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Submitted by: J Vyr R. Melancolic

Submitted to: Doc. An-an Mahinay

Education is a journey of discovery, growth, and understanding. As I embark

on my Field Study 2 journey at South Poblacion Central Elementary School,
I am filled with excitement and anticipation. This experience promises to be
a significant milestone in my pursuit of a deeper understanding of the world
of education, as I step into the real-life classroom setting to observe, learn,
and engage with students, teachers, and the entire school community.

South Poblacion Central Elementary School is not just a place of learning; it

is a microcosm of the diverse and dynamic nature of education. This
institution serves as a hub for the young minds of our community, where
students and educators come together to shape the future. My journey here
represents an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and insight into the art
and science of teaching, curriculum development, classroom management,
and the various challenges and triumphs faced by educators on a daily basis.

During my time at South Poblacion Central Elementary School, I aim to

immerse myself in the educational environment, observe the teaching
methods employed, interact with students, and collaborate with the dedicated
educators who have made it their mission to nurture and inspire young
learners. I hope to better understand the nuances of effective pedagogy, the
impact of classroom dynamics, and the role of the school in the broader

Through this Field Study 2 experience, I aspire to contribute to the school's

mission and, in return, enrich my own understanding of the educational
process. I am eager to engage with both the challenges and successes that
await me, as I take my first step into the world of teaching and learning.

This journey will be filled with invaluable lessons and experiences, and I am
ready to embrace them with an open heart and a curious mind.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who played a

significant role in making my field study journey a fulfilling and enriching

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to South Poblacion E/S

Teachers, for their unwavering support, guidance, and invaluable insights
throughout this journey. Their expertise and dedication have been
instrumental in shaping my understanding of the subject matter.

I am also deeply thankful to the participants and individuals who graciously

offered their time and knowledge for this study. Their cooperation and
willingness to share their experiences enriched my research and provided
valuable perspectives.

I want to acknowledge the support of my co-students teachers who provided

valuable feedback and encouragement, helping me refine my work.

My sincere thanks go to my family and friends for their unwavering support,

understanding, and patience during this endeavor. Your belief in me and
constant encouragement were a source of strength throughout this journey.

Last but not least, I would like to thank myself fpr cooperating and for taking
up the step to do such responsibilities.

Almighty Father, SALAMAT KAAYU! I owe it You.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: J Vyr R. Melancolico
Date of Birth: April 21, 2002
Place of Birth: Bais, City
Home Address: Ruiz St. Tampocon II
Ayungon Negros Oriental


College: Negros College, Incorporated

Tampocon II, Ayungon, Negros Oriental
July 2020 – up to the present

Secondary: Negros College, Incorporated (Senior HS)

Tampocon II, Ayungon, Negros Oriental
March 2020

Ayungon National High School (Junior HS)

Tampocon I, Ayungon, Negros Oriental
April 2018

Elementary: Ayungon Central Elementary School

Poblacion, Ayungon, Negros Oriental
March 2014
“Beliefs on Teaching and Learning”

In preparation for my upcoming field study, I have taken time to reflect on

my beliefs about teaching and learning. As an educator, I firmly believe that
fostering a student-centered approach is essential for effective teaching. I
hold the belief that every student is unique, possessing their own learning
style, strengths, and challenges. Therefore, it is imperative to tailor
instruction to meet individual needs and provide opportunities for active
engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving. I also value the
importance of creating a positive and inclusive learning environment, where
students feel safe to express themselves and are encouraged to take
ownership of their learning.

Furthermore, I recognize the significance of continuous professional

development and the need to adapt my teaching methods to incorporate the
latest research and best practices. My pre-observation reflections underscore
my commitment to student success and my willingness to adapt and grow as
an educator. I look forward to further exploring and applying these beliefs
during my field study to enhance my teaching practices and better support my
students' learning journeys.
“Beliefs on Teaching and Learning”

After completing my field study, my beliefs about teaching and learning have
been both reaffirmed and enriched. Through the observation process, I
witnessed the practical application of student-centered teaching methods and
experienced their positive impact on student engagement and understanding.
It became evident that tailoring instruction to students' unique needs and
creating an inclusive classroom environment significantly enhanced the
learning experience. The importance of building relationships with students,
fostering a sense of belonging, and providing opportunities for them to take
ownership of their learning journey was clear throughout the observation

Furthermore, the field study also exposed me to the complexities of real-

world teaching and the need for adaptability. I learned that flexibility and the
ability to adjust instructional strategies in response to students' evolving
needs and feedback are essential for effective teaching. The experience
reinforced my commitment to continuous professional development and
staying current with educational research and practices. Overall, the post-
observation reflection underscores the dynamic nature of teaching and the
importance of lifelong learning as an educator.
Activity 1
Answer the following questions:

1. Does the school have a research agenda?

- No, South Poblacion Elementary School doesn't have research agenda.

2. What are included in the school’s research agenda?

- They don’t have any Agenda.

3. Is there a policy for teachers to conduct action research?

- No they didn’t have.

5. What is the focus of their action research?

- They don’t have action research.

6. Is there available funding for this action research?

- NO
Activity 2

Buwan ng Wika
Nutrition Month
Feeding program
Academic Club

Dress Code
Bullying Policies
Students Code of Conduct
Teacher Attendance Policies
Activity 3
List the titles of action research that were disseminated to other
teachers and schools.

Type of Dissemination
(Presented in a faculty
Title of Action Research meeting, presented in a
conference, or published)

South Poblacion don’t have research action.

Activity 4
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that having School research holds great significance for

educators, serving as a valuable guide in their educational endeavors.
Research provides teachers with insights into the most efficient teaching
approaches, enabling them to implement evidence-supported strategies
that enhance student learning. Moreover, school research is an essential
tool that enables teachers to remain current, foster ongoing growth, and
attain improved educational results for their students.
1. I believe it is essential to Implement research in schools because it
guarantees that educational approaches are founded on proven,
evidence-based methods rather than tradition or intuition alone. This, in
turn, enhances the quality of teaching and learning, enabling educators
to make informed choices regarding curriculum, teaching techniques,
and support services. Additionally, it promotes a culture of ongoing
improvement, inspiring schools to evaluate their performance and make
data-driven adjustments. In the end, the incorporation of research in
schools is pivotal in maintaining a dynamic, effective, and adaptable
educational system.

1. From now on, I am determined to be an educator who actively

contributes to my school's research endeavors. This contribution holds
the potential to greatly benefit my students and the wider education
community, allowing me to shape and enhance educational methods,
positively impact students' lives, and influence our school's academic
Activity 5
Interview your cooperating teacher.

List down five (4) preparation tips being done by the teacher in planning for
a successful classroom instruction.

1. Set Clear Objectives: Begin by defining clear and specific learning

objectives for each lesson. What do you want your students to know or be
able to do by the end of the class? Clear objectives help guide your
instruction and ensure that you're covering the necessary content.

2. Plan Engaging Content: Develop engaging and interactive instructional

materials that cater to different learning styles. Incorporate a variety of
teaching strategies, such as group activities, hands-on experiments,
multimedia resources, and real-world examples to make the lesson more
interesting and relevant.

3. Assessment and Evaluation: Determine how you will assess student

understanding and progress. Create formative assessments, quizzes, or other
evaluation methods to check whether students are achieving the lesson's
objectives. This allows you to make adjustments as needed to support their

4. Classroom Management Strategy: Prepare for effective classroom

management by establishing clear classroom rules, procedures, and
expectations. Think about how you will manage transitions, address
disruptive behavior, and create a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Having a well-thought-out classroom management plan is essential for a
successful instruction.
Activity 6
Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:

1. In your own words, how will you define instructional planning?

- Instructional planning involves the process of designing and organizing
educational activities and materials to achieve specific learning objectives. It
encompasses the careful consideration of curriculum, resources, teaching
methods, and assessments to ensure effective and meaningful learning
experiences for students.

2. Which among the tips on instructional planning is the most difficult to

follow? Why do you think so?
- One challenging tip for educators is to "plan engaging content" because it
necessitates adapting instruction to meet the diverse needs and learning styles
of students, which can be difficult when addressing varying levels of
proficiency, interests, and learning speeds.

3. What will happen if the teacher did not prepare for the classroom
- Inadequate classroom preparation can lead to detrimental consequences for
both teachers and students, as it often results in disorganized and inefficient
learning experiences, hindering students' comprehension and engagement
with the material. Effective teaching relies on thorough preparation to create
a conducive classroom environment and enhance the overall educational

1. Which among the given tips above is the most important? Why?
- For me, every aspect of classroom instruction is vital because they
collectively create the foundation for a successful teaching and learning
experience. These elements, such as clear objectives, engaging content,
assessment strategies, and classroom management, work together to provide
a well-rounded and effective educational environment, much like how a
backbone provides support for the body.
Activity 7
With the guidance of your cooperating teacher, write a detailed lesson plan
about the next topic for the class. Paste your detailed lesson plan here.

1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?

- Writing a lesson plan is important for it is the cornerstone of effective
teaching, offering a structured guide with clear objectives, content, and
instructional strategies. It optimizes instructional time, defines learning goals,
and ensures focus, consistency, and quality in classroom teaching, leading to
more successful and meaningful learning for students.

2. In preparing the lesson plan, which part is the most difficult to prepare?
- for me, the act of setting goals for a learning activity, along with the
selection of assessment methods, learning materials, teaching strategies, and
necessary tools or media. It encompasses the comprehensive preparation for
effective teaching and learning.

3. Which do you think is the most important part of a lesson plan? Why?
- For me, the Objectives because these are the guiding stars in educational
planning, defining the destination of a lesson and providing clarity and
purpose to both teachers and students. They are the foundation upon which a
lesson is built, ensuring alignment with the desired learning outcomes and
driving meaningful, purposeful learning.
Activity 8
Explain the guiding principles in selecting and using appropriate teaching

1. Learning is an active process.

- The principle "learning is an active process" highlights that meaningful
learning happens when individuals actively engage, mentally and physically,
in their educational experiences, fostering deeper understanding and effective
knowledge retention. It acknowledges that students' prior experiences are
valuable and encourages critical thinking and independent learning.

2. The more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better
- The principle that "learning is more effective when it involves multiple
senses" highlights the idea that engaging various senses enriches learning
quality, depth, and retention, emphasizing that learning is a multisensory
experience. Incorporating sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste in education
makes information more vivid and memorable, facilitating better

3. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.

- The principle that "motion enhances retention and learning" underscores
that physical activity and active participation can notably improve learning
and information retention. When learners engage in physical activities,
discussions, or interactive exercises, it enhances the learning experience and
reinforces memory retention.

4. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to student’s everyday life.

- This principle emphasizes the importance of making education relevant and
applicable to students' everyday lives, as it enhances motivation and their
ability to comprehend, remember, and apply knowledge. Educators should
aim to connect classroom learning to students' real-life experiences, turning
education into a practical tool for personal and societal development.
5. Good teaching goes beyond the recall of information.
- This principle recognizes that educators should go beyond mere information
delivery and instead focus on nurturing curiosity, fostering lifelong learning,
and preparing students with adaptable skills to succeed in a constantly
evolving world. It emphasizes a comprehensive educational approach that
encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and the practical application of
knowledge, moving beyond rote memorization.

6. An integral teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated

bits of information.
- Integral teaching fosters students' ability to discern patterns, establish
meaningful connections, and attain a deeper understanding of the subject
matter by emphasizing the interrelatedness of concepts, thus nurturing critical
thinking and practical application.

Activity 9
Explain the guiding principles in using instructional materials.

1. All instructional materials are aids to instruction. They do not replace the
- This principle recognizes that although educational resources can improve
and enrich the learning process, their greatest impact comes from enhancing
and amplifying the knowledge of the instructor rather than trying to replace
their position as a teacher. It emphasizes how important a role teachers play
in creating engaging learning opportunities.

2. Choose the instructional material that best suits your instructional

- Recognizing the importance of diverse teaching resources in various
educational contexts, including multimedia, textbooks, hands-on activities,
and online materials, educators should assess their objectives, consider
student needs, and choose the most suitable resources to facilitate successful
learning outcomes.
3. If possible, use a variety of tools.
- Selecting the right instructional tools to enhance understanding and
fostering creativity in teaching are key aspects of this principle. To equip
students for real-world challenges, a comprehensive education should provide
diverse tools and experiences, aligning with this concept.

4. Check out your instructional materials before class starts to be sure it is

working properly.
- Prioritizing the functionality of instructional materials before a lesson
enhances the teacher's credibility, reduces stress in the teaching and learning
process, minimizes disruptions, and maintains student engagement, ensuring
efficient resource utilization and a productive learning environment.

Activity 10
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
1. I realized that instructional materials is important in facilitating effective
teaching and learning. These materials, such as textbooks, technology, visual
aids, and hands-on resources, not only enhance engagement but also make
complex concepts more accessible, bridging the gap between theory and
practical application, ultimately improving students' comprehension and

2. I believe it is essential to pre-review teaching materials before class to

demonstrate professionalism, ensure a smooth learning experience, and
respect students' time and need for an engaging learning environment. This
practice also enhances the teacher's credibility and commitment to delivering
high-quality education.
3. From now on, I am determined to be a teacher that is always prepared. As
a prospective teacher, I recognize the vital role of instructional materials in
effective teaching. Well-crafted teaching resources enhance student learning,
provide structure to lessons, and cater to diverse learning styles. I am
committed to creating and using inspiring, educational materials to engage
and support my students, ensuring they have a memorable and enriching
educational experience.
Activity 11
Answer the following questions:

1. How essential is the use of varied instructional resources to teaching and

- To foster diversity, engagement, and effectiveness in education, educators
should employ diverse instructional resources, such as textbooks,
multimedia, technology, and hands-on activities, tailored to meet students'
diverse learning needs and preferences. These resources provide multiple
avenues for delivering information, equipping students with a broader skillset
and knowledge base to succeed in the contemporary world, ultimately
enhancing the overall quality and inclusivity of the teaching and learning

2. Aside from K to 12 Curriculum Guide and Teachers’ Guide, what is the

most essential instructional resource?
- Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely available and openly
licensed educational materials, such as lesson plans, videos, and textbooks.
They enhance accessibility, affordability, and flexibility in education by
eliminating financial barriers, allowing customization, and promoting
collaboration, thereby contributing to a more equitable education system.

3. In the absence of available instructional resources, what is the best thing

that a teacher should do to support teaching and learning activities?
- By fostering a culture of creativity and resourcefulness, teachers can
significantly support teaching and learning, even in resource-constrained
settings. This involves creating custom lesson plans and materials tailored to
students' needs, utilizing available resources like free online tools and
community assets, and collaborating to share ideas. Teachers should also
promote critical thinking and practical problem-solving, adapt their teaching
approaches, leverage technology, and engage in professional development to
ensure meaningful and effective instruction and learning activities.
Activity 12
Find answers to the following questions:

1. Do teachers use educational research journals and literatures to support the

teaching and learning activities?
- Yes, teachers support their teaching and learning activities with
educational research journals and literature, which enables them to solve
specific problems that crop up in the classroom or at school.

2. What are the challenges faced by teachers in using educational research

and literatures?
- When integrating educational research into their lesson plans, teachers face
challenges such as navigating an abundance of research sources and
grappling with complex scholarly language, which can hinder their ability to
locate and apply relevant studies effectively.

3. Does the school promote the use of research-based materials and

textbooks to support instruction?
- Yes, thru research-based materials and textbooks to enhance teaching, align
with standards, and boost learning outcomes. Additionally, they foster a
culture of educational improvement, maintain consistency and quality, and
facilitate data-driven decision-making.

4. Are the teachers’ instructional plans informed by research?

- Yes, Teachers rely on research to inform their instructional planning as it
offers evidence-based insights into effective pedagogical strategies, student
learning preferences, and instructional design, ultimately enhancing the
quality of education and elevating teaching standards.
Activity 13
Create a short video clip about a specific lesson using ICT tools.



Activity 14
Prepare a short presentation slides regarding a specific topic using


Activity 15
Answer the following questions:

1. How does digital media impact student learning?

- By fostering critical thinking and digital literacy, boosting engagement
through interesting and interactive content, providing access to a wide range
of educational resources, and promoting interactive and self-directed
learning, digital media has an impact on students' learning. Moreover, it
fosters collaboration, connects learning to real-world applications, and offers
specialized learning opportunities. Conversely, the use of digital media
makes learning more dynamic and adaptable to the needs of individual
students, which improves learning.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantage of using media in teaching and
learning? Write down your answers below:


Enhanced Engagement Lack of Interactivity

Interactivity Content overload

Global Learning Privacy concerns

Multimodal Learning Distraction

Improved Retention Access Disparities

Activity 16
Draw a concept map about graphic organizers. Identify the benefits of
using graphic organizers in student learning.

support collaborative

help students organize

thoughts, ideas,
and information
Benefits of
encourages critical

Activity 17
1. I realized that the technology integration improves student learning by
creating a more personalized, collaborative, and engaging learning
environment that equips students for the challenges of the modern world. It
also benefits teachers by increasing efficiency and effectiveness in their

2. I believe it is essential to have should structured methods when working

with students because they offer a framework for productive teaching and
learning. These methods guarantee that students receive a consistent and
equitable education in addition to aiding in the creation of a welcoming and
well-organized learning environment.

3. From now on, I am determined to prepare my instructional materials ahead

of time and to employ a variety of strategies in order to give my pupils a
more interesting and productive learning environment. I try to accommodate
various learning styles and capacities by planning my lesson plans in advance
and using a range of teaching strategies. This will help me create a more
dynamic and inclusive learning environment by allowing me to adjust to the
needs of my students. In the end, my dedication to careful planning and a
variety of teaching strategies will support my students' development and
success in realizing their full potential.
Activity 18
Recall an actual classes using the following constructivist teaching and
learning practices.



1.Active learning strategies

2. Meaningful learning activities

3. Effective questioning strategies

4. Real-life and concrete examples

5. Cooperative learning activities

6. Problem-solving activities

7. Active investigation

8. Integrate learning activities

9. Practice and feedback activities

10. Effective motivation techniques

11. Generalizations are provided by


12. Positive classroom atmosphere


13. Lessons and activities are interesting

14. Students are encouraged to take an

active role in learning

15. Experiential learning activities

16. Varied learning activities

17. Students views are respected

18. Positive learning environment

19. Linking ideas and concepts with

real-life experiences

20. Modeling positive behavior

21. Available learning materials

22. Learning styles are respected

Activity 19
Examine carefully the data you have gathered. Answer the following

1. Does the teacher employ constructivist teaching-learning approaches?

- Yes, The instructor employs constructivist teaching strategies to foster
student engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration through actions such
as posing open-ended questions, facilitating hands-on activities, and
encouraging problem-solving, enabling students to actively construct their
own understanding and gain a deeper grasp of the subject matter.

2. How do students respond to constructivist activities?

- Constructivist activities often result in enhanced understanding and
increased engagement among students. These activities foster problem-
solving, critical thinking, and active participation, empowering students to
take control of their own learning and leading to greater motivation and self-
direction. While individual responses may vary, constructivist activities are
generally a valuable addition to the classroom.

1. How did constructivist teaching improve the teaching and learning

practices in the school?
- Constructivist teaching shifts the focus from passive learning to active
engagement, significantly enhancing teaching and learning by encouraging
students to construct knowledge through inquiry, teamwork, and critical
thinking. This approach fosters problem-solving skills, application of
knowledge, and student empowerment in their learning journey.
4. What things could be done to encourage the teachers to use constructivist
teaching-learning approaches?
- Supporting educators in adopting constructivist teaching methods can be
achieved through professional development programs, peer support, and
mentorship, along with recognizing and rewarding creative teaching aligned
with constructivism. Additionally, integrating constructivist principles into
curriculum standards and assessments can further encourage educators to
embrace this pedagogy.

Activity 20



1. Varied learning activities based on

the learning styles of students

2. Respect of individual differences

3. Objectives are designed based on the student-centered

approach is really
abilities of the students a must

4. Objectives consider the level of


5. Topics are modified based on

learners needs and background

6. Learning activities are designed to

help every student learn
7. Assessment results are used to
improve instruction

8. Provision for individual and

collaborative learning

9. Lessons are developmentally


10. Uses various assessment tools

Activity 21
Examine carefully the data you have gathered. Answer the following
1. Does the teacher employ differentiated teaching-learning approaches?
- Yes, To cater to diverse student needs, teachers use differentiated teaching
strategies by assessing each student's strengths, weaknesses, and preferred
learning style, and adjusting their lesson plans accordingly. This may involve
providing additional support to struggling students, offering more challenging
tasks to high-achievers, and utilizing various resources like technology and
group activities to enhance engagement.

2. How do students respond to differentiated teaching and learning activities?

- Differentiated teaching and learning activities, tailored to students' diverse
needs and preferences, foster a more engaging and inclusive classroom
environment. This approach promotes student motivation, self-esteem, and
deeper understanding of the subject matter, enabling them to focus on their
strengths, learn at their own pace, and receive targeted support where
3. What are the challenges met by teachers in the implementation of
differentiated teaching and learning?
- Differentiated teaching and learning pose challenges for teachers, such as
time-intensive resource organization, monitoring individual progress,
sustaining motivation and engagement, and maintaining effective classroom
management in the face of varying skill levels and learning paces.

4. How does differentiated teaching and learning improve students’ learning?

- Differentiated instruction tailors the curriculum to each student's unique
needs, skills, and preferences, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject
and enhancing student engagement and enthusiasm for learning.

Activity 22
Recall an actual class before and answer the following questions:

1. Does the teacher use cooperative learning approaches?

- Yes, they integrate cooperative learning strategies into their teaching
methods, believing that collaboration encourages students to work together,
share ideas, and solve problems collectively. They emphasize important life
skills such as respecting diverse perspectives, teamwork, and effective
communication, fostering critical thinking, social skills, and a deeper
understanding of the subject matter.

2. How do students respond to cooperative learning activities?

- Cooperative learning promotes active engagement and teamwork among
peers, leading to improved academic outcomes and a more enjoyable learning
experience. Collaborating with classmates fosters diverse perspectives, idea
exchange, and personal growth, enhancing self-confidence, classroom
belonging, and social and communication skills.
3. What are the challenges met by teachers in the implementation of
cooperative learning?
- Cooperative learning poses challenges for teachers, including ensuring
equitable participation, motivating reserved students, and balancing group
assessments. Additionally, planning curriculum-aligned group activities and
accountability can be demanding.

4. How does cooperative learning improve students’ learning?

- Cooperative learning enhances student learning by encouraging critical
thinking, active participation, and teamwork. It promotes collaborative
problem-solving, exposes students to diverse perspectives and learning
styles, and develops valuable social and communication skills essential for
the workplace.

Activity 23
Recall an actual class before and answer the following questions:

1. Does the teacher use problem-based learning approaches?

- In the classroom, problem-based learning is employed to promote critical
thinking and active student engagement by having them address real-world
problems, fostering a deeper understanding of the material and enhancing
their problem-solving skills.

2. How do students respond to problem-based learning activities?

- Students often respond positively to problem-based learning (PBL) because
it engages them with relevant, real-world challenges, fostering critical
thinking and collaborative skills. PBL empowers students to take ownership
of their education and apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations,
thereby enhancing motivation and learning enthusiasm.
3. What are the challenges met by teachers in the implementation of
problem-based learning?
- Educators encounter challenges when adopting problem-based learning
(PBL), including the need to transition from traditional teaching to a
facilitator role, the time required to create curriculum-aligned problems, and
the task of maintaining student engagement throughout the problem-solving

2. How does problem-based leaning improve students’’ learning?

- PBL, or problem-based learning, enhances student learning through active
engagement, critical thinking, and the practical application of knowledge to
real-world problems, promoting problem-solving, teamwork, and the
application of theoretical concepts in practical scenarios.

Activity 24
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that Problem-based learning engages students in solving real-

world challenges, fostering deep comprehension, critical thinking, problem-
solving, and real-world application of knowledge.

2. I believe it is essential to use different methods for promoting inclusivity

and effectiveness in learning. They cater to students' diverse learning styles,
aptitudes, and preferences, creating a more inclusive and engaging learning

1. From now on, I am determined to learn these approaches as they will

enhance my problem-solving abilities, create new opportunities, and expand
my knowledge and skills. Mastering these strategies will empower me to
tackle challenges, achieve both personal and professional goals, and pave the
way for a more prosperous future through self-improvement.
Activity 25
Answer the following questions:

1. List down ways on how to manage a class.

- Recognize your pupils.
- Use rational detachment to exercise patience.
-Define effective boundaries
-Respect the timetable you establish.
- Recognize the reasons behind behavior.
- interact with pupils

2. What classroom management model do you adhere to? Why?

- I use a combination of methods in my classroom management model, with
a focus on student engagement and positive behavior management. A good
classroom management technique, in my opinion, should be adaptable and
customized to the unique requirements of the students and the educational
setting. I try to keep the classroom environment orderly and courteous by
combining aspects of the responsive classroom approach with assertive

Activity 26
Interview a teacher. Ask the following questions:

1. Is classroom management important? Why? Why not?

- Yes, A conducive learning environment relies on effective classroom
management, providing structure, clear expectations, and a sense of security
for students. It minimizes disruptions, cultivates positive teacher-student
relationships, and ultimately ensures optimal learning opportunities, while
poor classroom management can lead to chaos and hinder academic and
social success.
1. How does classroom management affect students?
- Effective classroom management creates a supportive, safe, and conducive
learning environment that helps students focus on their studies, actively
engage in learning, and form positive social connections. In contrast,
ineffective classroom management leads to confusion, disruptions, and a
stressful atmosphere, negatively impacting students' academic performance.

Activity 27
Interview a teacher. Summarize his/her response and write it on the space
provided after each question.

1. How do you manage your class?

- He begins by setting clear and consistent behavioral expectations,
conveying them to students at the beginning of each school year, and
reinforcing them regularly. This structured approach creates a secure
environment where students clearly understand the boundaries.

2. What is the greatest challenge that you have encountered so far in terms of
classroom management?
- The most challenging aspect of classroom management he faced was
addressing the diverse needs and behaviors of his students. Creating an
inclusive and successful learning environment demanded patience,
understanding, consistency, and adaptability to accommodate the unique
characteristics and backgrounds of each student.

3. What do you think are the essential considerations in managing the class?
- To create a conducive learning environment, Effective classroom
management for a conducive learning environment involves clear
expectations and rules, positive teacher-student relationships, and consistent
enforcement of both rules and instruction.
Activity 28
Answer the following questions:

1. What should be the main consideration of teachers in choosing a strategy

to manage a class?
- When choosing a classroom management strategy, teachers should
prioritize the unique needs and dynamics of their students, taking into
account factors like age, grade level, cultural diversity, and individual traits.
Flexibility and adaptability are crucial as different classes may necessitate
varying approaches to effective management.

2. How can teachers effectively manage a class?

- Teachers can effectively manage a class by employing a variety of
strategies and practices that foster a positive and productive learning
environment. To begin, it is critical to establish clear expectations and rules.
Students should be aware of what is expected of them as well as the
consequences of their actions. Another critical component is the development
of strong teacher-student relationships. A supportive and respectful
relationship with students fosters trust, making behavior management easier.
It is critical to be consistent in enforcing rules and delivering instruction
because it helps students feel secure and knows what to expect. Teachers
should also engage in self-reflection and professional development on a
regular basis to improve their classroom management techniques. Building a
supportive partnership requires open communication with parents.
Activity 29
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that classroom management is pivotal as it creates a foundation

for successful learning by fostering a safe, respectful, and collaborative
environment where students can focus on their studies. It involves setting
clear expectations and boundaries for a positive educational experience.

2. I believe it is essential to implement classroom management because it

establishes a structured and supportive learning environment, setting clear
expectations and boundaries, which in turn enables effective teaching and
learning while maintaining order and minimizing disruptions.

3. From now on, I am determined to be aware of all classroom management

techniques in order to create an environment in which students feel safe,
motivated, and eager to learn. Because effective classroom management not
only ensures a more efficient and productive teaching experience, but it also
allows me to have a positive and long-term impact on my students'
educational journey. By mastering these strategies, I can help my students
thrive academically and personally, instilling a love of learning and
equipping them with the tools they need to succeed not only in the classroom
but also in life outside of it.
Activity 30
List down 5 purposes why a teacher must assess his/her student:

- Prior to instruction, diagnose student learning.

- Give students feedback.
- Make curriculum-related decisions.
- Make instructional decisions.
- Set high standards for yourself.

Activity 31
Explain the importance of each assessment principles briefly.

1. Address learning targets or curriculum goals.

- This principle underscores the need for assessments to align closely with
predefined learning objectives, necessitating clear objective communication,
assessment development that mirrors content and skills, and a focus on
assessment validity and reliability.

2. Provide efficient feedback on instructions.

- This principle underscores the significance of offering students clear and
constructive guidance to help them comprehend assignment expectations,
leading to enhanced learning outcomes and a supportive learning
environment. Educators who apply this principle empower students in their
educational journey.
5. Interpret and communicate results of assessment meaningfully.
- This principle underscores the importance of collecting and conveying
assessment data effectively to inform educational decisions, enhance teaching
strategies, and empower students in their learning journeys. It promotes
educational quality, accountability, and collaboration in the learning

Activity 32
Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to prepare and plan before you assess?

- Preparing a plan before the assessment ensures that the assessment closely
aligns with the learning objectives and curriculum goals. This alignment is
critical because it ensures that the assessment measures what it is supposed
to measure, resulting in a reliable representation of student achievement.
Proper planning also allows educators to choose appropriate assessment
methods and design questions or tasks that reflect the depth and breadth of
the material covered by students. Furthermore, planning contributes to the
creation of a fair and consistent assessment environment, ensuring that all
students are given the same conditions and opportunities to demonstrate their
knowledge and skills.

2. What are the different features of the table of specifications?

- Tables of Specification are typically designed using the course objectives,
the topics covered in class, the amount of time spent on those topics,
textbook chapter topics, and the emphasis and space provided in the text.
3. What is the most difficult part in creating a table of specifications? Why?
- Creating a Table of Specifications (TOS) often poses challenges,
primarily because it involves balancing various factors. This includes
determining the weight assigned to different learning objectives, distributing
assessment tasks across cognitive skill levels, and ensuring comprehensive
coverage of content and skills while maintaining depth.

4. What will happen to the rest if the teacher does not prepare a table of
- The absence of a well-prepared table of specifications (TOS) for an
assessment can potentially compromise its validity and reliability, as it may
lead to a lack of alignment between assessment content and learning
objectives. This misalignment can hinder accurate evaluations of students'
knowledge and skills, and also introduce inconsistencies in the assessment

Activity 33
Answer the following questions:

1. Which is easier to construct, select type items or supply type items?

- Supply type items because they are relatively simple to build, eliminate
guesswork, and encourage creativity.

2. Which is easier to check, select type items or supply type items?

- Select type items because there is a single correct response for each item.

3. Which is more objectives, select type items or supply type items? Why?
- Select type items due to measuring factual information and understanding
4. How do you ensure fairness and objectivity in checking essay type items?
-. To accomplish this, clear and well-defined grading rubrics are required.
These rubrics should include specific criteria and expectations for the essays,
such as content, organization, clarity, grammar, and style.

Activity 34
Ask your cooperating teacher for a copy of any rubic that he/she is using.
Paste is and you personally need to evaluate the rubric.

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

The slogan is clear The slogan is clear and The slogan is somewhat
The slogan is unclear or
and effectively mostly conveys the clear but lacks clarity or
Clarity of Message does not relate to the
conveys the main idea main idea, but it could doesn't effectively convey
science topic.
of the science topic. be more precise. the main idea.

The slogan is highly The slogan is relevant The slogan is somewhat

relevant to the science to the science topic, relevant, but the The slogan is not relevant
Relevance to Topic
topic and clearly but it could be more connection to the science to the science topic.
relates to it. directly related. topic is unclear.

The slogan is highly

creative, original, and The slogan is creative The slogan is somewhat
Creativity and engaging, and original, showing a creative and original but The slogan lacks creativity
Originality demonstrating a deep good understanding of lacks depth and and originality.
understanding of the the topic. understanding of the topic.

There are no spelling There are very few There are several spelling There are numerous
Spelling and Grammar or grammatical errors spelling or grammatical or grammatical errors in spelling or grammatical
in the slogan. errors in the slogan. the slogan. errors in the slogan.

The slogan is neatly

The slogan is presented in The slogan is poorly
and attractively The slogan is presented
a basic manner without presented and does not
Presentation presented on the well but could be more
much attention to visual enhance the poster's overall
poster, enhancing its visually appealing.
appeal. quality.
overall impact.
1. What activities does the sample rubric intend to measure?
- Rubrics can be used to classify and measure almost any product, activity or
behavior, such as essays, reports, portfolios, projects, oral presentations,
skills evaluation, performances, or group activities.

2. How many criteria are there? Are the criteria enough to measure the task?
- There are four (4) criteria's I believe it is possible to fairly, consistently,
and defensibly evaluate students' products and performances by using a set of
established criteria aligned with targeted standards/outcomes.

3. What is the highest possible score?

- scales typically use 5 or 6 as the top score.

4. Are descriptive and numerical values of the rubric aligned?

- The rubric's descriptive and numerical values are typically aligned, as they
work together to provide a clear and objective framework for evaluating
student work. These descriptions assist graders and students in understanding
what constitutes good performance and where there is room for improvement.
The numerical values, which are frequently represented as a point scale,
provide a means of quantifying the extent to which these criteria are met.
This alignment ensures that the grading process is objective as well as
consistent. Graders make informed decisions based on the descriptors, and
the numerical values provide a quantitative representation of the assessed
Activity 35
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that a rubric is useful because it serves as a fundamental tool for

ensuring fairness, consistency, and objectivity when assessing tasks like
essays or projects. It also empowers students by providing clear evaluation
criteria, helping them understand the assessment process and self-assess their

2. I believe it is essential to have Instructional planning as it enhances

transparency by communicating expectations, fosters objectivity through
standardized grading, and ensures fairness by applying consistent criteria to
all students, thereby creating a more equitable and dependable evaluation

3. From now on, I am determined to learn making the rubrics because they
are an essential tool for promoting clarity, consistency, and fairness in the
assessment process. This ability will not only improve my ability to assess
and provide constructive feedback, but it will also contribute to a more
transparent and equitable educational environment. It enables me to be a
more effective educator or evaluator, and it provides me with a valuable tool
to support my commitment to fostering learning and academic growth.
Activity 36
Conduct a survey of the school environment. Provide a description of the
following components:


Location The school's location is part of a

sprawling campus, featuring various
buildings and outdoor spaces.
The school is situated in a safe and
secure location, with measures in place to
ensure the well-being of its students and
The school's location is easily accessible,
with nearby roads, public transportation
options, and well-marked pedestrian
The school's surroundings may include
nearby parks, shopping areas, or cultural
attractions, enhancing the overall appeal
of its location.
Physical Facilities

The school's exterior features a well-

maintained facade with clean lines and a
welcoming atmosphere.
The architectural style of the school may
be modern, traditional, or a blend of both,
showcasing its unique character.
Specialized science labs are equipped with
lab benches, equipment, and safety
features for experiments.
The school's playground is equipped with
swings, slides, jungle gyms, and open
space for outdoor activities.
Clean and well-maintained restrooms are
conveniently located throughout the school
for students and staff.
Classrooms are equipped with desks,
chairs, whiteboards, projectors, and
educational materials that support learning.
Psychological Climate The school fosters an inclusive
environment where students of all
backgrounds and abilities feel
The psychological climate is generally
positive, emphasizing optimism and a
can-do attitude.
The school nurtures students' growth,
helping them develop academically,
socially, and emotionally.
The school embraces diversity,
celebrating different cultures,
backgrounds, and perspectives

The community is rich in cultural

diversity, with residents from different
cultural backgrounds and traditions.
Community Context Prominent individuals within the
community may serve as leaders or
mentors for students and the school.
Parents in the community are actively
engaged in school activities and
Residents take pride in the school's
achievements and actively support its
The community and school work
together to ensure the safety and
security of students and residents.
The school engages in collaborative
projects that benefit both the students
and the broader community.
Activity 37
Answer the following questions:

1. Which component is the strength and weakness of the school? Explain

your answer.
- The school's psychological climate is a robust, inclusive, and nurturing
force that fosters personal growth, resilience, empathy, and academic
excellence. It lacks identifiable weaknesses and prepares students and the
community for a confident, inclusive, and supportive future. In essence, it is
the school's strength, free of flaws, offering boundless opportunities for
growth and success.

2. How does the school maintain the safety and security of students?
- The school ensures student safety through clear policies, surveillance,
controlled access, and emergency response. They offer counseling, anti-
bullying, and cybersecurity services. Regular drills, visitor screening, and
anonymous reporting enhance security.

3. What are the best practices of the school in keeping the learning
environment conducive for teaching and learning?
- Clear expectations, classroom management, engaging instruction, student
participation, positive relationships, responsive teaching, regular assessment,
inclusivity, technology use, professional development, parent/community
involvement, student well-being, time management, equity promote effective
teaching and learning.
4. How do teachers promote social development and cultural diversity to
- Teachers foster social development and cultural diversity in students
through diverse curriculum, inclusive reading, open discussions, cultural
commemorations, empathy, and respect. They promote group projects,
multilingual resources, social skills, and bias awareness. Conflict resolution,
global outlook, community engagement, and family participation are crucial
for an inclusive and diverse learning environment.

5.In what ways does the school promote a positive school-community

- By going out into the community, schools can forge bonds with
stakeholders. Teachers can interact with the school neighborhood and local
businesses. Sharing your school's vision as you engage with social groups
helps instill mutual understanding.

Activity 38
Familiarize yourself with the school’s facilities. Check if the following are
available. Provide a description of facilities that are available on the
corresponding column below.

Near the SPED

Office of the Principal
classroom left corner

Administrative Office not yet

Security and Maintenance

not yet

Near the SPED

Faculty Room
classroom right corner

Student Center not yet

yes they had, from

Classroom SPED, Kinder, Grades

They don't have a

physical structure for
there library thus, they
have a mini library
inside of each

Science Laboratory they don’t have

TLE Laboratory they don’t have

ICT Laboratory they don’t have

Audio-Visual Room they don’t have

Medical and Dental Clinic they don’t have

Guidance and Counseling

In the principals office

beside the grade 6


Auditorium they don’t have

Play Area beside the covert court

they don’t have

Restroom Males
separate room for this

they don’t have

Restroom Females
separate room for this

Others (please specify)

Activity 39
Provide the information of your cooperating school. Then paste a picture of
your cooperating school in the box provided below.

Name of School: South Poblacion Central Elementary School

Location of the School: Tampocon II, Ayungon, Negros Oriental
Date of Observation: September 5 – 28, 2023
Activity 40
Conduct a survey of the school’s physical facilities. Find answers to the
following questions:

1. Does the school have enough classrooms to accommodate students?

- Yes, South Poblacion ES has enough classrooms to accommodate students.

2. Are the classrooms conducive for teaching and learning?

- Yes, the classrooms at South Pob. ES are conducive for teaching and
learning. They are equipped with the necessary resources and provide a
comfortable environment for both students and educators, fostering an ideal
setting for education.

3. Are tables,chairs, and furniture within the classroom properly arranged?

- Yes, the tables, chairs, and furniture within the classroom are properly
arranged, providing a conducive learning environment for students.

4. Are there enough chairs for students?

- Yes, there are enough chairs for all the students

5. Does the school observe cleanliness?

- Yes, the school places a strong emphasis on cleanliness and maintains a
clean and hygienic environment to ensure the well-being and comfort of
students and staff.

6. Are school facilities safe for student learning?

- Yes, the school facilities at South Pob. ES are designed with safety in mind
to ensure an environment conducive to student learning. Safety measures,
such as proper lighting, fire exits, and security protocols, are in place to
create a secure and comfortable learning environment for all students.
7. Do students have access to library resources?
- Yes, students at our school have access of library resources to support their
academic and personal growth.

8. Are students and teachers provided with equal opportunities to use

laboratory facilities?
- Yes, students and teachers at our institution are provided with equal
opportunities to use laboratory facilities. We are committed to ensuring that
both students and educators have equitable access to these resources,
fostering a conducive learning environment for all.

9. Does the school have policies on the use and maintenance of school’s
physical facilities and equipment?
- Yes, the school has established policies regarding the use and maintenance
of its physical facilities and equipment. These policies are in place to ensure
the proper care and longevity of the school's resources, as well as the safety
and well-being of students and staff. Specific guidelines and procedures are
in effect to govern the use of facilities and the responsible handling of
equipment to maintain a conducive learning environment.

10. Are students and teachers aware of the school policies?

- Yes, both students and teachers at our school are well-informed and aware
of the school policies. Clear communication and regular updates ensure that
everyone is familiar with the established guidelines and expectations.
Activity 41
Find answers to the following questions.

1. How do teachers encourage students to respect individual differences?

- Teachers cultivate a culture of respect for individual differences by setting
an example through their own respectful conduct, integrating diversity into
the curriculum, fostering open dialogues, and incorporating multicultural
literature. Through the encouragement of empathy, the celebration of cultural
events, and the establishment of an inclusive classroom atmosphere,
educators aid students in adopting and appreciating diversity, thereby
constructing an environment marked by respect and comprehension.

2. How do teachers assess students’ prior learning?

- Teachers assess prior learning using pre-assessments, questions, quizzes,
and concept maps to gauge student knowledge. Group discussions, surveys,
and homework reviews provide additional insights. This helps tailor
instruction to individual student's existing knowledge, building a strong
educational foundation.

3. In what ways do teachers motivate students to arouse their interest in the

- Great teachers spark students' enthusiasm through engaging, challenging,
and relevant lessons that offer choices, encourage teamwork, and align with
students' interests. They use strategies like gamification and storytelling to
make learning enjoyable, set clear goals, provide constructive feedback, and
nurture curiosity by connecting lessons to real-life applications, ultimately
igniting a strong passion for learning in their students.
4. How do teachers create a positive learning environment?
- Teachers foster learning by building respectful connections, setting clear
standards, and embracing diversity. They tailor lessons to diverse learning
styles, engage students actively, and offer constructive feedback. Through
empowerment, emotional support, and conflict resolution, they nurture
resilience. Consistency and safety create a stable environment for academic
and personal growth.

5. How do teachers promote cultural diversity?

- Teachers promote cultural diversity through diverse curriculum, materials,
and celebrations, fostering open dialogues, anti-bias education, and an
international perspective, along with active community and family

Activity 42
Identify at least two challenges faced by teachers in promoting SCLE.
Explain why?


Creating a student-centered learning

Diverse Students Need environment requires teachers to tailor
their methods for each student, which
can be time-consuming. Limited
resources and time constraints in a
classroom make it challenging to meet
every student's diverse needs.
Teachers must balance personalized
help with benefiting the whole class.

Resistance to Change Resistance to change in education can

come from students and sometimes
educators, rooted in the traditional
passive learning model. Shifting to a
student-centric approach requires time
and patience to overcome resistance
and gain student acceptance.

Activity 43

Find answers to the following questions. Write your comments on the

column provided below if the answer is “NO”.


1. Does the school have a security force that

checks and maintains the safety of the
school’s property, employees, and students?

2. Does the school conduct regular

inspection and risk mapping within and
around the school premises?

3. Does the school have a disaster and risk I do understand since

reduction management office and TCS SpEd is still new
coordinators? and arising.

I do understand since
4. Does the school have an emergency
TCS SpEd is still new
response team?
and arising.

5. Does the school have a medical clinic and

emergency kits?

6. Does the school have pre-designated

emergency routes and an evacuation area?

7. Does the school have established safety

procedures and guideline on the use of
school’s physical facilities and laboratory

8. Does the school have established policies

and guidelines on students discipline?

9. Does the school have established

partnership with teachers,parents, and
members of the community?

10. Does the school adopt the

implementation of DepEd Order No. 21,
series of 2015
Activity 44
Answer the following questions:

1. How does the school address the general help and well-being of students?
- South Pob. ES prioritizes student health and well-being with a dedicated
team of special education experts for personalized support, fostering
academic and emotional growth.

2. How does the school address the general health and well-being of

3. How does the school encourage students to enroll in school?

- At South Pob. ES, they prioritize a welcoming, inclusive environment,
motivating students with diverse, tailored programs to foster engagement and
a love for learning.

4.. How does the school encourage children participation in school activities?
- South Poblacion ES Teachers believe that engagement in extracurricular
and co-curricular activities is not only essential for a well-rounded education
but also contributes to the overall development of each child. To encourage
participation, our school employs a multifaceted approach. They we offer a
wide range of activities, including sports, arts, clubs, and community service
initiatives, allowing students to explore and discover their interests. On the
other hand, teachers and staff are actively involved in organizing and
supervising these activities, providing a supportive and nurturing environment
that encourages students to get involved.
Activity 45
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that it's important to prioritize students' health and well-being

for it is crucial as it significantly influences their academic success, personal
development, and long-term happiness. It's the foundation for their overall
well-being, both in school and in life.

2. I believe it is essential to have a conducive classroom because the learning

environment plays a pivotal role in a student's educational journey. A well-
organized and comfortable classroom fosters a positive and productive
atmosphere, which is conducive to effective teaching and learning. When
students are in a space that is free from distractions, well-equipped, and
aesthetically pleasing, they are more likely to be engaged, focused, and
motivated to participate actively in lessons. It also promotes a sense of
belonging and safety, which are critical for a student's overall well-being.

3. From now on, I am determined to challenge myself to be a teacher who

creates a conducive learning environment that fosters growth, inspires
curiosity, and nurtures the potential of every student. I aim to be a positive
influence in their lives, helping them develop the skills, values, and
confidence necessary to excel in the classroom and beyond.
Activity 46
Examine the data you gathered and answer the following questions:

1. How important is student internship in preparing you to become a

professional teacher?
- Personally, Student internships, in my opinion, are an essential component
in preparing individuals to become professional teachers. These experiences
provide a hands-on, real-world perspective on teaching that goes beyond
what can be learned in the classroom. Internships provide a platform for the
development of critical skills such as classroom management, adapting to
diverse learners, and putting teaching theories into practice. They also make
mentorship and feedback from experienced educators possible, which can
greatly improve one's teaching abilities. Student internships, in my opinion,
are an essential step toward becoming a well-rounded and effective teacher.

2. What will make this internship experience truly beneficial to you?

- Internships are crucial for aspiring teachers. It’s beneficial form for it
bridges the gap between theory and practice, helping students specially me
apply classroom knowledge, improve teaching skills, and grasp the
intricacies of education. On the other hand, internships enhance classroom
management abilities, teaching adaptability, and the creation of positive
learning environments. They also expose future teachers like me to diverse
student demographics, promoting inclusive teaching strategies. Experienced
educators' guidance and feedback during internships are invaluable for
professional growth, aiding interns in refining their teaching techniques and
adapting to new methods.
Activity 47
You answer the following questions:

1. Who are the people in the school community you need to closely work
- In the school community, I must collaborate closely with a diverse group
of people, including students, colleagues, parents, administrators, and support
staff. Each of these stakeholders has a distinct and important role to play in
the educational process.

2. Why is it important to know the students?

- Understanding students is crucial for building strong, meaningful teacher-
student relationships. It goes beyond the classroom, fostering trust and
facilitating effective teaching, encouraging learning, and supporting personal
and social growth.

3. How can you establish a good working relationship with the people in the
- Effective communication, transparency, engagement, and personal
connections build strong educator-community relationships, benefiting
schools and the broader community.

4. How can you know your students best?

- Educators should actively listen, observe, and build personal relationships
with students to understand their diverse backgrounds and gather feedback.
This enables tailored teaching methods for a more effective and inclusive
learning environment.
Activity 48
You answer the following questions:

1. What things have you done to make yourself ready for teaching?

-- As a student teacher, I've taken critical steps toward my future in

education. I've prioritized my academics, sought feedback from mentors, and
remained enthusiastic and dedicated to teaching. These qualities inspire my
growth as a student teacher and drive my path towards becoming a
professional educator.

2. What things are you currently doing to make yourself ready for teaching?
- As a future educator, I'm committed to my career's readiness. I'm pursuing
an education degree to build a strong academic foundation. Practical
experience through field study has given me valuable insights into classroom
management, teaching strategies, and student diversity.

I value lifelong learning and actively seek feedback from mentors and peers
to improve. My passion for education stems from a genuine concern for my
future students' well-being. In summary, I'm preparing through academics,
practical experience, ongoing professional development, and a deep interest
in education to make a positive impact as an educator.

3. What are some of the things that you still need to do to make yourself
ready for teaching?
- To become fully ready for teaching, I need to complete my education
degree, gain more classroom experience, stay updated on current educational
practices, and continually improve my teaching methods. I also must develop
strong classroom management skills, adapt to diverse learning needs, and
communicate effectively with students, colleagues, and parents. Ongoing
professional development and mentorship are crucial as well to ensure I am
well-prepared for my teaching career.
Activity 49
Look at the tasks below. Identify the specific details that will help you
accomplish each task.

Tasks Specific Details Required to Accomplish the Task

1. Writing lesson plan
2. Choosing teaching strategies
3. Planning for classroom management
4. Determining the profile of students
5. Documenting students’ progress

Activity 50
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

1. I realized that knowing the school stakeholders cultivates community,

enhances collaboration, and elevates education. It facilitates effective
communication, aligns expectations, and promotes unity among educators,
students, parents, administrators, and support staff, enabling them to work
together harmoniously, address issues, celebrate achievements, and nurture
student growth for a thriving educational community.

2. I believe it is essential to Plan and Organized because these are crucial for
successful teaching. They help in setting clear objectives, choosing the right
methods, aligning the curriculum with student needs, and maintaining an
orderly learning environment.

3. From now on, I am determined to apply the insights that i gained from my
field study to enhance my teaching skills. Hands-on experiences have given
me valuable classroom insights and teaching techniques. I'm confident these
lessons will guide me to create an engaging learning environment for my
future students and become a nurturing educator. Excited to apply these
lessons and positively impact future learners.

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