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October 21, 2023

CSI Bowling Alley
9AM call time
Game starts at 9:30AM

LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLAYER Red Lions Green Yellow Tigers Orange Blue Dragons Black Panthers
(First 5) Mantis Phoenix

LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6
PLAYER Red Lions Green Yellow Tigers Orange Blue Dragons Black Panthers
(Second 5) Mantis Phoenix

1. ONLY 10 OFFICIALLY LISTED PLAYERS per team will be allowed to play.
2. Absence of any player from a team CANNOT BE SUBSTITUTED OR PLAYED by
another player or teammate.
3. LATE-COMERS will have zero scores in their frames if the game has already started, said
late players can only play at the time they arrive and NON-ATTENDANCE means ZERO
score for said player.
4. After 2 sets, the top two (2) teams with highest accumulated scores (1 st set + 2nd set) will play
for the championship.
5. Players who will play for the championship game be chosen from the TOP 5 HIGHEST
SCORERS of the First 5 and Second 5 players of the two teams.

LANE 1 2
PLAYER Top 1 Top 2

6. In case of tie, one player of each tying teams will have a one ball roll-off. If score is still tied
after the first roll off, a maximum of 3 roll offs will be done to break the tie. The team of the
player with the higher number of knocked down pins will be declared Champion.

NOTE: Please bring your own socks and rags for wiping excess bowling ball oil.

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