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MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh 1


STT Từ Từ loại Nghĩa Ví dụ
1 We're going to establish an organization that helps
establish verb thành lập
connect international students with local schools.
Her company was established in 2012 and has
established adjective đã được thiết lập
grown rapidly ever since.
establisher noun người thiết lập He's known as the establisher of modern art.
The establishment of a school is a priority for the
establishment noun sự thiết lập
new authority.
2 You can invite anyone to the party except your
except verb trừ ra, phản đối
There are no exceptions to the rule that everyone
exception noun sự loại trừ
has to start working by 9 a.m.
His unpopular opinion on women's rights is the only
exceptionable adjective có thể bị phản đối
exceptionable part of his work.
3 exhaust noun/verb khí thải/ hút, làm cạn My patience with her childishness was exhausted.
exhausted adjective mệt sức, mệt lả They are all exhausted after the long journey.
exhauster noun máy hút We might need a new exhauster for this project.
exhausting adjective làm kiệt sức It's exhausting babysitting the kids for a whole day.
exhaustion noun sự cạn kiệt, hết hết Natural resources are on the verge of exhaustion.
có thể làm cạn kiệt, The fact that natural resources are exhaustible
exhaustible adjective
hao mòn might change the way we use electricity.
4 chờ đợi, mong The children expect that everyone will get home for
expect verb
ngóng dinner tonight.
chờ đợi, mong The children are gathering around the Christmas tree
expectant adjective
ngóng with their expectant faces.
sự mong đợi, kỳ
expectation noun The new manager failed to meet our expectations.
5 The principal failed to explain the sudden policy
explain verb giải thích
We're looking for a legitimate explanation for this
explanation noun sự giải thích
It was so kind of him to send me the book with a
explanatory adjective có thể giải thích
detailed explanatory note inside.
6 A bomb exploded at the railway station, killing at
explode verb nổ, làm nổ
least 10 civilians.
The cause of the massive explosion is still
explosion noun vụ nổ, tiếng nổ
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Our top priority is to protect children from explosive

explosive adjective dễ nổ
She was explosively angry when she caught her
explosively adverb mạnh mẽ, dữ dội
husband cheating.
7 Children should be encouraged to express their
express verb phát biểu, bày tỏ
emotions and feelings.
Her facial expressions can tell a lot about the
expression noun sự biểu lộ
A lot of Asian parents aren't expressive of their
expressive adjective diễn cảm, diễn đạt
expressively adverb thật biểu cảm She sang expressively in the school play.
8 My grandfather fertilized his garden with compost
fertilize verb làm cho màu mỡ
once a year.
We're promoting organic fertilization to protect the
fertilization noun sự làm cho màu mỡ
local environment.
Fertilizers provide nutrients for plants to grow
fertilizer noun phân bón
9 We're enjoying the festive atmosphere as Christmas
festive adjective thuộc về lễ hội
is nearing.
Many festivals celebrate the beginning of the new
festival noun ngày lễ hội
year in Viet Nam.
sự ăn mừng, sự hân There are plenty of festivities that families can join
festivity noun
hoan trong lễ hội during the holiday season.
10 force verb cưỡng ép, ép buộc No one can force me to do what I don't want to do.
sức mạnh, lực Parental use of physical force can harm their
force noun
lượng children's mental health.
We're forced to leave the house by the end of this
forced adjective bị ép, miễn cưỡng
She forcedly went to the party even though she
forcedly adverb bắt buộc
didn't like anyone there.
11 Agricultural activities generate significant amounts of
generate verb sinh ra, gây ra
Generation gap is a common cause of family
generation noun thế hệ
The hospital's emergency generators are designed
generator noun máy phát điện
to cope with power cuts.
12 We demand a guarantee of a healthy and safe
guarantee noun sự bảo đảm
working environment.
No one can guarantee that you won't get hurt in a
guarantee verb bảo đảm, bảo hành
relationship again.
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có đảm bảo, có bảo

guaranteed adjective
hành This investment comes with a guaranteed return.
người bảo lãnh, bên The United Nations is often seen as a guarantor of
guarantor noun
bảo lãnh world peace.
guaranty noun giấy bảo đảm We had to use our car as a guaranty for the loan.
13 adjective/no thuộc về người, loài The modern form of humans only evolved about
un người 200,000 years ago
Some countries are imposing more humane
humane adjective có lòng nhân đạo
punishments for seriously disordered offenders.
làm cho hợp tính Steps are being taken to humanize the prison
humanize verb
người system
humanity noun nhân loại, nhân đạo Her touching story restored my faith in humanity.
14 They look so alike that it's nearly impossible to
identify verb nhận ra
identify whom I was talking to at the mall.
identical adjective đúng, giống The two paintings appeared identical at first glance
The twins always dress identically that not many
identically adverb tương tự, y hệt
people can tell them apart.
15 tưởng tượng, hình
imagine verb Can you imagine what it is like to live in a mansion?
Kids invent imaginary friends to help them make
imaginary adjective ảo, tưởng tượng
sense of the world.
Let your imagination run wild with all the
imagination noun trí tưởng tượng
She proposed an imaginative new approach to the
imaginative adjective giàu trí tưởng tượng
16 He called to inform everyone that he would be home
inform verb báo tin
in an hour.
Don't hesitate to contact the manager for further
information noun thông tin, tin tức
information regarding this position.
I always enjoy reading long informative articles like
informative adjective có nhiều thông tin
17 thành lập, trang bị, It only took me a few minutes to install an app on
install verb
cài đặt my phone.
người cài đặt, lắp Your satellite TV system will be installed quickly and
installer noun
đặt professionally by our skilled installers
installation noun sự đặt, bổ nhiệm Installation of the new system will take several days
installed adjective đã được cài đặt A hidden camera had been installed in room
18 The way parents interact with their children can
interact verb tương tác, giao tiếp
shape their personalities.
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sự hợp tác, tương This new method of teaching is expected to promote

interaction noun
tác the interaction between teachers and students
Teachers are encouraged to try different interactive
interactive adjective tương tác
teaching styles.
19 The candidate is going to be interviewed by the
interview verb phỏng vấn
branch manager this afternoon.
người được phỏng The interviewees are asked to share their
interviewee noun
vấn expectations for this job.
The interviewer was so rude that she refused to
interviewer noun người phỏng vấn
answer his question.
20 She introduced her new boyfriend to everyone just
introduce verb giới thiệu
a few weeks after the breakup.
Susan gave an impressive self-introduction in the
introduction noun sự giới thiệu
interview and finally got the offer.
She enrolled in an introductory course in English
introductory adjective dùng để giới thiệu
21 Even though we no longer live together, we still
Maintain verb duy trì, bảo dưỡng
maintain a close relationship.
You should budget at least 1% of the home's
Maintenance noun duy trì, bảo quản
purchase price for maintenance expenses.
I should've measured the size of the table first to
Measure verb đo lường
make sure it fitted in my room.
Accurate measurements are extremely important in
Measurement noun sự đo lường
22 Observe verb quan sát He can spend hours observing nature.
A team of British officials were sent as observers to
Observer noun người giám sát
the conference
The suspect has been kept under observation for
Observation noun sự quan sát
48 hours.
23 The security guard won't permit anyone to enter the
permit verb cho phép
building after 9 p.m.
You will need permission from your teacher to go to
permission noun
sự cho phép the restroom.
có tính buông thả,
permissive adjective khoan dung, linh He claims that society has been far too permissive
hoạt trong quy tắc towards drugs
24 It will take effort to persuade residents to transition
Persuade verb thuyết phục from driving private vehicles to taking public
có khả năng thuyết He was such a persuasive speaker that no one
Persuasive adjective
phục could turn down his offer.
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Persuader noun người thuyết phục His charisma made him a powerful persuader.
People are most persuasible after thanking you for
Persuasible adjective có tính thuyết phục
25 This factory is being accused of polluting the local
Pollute verb ô nhiễm
water supply.
Air pollution is one of the major concerns in big
Pollution noun sự ô nhiễm
Nitrogen oxide is one of the primary air pollutants
Pollutant noun chất gây ô nhiễm
from factories.
Polluted adjective bị ô nhiễm The river is badly polluted by heavy metals.
26 Indigenous people started to populate this area
populate verb chỗ ở, cư trú
thousands of years ago.
Global population decline will cause economic
population noun dân số, nhân dân
chaos in the next 20 years.
The problem of pollution in populous urban areas is
populous adjective đông dân cư
an alarming concern.
27 The purpose of this activity is to improve
Purpose noun mục đích, kết quả
communication in the workplace.
She purposely left the book open so he could read
Purposely adverb cố ý, có chủ đích
her note.
Purposeful adjective có mục đích, ý định I quit this job to live a more purposeful life.
một cách có mục
Purposefully adverb She walked purposefully towards her friend's class.
đích, quyết đoán
28 đủ điều kiện, đủ tư She qualified as a secondary school teacher last
Qualify verb
cách year.
Some people got rejected for the job because they
Qualified adjective có đủ năng lực
were over-qualified for that position.
trình độ chuyên My qualifications will make me a good fit for this
Qualification noun
môn, bằng cấp position.
The water quality in this area is deteriorating due to
Quality noun tính chất, phẩm chất
pesticide overuse.
29 The students asked her a lot of questions regarding
Question noun câu hỏi
the new lesson.
The police wanted to question the witnesses before
Question verb chất vấn
everyone left.
She gave him a questioning look to implicitly say
Questioning adjective tỏ ra hoài nghi
that she didn't buy into his explanation at all.
He looked at me questioningly and asked if I was
Questioningly adverb một cách hoài nghi
telling the truth.
Questionable adjective nghi ngờ It is questionable whether the project will succeed.
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bảng câu hỏi, phiếu A questionnaire has been distributed to everyone

Questionnaire noun
khảo sát through email so we can collect more information.
người hỏi, người The questioner seemed unsatisfied with the vague
Questioner noun
chất vấn answers
30 nhận, tiếp đãi, đón I've been receiving his letters every day for one
receive verb
nhận month straight.
Profits have come from income from listed securities
receivable adjective có thể thu hồi được
and other interests receivable.
She had been working as a receptionist at this hotel
receptionist noun nhân viên lễ tân
for 20 years until she retired last year.
dễ tiếp nhận, dễ đón Though old, he's still receptive to new ideas and
receptive adjective
nhận trends.
31 Her name is on the tip of my tongue, but I still can't
recognize verb nhận ra, xác nhận
recognize that woman.
She gained recognition as an expert in this wildlife
recognition noun sự công nhận
Many years have passed but his facial features are
recognizable adjective có thể nhận ra
still easily recognizable.
32 AI is expected to create more jobs in the next
create verb sáng tạo, tạo ra
The new collection is one of his latest creations this
creation noun sự sáng tạo
There are several ways to promote creativity in
creativity noun sự sáng tạo
creative adjective có tính sáng tạo Is it true that creative people are hard to manage?
một cách có sáng This is a unique opportunity to think creatively about
creatively adverb
tạo how to fix these problems.
33 reduce verb giảm Steps are being taken to reduce college costs.
The world is sliding into an unprecedented job
reduction noun sự giảm
34 phản ánh, phản The statistics reflect a change in people's spending
reflect verb
chiếu habits.
sự phản ánh, sự
reflection noun His reflection in the mirror terrified me.
phản chiếu
Police officers are required to wear reflective vests
reflective adjective có tính phản ánh
when on duty.
35 The point I’m making now relates to what I said
relate verb liên hệ, quan hệ
Meeting his long-lost relatives was an emotional and
relative noun bà con, thân thuộc
meaningful experience for him.
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relation noun sự quan hệ, liên hệ The relation between diet and health is well-known.
How could she not recognize that her relationship
relationship noun mối liên hệ
with him was coming to an end?
relatively adverb tương đối, khá We had relatively few applications for the job
36 After a long day at work, all I want is to relax with a
relax verb thư giãn
cup of hot chocolate.
relaxation noun sự thư giãn My dad usually goes fishing for relaxation.
relaxed adjective thư giãn She seemed so relaxed on her new bed.
relaxing adjective thư giãn I find listening to music so relaxing.
37 They decided to remove the old tree from their
remove verb dọn đi, xóa
He was ordered to assist in the removal of the
removal noun sự xóa bỏ
Acetone-based nail polish remover is detrimental to
remover noun
chất tẩy rửa your health.
38 It took them 2 weeks to repair the road after the
repair verb sửa chữa
repairable adjective có thể sửa chữa Sadly my car is not repairable after the accident.
Offenders should be forced to make reparation to
reparation noun sự đền bù
the community
39 sự nổi tiếng, tiếng
reputation noun He has a reputation for being a violent husband.
My goal this year is to get a job offer from a
reputable adjective có danh tiếng
reputable company.
40 The couple resolved their differences and made an
resolve verb giải quyết
effort to get along
nghị quyết, quyết The committee passed a resolution to increase
resolution noun
định funding for health services.
resolute adjective quyết tâm She's utterly resolute in her refusal to apologize.
quyết tâm, quả
resolved adjective He was resolved to tell her the truth.
41 The shooting and killing of thirty people started a
revolution noun cuộc cách mạng
His writings influenced political thinking during the
revolutionary adjective thuộc về cách mạng
revolutionary war
Electronic cash systems have revolutionized the
revolutionize verb cách mạng hóa way that people around the world pay for goods and
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42 Drivers should keep a safe distance from the car in

safe adjective an toàn
Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to
safely adverb một cách an toàn
be sure of travelling safely
They reached safety seconds before the bomb went
safety noun sự an toàn
43 The college selects only twelve students a year from
select verb chọn lọc, tuyển chọn
the thousands who apply
The judges have made their final selection to
selection noun sự chọn lọc
choose the winner
selected adjective được lựa chọn York was selected as the site for the research centre
Nowadays he can afford to be much more selective
selective adjective có tính chọn lọc
about the roles he accepts
His performance persuaded the selectors that he
selector noun người tuyển chọn
should be included in the team
44 Some of the children have specific learning
specific adjective riêng biệt, đặc biệt
These advertisements are specifically aimed at
specifically adverb một cách riêng biệt
young people
nét đặc trưng, riêng Researchers need to be sensitive to cultural
specificity noun
biệt specificities
45 Knowledge workers are essential for success in
success noun sự thành công
technology-driven industries
He's the author of several hugely successful
successful adjective thành công
children's books
một cách thành She had already successfully completed these
successfully adverb
công courses
She's been trying to pass her driving test for six
succeed verb thành công
years and she's finally succeeded
46 Increasing numbers of children are suffering from
suffer verb chịu đựng
mental health problems
A new drug may give new hope to thousands of
sufferer noun người chịu đau
hay-fever sufferers.
47 think verb suy nghĩ I think it is important to learn English.
Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th
thinker noun nhà tư tưởng
thoughtful adjective có suy nghĩ, chu đáo It was thoughtful of you to remember my birthday
There were sandwiches, thoughtfully provided by
thoughtfully adverb thân trọng
his wife
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48 Millions of passengers transit through this airport

transit noun /verb chuyển tiếp
every year.
The transition from adolescence to adulthood can
transition noun sự chuyển tiếp
be very rocky.
49 It is a difficult passage, but just translate it as best
translate verb dịch, phiên dịch
you can
Her translation is too literal, resulting in heavy,
translation noun bài dịch
unnatural prose.
translator noun phiên dịch viên He works as a translator and political researcher
50 She explained the whole idea again, but I still didn't
understand verb hiểu biết
His answer demonstrated a complete lack of
understanding sự hiểu biết understanding of the question
The instructions must be understandable to those
understandable có thể hiểu được who are using the system for the first time

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