Diagnostic Assessment

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Name: Diagnostic Assessment

Course: AB Psychology I and II Theories of Personality

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct and best answer for each
question in the given blank space before each number.

____ 1. A good theory is/can

a. Verifiable. c. Become a basis for further investigations.
b. Help mental health professionals in their practice. d. All of the above.
____ 2. Sigmund Freud is the proponent of
a. Play therapy b. Psychohistory c. Behavior prediction d. Psychoanalysis
____ 3. Why do people unconsciously resort to defense mechanisms?
a. To protect their ego from uncomfortable thoughts and emotions.
b. To recognize one’s anxiety.
c. To acknowledge one’s difficulty affectivity.
d. None of the above is incorrect.
____ 4. A person with oral fixation may experience Erikson’s
a. Guilt b. Mistrust c. Inferiority d. Stagnation
____ 5. What are the two components of superego?
a. Trust and mistrust c. Ego-ideal and conscience
b. b. Ideal self and true self d. Pleasure and unconscious
____ 6. Id: pleasure principle; Ego: _____ principle.
a. Moralistic principle b. Conservative principle c. Realistic principle d. None of the above
____ 7. With regards to the conceptualization of personality, which is true?
a. Personality originated from the Latin word ‘personare,’ which referred to the masks worn by Greek
actors in Roman dramas.
b. There is no agreed-upon definition of personality.
c. A person’s personality is a by-product of his/her genetics.
d. Personality is largely believed to be merely a social construct.
____ 8. Theorists need to evaluate and modify their theories by gathering substantial evidence to prove or
disprove their concepts, models, and explanations about personality and human behavior. What characteristic of
a theory is being defined?
a. Organizes data b. Generates research c. Falsifiable d. Internally consistent
____ 9. This level of mental life is not in contact with reality, and its primary function is to maximize pleasure
and reduce tension.
a. Ego b. Unconscious c. Id d. Preconscious
____ 10. Which psychological type is paired correctly to the occupation that manifests its qualities?
a. Extraverted sensing: mathematicians c. Extraverted feeling: psychologists
b. Introverted intuiting: artists d. Introverted thinking: politicians
____ 11. Unpleasant external realities are ignored. What defense mechanism is being described?
a. Sublimation b. Regression c. Displacement d. Denial
____ 12. Attributing one’s own unacceptable behavior onto someone else. What defense mechanism is being
a. Humor b. Anticipation c. Projection d. Reaction formation
____ 13. What defense mechanism is being illustrated if one adopts or expresses the opposite of one’s true
feelings or motives?
a. Rationalization b. Reaction Formation c. Fantasy d. Identification
____ 14. Alfred Adler believed that we are all:
a. Instinctual and motivated by drives c. Plagued by basic anxiety and basic hostility
b. Blessed with organ inferiorities d. Influenced by our ancestral memories
____ 15. According to Erikson, it is considered the center of personality. What is it?
a. Ego b. Personal unconscious c. Self d. Collective unconscious
____ 16. It is considered as the third force in Psychology.
a. Psychoanalysis b. Behaviorism c. Humanistic approach d. Trait theories
____ 17. For Erich Fromm, what are the four basic elements of genuine love?
a. Passion, intimacy, commitment, and friendship
b. Care, knowledge, respect, and responsibility
c. Lust, friendship, understanding, and protection
d. Financial stability, attraction, lust, and chemistry
____ 18. If you are a follower of Erik Erikson, this is the most crucial stage in life.
a. Infancy, because trust and purpose are established
b. Young adulthood, because it involves seeking intimacy with others
c. Old-age, because one can either be satisfied or regretful
d. Adolescence, because of identity development
____ 19. In a triadic causation model of Albert Bandura, what pertains to our level of confidence to perform
certain behaviors?
a. Moral agency b. Self-esteem c. Self-efficacy d. Self-concept
____ 20. Who is considered the father of Filipino psychology?
a. Zeus Salazar b. Alfredo Lagmay c. Virgilio Enriquez d. Angel de Blas
____ 21. Which of the following personality theories is highly capable of generating research?
a. Psychoanalysis b. Existentialism c. The Five-Factor theory d. Person-centered theory
____ 22. For Enriquez, the appropriate translation for pagkatao is?
a. Personhood b. Personality c. Kapwa d. Shared inner self
____ 23. In the _________ perspective, it is believed that people are not in control of their own behaviors.
a. Pessimistic b. Deterministic c. Teleological d. Biological
____ 24. Which of the Big Five traits can be the greatest predictor of mental illness?
a. Extraversion b. Neuroticism c. Psychoticism d. Agreeableness
____ 25. ________ is to Trait Psychology while __________ is to Psychoanalysis
a. Structured test; projective techniques c. Personality test; ability test
b. Projective techniques; structured test d. Ability test; personality test


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