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Phrasal verb Meaning in Spanish Example in English.

1- Back up. Respaldar/ ayudar Go ahead and tell the teacher just what happened; I'll
back you up on it.

2- Blow up. Inflar I blew up several balloons for the party.

3- Break down. Descomponerse Angie had a breakdown on her way to college, which
made her late.

4- Break up. Romper She just broke up with her boyfriend.

5- Call off. Cancelar The town's annual picnic was called off due to rain.

6- Calm down. Calma Something serious will happen soon so he has to calm

7- Come clean. Confesarse I thought it was time to come clean.

8- Dress up. Vestirse/Disfrazarce My partner, Angie, likes to dress up as Rapunzel.

9- Drop by. Pasar por Rey when you are around the neighborhood, please
drop by.

10- Eat out. Cenar fuera Angie wants to eat out this evening because she's tired
of cooking.

11- Fall apart. Desarmarse It is important not to fall apart when things don't go
your way.

12- Fall for. Morirse por Angie fell for a beautiful pair of shoes.

13- Find out. Descubrir I just found out my sister is pregnant.

14- Get along. Llevarse bien Kimberling and I get along very well.

15- Get back. Volver/Regresar I can´t wait to get back home.

16- Get over. Recuperarse I hope you get over your flu quickly.

17- Get together Reunirse Let's get together sometime and catch up on each
other's news.

18- Give up. Darse por vencido I give up - you're far better than me at this game!

19- Go after. Ir por/perseguir She decided to go after her when she saw her flirting
with her husband.

20- Go against. Ir en contra de To go against the mob takes courage.

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