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M.M . :40 Time: 90 MINUTES

Q-1 Thermal equilibrium implies equality of:

(a) energy (b) internal energy (c) K.E. (d) temperature (1)

Q-2 Two bars of copper, having same length but an equal diameter, are heated to the same temperature.
The change in length will be: (1)
(a) more in thicker bar (b) more in thinner bar (c) same for both (d) determined by the ratio of length
and diameter of the bars

Q-3 110 J of heat is added to a gaseous system, whose internal energy increases by 40 J. Then, the amount
of external work done is: (1)
(a) 150 J (b) 70 J (c) 110 J (d) 40 J
Q-4 State first law of thermodynamicswrite its mathematical statement for a) isothermal b) adiabatic c)
isochoric process. (2)
Q-5 A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 90C. If room temperature is 360C,
calculate the coefficient of performance. ( 2)
Q-6 State law of equipartitision of energy (2)
Q-7 2000gram water at 200C is converted in to steam at 1000C calculate amount of heat required. (Latent
heat of vaporization of water=540cal/gm ,specific heat of water is 1 cal/gm/0c ) (2)
Q- 8 For an ideal gas prove that Cp-Cv=R (2)
Q-9 Derive an expression for the work done during the isothermal expansion of a gas. (2)
mnv 2
Q-10 Using expression for pressure P= 3 Derive expression for root mean square speed of an an ideal
gas molecule. (3)

Q-11 CASE STUDY: Read the paragraph and answer the following questions

Gas Behavior: Insights from the Kinetic Theory In the realm of gas dynamics, the kinetic theory offers
profound insights into their peculiar nature. It elucidates the underlying mechanisms that lead to intriguing
macroscopic observations. Gas pressure, a fundamental aspect, is a consequence of a remarkable
phenomenon that emerges when gas molecules come into play.

Gas molecules are in constant motion, darting about in various directions. This perpetual motion is central
to understanding several aspects of gases. It also forms the basis for the link between temperature (T) and
the speed (v) of gas molecules, expressed as: 3RT = mnC2 Now, one might wonder what particular attribute
of these molecules enables them to interact and apply force to the walls of their container. The answer lies in
their innate quality, which drives their ceaseless movement. This quality is fundamental to comprehending
the intricate interplay of gas properties and the dynamic equilibrium within a gas. In essence, the kinetic
theory unveils the enigmatic world of gas molecules as they engage in this perpetual dance of motion and
collision, shaping the observed properties of gases. This theory stands as a cornerstone in deciphering the
complex behaviors and characteristics of gases.

(i)According to the kinetic theory of gases, what is the primary cause of gas pressure?

a) Volume of gas particles b) Constant motion of gas molecules

c) Temperature of the gas d) Interactions between gas molecules

(ii)In the kinetic theory of gases, gas molecules move in what kind of paths between collisions?
a) Circular b) Zigzag c) Straight lines d) Spiral

(iii) In the kinetic theory of gases, what happens to the temperature of a gas if its molecules have a higher
root mean square speed while other factors remain constant?

a) The temperature increases b) The temperature decreases

c) The temperature remains unchanged d) The temperature becomes negative

(iv )What property of gas molecules makes them collide and exert pressure on the container walls, as
explained by the kinetic theory of gases?
a) Their color b) Their size c) Their mass d) Their constant, random motion

Q-12 CASE STUDY: Read the paragraph and answer the following questions

The amount of heat per unit mass transferred during change of state of the substance is called latent heat of
the substance for the process. For example, if heat is added to a given quantity of ice at –10 °C, the
temperature of ice increases until it reaches its melting point (0 °C). At this temperature, the addition of
more heat does not increase the temperature but causes the ice to melt, or changes its state. Once the entire
ice melts, adding more heat will cause the temperature of the water to rise. The latent heat for a solid to
liquid state change is called the latent heat of fusion (Lf), and that for a liquid-gas state change is called the
latent heat of vaporisation (Lv). These are often referred to as the heat of fusion and the heat of
vaporisation. We have seen that heat is energy transfer from one system to another or from one part of a
system to another part, arising due to temperature difference. What are the different ways by which this
energy transfer takes place? There are three distinct modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and
radiation Conduction is the mechanism of transfer of heat between two adjacent parts of a body which are
direct in contact because of their temperature difference. Suppose, one end of a metallic rod is put in a
flame, the other end of the rod will soon be so hot that you cannot hold it by your bare 4 hands. Here, heat
transfer takes place by conduction from the hot end of the rod through its different parts to the other end.
Gases are poor thermal conductors, while liquids have conductivities intermediate between solids and gas.
Convection is a mode of heat transfer by actual motion of matter. It is possible only in fluids. Convection
can be natural or forced. In natural convection, gravity plays an important part. When a fluid is heated
from below, the hot part expands and, therefore, becomes less dense. Because of buoyancy, it rises and the
upper colder part replaces it. This again gets heated, rises up and is replaced by the relatively colder part of
the fluid. The process goes on. This mode of heat transfer is evidently different from conduction. Convection
involves bulk transport of different parts of the fluid. Conduction and convection require some material as a
transport medium. These modes of heat transfer cannot operate between bodies separated by a distance in
vacuum. But the earth does receive heat from the Sun across a huge distance. Similarly, we quickly feel the
warmth of the fire nearby even though air conducts poorly and before convection takes some time to set in.
The third mechanism for heat transfer needs no medium; it is called radiation and the energy so transferred
by electromagnetic waves is called radiant energy. Answer the following questions:

i. Which of the following heat transfer mode needs medium? (1)

(a) Conduction (b) Convection (c) Both a and b (d) Radiation

ii. Convection is possible in (1)

(a) Solids only (b) Fluid only (c) Both solid and fluid (d) None of these

iii. The fastest mode of heat conduction is (1)

(a) Conduction (b) Convection (c) Radiation (d) All are equally fast

iv. The change of state from solid to liquid is called (1)

(a) Melting (b) Vaporization (c) Sublimation (d) None of these
Q- 13 Show that the ratio of coefficient of coefficient of linear expansion , coefficient of surface expansion
and coefficient of volume expansion is 1:2:3. (3
Q-14 State postulates of kinetic theory of gases. Using these postulates Derive formula for pressure exerted
by an ideal gas (5)

Q-15 Figure shows plot of PV/T versus P for

1.00×10–3 kg of oxygen gas at two different
temperatures (3)

(a) What does the dotted plot signify?

(b) Which is true: T1 > T2 or T1 < T2?

(c) What is the value of PV/T where the curves meet

on the y-axis?

Q- 16 A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The

diameter of the hole is 4.24 cm at 27 °C. What is the change in the diameter of the hole when the sheet is
heated to 227 °C? Coefficient of linear expansion of copper = 1.70x 10–5 K–1. (3)

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