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Quarter 2:

Emily A. Crisostomo


Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa

A 21st century learner is a proficient reader. Whatever the reading material

is, linear text or non-linear text, he/she could easily get information on what
he/she is reading. He/she values the significance of reading in his/her life
especially on this globally competitive world where reading is a must.
This module will help you in achieving the skills of a proficient reader. Today on this
lesson, you will learn how to transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice
versa which is one of the reading skills that you must master for you to be a proficient reader.
I know that you are very excited to learn this. But, please be guided by the following
procedures as you are taking your path to learning through this module:
 Read each text and activity carefully and sequentially;
 Follow the process and don’t immediately jump to the last part;
 Analyze and deeply understand the lesson to learn the lesson well; and
 Answer each activity patiently with all your best to surely know whether you have
successfully learned the lesson or not.

As you take your journey on this module, you are expected to:
 compare and contrast linear to non-linear text through a venn diagram;
 get information from linear and non-linear text; and
 use non-linear text such as timeline to give information.
I know that you are now ready and excited to learn a new lesson. So, let’s start your
adventure in learning.

Directions: Write YES if the message of each statement is correct and NO if it is
incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

________ 1. Linear texts are made out of pictures.

________ 2. Non-linear texts are reading materials that are just made out of pure words.
________ 3. Linear text is a more common type of reading material.
________ 4. A reader can only use one reading path when reading a non-linear text.
________ 5. An editorial article is an example of a linear text.

Directions: Encircle the letter of the word which best completes each analogy.

1. National flower : Sampaguita :: National bird : ______________

A. dove B. Philippine eagle C. Philippine duck D. sparrow
2. sing : _____________ :: candy : noun
A. adjective B. conjunction C. pronoun D. verb
3. ________________ : Simile : He is my superhero. : Metaphor
A. Her eyes are like stars twinkling in the night.
B. I am so in love with her. She is my Juliet.
C. I feel so thirsty. I think, I need a drum full of water to satisfy my thirst.
D. The wind whispers a satisfying news to me.
4. fortunate : lucky :: clever : ______________
A. bright B. fool C. old D. frugal
5. rabbit : ________________ : pig : pen
A. barn B. burrow C. hive D. web
A linear text is any printed written material which has no pictures, illustrations or
images. It merely consists of words formed into sentences, paragraphs or stanzas. It is the
usual text that we read in a natural pattern, from left to right and top to bottom, following a
sequential pattern. Commonly, it requires abundant time to get information from a linear text.

Example of linear texts are the following:

 poem – a composition made out of stanzas;
 short story – a narrative that can be read in one single sitting;
 folktale – an old narrative shared by word of mouth;
 drama – a composition that is usually for theatrical performance;
 diary – a journal where ones daily events and activities are being written; and
 newspaper articles – articles written in a newspaper such as news, editorial and sports

Tips on Getting Information form a Linear Text

 Remove the things which might disturb you in reading
 Browse the text fast.
 Read by picturing out what you are reading.
 Use context clues on the words that you don’t understand.

On the other hand, non-linear text uses visuals such as pictures, drawings or images.
The reader reads and analyzes the text in any of the multiple paths. Usually, non-linear texts
contains digital texts. Because it uses images, it is easier, especially for the visual learners, to
find information that they need in a very short time. Examples of non-linear texts are:

 graph / charts – shows comparisons or relationships of two or more objects;

 table – consists of information and numbers placed in rows and columns to easily
understand a text;
 infographic – gives information through pictures, numbers and/or words;
 flowchart – displays series of movements or actions;
 timeline – shows sequence of events; and
 diagram – consists of pictures or symbols which represent information

Tips on Getting Information form a Non-Linear Text

 Read the title which gives the gist on what the non-linear text is about.
 Analyze the data by examining the information and the labels thoroughly.
 Examine the pictures, symbols, shapes or any image that tell information.
 Study the relationship of the information and images deeply.
 Give a conclusion on the text’s message.

Objectives: Compare and contrast linear to non-linear text through a Venn diagram.
Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram below with information showing the similarities and
differences of linear text and non-linear text.


Objective: Get information from linear and non-linear text.
Directions: Read the linear text below and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter
of the correct answer.
How to Hand-Wash Clothes

Step 1: Read the Label

Read the garment label for specific product recommendations regarding hand-washing

clothes. Then choose the best detergent for hand-washing clothes. If no care label exists,

choose a mild detergent or dishwashing liquid.

Step 2: Fill Tub with Water

Fill a small tub or sink with water at the temperature recommended on the care label.

If no care label exists, choose cool to lukewarm water. Add about a teaspoon of detergent.

You may need more detergent if you are hand-washing a large item or multiple items.

Step 3: Submerge and Soak

Submerge the garment in the soapy water and soak. Use gentle movements to swish

the item through the sudsy water. Avoid scrubbing or twisting actions that can stretch or

damage the fabric. Gently swish the garment through the sudsy water until the item is clean.

You can find hand-washing clothes tools, but unless you're hand-washing regularly, it's not


Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

Drain the sink or tub, and refill it with cool rinse water. Push the garment up and down

in the water until all soap is removed. If you're unsure, sniff the garment to make sure it is no

longer scented. Repeat the process with clean water if necessary.



1. In washing clothes, which should be done first?

A. Choose the best detergent for hand-washing clothes.
B. Fill a small tub or sink with water at the temperature recommended on the care label.
C. Swish the garment gently through the sudsy water until the item is clean.
D. Drain the sink or tub, and refill it with cool rinse water.
2. If there is no label to be found on the garment, which should be the best action to do?
A. Choose a mild detergent or dishwashing liquid
B. Don’t wash the garment anymore to prevent mistake.
C. Use a strong detergent to surely remove all the dirt.
D. Wash it without using any detergent.
3. Use gentle movements to swish the item through the sudsy water. Which word is
synonymous with the underlined word?
A. clean B. foamy C. scented D. silky
4. Based on the article you’ve read, which should be avoided?
A. Adding about a teaspoon of detergent.
B. Following the product recommendations written on the garment label.
C. Scrubbing or twisting actions that can stretch or damage the fabric.
D. Sniffing the garment to make sure it is no longer scented.
5. This article is beneficial to ______________.
A. Anybody who is capable of washing clothes.
B. Infant who uses a lot of clothes.
C. Men only.
D. Women only.

Objective: Get information from linear and non-linear text.
Directions: Analyze the graph below and answer the questions that follow.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

T-shirts Ordered in an Online Shop

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

1. What is this bar graph about?
A. days when an online shop is selling t-shirts
B. favorite days of the buyer’s to order t-shirts
C. number of t-shirts ordered per day
D. t-shirt’s brand being ordered daily
2. Which day has the highest order of t-shirts?
A. Day 1 B. Day 2 C. Day 3 D. Day 4
3. Which day has the least number of ordered t-shirts?
A. Day 1 B. Day 2 C. Day 3 D. Day 4
4. How many t-shirts were ordered on Day 5?
A. 49 B. 68 C. 77 D. 80
5. How many t-shirts were ordered from Day 2 to Day 5?
A. 114 B. 274 C. 383 D. 599
Objective: Use tables, graphs or diagrams to give information.
Directions: Think on how you study in preparation for a major examination
such as the quarterly examination. Make a timeline on how you prepare for
your major examination. You may add another shapes if the given shapes
below are not sufficient.

Time/Day Action Time/Day Action Time/Day Action


Non-Linear Text
•any printed written •uses visuals such as
material which has no pictures, illustrations or
Linear Text

pictures, illustrations or images

images •reader reads and analyzes
•consists of words formed the text in any of the
into sentences, multiple paths
paragraphs or stanzas •contains digital texts
such as poems, short •it is easier, especially for
stories, folktales, novels the visual learners, to find
and newspaper articles information that they need
•following a sequential in a very short time
•requires ample time to get
Directions: Read and analyze the infographic below and answer the questions that follow.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. According to the infographic above, what is the average number of unique touches do
Filipinos have in a day?
2. How many Filipinos don’t wash their hands after having traveled on public
3. How many Filipinos believe that handwashing with only water is enough?
4. What do you think will happen to many Filipinos if they will not break their habit of not
washing their hands?
5. What message does the infographic above want us to convey?

Directions: Read and answer each question below. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which uses visuals such as pictures, illustrations or images?
A. Linear Text B. Non-Linear Text C. Journalistic Text D. Literary Text
2. Venn Diagram is an example of ________________.
A. Linear Text B. Non-Linear Text C. Journalistic Text D. Literary Text
3. Which is NOT is a linear text?
A. “Ibalon” C. “The Rice Myth”
B. “The Mats” by Francisco Arcellana D. pictograph of the most played game
4. Joey wanted to know the most favorite game of his friends. So, he asked them to rate
each listed game from 1-5 wherein 5 is the most like game and 1 is the least like. After
conducting the survey, Joey wants to clearly show to his friends the result of his survey.
Which is the best material to use?
A. Bar Graph C. Narrative Report
B. Expository Essay D. Word Web
5. Sunshine wants to have a record of her daily activities. Which linear text should
Sunshine do?
A. Argumentative Essay C. Editorial Article
B. Diary D. Poem about Nature


Dictions: Fill in the gap with your ideas that would best complete ach sentence.

Therefore, I promise that

I will
It made me realized that ___________.
After my journey on this
lesson, I have learned

 Amad, Aiman. “Non-linear Text.” Prezi. July 14, 2016.

 “Difference Between Linear and Nonlinear Text.” June 18,




 “How to Wash Clothes by Hand”. Better Homes and Gardens. February 26, 2019.


 Listman, Emily. “How to Understand What You Read.” wikiHow to do

anything…March 22, 2020.

 “Safeguard Leads a Movement to a Healthier Philippines through the Global

Handwashing Day.” 2017. purplepieces.


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