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) bo Basic Techniques & Overview erect wma S Mier ILO’ Ee eee era) "Read the paragraph and get the crux. = Make note of the important words. "Keep in mind the tone "See if there are words such as however, but, nevertheless, etc. = When you read the options, check the diff between the options "Finally, apply POE. The prime minister told the parliament thatthe imposition of National Security Law isa clear and serious breach ofthe Sino-Brtish joint declaration which is a legally binding international treaty. It is also a breach of Hong Kong's own mini-constittion, the Basic Law. Never have the people o Hong Kong been more in need of support. Britain has made a clear commitment to recognising its historical responsibilities by extending a path to citizenship for up to 3 milion Hong Kong citizens ith a right toa British Nationals (Overseas) passport, as it should have done yeats Hong Koag needs help agains the imposition of National Security Law and Britain is doing its part by extending citizenship to its citizens. b. In this time of distress for Hong Kong, getting a citizenship from Britain, for most ofits coulda big help. ¢, Britain has agreed to help Hong Kong in its hour of nee 4. Britain has admonished Hong Kong on the breach of the constitution and has agreed to lend a helping hand 2. The Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 lockdown, However, neither legislation was fit for the purpose, The Disaster Management Aci and Epidemic Diseases Act 1897 coul b. There is a need to make new legisla c. The Disaster Management Act, 200: «pandemic and does not have the legal as Epidemic Diseases inthe work of the UN human rights iy bodies (HTB) issued the context of cli neral’s New York Climate Si submitted to Be, ahead of the United it in September. Two individual communications he treaty bod 2019 became a big year for UN, because ofthe pro active role adopted by HRTBs b, Enumeration of states’ obligation and personalised communication could make any year big for the UN «, 2019 is the best year for the UN, because HRTBs did their work before the Sceretary General’s 4 HRTBs have we big year forthe UN, 4. US President Donald Trump as time and a (On May 18, Trump had given WHO an cover up the carl ultimatum 0 8 to make “substantive improvements” after which, he said he would permanently freeze funding to it. The US isthe largest contributor tothe global agency. The country had contributed $400 milion (approximately Rs 3,040 crore) to the organisation last year ~ neat 5% of its entre budget, in its early days, which has WHO and China have been covering up the Corona virus pand i itked the largest fund contributor tothe WHO, Trump has asked WHO to make substantive changes or else the US would freeze the funding 4 One of the substantive changes would be n carly days 5. The colour of animals is by no means a matter of chance: it depends on many considerations, but in th Perhaps it may be said that if colour coloured animals. There are, however, not a few cases in which vivid colours are themselves protective, The king harmonizes with the water, and the bird as it darts along the stream looks almost like a flash of ids to protect the animal from danger by rendering it less conspicuous. is mainly protective, there ought to be but few brightly oured, is by no means easy to see. The blue ‘4 The colour ofan animal renders it less conspicuous thus protecting it from danger, seas they make the birds difficult to get spotted. b. Vivid colours area better sa «Both dull and brig 4. Self-protection of animals is nota matter of chane colours protect the birds from danger by rendering them inconspicuous ‘but of great considerations. Since entering the Elysée in 2017. Mr Macton has spent a large part of his presidency putting out Tires, some of them real ones, The sudden emergence nearly wo years ago of the gilets jaunes (yellow vest) movement, in protest ata rise in fuel tax, saw demonstrations in French cities fa type and scale that drew comparisons with 1968, brought Paris to a viral standstill durin much of December and January. Buffeted by events, loathed by the Left and the hard Right, and criticised across the board for a perceived haughiiness in style, Mr Macron bas b. Mr. Macron sactficed whole of his most aspired smooth and technocratie presidential tenure ¢. Mr. Macron's fraught presidential tenure is also because of his perceived Mr. Mseron eo where the night sky in our cites is illuminated by thousands of street lamps blocking the lights of all but the most luminous stars. Its only when dramatic celestial events take place, like a solar or a lunar eclipse ora great comet, such as Hale-Bopp, that we take time to gaze into the sky. But for a scientist or an engineer concerned with the planning, design and execution of a space mission stronomy is the essential science, providing the knowledge essential to making the mission a We fail 1 understand the essentiaity of Astronomy because of no direet impact Bb, Astronomy provides knowle making a space mission success and we are not oncemed with space missions hence can’t gauge its import . A dramatic celestial event is required to make us realise the importance of astronomy. J. We might not consider astronomy a tial science, but for scientists and engincers directly 8. Motion pictures have become an essential part of modem life and they can be used with greater vantage for educational purposes. So far greater stress has been laid on a type of film, which presumably is supposed to be entertaining, but the standard or quality of which is not high. I hope that the industry will consider now in terms of meeting the standards and of aiming at producing high-class films that have educational and social values, Such films should receive the cooperation «. Motion pictures 9. Philosophy is both an a d a body of knowledge, Philosophers are rarely content to accept the status quo at face value, We want to know not so much how far we've gone in quantifiable terms, but instead whether we are on the right tack. It would be wrong. though, to think that philosophers agonize over every decision and policy constantly that would make everyday ie impossible. However, we sometimes face serious issues, individually and as a society, then itis 1ppropriate to take the time to reflect on what we are doing and why 10, For many years, the experts have focused on self-esteem. Research has consistently shown th sul life. Seeing this link berween self: their children had positive views of themselves, teachers tried to provide feedback in ways that ily promoted as a remedy for personal problems and social ills, Due to researchers and their overzealous findings, many parents and teachers go out of their way to make students achieve self-esteem 2 Parents and teachers see the ink between self-esteem and suecess for their wards, and asa result Rescarchers have shown for many years now that a postive sense of self of self-esteem gives, Q11,A study reviews Earth's rarest minerals, th stable they are, and whethe they com from poorly studied locations. The resulting cata formed and where they ae reserved 2 A study that reviewed the rarest minerals on Earth has the potential to enhance our understanding f the constriction of Earth and mineral reserves 3 A certain review of the rarest minerals on Earth will help geophysics termine the location of the mineral reserves, their size, and the fundamental construction ofthe Ear 12, Working at Hengfeng Bank, an embattled Chinese lender, requires a thick skin these days. On August 30th the bank's Communist Party committee summoned its members, including top xecutives, fora self-criticism session, ofthe sort common in the Maoist era, “No one talked about their achievements, They talked only oftheir shortcomings and problems, They pointed the ki blade at themselves,” the bank afterwards, “Blushing and sweating, they expelled their poison.” The revival of self-criticism under Xi inping, China’s president, as raised alarm about the Jirection in which he is stering the country. Other banks have also conducted similar sessions, a testament to Mr Xi’s assertion of party contol over the economy. But inthe ease of Hengfeng ravaged by corruption scandals and biled outlast month by the government, the sight of its 3 Hengfeng Bank, and some others have taken the initiative todo sef-exploration of their mistakes, sign of a broader trend of self-criticism in C snment has embraced the culture of self-criticism under Xi Jinping, and maay ks have followed suit by conducting seminars to find Xi's and their own mistakes. rape, sexual harassment, stalking, online abuse, incest, domestic vielence, snd murder. They that behaviours associated with masculinity are not necessarily natural, but are learned, This has led As acquired behaviours, toxic masculinity differs from hegemonic masculinity, where the later i 2 While “hegemonic masculinity” encourages men to abhor anything feminine, “toxic masculinity 4 As many scholars have studied the impact of acquired violent behaviour in men, they believe that 114, Psychologists should bethink themselves before potting down the instinct of se vation the cardinal instinct of an organic being. A living thing seeks above all to “discharge” is tren Tite itself is “will 0p {-prescrvation is only ofthe indirect and most frequent “results thereof, In short, here, as everywhe lotus boware of ‘superfluous’ teleological principle Self-preservaton isnot the most important trait of an organic being 2 The tendency to discharge strength is the main instinct of a living being, which has not been 3 Onen 3k beyond redundant philosophical theories a in case of sli tion being held as the main instinct ofa living being, chologits and philosophers are wrong in the assumption that a tendency to self-preserve gives, 15. Fossils in ancient seafloor rocks display a thriving and diverse marine ecosystem, then a swath corpses, Some 96 percent of marine species were wiped out during the ‘Great Dying’ followed by nillions of years when life had to multiply and diversify once more. What has been debated until sulfide poisoning. a complete lack of oxygen, oF simply higher temperatures, New research from the University of Washington and Stanford University combines models of ocean conditions and animal metabolism with published lab data and paleoceanographic records to show thatthe Permian mass extinction inthe oceans was caused by global warming that let animals unable to breathe. As temperatures rose and the metabolism of marine animals sped up, the warmer waters could not ko teat Dying A now research by a University shows that global warming could have caused the extinction of a found on the ancient sea floor rocks in the marine ecosystem, 16. is essential, prio to any discussion concerning modification of behaviours, to differentiate Although, praise is one ‘many forms of positive reinforcement, its by no means the only or even the best choice when 1 When it comes to conditioning young children to follow a desired behavioural patern, prise is 4 Positive reinforcement may or may not include praise; however, itis the technique of makin 17, Some authors offer a guide for translation of cultural issues, speaking of ‘backtranslation’, a technique which implies the independent translation of the translated text back into the origina language. Thea, the original text is compared to the reiranslated version, and, if necessary, th translation is reviewed. But this method seems to be too sophisticated and time consuming. There have remarked that translations obtained through this method are most of the time stilted Backiranslaton, as a technique to evaluate the merit ofa translated work, is too sophisticated and 2 Bocktranslaton is technique where the independent translation ofthe translated text back into 3 Backtranslation, despite being advocated by experts, results ina stiff or formal piece of end Q18, Ane sand, particularly for ed after and th ry litle aversight of how well this overvie urance thatthe participants’ welfare is bein the risk to them is minimized. Howeve meets its sated aims, +. Given the ineeasingly knotty ethical challenges that neu vances present, itis eritical that we try to improve this situation by encouraging review boards to make their decision-making proc By encouraging review boards to share There is anced for us to share our findings, especialy in the field of human research, so thatthe research has failed at multiple level, thereby jeopardizing the Patients anid making the process less open 19, City officials should not look to relocate people, but rather they should improve and secure to make way for new development. Bu this has an adverse effect on these populations, Man} cultural ties to one another. These elements contribute to the kind of well-Functi The need of the houris not to relocate people ina city, but to make sure that their existing s 2 City officials must critically examine their method of displacing poor residents without involving 4 While tackling the problem of urban housing, city officials can do beter by not following the Q20, Pethaps it is permissible to dream of a future when men will know no other use of thei freedom than this free unfurling of itself; constructive activity would be possible forall; exch on nitively through his projects at his own future. But vay the Facts that the are men who can justify ther ife only by a negative action, As we have already seen, every man transcends himself. Bu it happens that this transcendence is condemned to fall usclessly ble for men to focus on constructive activity, but right now it looks like ‘topian dream 3 A situa pression arises when a man transcends himself in justifying his life by a nega ction, and this tendency needs to ch It is desirable for a man to justify his life through constructive activity, nt by negative action tha 21. The essence ofthe economic case for migration is very simp: itis the same asthe case for markets in general. IF people make decisions on the basis of their own economic self-interest, this ill maximize efficiency, overall output, and, atleast on some measures, welfare, This applies wher ve and work just as much, if not more, than it applies to buying and selling goods and services, Of course, markets fail here, as elsewhere, and “more market” isnot always better. But the

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