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Fahrenheit 451 Final Exam (2017)

Short Answer Questions (50 marks)

1) What are the two professional symbols that represent being a fireman?

2) Who is the new neighbor in town?

3) What is the smell Montag has that he thinks of it like perfume?

4) According to Clarisse, who are the people in the book afraid of?

5) When Montag arrives home, what does he find that catches him by surprise?

6) What is different about the TV in the book compared to TV in our homes?

7) What is Mechanical Hound? What is its function?

8) Clarisse mentions that school does not miss her because she is ‘antisocial.’ What does the
Clarisse consider as being ‘social’?

9) Why is Clarisse afraid of children in her age?

10) Why was the man whose library was burned by the firemen sent to the asylum even though
he was sane?

11) According to Captain Beatty, who was the first ‘fireman’ in the society?

12) Which of the following is not a rule for fireman that was established in 1790?

a. Answer the alarm swiftly.

b. Start the fire swiftly.
c. Burn everything.
d. Report back to firehouse after all the work is done.
e. Stand alert for other alarms.

13) When the woman refuses to leave her house, who eventually burns down the woman’s

14) When Montag asks Mildred where did they meet, what was Mildred’s answer?

15) What happened to Clarisse according to Mildred?

16) How does Mildred refer to the people on the TV?

17) According to the Captain, when did books start to lose their popularity?

18) What happens to fireman if they accidentally takes a book home with therm?

19) What was the real reason why the architects got rid of front porches and gardens according
to Clarisse?

20) What was hidden inside the air conditioning system in Montag’s house?

21) What does Mildred think about the books? Be specific.

22) As Mildred and Montag read books in the house, what is Mildred most concerned about?

23) When Montag was not able to understand the book, who’s help did he sought after for
explanation of the books?

24) Since Montag had the last copy of the bible, he did not want to turn it in to Captain Beatty.
What are the two solutions he comes up with to avoid turning in the bible?

25) What is the memory of a sieve and a sand? BE SPECIFIC.

26) What distracted Montag from reading the bible?

27) Where did Montag get the bible?

28) According to Faber, what are three things everyone is missing?

29) What is the plan Montag discuss with Faber that Faber does not take it seriously?

30) How did Montag force Faber into teaching him about how to understand the bible?

31) When Montag asks for some type of distraction to keep Captain Beatty from becoming
suspicious, Faber shows him something that he has been keeping it a secret. What has Faber
been secretly building?

32) How is the election rigged in the society?

33) What is the name of the book Montag reads to the guests at his house?

34) Who are the guests at the Montag’s home? How did they react to the excerpt Montag read?

35) After discovering that Mildred’s been slowly burning his book collection, where does Montag
hide his remaining books?

36) While the firemen are playing with cards, how does Captain Beatty confuse and frustrate
Montag about books?

37) After a scolding from Captain Beatty, an alarm sounds and the firemen are dispatched. What
was different about this assignment, and whose house do they arrive at?

38) Who was the one that turned in the fire alarm of Montag’s home?

39) Why did Montag kill Captain Beatty?

40) Why didn’t Montag run away before he killed Captain Beatty?

41) Where did Montag go after he killed Beatty?

42) When Montag left Faber’s house, which direction did he go?

43) Why did Montag take whiskey, a suitcase, and some of Faber’s dirty clothes with him?

44) What was different about the fire Montag saw after leaving the river? (Hint: Time)

45) Instead of admitting that they lost Montag at the river, what did the police do to convince
people that Montag was captured and killed?

46) Why did each man at Hobo Camp identify himself as a famous author or piece of literature?

47) What had Montag been able to memorize?

48) What happened to the city during the war?

49) What does it mean when Granger say that “the first thing they will do is build a mirror factor
and make nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long look in them”?

50) What did Montag and the intellectuals believe their mission to be once the war ended?

**BONUS: What is the significance of the title, “Fahrenheit 451”?

Fill in the Blank Vocabulary (8 marks)

Word Bank:

Proclivities Stolid Dictum Verbiage

Pyre Pulverized Cadenced Grotesque
Capillary Odious Cowardice

Fill in the blank with the vocabulary that best suits the sentence. Each word can only be used once.

1) I summed my side up with rare serenity in, ‘The folly of mistaking a metaphor for a proof, a
torrent of __________________ for spring of capital truths.

2) Beatty, Stoneman, and Black ran up the sidewalk, suddenly __________________ and fat in
their plump fireproof slickers.

3) Light flickered on bits of ruby glass and on sensitive __________________ hairs in the nylon-
brushed nostrils of the created that quivered gently.

4) With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his __________________ head, and his eyes all
orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house
jumped up in a gorging fire.

5) His name was Faber, and when he finally lost his fear of Montag, he talked in a
__________________ voice.

6) Were all fireman picked then for their looks as well as their __________________?

7) There was no __________________, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no!

8) We’ll stop making the goddamn funeral __________________ and jumping in the middle of

Long Answer Questions (12 marks)

1. Explain how Montag’s life change throughout the book. Be sure to mention the key moment
when his life began to change.

2. Compare and contrast The Giver and Fahrenheit 451 in terms of theme, characters, and plot.
What themes, characters, and plot do they have in common? Be specific.

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