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Grace Nolan

Name ____________________________________
Faith and Religion
Creation Stories Worksheet
P. Gorman

Answer each of the questions after reading each of the stories. (15 points)

Story # 1 (Gen. 1 and 2:1-4) Story #2 (Gen. 2:5-25)

1. What is G-d called in each
G d Lord G d
2. What things exist before
creation begins? Formlessvoid anddarkness noplantsherbs

3. How does G-d create in each

He clearlystatedwhathewanted Hemadeplants animalsfromdust
story. andcreatedit on theground

4. List the order in which Ilightdarkness 4sunandmoon learth and theheavens

things are created.
2seas spy seaandland animals
3land plants 6Humans z water Effffa's
7theSabbath a Adam
5. When and how are man and
on the 6th day Adamand theywerecreatedonthelastday
woman created?
Evewerethe lastadditionstoearth Adammade dustand
was madefrom

6. In what style is the story

written? (poem, folk-story, It is a narrative It is a narrative
narrative, etc.)

7. How does G-d relate to

people? and
needeachothertosurvive sohecreates
gives it to the people in
ftp f Iqjj
Adamisn'tlonely mesets
eve soorder
hisimage they needtotake a rule forthemto not eatfrom
8. How much water is present thertearerivers he talks
in each story? waters and let itseperate about the euphratesandtigris
thewaters from thewaters wherescientificallytheoldestsigns
µ ofhumans werefoundthe rivers
9. Do the stories have different
life to theland withfreshwater
It talksabout nature Hegiveshumans theland
messages/ What does each
and animalsand howpeople touse Hecreates
story say about creation?
needto take care of the andanimalsGod is in charge
About people’s role in the
earthG d gavethem
Humans eveforAdam
world? About the world?
are incharge

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