Gundao Bernard Jr. Solicito Bill Nightmare

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety College
Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba City, Laguna
Email Address:



Submitted to
Dr. Bernard M. Karganilla
FJP 102 – Philippine History

Submitted by
Cdt. 4C Gundao, Bernard Jr., S.
Section- COURAGE

November 2022

November is a month to remember those people who already passed away and
reminisce about the memories we had with them. Somehow, the month of November was
also considered generally the month of horror. Reading articles like “Case 06” from the
University X-Files quite gives us a flashback of when we were small. During the
Halloween season, we used to sit on the side of the streets late in the evening only to talk
about the frightening experiences that we had. Also, we Filipinos have many superstitious
beliefs and supernatural beings developed by our imagination and brought about to us by
our elders. Like in the original Filipino animated series on Netflix, “Trese”, we believe in
monsters and powers.
It’s just bracing to recollect such memories, but today, with all due honesty, “Case
06” does not give me the same chills as when I am young. Maybe because my evaluated
experiences and strengthened belief has been significant factor. The modernization of
the world and maturity also add up to the formula. With no intention of disrespecting the
author of the article, but after reading “Case 06” I found it quite disgusting and unsanitary.
Imagine keeping an almost rotten leg of a deceased diabetic inside a freezer.
On the other hand, the article that Dr. Bernard Karganilla gave us also discussed
the plans that the Philippine Army has for the establishment of a monument for the Hunter-
ROTC Guerillas. I would commend the Philippine Army for that gesture, the Hunters-
ROTC made such a great contribution to the liberation of our country. After all, we don’t
know if the future generation would be able to know about the Hunters-ROTC, who were
they, and what have they done for our nation. Even I don’t have any idea who were they
before our course with Dr. Karganilla, and how much more to those who are unfortunate
to know the true history of our beloved motherland. Having a monument for them to be
remembered and preserved throughout the history and the growth of Filipinos.
Furthermore, it is an exceptional initiative of the Hunters-ROTC Historical Society
to move for the inclusion of a World War II module developed by UP Manila
Professors/affiliates of the HHS to the tertiary level of education. Unluckily, this motion
was delayed due to the spread of Covid-19 which is also a damaging catastrophe to the
academe but also every aspect of human life. I hope that this bill would be soon realized
for the benefit of future generations to come. Knowing about our history and the people
behind our status today is a crucial piece of knowledge.
In addition to this, I think it would be also important to include the elaboration of
the history of the Philippine revolution at the tertiary level. Not only focusing on the World
War but also exploiting the dark side of our history. I know most Filipinos are not aware
of the squabble and hostility among Filipinos during the revolution and their different
stands. How some prioritize their personal interest over the sake of the greater good. I
believe the future generation should also know how some of our known heroes are being
misguided. Last but not the least, I think what is most important is for all Filipinos to reflect,
realize, and appreciate the sacrifice of those people who served with selfless love to our
To be honest, just like any ordinary Filipino, I was also ignorant in giving
appreciation to our history before. Most of us are too busy surviving and overcoming
challenges and trials that most of us don’t exert much effort in discovering and reflecting
on our history. Incorporating such topics and courses in the routinary activity and
prerequisite to tertiary level students I think will be efficient to study our history. It may
seem like a forceful study of Philippine history, but with all these realizations, it will be for
their own benefit.
In connection to case 06 of the UP X-files, if we don’t pursue this house bill that
was filed for the inclusion of WWII in the tertiary level, just like a diabetic leg, it will be
amputated. It will haunt us in our nightmares to again refile the House bill until we move
for its speedy ratification. If we don’t move the prevention of the spread of diabetes until
then, this will continue to be cut and suspended over and over again.

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