a

volume of 0.040 m3. The barometric pressure is 690 mm Hg, and the local
acceleration due to gravity is 9.75 m/s2 Calculate the mass and the weight of
air in the tank.

5. Hydrogen gas is to be stored in a cylindrical tank having an internal diameter

of 8 in. and a length of 2 ft. If the maximum allowable pressure and. temperature
are 300 psia and l 40°F, how many moles of hydrogen can be stored at the
maximum temperature and pressure?

6. The air in a tire is initially at 380 kPa, 20° C, when the tire volu
me is 0.120 m3.
As the tire is warmed by the su n, the pressure becomes 450
kPa and the tir e
volume increases by 5%. Determine the final tempera
ture and the mass of
air in the tire.

I 7. A closed tank contains 100 lb m of air at 140 psia, 125°F. How much air leaks out if
the final pressure is 60 psia and the final temperature is 80°F?

8. For a certain ideal gas, cP = 1.1 kJ /kg-K and k = 1.3. Determine MW, R, and c.,.
9. Determine the internal energy of steam at 500 kPa and 0.375 m3 /kg if the
enthalpy is 2748.96 kJ /kg.

10. Suppose 200 ft3 of air measured at 15 psia and 90 ° F is withdrawn from a
50-ft 3 tank containing air initially at 100 psia and 140°F. What is· the pressure
of the remaining air in the tank if its temperature is l 30°F?

11. A steel cylinder weighs 75 lb when empty and has an internal volume of 4
ft3. The cylinder is filled with oxygen to 2200 psig at 70 °F. What is the
weight of the cylinder filled with oxygen?

12. Carbon dioxide at 537°R and 14.7 psia has a density of 0.1123 lbm/ft3 •
a) the gas constant; and
b) the molecular weight based on the gas constant.

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