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Video transcript:

After I posted the 2022 predictions video in Archaix one of my Ophis subscribers
messaged me that she wanted to do another predictions consultation because she
recently moved to a whole new area of Canada. I have run predictions for her on a
variety of things, among them gold and silver markets. So today we talked on the
phone as we have before and I ran through the material I have to sort through and was
really taken aback by what I found.
To discover isometric parallels for Canada that were derived from totally different data-
sets than I had used in my 2022 predictions analysis for the United States and abroad
and yet itemize so many similar outputs, totally reinforces what the prior video
If she wants to she can introduce herself in the Comments section, not my place to
betray confidence.
Studying Canadian events through key nodal years resulted in the following predictions
specific for Canada in 2022-
- A major decision about an island or islands and nautical mile border will be
settled in Canada’s favor
- A major financial institution will be forced to break up
- A vote of no confidence in Parliament will result in an election
- Liberal party of Trudeau that won power in 1974 will in 2022 be removed from
- A bill will be introduced or passed changing official court/business language from
French to English
- Election reform bill enacted that limits corruption by limiting campaign
- Major movement to decriminalize drugs
- Scandal publicized concerning widespread corruption in Quebec’s construction
- A severe freeze with kill about a dozen people and damage infrastructure
- Sudden avalanche(s) killed several people
- Banking institutions come under federal investigation
- Large Jewish population of Canada will come under scrutiny, possible evacuation
- More than three liberal leaders announce resignations, one being a senator
- Freak wind storm or tornado makes major headlines
- A bank’s assets are seized by the Canadian government
- A major contract between Canada and the United States concerning timber trade
mutually benefits both countries
- Conservative leaders assume power in Canada
- A liberal holdout threatens to secede but the resistance is quelled
Upon further examination of the holography of 2022 we had to cross-examine the 1974
findings with those of 1998, 1902 and finally 1938. It is not for me to restate over and
over in each video how this analysis is conducted, but the method is already explained
numerous times in prior videos. Further, it’s not the events but how the events reflect
each other that paints the picture of the future.

When examining all the years we were confronted with the same conclusions found in
the 2022 predictions video. But this examination used different geographical areas and
socio-political events and still came up with the following events for Canada that were
also to affect the United States-
- Nationalist movement to overthrow liberals with foreign ties
- A highly publicized events involving aliens/extraterrestrials that is actually hoaxed
- A sudden change in government and circumstances
- a suddenly booming economy

2022 is a space-time reflection of the events of both 1902 and 1938. In 1902 as
shown in my videos there was a very sudden appearance of hundreds of new
companies that had not existed before, a sort of reset of the economy and
industries. In 1938 the nationalists of Germany, fed up with the liberal Jewish
population and Jewish controlled banks, financial institutions and companies,
began taking back their cities and economy. Also in 1938 people all over the
Americas were terrified when a series of radio broadcasts designed to sound like
news reports concerning an alien invasion titled War of the Worlds fooled millions
of people into believing Martians were truly invading.

These pieces about the nationalists against the liberals and alien invasion were
in the 2022 predictions video but these as interpreted from the data of 1902 and
1938 were definitely not. This confirmation came by studying only Canadian

I was specifically asked by my friend and client to make this in to a video

because she wants to send the link to her friends and family. Like I said, if she
wants to introduce herself, that’s on her.
I found this whole exercise intriguing because it confirms what I’m frequently
saying- if something is going to happen it can be perceived from multiple different
vantage points. I have done these predictions reports on Sri Lanka, China, the
US and now Canada.

No matter what happens, this is going to be an interesting year.

1902 is 72 years to 1974. Epicenter is 1938, War of the Worlds, Nazi Germany. ALIEN scare!

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