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MODULE 2: Theorizing Gender subtle forms of oppression that often go unnoticed such

Gender and Sexuality Across Time
• sexism
• Divine Feminine
• Gender pay gap
• Egalitarian
• Under representation in politics, military,
• Human discovers paternity executive positions, etc.
• Men- is for productive sphere • Rape on women and the stigma making on
• Women- is for reproductive sphere women ashamed to report the crime
PATRIARCHY • Very conservative expectations on women on
is a system based on the control and oppression of how they behave
women wherein they are perceived to be the weaker sex. • Unrealistic depictions of women in fiction
• Women do more housework and childcare
Patriarkhes- “the rule of the father”. • Boys were trained to be leaders while women
were trained to do house chores
Patrilineal Society often follows a patriarchal society, this
Gender and Sexuality As a Subject of Inquiry
means only men can inherit property from the family
name. Gender studies is a field of study concerned about how
reproductive roles are interpreted and negotiated in the
society through gender.
Friedrich Engels, argues that patriarchy came about
Gender role or sex role are sets of culturally defined
when people started having private property instead of
behaviors such as masculinity and femininity" according
communal living.
to the Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender (2019).
History Views on Gender
Gender studies is not just for women or all about
GREEKS women, it is about everyone.

Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek philosophers viewed Gender studies lets us analyze these gender norms so
women as the inferior sex and properties of men whose that it does not create inequalities in our social,
only job was to obey their husbands, bear children, and political, and economic spheres.
take care of household,
Gender Studies and Research
Gender Studies utilizes a systematic approach in
Egyptian civilization, Egyptian women enjoyed higher identifying problems, making hypotheses and
social status than Greek women because they can inherit assumptions, gathering data, and making conclusions.
property and engage in trade and politics. This systematic processes referred to as the research
Approaches in Research
- Confucianism
• Qualitative approach focuses more in the
• “Three obedience's and four virtues" meanings created and interpretations made by
• “Precepts of women" people about their own personal or vicarious
- Women have come a long way since the ancient times experiences.
through feminist movement, patriarchy has taken on
Methods used in the qualitative approach are as • How conflicts between sources of pleasure are
follows: resolved determined adult personality.
The Five Stages of Psychosexual Development
• Phenomenology
• Hermeneutics Oral Stage- (Birth to 18 months)
• Ethnography and ethnomethodology
Anal Stage- (18 months to 3 years)

Phallic Stage- (3 to 6 years)

• Quantitative approach focuses more on
characterizing a population or a sample, and in Latency Stage- (6 years to puberty)
some cases, making generalizations about the
populations based on the behavior of a sample. Genitals Stage- (Puberty on)
Methods used in the quantitative approach are as
1. Oral Stage (0 - 1 1/2 years)
• Survey
• Experiment • Pleasure centers around the mouth.
Ethics in Gender and Sexuality Research • Chewing, sucking, biting are sources of pleasure.
• Weaned too early or late will develop personality
• Ethical Principles to remember:
• Informed consent
• Dependency or rejection of others
• Confidentiality and anonymity
• Fixation: smoking, eating, chewing, talking.
• Non-maleficence and beneficence
2. Anal Stage (2 -3-year-old)
• Distributive justice
• Pleasure centers around the anus.
• Eliminative functions are sources of pleasure.
• Issue is control through Toilet training.
- Development of the personality through stages. • Child view = Giving the gift
• Dirty vs. Lavish Praise
Psychosexual Theory -Dr. Sigmund Freud • Stingy or Overly Generous

Freud proposed that there were s stages of • Leniency leads to: Anal-expulsive personality--
development. Freud believed that few people messy, wasteful, or destructive.
• Strictness leads to: Anal-retentive personality:
successfully completed all 5 of the stages. Instead, he felt stringent, orderly, rigid, and obsessive.
that most people tied up them Phallic Stage (3rd to 5th year)

libido at one of the stages, which prevented them from • Self-manipulation is a source of pleasure.
using that energy at a later stage. • Oedipus Complex appears.

• Focus is on the genital areas a (Boys vs. Girls)
• Five stages
• Oedipus Complex: Parents seen as threats.
• Each stage focuses on a part of the body for
experiencing pleasure.
• Wide range of psychological disorders through • focus changes, for girls, from the mother to the
failure to resolve this conflict, (unreasonable father, when the girls realize that they don't have
anxiety, phobias, & depression) penises, so they develop penis envy.
Definition of the Oedipus Complex • coupled with the knowledge that her mother
doesn't have a penis leads to her thinking her
The Oedipus Complex is Freud's term for the young
mother unworthy, and becoming attracted to
child's development of an intense desire to replace the
her father, as he does have a penis.
same-sex parent and enjoy the affections of the
opposite- sex parent.
If a man finds himself fixated because he fails to join
Oedipus Complex
forces with dad, he's been successfully emasculated. He
• The boy begins to have sexual desires for his becomes a failure at life, unable to strive for
mother achievement because of his disabling guilt generated
• sees his father as a rival for her affections. from competing with his father for his mother's
• begins to fear that his father is suspicious of his
longing for his mother FIXATION
• father will punish him for his desires.
• The punishment, the boy fears, will be -With successful resolution of the Electra complex, a girl
castration, which brings Us to the finds herself equipped to deal with her adult sexual and
second critical episode for this stage. intimate relationships. She turns her penis envy into a
Castration anxiety. healthy search for a "fatherly" husband.

• fear of castration make the boy anxious -But if she fails, she becomes fixated and may be overly
• leads to the boy thinking that the father hates seductive and flirtatious.
him eventually becomes unbearable
Latency Stage (5th to Puberty)
• boy renounces his sexual feelings for his mother
and chooses instead to identify with his father • Sexual Desires pushed into background
• hopes to someday have a relationship with a Latency Stage (5th to Puberty)
woman (though not his mother)just like dear old
dad has with his mother. • The child represses all interest in sexuality.
Resolution of the Oedipus Complex • The child develops social and intellectual skills.
• Energy is channeled into emotionally safe areas.
• Children recognize that their same-sex parent • The child forgets the highly stressful conflicts of
might punish them for their the phallic stage.
incestuous wishes. Genital stage (Puberty +)

• To reduce this conflict, the chila identifies with • This is a time of sexual reawakening.
the same-sex parent, striving to be like him or • The source of sexual pleasure comes from
her someone outside the family.
Electra Complex • Libidinal energy returns to the sexual organs.
• Seek marriage partner, prepare for adult life.
• Feelings go round and round for awhile until the
point when the girls renounce their feelings for
their fathers
• Identify with their mothers.
-Due to a parent smothering a child with too much Socialization makes the stereotypes applied at birth a
attention, as an adult the individual has difficulty in reality
romantic relationships due to being extremely "needy."
Society Uses the labels male and female to sort its
members into separate groups

Sociological Theories on Gender Starts within the family and is reinforced by the society

Structural Functionalism THEORY

Structural Functionalism looks at a patriarchal society, or

one in which men rule over women.

- As justification, over time, men have linked manhood

with superiority


According to conflict theory, society is defined by a

struggle for dominance among social groups that
compete for scarce resources. In the context of gender,
conflict theory argues that gender is best understood as
men attempting to maintain power and privilege to the
detriment of women.

Contemporary conflict theorists suggest that when

women become wage earners, they can gain power in
the family structure and create more democratic
arrangements in the home, although they may still carry
the majority of the domestic burden, as noted earlier
(Rismanand and Johnson-Sumerford 1998).

Symbolic Interactionism THEORY

Sex- the different biological equipment of males and


Gender- how we express our "maleness" or "femaleness"

Sex is biological and gender is learned, or social

Symbolic Interactionists study how are socialized into

gender roles, the attitudes and behaviors expected of
boys and men because they are male and girls and
women because they are female.

Symbolic interactionist assume that gender differences

are learned.

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