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Kecamatan Galis
Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Nama : Paraf Paraf

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nilai
………………………… Guru Ortu
Kelas/Semester :V/1
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa/05 Desember 2023
NO. Ujian :
Waktu : 90 menit

A. Mari kita menyilang (x) jawaban yang tepat!

1. Rara is eating cake. Cake tastes is ...
a. sweet b. sour c. bitter d. Salty
2. Bitter in indonesian is ....
a. manis b. pahit c. asam d. Asin
3. Potato chips are ....
a. sour b. bitter c. salty d. Sweet
4. Limes taste is ...
a. sour b. bitter c. sweet d. salty
5. I need a cup of ... for breakfast
a. fried rice b. potato c. tea d. bread
6. Look at the picture below!

Rudi is hungry. He wants . . . of bakso

a. a plate b. a bowl c. a piece d. a scoop
7. Mother : Would you like a . . . of pizza?
Diana : Yes, I'd like a . . . . of pizza, please.
a. slice b. loaf c. spoon d. bar

8. Adit is thirsty. He wants a . . . of orange juice

a. cup b. bottle c. glass d. bowl
9. Look at the picture below!

It is a . . . of ice cream
a. slice b. piece c. hand d. scoop
10. Made : Is this a hand of bananas?
Putu : . . . .

a. yes, it is b. yes, it are c. no, it is not d. no, it are not

11. Made : . . . . .
Seller : A glass of orange juice is 5,500 rupiahs
a. How many is a glass of orange juice? b. How much is a glass of orange juice?
c. What many is a glass of orange juice? d. What much is a glass of orange juice?
12. A bowl of bakso is . . .
a. ten rupiahs b. one hundred rupiahs
c. one thousand rupiahs d.ten thousand rupiahs

13. It is . . . . rupiahs
a. nine thousand seventy hundred b. nine thousand seventeen hundred
c. nine hundred seventeen thousand d. nine hundred seventy thousand

14. It is . . . rupiahs
a. one hundred two five thousand
b. one hundred twenty five thousand
c. one thousand two five hundred
d. one thousand twenty five hundred
15. He eat too much candy. He has a . . .
a. cough b. headache c. toothache d. stomachache
16. Made : Hi, Putri. What's wrong with you?
Putri : I have a headache. It's really hurts
Made : You should . . .
a. drink a glass of milk b. go to the dentist
c.go to the park d.take some medicine

17. Does he has a sore throat?

a. yes, he does b. yes, he has, he doesn't d. no, he hasn't
18. He is wearing a . . .
a. skirt b. T-shirt c. long dress d. blouse

19. Is she wearing a red skirt?.

a. yes, she is b. yes, she isn't c. no, she is d. no, she isn't
20. What is Riri wearing?
a. she is wearing a T-shirt b. she is wearing a blouse
c. she is wearing a pair of trousers d. she is wearing a long dress

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