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Deepak Sharma


11 ChatGPT prompts that'll make

you more productive than a
team of 20 employees:

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Deepak Sharma

1. Strengthen your personal development


Prompt: "[Describe your personal development goals

and challenges].

Using the GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will)

coaching model, help me create a personal
development plan to achieve my goals."

Deepak Sharma

2. Develop a compelling brand story

Prompt: "[Insert business or personal brand

Help me create a powerful brand story for my

brand using the Hero's Journey framework."

3. Set better goals.

Prompt: "Help me create goals for
[career or personal objective] using the
SMART framework."

Deepak Sharma

4. Create a successful product launch


Prompt: "[Insert a brief description of your product

and target audience].

Guide me through developing a product launch

strategy using the Product Launch Formula to
generate interest and sales."

Deepak Sharma

5. The Cynefin Framework

Prompt: "Evaluate the problems faced by [my
product/business] using the Cynefin framework.

Are they simple, complicated, complex, chaotic,

or in disorder?"

6. Write copy for your business

Prompt: "Write a 50 words copy for a product
called [Product name] that helps struggling
[target audience] get more followers and earn
money in 30 days with guarantee, then ask them
to sign up at [company name]"

Deepak Sharma

7. The Five C's Analysis

Prompt: "Evaluate [my product/business] using the
Five C's: Company, Customers, Competitors,
Collaborators, and Climate.
What insights emerge?"

8. Get advice from your business idols

Prompt: "Here's the situation I'm currently
facing: [Insert Situation].

Based on these circumstances, what would

[Steve Jobs] recommend me to do?

Deepak Sharma

9. The McKinsey 7S Framework

Prompt: "Analyze [my product/business] using the 7S

How aligned are our strategy, structure, systems,

shared values, skills, style, and staff?"

10. Learn complicated topics faster

Prompt: "Explain [complex topic] like I'm 5 years old."

Deepak Sharma

11. Analyze Business Trends/Challenges

Prompt: Analyze the current state of the [industry]
and describe its trends, challenges, and

Support your analysis with relevant data and


Additionally, provide a comprehensive list of key

players in the industry.

Deepak Sharma

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