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Business Strategy and the Environment

Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53–65 (2001)


Anita Gärling1 and John Thøgersen2,*

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden,
Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
Substituting electric vehicles for INTRODUCTION
traditional ones could reduce local

pollution and greenhouse emissions from oday the world’s automobile popula-
the transportation system. However, tion is growing at a much faster rate
than the human population. In 1950,
these societal benefits come at high costs
there were about 50 million vehicles on Earth.
to the owner of the EV in terms of price,
By 1994 the vehicle population had grown to
driving range, availability, loading almost 600 million, and if the present trend
capacity, speed and acceleration. In continue there will be over 3 billion vehicles
addition, the usability of an EV is on Earth by the year 2050 (Sperling, 1995).
hampered by the lack of an Besides granting vehicle users freedom, pri-
infrastructure for recharging. Such a vacy and convenience, usage of the auto-
product hardly sells itself to potential mobile also threatens our environment.
customers. Besides supportive national Particularly, by dumping increasing amounts
policies, skillful marketing is needed to of carbon dioxide and other climate-altering
get it accepted and diffused throughout greenhouse emissions into the atmosphere,
society. This paper outlines a two-phase internal combustion engine vehicles (ICVs)
strategy for the marketing of EVs based cause severe harm to both environment and
on a discussion of current and expected humans.
future characteristics of EVs and on a To reduce the harms of automobile usage,
review of research on early adopters. cleaner fuels have been developed and fuel
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, catalysts have been implemented. However,
Ltd and ERP Environment. these measures do not affect the emission of
carbon dioxide, the major contributor to the
greenhouse effect. Dealing with the problems
Received 24 February 1999 associated with the increasing number of ve-
Revised 29 October 1999 hicles worldwide without curtailing peoples’
Accepted 5 November 1999 freedom of movement and choice – a basic
value of a democratic society – is one of the
greatest challenges of our time. Substituting
* Correspondence to: Dr. John Thøgersen, Associate Professor,
Department of Marketing, Aarhus School of Business, Hasle-
current automobiles with an environmentally
gaardsvej 10, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark. sounder fleet seems to be an unavoidable
element in a realistic solution. This could
either be done by increasing the efficiency
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. and reducing the emissions of ICVs, switching

to less noxious fuels or by finding less pollut- A product like this hardly sells itself to
ing propulsion systems (e.g., Sperling, 1995). potential customers. Hence, in addition to
The first two alternatives seem most obvious regulation backing the EV, skillful marketing
and closest at hand, but in practice disap- is needed in order for it to be accepted and
pointingly little has happened in terms of diffused throughout society. A number of re-
achieving environmental benefits along these searchers have published thorough studies of
routes. This is one of the reasons why increas- national EV policies in Europe and North
ing interest gathers around developing vehi- America in recent years (Schot et al., 1994;
cles with a less polluting propulsion system, Kemp et al., 1998; Weber and Hoogma, 1998;
which could reduce local pollution as well as Truffer et al., in press). Studies facilitating the
greenhouse emissions from the transportation development of appropriate national and in-
system. However, compared to ICVs, current ternational policy for this area fulfill an obvi-
electric vehicles (EVs) still have disadvantages ous and urgent need. However, even if
that make them less attractive. Current bat- appropriate policy suggestions aiming at sup-
tery technology, not allowing unlimited driv- porting the market acceptance of EVs are de-
ing ranges, relatively long recharging times veloped and implemented, the effort is in vain
and high initial purchase prices are some of if a skilled and committed marketing effort by
the EVs’ major disadvantages. On the other EV producers is lacking. Still, studies aiming
hand, fuel for EVs is inexpensive, electric mo- to stimulate and support policy development
tors last significantly longer than internal by companies in this area are largely absent.
combustion engines and motor maintenance Designing a marketing plan that can make
is minimal. If the full costs of current environ- the market accept the new product and ‘take-
mental pollution were taken into account, EVs off’ (Tigert and Farivar, 1981; Link, 1997)
would compare more favourably to ICVs. requires knowledge and understanding of
Hence, an important challenge for marketers both the characteristics of the earliest poten-
and policy-makers wanting to create a global tial adopters, and of the new product itself
market for EVs is to assure that the market is (Goldsmith and Hofacker, 1991; Hawkins et
adequately informed, not only about the dis- al., 1998). In this paper, an outline of a two-
advantages, but also about the advantages of phase strategy for the targeted marketing of
this new technology. EVs is developed, based, first, on a discussion
Seen with the eyes of a potential customer, of the current and expected future characteris-
the EV technology is a new (and unknown) tics of EVs and, second, on a review of re-
propulsion system, which mainly removes search on the characteristics of early adopters
one of the many non-market disadvantages of of new products. In this endeavour, we
traditional ICVs (local emissions) and reduces focus solely on general issues that we judge
significantly a second (greenhouse gas emis- to be indiscriminately relevant for the market-
sions)1. However, these societal benefits come ing of EVs in (at least) all developed coun-
at high costs to the individual owner/user of tries. EV producers, of course, have to adjust
the EV: higher price, limited driving range, their marketing strategies to the special char-
shorter availability on a daily basis (due to acteristics of the national markets where they
re-charge time), less loading capacity (because operate.
of the batteries) and lower speed and acceler-
ation. In addition, the usability of an EV is
hampered by the lack of an infrastructure for
refueling (recharging). On top of this, the EV THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE
does not solve other social ills connected with
private transportation: congestion, traffic acci- The world’s first EV was built as early as 1842
dents and the need for a dense lattice of in Scotland. In this vehicle a rechargeable lead
paved roads. battery served as energy source. In the years
around the turn of the century, EVs were in
Depending on how the electricity is produced. their heyday. Of some 4000 automobiles

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


produced in the United States in 1900, about EVs were used instead of ICVs, this would
40% were steam powered, 38% electric and reduce urban air pollution, even if coal-fired
the rest were ICVs. After that, however, bat- plants were to generate much of the electricity
tery technology stalled, while oil was inex- (Wang et al., 1990). The EVs do, however,
pensive and abundant. The ICV then came to offer other benefits that are often ignored.
rule the automotive world. One is the reduction in oil consumption and
However, the invention of semiconductors thereby the dependence on oil exporting
in the 1950s and the continuing improvements countries. There is also a potential for lowered
in motors and controllers spurred some inter- greenhouse gas emissions, particularly if elec-
est in EVs in the 1960s (Sperling, 1995). At tricity from natural-gas plants, fuel cells or –
about the same time the first regulation (the more importantly – renewable sources is used
Air Quality Act of 1967) toward vehicle emis- (DeLuchi, 1993).
sions was adopted, first in the state of Califor-
nia, USA, and then in the whole USA. The future
Commercial interests in EVs then initiated
some, modest, research and a converted ICV The EV is, however, still burdened with a
running on silver-zinc batteries was displayed major drawback working against an immedi-
at the 1966 auto shows. However, the imple- ate full-scale implementation. The expensive
mentation of the Air Quality Act of 1967 was and not fully optimized battery technology
not very successful. does not allow longer driving distances (Sper-
In the US Clean Air Act Amendment of ling, 1995). Current lead –acid batteries, al-
1970 a technology forcing strategy was imple- though low in cost, are not satisfactory
mented to achieve desired reduction of vehi- because they last less than two years and
cle emissions. In this act, in contrast to former 20000 miles and do not store enough energy
acts, it was stated that the protection of health to power a full-size vehicle very far or fast.
Batteries such as nickel cadmium, nickel iron
of man and nature was the issue, not techno-
and sodium sulphur are today not among the
logical feasibility. Technical solutions simply
most promising due to high cost, high operat-
had to be enforced in order to meet this
ing temperature and high risk of corrosive
position. Spurred by the oil crises in the 1970s problems. Nickel –metal hydride and lithium-
and the 1980s the investment in EVs took based batteries, however, appear to be the
another step forward. However, the major leading contenders for the 21st century, since
investments in EVs started as a direct re- they have long life and are nontoxic.
sponse to California’s Zero Emission Mandate Another promising option is fuel cell tech-
in the 1990s. In this mandate, the California nology. A fuel cell is a device that transforms
Air Resources Board required that a growing hydrogen and oxygen into electricity and wa-
percentage of each major automaker’s sales in ter. No pollutants or greenhouse gases are
California had to be zero emission vehicles. emitted during the transformation, the elec-
The mandate covered automaker’s selling tricity is produced continuously onboard, the
over 35000 vehicles a year in California. In driving range is almost the same as that of an
2003, the threshold will drop to 3000 vehicles ICV and the technology is almost mainte-
per year, which will affect most auto compa- nance free. However, fuel cells are still very
nies except specialized companies such as expensive and the reformer technology needs
Rolls Royce and Ferrari. The required percent- more elaboration (DaimlerChrysler, 1999).
age of zero emission vehicles was set at 2% The future strategies are, however, some-
for 1998, increasing to 5% in 2001 and 10% in what worrisome. The goal today seems to be
2003. Later, the requirements regarding the to develop technologies able to compete head-
make years of 1998 to 2002 were dropped on with ICVs, but the question remains as to
while the 10% requirement for 2003 was kept. whether individuals really are willing to pay
It is obvious from this that the current for this, or whether they would rather prefer
regulatory motivation for interest in EVs is an EV with a shorter driving distance and a
due strictly to one concern – air quality. If cheaper price than an ICV.

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


INNOVATIVENESS AND THE characteristics (e.g., Ostlund, 1974; Labay and

EARLIEST ADOPTERS Kinnear, 1981). Still, personality and demo-
graphic characteristics may offer valuable
Obtaining a good match between product supplementary segmentation criteria.
characteristics and potential customers’ needs A number of studies have striven to un-
and wants is crucial for gaining market ac- cover personality traits associated with how
ceptance of a new product. Rarely do all early an individual adopts an innovation (‘in-
potential customers readily embrace a new nate innovativeness’). For instance, innova-
product at once. Typically, market penetra- tiveness has been conceptualized as ‘a latent
underlying preference for new and different
tion starts with a small segment (Hawkins et
experiences’ motivating a search for new
al., 1998) or niche (Schot et al., 1994; Kemp et
stimulation of the mind and/or the senses
al., 1998; Weber and Hoogma, 1998; Truffer et (Venkatesan, 1973; Carlson and Grossbart,
al., in press) consisting of customers with 1985; Venkatraman and Price, 1990). How-
particular characteristics, needs or wants. ever, Gatignon and Robertson (1985) have
When a foothold has been established in the questioned that innate innovativeness exists
market, learning processes related to the core across the board. These authors found that an
product itself and to supporting technologies individual’s degree of innovativeness is al-
and institutions accelerate, and supportive ways dependent on product category and
social, political and institutional networks their conclusion is ‘that there is not a general-
crystallize, which may radically improve the ized innovator across product category or in-
competitive position of the new product terest domains’. Accordingly, Goldsmith and
(Schot et al., 1994; Kemp et al., 1998; Weber Hofacker (1991) defined ‘domain’ or ‘product
and Hoogma, 1998). Hence, it is of tremen- specific innovativeness’ as a tendency to
dous strategic importance for producers of learn about and to adopt innovations within
new products to correctly identify the cus- a specific domain of interest. They also sug-
tomer segment(s) that contain(s) the most gest that even if it is possible to construct a
likely early adopters and to target their mar- measure of a global innovativeness, at least
keting effort as effectively as possible to- the measure of willingness to pay for adop-
wards this (these) segment(s) from the outset tion should be concretized with respect to a
(Goldsmith and Hofacker, 1991; Hawkins et specific product concept.
al., 1998). Whether it is referred to as innate or do-
In his path-breaking contribution to re- main specific, innovativeness is conceptual-
search on the adoption of innovations, ized as a personality trait measurable in, for
Rogers (1995, first edition in 1962) suggested instance, individual favourable attitude, per-
that innovations can be classified along five ceived benefits, willingness to sacrifice and
dimensions and that the likelihood and rate latent need before, or even without, actual
adoption. In line with this conceptualization,
of adoption is determined by the potential
individuals’ can be grouped depending on
adopter’s perception of the innovation on
their degree of innovativeness, i.e., on how
these dimensions. The five dimensions are early in the diffusion process they are likely
relative advantage (over the entity it su- to adopt an innovation. A third concept, ‘ac-
persedes), value compatibility (with the tualized innovativeness’, is a measure of how
adopter’s values, needs and experiences), early in the diffusion process an innovation is
complexity (how difficult it is to understand actually adopted, i.e., it focuses on actual
and use), trialability (can it be tested without adoption behaviour. Rogers (1995) define (ac-
or with limited costs) and observability (in- tualized) innovativeness as ‘the degree to
fluences the likelihood that others will adopt). which an individual or other unit of adoption
A number of studies have found that poten- is relatively earlier in adopting new products
tial adopters’ perceptions of the innovation than other members of the system’. He pro-
on these dimensions are better predictors of poses a segmentation of the market into in-
adoption than personality and demographic novators, early adopters, early majority, late

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


majority and laggards, with typical2 percent- prices and benefits of other products within
ages of 2.5, 13.5, 34.0, 34.0 and 16.0, respec- the individual’s evoked set, i.e. the alternative
tively (Rogers, 1995). This relative-time-of- products considered by the individual in the
adoption definition focuses more on the dy- adoption decision (Howard and Sheth, 1969).
namics of the diffusion process than on (more Known alternatives thus serve as reference
static) individual predispositions. points in the individual’s perception of a new
Most earlier research has characterized the product (Monroe, 1990). The price a potential
earliest adopters, or the most innovative indi- adopter is willing to pay for a new product
viduals, as less price sensitive, primarily be- is determined by the difference in per-
cause they are relatively high in social status ceived quality between the focal product
(high income, standard of living, wealth) and the adopter’s reference points (salient
(Rogers, 1995). However, other studies have alternatives).
questioned this. Link and Malm (1994) found
that individuals most willing to pay were not
the most prepared to adopt a new product
first and Goldsmith and Flynn (1992) as well ADOPTION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES
as Flynn and Goldsmith (1993) found no rela-
tionship between innovativeness and income. Under the conditions outlined earlier, who
Thus, if some highly innovative individuals would be willing to purchase an EV? Vehicle
actually pay a high price for adoption, there customers basically fall into two types: private
seem to be factors other than socioeconomic individuals and (public or private) organiza-
characteristics behind their decision to adopt. tions (or – as they are often referred to in this
Other plausible factors might be a genuine connection – fleet operators). The latter are by
interest in trying new products, blindness to far the largest individual customers, but the
prices or a snob effect (Link, 1997). former make up the large majority of the
The hypothesized lower price sensitivity of vehicle market in most countries. As we will
the earliest adopters also seems at odds with return to later, fleet operators form a market
their often found greater knowledge and com- segment with many desirable characteristics
petence in product comprehension and evalu- from the point of view of EV marketing. In
ation (Hirschman, 1980). The earliest adopters various countries, postal companies, electric
are often found to be heavy users of other utilities, public transportation companies, car
products within the area of the target product rental companies and even the military have
category (Gatignon and Robertson, 1985). been among the first to test EVs (Knie et al.,
Therefore, it cannot be discarded that they in 1997; Anonymous, 1998a; O’Donnell and
general are competent enough to evaluate Oxfeld, 1998; Schulz, 1998; Morrison, 1999a,b).
even very new products (Link, 1997). Compe- Private individuals have approached EVs
tence is an important determinant in price more reluctantly. In 1990 the prediction was
perception (Rao and Monroe, 1988). There- that about 1% of the American population
fore, the earliest adopters also should have would consider purchasing an EV (Buist,
well developed internal reference prices based 1993). Three years later, Power and Associates
on their knowledge and competence, which (1993) found that 6% of American house-
might make them more, not less, price sensi- holds could consider purchasing an EV.
tive (Link, 1997). Kurani et al. (1994) found that 16% of a
In general, products are evaluated in rela- sample of California households would
tion to other known products. A new prod- choose an EV over of an ICV. Gärling et
uct’s price and benefits are compared to the al. (1998a) found that the percentage of
interested households depends on the rela-
These percentages should not be taken to literally. It may be tive performance and price of the EV com-
reasonable to operate with more or fewer categories of pared to ICVs. With the most favourable –
adopters, depending on the innovation, and the adopter cate-
gories may make up different proportions of the market, not but in no way unrealistic – characteristics
forming a nice bell-shaped curve (Hoyer and MacInnis, 1997). included in the study, almost 30% of a sample

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


of households from a large Swedish city could heavy users of similar products and having
consider purchasing an EV over an ICV. the ability to understand the advantages of a
Although these percentages are highly un- new product compared to old ones). Yet, due
certain and difficult to compare, the condi- to its unique combination of high costs and
tions seem to change in favour of EVs. visibility, which makes EVs (like other cars) a
However, the question is how EVs should be high involvement product, we believe that the
marketed in order to attract potential cus- earliest adopters of this particular new
tomers. Kurani et al. (1994) suggest that there product are best understood in terms of do-
are many similarities between the introduc- main or product specific innovativeness
tion of the microwave oven and the EV. Be- (Goldsmith and Hofacker, 1991). It seems rea-
fore individuals were made aware (e.g. sonable to assume that the most important
through special cooking courses) that mi- source of domain specific innovativeness is a
crowave ovens were complements of, not sub- favourable perception of the EV along the
stitutes for, conventional ovens, acceptance dimensions suggested by Rogers (1995).
was very low, while it increased dramatically
afterwards. A product such as the microwave
oven is a ‘high learning product’, meaning
that to utilize its qualities individuals have to MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR
make behavioural adjustments. Although ELECTRIC VEHICLES
there also are obvious and important differ-
ences between the two products, the mi- The unique selling proposition for an EV is
crowave oven and the EV have a lot in that it has less negative impacts on the wel-
common in this respect (Schot et al., 1994; fare of other people and nature than an ICV.
Truffer et al., in press). However, the prospective buyer is required to
We believe that the classification by Rogers, pay a high price for his or her good deed.
(1995) of innovations along five dimensions And since there are currently next to no pri-
offers the most promising starting point for vately owned EVs on the streets there is not
segmenting the potential EV market and par- even a social norm backing the selling propo-
ticularly for identifying early adopters. Hence, sition. The marketing of such a deal is an
we suggest that the most likely early adopters uphill battle indeed. Given the current condi-
are among those that perceive the balance tions, there is not much hope that enough EVs
between advantages and disadvantages of can be sold in the short term to cover the
EVs as compared with ICVs most favourably, manufacturer’s costs (Thornton, 1999) or to
perceive the EV as compatible with important make noticeable environmental or societal dif-
values and do not perceive it as difficult to ference. Hence, it should be realized that a
understand and use (i.e., not high in complex- marketing campaign for an EV is only com-
ity). A plan for marketing of EVs should both mercially defensible if a crucial assumption
target potential adopters holding favourable holds true: that conditions will change radi-
perceptions and influence the perceptions of cally in favour of EVs in the longer run. We
these and other potential adopters in a more believe that this assumption is not too far
favourable direction. Further, according to fetched, but that it cannot be taken for
Rogers classification, trialability and observ- granted either.
ability are two important characteristics of In order for such a change to happen it is
EVs that should be used actively in the mar- probably necessary that the learning curve for
keting campaign. EVs is considerably steeper than that for com-
Regarding demographic and personality bustion engine (including catalytic cleaning)
characteristics, some of the general traits of technology, leading to a rapid narrowing of
the earliest adopters, unveiled by previous the present price/performance relationship
research, may apply in this domain also (such gap between the two technologies. It is also
as being more educated, higher in experimen- necessary that no superior ‘third’ technology
tation, knowledge and competence, being for individual mobility is developed within a

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


Table 1. Technologies promising to improve the environmental performance of cars.

Technology CO2 Other emissions Cost Time perspective

Lean burn 8–12% reduction NOx increase 1–2% increase 0–3 years
Gasoline-direct-injection- 15–25% reduction HC and CO reduction, NOx 2% increase 1–3 years
petrol and lean burn increase
Variable intake geometry 10–15% reduction Reduction 2–4% increase 0–3 years
Turbo-direct-injection, 10–15% reduction 0 1–2% increase 0–2 years
Electric cars 20–60% reduction NOx reduction 100% increase Min. 5–10 years
Down-sizing 25% reduction Reduction 30–50% reduction Now
Best available technology 10–15% reduction Reduction 5% increase Now
Energy-saving tyres 1–2% reduction 0 0–5% increase Now
Better diesel 1% increase Particle and NOx reduction 1–2% increase Now (if required
by law)
Reformulated petrol 1% increase HC, CO and NOx reduction 1–2% increase Now (if required
by law)
Bio-fuels 10–50% reduction HC, CO, NOx and particle 3–5 times ordi- More than 10
reduction nary fuels years
Hybrid cars 10–15% reduction Reduction 10–20% increase 5 years
Catolytic retrofit 0 HC, CO and NOx reduction DKK 2–5000 1–2 years

Source: Transportrådet (1997).

foreseeable future. Table 1 shows a recent ability of the technology to more reluctant
assessment of the most important of the com- potential customers, creating positive word of
peting technologies, including EV technology. mouth (provided that the initial customers are
According to this assessment, EV technology satisfied with what they get), and creating a
offers the greatest promises for environmental push for the establishment of the necessary
improvement, but also the longest time-lag to infrastructure. A successful market penetra-
cost competitiveness. Governmental support, tion strategy probably should include a fairly
including subsidies or tax relief for EVs or low introduction price5 based on introduction
restrictions on the use of ICVs (Bernard, 1981; rebates or ‘learning curve pricing’ (Kotler,
Kemp et al., 1998; Weber and Hoogma, 1998), 1991), focusing first on achieving market ac-
can facilitate the process; it is probably even a ceptance by a few carefully selected segments
prerequisite for a successful marketing of EVs, (Hawkins et al., 1998).
but it is hardly sufficient (or will hardly be That hardly anyone buys a new car without
strong enough to suffice). a test drive demonstrates the importance of
If faith can be had in a technological fore- trialability for consumer choice in this market.
cast3 predicting a rapid narrowing of the When the car is based on a new technology
price/performance relationship gap, it makes whose most important limitations only show
sense to plan a long-run marketing strategy up in relatively extreme situations, the inter-
where the losses that are inevitably incurred ested first-time customer is bound to have a
in the initial phase are recovered in the longer desire to try the EV for an extended period
run. Economies of scale and learning curve before final commitment. Hence, a generous
effects depend on the volume of production4. return policy or possibilities for leasing6 an
Getting many EVs on the market has the EV for a period before a final decision to
added advantages of demonstrating the vi- purchase it would help in bringing interested
3 5
Which a responsible management would need to perform This opinion seems to be shared by the large car companies
much more rigorously. that have made the first serious attempt to build a market for
For instance, nickel–metal hydride battery producer Pana- electric (and hybrid) cars (Thornton, 1999).
sonic EV Energy Co. estimates that if it could increase produc- In the USA, GM has decided to only lease out their first EV,
tion fivefold it could slash its prices in half (Thornton, 1999). the EV1 (Murphy, 1997; Dipert, 1999).

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


Figure 1. Distribution of car stock on major owner groups in Denmark and Sweden: percentages

potential customers the last step from interest targeted in phase 1 of the marketing plan7: (i)
to actually buying an EV. public sector organizations, (ii) ‘green’ compa-
The primary advantage of the EV is its nies and (iii) multi-car households whose
environment-friendliness compared to the transportation need regarding the second car
ICV. Hence, an EV is bound to appeal more to is within the present generation of EVs’ tech-
potential adopters the more they value envi- nical capabilities and whose values and
ronment-friendliness (see Truffer et al., in lifestyle are compatible with owning an EV.
press). However, it is also evident that the Evidently these segments all represent small
private car is perceived as an important fractions of the (huge) total car market, but
lifestyle item in many other respects (Jensen, we are confident that together they offer a
1997), as reflected in the wide variation in potential market well above the 2.5% of the
price, style, size and many other characteris- potential adopters that are typically assumed
tics of cars. Current EVs share most character- to be ‘innovators’ (Rogers, 1995). As an illus-
istics with small, relatively fuel-economical tration, Figure 1 presents a rough estimate of
cars. Hence, car drivers who – for various the relative size of various car customer seg-
lifestyle reasons – prefer prestigious, sporty ments in Denmark and Sweden (based on
or off-road cars are less likely to perceive an Bilindustriföreningen, Bilstatistik, Gamlin and
EV as a satisfactory substitute. Zeipel Kommunikation, 1998, and Trans-
Technology policy researchers have sug- portrådet 1997). Clearly, not all cars in any of
gested that the early phase of innovation dif- the three segments can be substituted with
fusion depends primarily on niche-specific current generation EVs. For instance, public
factors, while systemic factors are more influ- sector cars include police cars and company
ential in later phases (Weber and Hoogma, cars include executive luxury cars. The reason
1998). Consistent with this view, but from a multi-car families are considered a promis-
marketing perspective, we suggest a two- ing segment is that some of the most im-
phase strategy for the marketing of an EV. We portant disadvantages of current EVs are re-
suggest that the following organizations and duced if the owner also has an ICV. Hence,
private consumers (with some qualifications the number of cars owned by multi-car
which we will return to shortly) represent 7
On this issue we are in broad agreement with at least some of
particularly promising segments to be the front-runners in the EV industry (Anonymous, 1998b).

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


families strongly overestimates the potential pay a substantially higher price for an EV
market for EVs in this segment. The propor- than for a similar ICV. Hence, success in this
tion of households owning more than one car market segment depends heavily on it either
(12% in both Sweden and Denmark) tells becoming mandatory for such organizations
more about the potential size of this market to buy a certain percentage of ZEVs or that
(but still is an overestimation due to the EVs become price competitive (due to promo-
value-compatibility problem). Single-car tional pricing or subsidies).
households are of course the most attractive
segment in the car-market. A larger propor-
Green companies
tion of these households than usually as-
sumed can cover their transportation needs This segment consists of private companies
with current generation EVs (Gärling et al., with (a desire for) a high environmental pro-
1998b; Truffer et al., in press). Still, except file (value compatibility). There are no good
maybe for a few people that perceive environ- estimates of the share of companies that per-
ment-friendliness as the most important self- ceive themselves as ‘green’. However, there is
defining concept, these households are likely much documentation that an increasing num-
to perceive relying on an EV as too risky ber of firms use ‘green’ arguments in their
under current conditions. Hence, the overall marketing and even larger numbers are keen
marketing strategy for EVs should include a to build a ‘green’ corporate image (Peattie,
marketing campaign targeted at the most 1995). For companies wanting to bolster a
promising single-car households in phase 2, ‘green’ corporate image, a non-polluting EV
when the technology has improved more and has – at least potentially – a substantially
demonstration effects from the successful higher value than it has for the average per-
adoption by the segments targeted in phase 1 son (or company) (relative advantage) (Schot
can be reaped. et al., 1994). Like cars owned by public sector
organizations, many corporate cars are used
only for fairly short trips and only within
The public sector
normal working hours. Hence, this segment is
The public sector is a large fleet operator and likely to be less sensitive than private house-
vehicle customer in most countries, both con- holds to the functional deficits of EVs (relative
cerning freight and person transportation. For advantage) are. Of course, not all ‘green’ com-
instance, the public sector owns about 3% of panies perceive the promotional value of an
the family-sized cars in Denmark and 2% in EV to be high enough to compensate for their
Sweden (see Figure 1). A number of countries functional deficits and premium price. The
also have official ‘green purchase’ policies for proportion of such companies finding the deal
public sector purchases (value compatibility). attractive (and the share of their vehicle fleet
The green purchase policies are now extend- that they find it attractive for) depends on the
ing also to vehicles (CARB Mobile Source EV manufacturers’ price policies as well as
Division, 1995), and if specific acquisition governmental support in the form of subsi-
policies for ZEVs (zero emission vehicles) are dies and/or tax relief. As with the other seg-
decided, not only in California, but world- ments, the proportion will increase with
wide, a large market for EVs will emerge. further improvements in EV technology.
Most vehicles owned by public sector organi-
zations are used for short trips and during
Multi-car households
normal working hours, which makes this
market less sensitive to the technical limita- The main reason why multi-car households
tions of current EVs (relative advantage) are considered a particularly promising mar-
(Schot et al., 1994; Nesbitt and Sperling, 1998). ket segment is that EVs’ functional disadvan-
Many public sector organizations, though, tages are assumed to be much less important if
live within a tight budget constraint, which the household has an additional ICV at its
makes it unlikely that they will voluntarily disposal (relative advantage). Consistent with

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


this assumption, most studies of EV use by demonstrated by many bankruptcies, without

private households in various countries have rich and patient investors small companies
found that a majority of these early adopters stand few chances of making it in this busi-
own an ICV as well (Kurani et al., 1996; Knie ness, in spite of high levels of creativity and
et al., 1997; Harms and Truffer, 1998; Truffer et enthusiasm. Political support in the form of
al., in press). However, the fact that the func- subsidies or preferential tax treatment can re-
tional disadvantages of an EV are less prob- duce the loss and may even be perceived as
lematic for a multi-car household does not necessary for being able to reduce prices to a
change the fact that an EV is currently a competitive level, even with regard to the
functionally inferior product at a higher price. mentioned target segments. Governmental or
Hence, some sort of promotional pricing other support for research and development,
is particularly important regarding this infrastructure and market development may
segment8. also greatly influence the speed of maturation
The multi-car segment has the disadvantage of the EV market, particularly at the national
that it is likely to contain some of the most level (Mackenzie, 1997; Weber and Hoogma,
enthusiastic car-owners; people who are likely 1998). Hence, a sensible long run marketing
to react strongly and defensively against ar- plan for an EV should include tight coopera-
guments meant to convince them about the tion with governmental bodies, perhaps even
environmental menace of car-driving. Such lobbying.
‘car-lovers’ are not likely to go for an EV, Successful marketing towards the target
even as the second car (value incompatibility). segments of phase 1 is the key to successful
However, this segment also contains house- marketing of EVs to the wider public, particu-
holds who own more than one car out of larly the single-car households. Drivers of
need, because current work and living condi- EVs, at work or in private, will promote EVs
tions demand it. Some of these people may in their social networks (Darley, 1977/78;
even feel bad about having more than one car, Bernard, 1981; Darley and Beniger, 1981; Mur-
because they are concerned about the envi- phy, 1997), provided they are satisfied with
ronmental hazards of car-driving, and they the product. Also, by just being in the streets
may welcome ways of relieving their bad the EV technology is demonstrated for poten-
consciousness (value compatibility). However, tial customers outside the social networks of
many in this segment are also bound to expe- initial drivers. This may raise curiosity and
rience their transport expenses as a heavy interest. In addition, people who feel bad
burden. Such families are likely to dismiss about the negative environmental impact of
further considerations about buying an EV if their car use are more likely to perceive that
it is more expensive than a similar ICV. there exists a social norm about changing to
an EV the more EVs they encounter.
Given the importance of word of mouth
FROM PHASE 1 TO PHASE 2 and demonstration effects for long-run suc-
cess, it is crucial that EVs are not ‘over-mar-
The initial marketing campaign for an EV keted’, particularly if this result in selling EVs
could sensibly target these three market seg- to people who are bound to get trouble with
ments; the public sector, green companies and them or in other ways become dissatisfied.
multi-car households. Promotional pricing is This has, at least, two important implications
obviously a necessary part of the strategy in (Murphy, 1997). (i) The selling of an EV in the
most segments and, as already mentioned, it early phase should be based on thorough
is important that EV manufacturers realize scrutiny of the interested customer’s needs
that it will take a while before they can expect and on information about both the pros and
to earn a profit on EVs. As has been amply cons of the EV. An interested customer whose
needs cannot be properly solved by an EV
This was confirmed by the Swiss Mendrisio experiment should explicitly be advised not to buy one.
(Harms and Truffer, 1998). (ii) The EV offer should include measures to

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


reduce feelings of uncertainty about whether nology is tested in real-life situations and that
the driving range of the bought EV actually the further improvement of still immature
covers desired driving range. Such measures parts is stimulated. Hence, they should be
could be a generous return policy and/or a considered an important element of the mar-
service package including, for instance, free keting programme for an EV, even though
leasing of an ICV once every second month or they are difficult to plan and control.
so during the first years after purchase. Alter- From a societal point of view, targeting the
natively, EVs could be leased rather than sold, multi-car household segment is somewhat
which is currently GM’s preferred solution in precarious. The promotion of the EV as a
the USA (Murphy, 1997; Dipert, 1999). Simu- second car could, at least in countries where
lation of own vehicle use pattern by means of the large majority of households still are sin-
a computer program could be cheap way of gle-car households, result in an increasing
reducing initial scepticism and might be suffi- percentage of two-car-households with a re-
cient to convince the most interested con- sulting increase in congestion and other traffic
sumers that an EV is a possible solution to related problems. If they are perceived as
their transport needs (Hoyer and MacInnis, promoting a multi-car lifestyle, the credibility
1997). of companies marketing EVs as an environ-
ment-friendly alternative to the ICV will also
suffer. Hence, EV producers should not ex-
plicitly advertise the EV as ‘the second car’.
CONCLUDING REMARKS Instead they should attempt to position the
EV based on its differential advantages (docu-
The first two segments suggested in phase 1, mented environment-friendliness9 as well as
the public sector and ‘green’ companies, are other advantages10) and rely on those value-
already targeted to some extent in some Eu- compatible consumers perceiving the relative
ropean countries, but much more intensive advantages most favourably (which we be-
and systematic marketing targeted at these lieve will disproportionally be multi-car
segments is needed. An example of what households) to be most receptive to this type
could have been (part of) a marketing cam- of advertising.
paign targeted at government organizations The next challenge for EV marketers, when
(but is rather a customer initiative) is demon- the phase 1 segments have been successfully
stration projects including personal vehicles, served, is the huge single-car-household mar-
light duty vehicles and buses that are cur- ket. The marketing campaign directed to-
rently running in the three major cities in wards this segment will not be much different
Sweden. Similar projects have been run in from the one targeting multi-car households,
many other countries in Europe (Knie et al., but the conditions will be more favourable.
1997) and North America (Morrison, 1999a). Successful marketing depends, also in this
In most cases based on their own and NGO phase, on identifying the most likely first
– rather than on producers’ – initiative, gov- adopters (in this segment), and again value
ernments of many countries also support EVs compatibility is crucial. No doubt, promo-
in different ways, such as subsidies and/or tax tional pricing and tax relief will still be impor-
relief, preferential treatment of EVs in cities, tant in this phase, albeit to a decreasing
demonstration projects, research projects fo- degree, and so is the opportunity of actually
cusing on private use of EVs and battery trying an EV for a longer period than just a
exchange programmes (in which changing in- test drive.
stead of recharging empty batteries is tested)
(Knie et al., 1997; Mackenzie, 1997). Many of 9
For ethical, legal and efficiency reasons claims about environ-
these programmes have the added advantage ment-friendliness should be specific and well documented
that the EV at least to some extent is made (Davis, 1992, 1993).
For instance, GM has chosen to position its EV1 as the car of
visible to the general public. Furthermore, ini- the future (Kelly, 1999), perhaps in an attempt to appeal to the
tiatives such as these mean that the new tech- innovative personality.

Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment Bus. Strat. Env. 10, 53 – 65 (2001)


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