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Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan Vol. 16 No.

1 Tahun 2019 | 22 – 28

Jurnal Civics: Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan
1829-5789 (print)
2541-1918 (online)

Teachers and technology: The perspective of digital citizenship

Rini Triastuti a, 1*
UNS, PPKn, Surakarta, Indonesia
*korespondensi penulis

Informasi Artikel ABSTRAK

Sejarah artikel: Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah menghasilkan
Diterima : 09-10-2018 beragam produk baik dalam bentuk hardware dan software. Produk
Revisi : 02-03-2019 tersebut telah menawarkan berbagai kemudahan bagi penggunanya. Salah
Dipublikasikan : 31-03-2019 satu contoh di bidang komunikasi. Saat ini komunikasi dapat dilakukan
Kata kunci: setiap saat tanpa dibatasi oleh jarak dan waktu. Berbagai kemudahan yang
Guru ditawarkan bagi penggunanya membuat mereka sangat tergantung pada
Teknologi teknologi. Bahkan saat ini manusia tidak hanya berada dalam dunia nyata
Kewarganegaraan digital saja namun juga dalam dunia maya. Tulisan ini bermaksud
menggambarkan karakteristik kewarganegaraan guru-guru pendidikan
pancasila dan kewarganegaraan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah
deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah
angket, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Data menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru
merupakan warga digital dan digital immigrant.
Keywords: The rapid growth of information and communication technology has
Teacher produced various forms of products in the form of hardware and software.
Technology These products have offered various conveniences for its users. One
Digital Citizenship example is in the field of communication. Currently, communication can
be done in real time without being blocked by distance and time. The
various facilities provided to its users make them very dependent on
technology. Even today humans do not only exist in the real world but in
the virtual world. This paper is intended to describe the characteristics of
digital citizenship for civic education teachers. The method used is
descriptive qualitative. This study uses questionnaires, interviews and
literature studies. The results show that teachers are digital citizens and
digital immigrant.
Copyright © 2018 Rini Triastuti

Introduction the number of internet users has increased

Information and communication from year to year. According to APJII (2015),
technology is growing rapidly in recent internet users in Indonesia in 2010 amounted
decades. This has had an impact on all aspects to 42 million with a population of 238.5
of life; even now, we cannot be separated from million. This shows that the penetration is
the technology because every day we are 17.6%. Then in 2011, internet users increased
exposed to such technologies as sending or to 55 million with a population of 242 million,
receiving an e-mail, sending messages which means there was a penetration of
through social media, searching for 22.7%. The following year internet users
information on the internet and so on. became 63 million with a population of 245.5
Technology has brought convenience and million, which means there was a penetration
usefulness to daily activities. of 24.23%.In 2013 internet users increased to
Since the Indonesian government 71.2 million with a population of 248.9
developed internet infrastructure in the 1980s million, which means there was a penetration

Rini Triastuti | Teachers and technology: The perspective of digital citizenship….

of 28%. Then in 2014, internet users became programs that are often used by students
88.1 million with a population of 252.4 are MS Word and other programs such as
million, which means there was a penetration photo-shop and coral draw. The ability to
of 34.9%. use a computer application is obtained
The McArthur Foundation Research without participating in a special course
Network on Participatory Politic survey /training but by self-study independently.
results that 41% of youth aged 15 to 25 years b. Use of mobile phones: the results of the
have participated in new political groups study show that the majority of students
online, wrote and disseminated blogs about access the internet every day with the
political issues and political videos on their duration more than 1-2 hours while the
social media (Kahne & Middaugh, 2012). majority of the access goals are
This shows the power of digital media to communicated. Meanwhile, the majority
influence the political participation of young of students use mobile phones as a device
citizens. This condition is reinforced by to access the internet using wifi.
Martens & Hobbs (Martens & Hobbs, 2015) c. Internet usage: the results show that the
research that there is a relationship between majority of students have social media
media literacy and increasing knowledge and accounts that are accessed every day with
civic engagement of young citizens and a duration between 0-1 hours.
contributing to their civic engagement as Meanwhile, the device used by the
adults majority of students to access social
The majority of internet users in media is a mobile phone. The majority of
Indonesia is between 18-25 years old, which students use Android-based smartphones
is almost half of the total number of internet and the majority of students start having
users in Indonesia, which is 49% (APJII, mobile phones since sitting in junior high
2015, p. 3). This describes that the segment of school (Triastuti, 2017; Triastuti,
internet users in Indonesia is those who Budimansyah, & Sapriya, 2016).
belong to the digital native category. On the other hand, adults are also users of
Digital native will be able to adapt very information and communication technology.
quickly and easily to the presence of new But whether they have the same character as
technologies. This is evident when students teenagers in using technology or different is
are quickly able to operate the cell phone they something interesting to study.
just met. That is very natural because this is
their world, the digital world. As a teacher and Method
migrant in a particular digital era, you must This study used the descriptive
adjust, adjust the way they educate them qualitative method. The instruments used to
according to the way they live in the digital collect data are questionnaires, interviews and
era, and prepare them to face the challenges of literature studies. The location of this study is
the future. Surakarta, Central Java Province.
Characteristics of students in using Triangulation used is the triangulation
information and communication technology method. The sample of this study was 12
outline the results of the study show the civics education teachers in Surakarta City,
following results: Central Java Province. This study involved 5
a. Utilization of computers/notebooks: the schools.
majority of students use
computers/notebook with a frequency of Results and Discussion
once a week with a duration more than 1- Result
2 hours, even though only 48.93% have The trend of increasing users of
their own computers/notebooks while the information and communication technology
rest use computers that are in school or on from year to year showing proves that the
the internet. Meanwhile, computer benefits offered by these technologies are

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directly proportional to the needs of today's communication technology for 2.01-3

society. Society cannot be separated from hour.
information and communication technology d. The location of accessing a computer or
in daily life. The following data will illustrate notebook
the characteristics of digital citizenship Table 4 Location of accessing
teachers in the use of information and a computer or netbook
communication technology. The data details Information Quantity
the habits of teachers to access information Home 10
and communication technology, their school 2
Computer rental -
frequency, duration, location, tools, programs, Internet cafe -
participation in courses/training and Location commonly used by teachers
communication. Data shows that: to use technology shows that the majority
a. The ownership of a computer or notebook of teachers accessing computers or
Table 1 Ownership of a computer or notebooks at home about 83.33%.
notebook e. The programs accessed
Information Yes No Table 5 Programs accessed
have a compr or 12 -
notebook Information Quantity
Data shows that all teachers have a MS Word 11
Excel -
computer or notebook. It means that they Powerpoint 1
are able to access information and Moviemaker -
Others -
communication technology. They don't
The teacher's habit of using software
have problems with the hardware because
shows the fact that the majority of teachers
it has been available. about 91.6% access MS word programs
b. The frequency of accessing a computer or when using a computer or notebook.
notebook f. Participation in courses/training
Table 2 Frequency of accessing Table 6 Participation in courses/training
a computer or notebook Information Yes No
Information Quantity Take courses / training 9 3
Every day 10
Once a week 2 The ability of teachers to use
Once a month - technology is supported by their
The existence of hardware has an participation in a course or training. This is
impact on teachers in using it. The
based on the fact that the majority or 75%
majority of teachers' about 83.33% access
technology every day. of teachers takes courses to be able to
c. The duration of accessing a computer or operate a computer/notebook.

Table 3 Duration of accessing g. The location of accessing the internet

a computer or notebook Table 7 location accessing the internet
Information Quantity Information Quantity
0 – 1 hour 3 Home 9
1,01 - 2 hour 2 School 3
2,01 - 3 hour 5 Internet cafe -
3,01 - 4 hour 1 Mall -
More than 4 hour 1
The need for the internet can be
The use of hardware by teachers
fulfilled anywhere. Similarly, the data
shows that almost half of the sample about
41.6% of teachers using information and sample shows that the majority of teachers

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about 75% have the habit of internet access Gaming -

News -
at home. This is done when they are not
Other 2
teaching so that it does not interfere with The use of the internet by teachers
the learning process. cannot be separated from their various
h. Internet access duration needs when accessing the internet. The
Tabel 8 Internet access duration
data show that the majority of teachers
Information Quantity
0 – 1 hour 5 access the internet to find the material that
1,01 - 2 hour 3 is used for assignments that are about
2,01 - 3 hour 3
58.3%. Meanwhile, only 25% use it to
3,01 - 4 hour -
More than 4 hour 1 communicate and 16.6% access the
The teacher's habit of accessing the internet for other purposes. Thus they
internet shows that almost half of 41.6% of access the internet in order to support the
teachers access the internet with a duration work.
between 0-1 hours. l. Internet access channel
i. The frequency of accessing the internet Tabel 12 Internet access channel
Table 9 Frequency of accessing
Information Quantity
the internet Wifi 7
Information Quantity Modem 1
Once an hour - Mobile phone 3
Once a day 8 other 1
Once a week 4 Their habit of accessing the internet cannot
Once a month -
Various information offered by the
be separated from what channels are used
internet makes our lives closer to the to access the internet. Because the
internet. Our needs for various information availability of these channels determines
will always guide us to access the internet. the opportunity for them to access the
Likewise, the need for teachers on the internet. The data show that is about
internet shows that the majority of samples 58.33%.
accessing the internet every day is about
m. The ownership of social media accounts
Table 13 Ownership of social media
j. Internet access tool
Table 10 Internet access tool
Information Yes No
Information Quantity Have a social media account 12 -
computer 3
notebook 6 The habits of teachers in using
tablet 1 technology for communication are visible
Mobile phone 2 from the social media they have. Data
The teacher's habit of accessing the shows that all the teachers have social
internet cannot be separated from the media accounts.
tools they use to access it. Data shows that n. The frequency of accessing social media
half of the samples access the internet Table 14 Frequency of accessing social
using a notebook. media
k. The purpose of accessing the internet Information Quantity
Table 11 The purpose of accessing Every hour 2
Every day 9
the internet Every week -
Information Quantity Every month 1
Look for materials to do the task 7 The majority of teachers have a habit of
communication 3 accessing social media every day. This is
Shopping - supported by data that about 75% of
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teachers access social media every day. It without a constitution (Friedman, 1999;
seems that they need social media as a Scobey, 2001).
medium of communication. The high growth of the internet and
o. The tool used to access social media smartphones in Indonesia is not matched by a
Table 15 The tool used to access social broad understanding of digital literacy. The
media technology faces a challenging transition. In
Information Quantity the internet era, information flows
computer - continuously through social media, group
notebook 5
Tablet 6 chat, and news channels and cannot digest this
Mobile phone 1 information completely and correctly, but has
The teacher's habit of accessing social a strong desire to immediately share it with
media is supported by the availability of others (Daily Social, 2018). Unfortunately,
some information can bring many
available tools. The fact shows that the
interpretations and points of view. Some
majority of teachers use tablets / mobile interpretations can cause misunderstandings.
phones to access social media about 58.3%. In Indonesia, such cases are easy to find, most
p. The mobile phone system which used visible in the political area.
Table 16 Mobile phone system which Digital citizenship can be defined as
used behavioral norms with regard to the use of
Information Quantity technology. More briefly said that digital
Android 10 citizenship is the ability to participate in
Blackberry 1 online societies (Mossberger, Tolbert, &
iPhone - McNeal, 2008). Digital citizenship also means
Another smartphone 1
the ability to use technology competently;
interpret and understand digital content and
The majority of teachers has used mobile assess its credibility; make, research, and
phones belonging to the category of communicate with the right tools; think
smartphones. This is supported by data that critically about the ethical opportunities and
83.3% of samples use an Android-based challenges of the digital world; make safe,
mobile phone. Mobile phones based on responsible and respectful online choices
smartphones are capable of being used to (Isman & Gunggoren, 2014). Thus, the
make telephone calls and send short messages keywords of some of the definitions above are
can also be used to access the internet or the existence of knowledge and skills to use
various applications offered. The selection of technology appropriately in the digital world,
teachers on the mobile phone system shows managing risk and utilizing the participatory
that their needs are not only to make telephone opportunities it offers ((Partnership for 21st
and short messages call but also to access the Century Skills, 2006) While their digital
internet and various applications. citizens use the Internet regularly and
effectively every day ((Mossberger et al.,
2008). Teachers can access information and
Today's digital world has touched all
communication technology, both hardware
aspects of life. The internet world connects
and software. This is in line with one of
everyone and provides everything but no one
Ribble, Bailey, & Ross (2004), digital
is responsible when an error occurs when
citizenship elements, namely digital access.
using the internet and the error goes back to
The regular program used by teachers is
people who use the internet (Scobey, 2001).
only the program to support their work, MS
The internet is a technology that is neutral,
Word. This is supported by data that the
free, open and unregulated, meaning that we
majority of teachers access the internet to find
are all connected, but no one is responsible. In
material for their duties. Thus the ability of
other words, the internet is a democracy, but
teachers is only limited to programs that are

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commonly used. This is in line with the digital that it is connected to the network in real time.
immigrant category (Prensky, 2001a, 2001b, While digital immigrants appear from the
2011; Ribble, 2011) teacher's ability to use software such as MS
Teachers need special guidance to be able word that needs to be given training
to run existing programs either through specifically and teachers only use software
courses or training. Management must support related to their work while other programs do
is important for improving teacher digital not matter. While students are digital citizens
competencies and integrating them into with digital native characters. This can be seen
teacher education (Inan & Lowther, 2010; from: students' ability to access technology is
Kopcha, 2012). Very few teachers can learn obtained independently without special
by themselves. This is in line with the views training. They have the ability to use this
of the Ribble et al (2004) and Prensky (2001a, technology by conducting their own trials.
2001b, 2011) which state that digital natives Programs controlled by students are more
have digital instincts so that they can adapt to varied according to their interests. Based on
new technologies without following a specific the characteristics of the student, the teacher
training/guidance. Instead, digital immigrants should adjust to the characteristics of students
need to get special guidance in order to be able in learning.
to master the technology. Teachers need
special guidance to be able to run existing Reference
programs either through courses or training. APJII. (2015). Profil Pengguna Internet Indonesia
Very few teachers can learn by themselves. 2014. Jakarta.
This is in line with the views of the Ribble and Daily Social. (2018). Hoax distribution through
Bailey (2007) and Prensky (2001a, 2001b, digital platforms in Indonesia 2018.
2009) which state that digital natives have Retrieved from
digital instincts so that they can adapt to new
technologies without following a specific dailysocial-distribusi-hoax-di-media-sosial-
training/guidance. Instead, digital immigrants 2018
need to get special guidance in order to be able Friedman, L. T. (1999). Judgment not included.
to operate the technology. New Yorks Times.
The majority of teachers accessing can
Inan, F. A., & Lowther, D. L. (2010). Laptops in
access the internet every day. This is the K-12 classrooms: Exploring factors
supported by the data of the majority of impacting instructional use. Computers and
teachers using smartphones and accessing Education, 55(3), 937–944.
social media accounts every day. This is in
accordance with Mossberger, Tolbert, 004
McNeal (2008) view of digital citizens. Thus, Isman, A., & Gunggoren, O. C. (2014). Digital
it can be seen that teachers are digital citizens citizenship. TOJET: The Turkish Online
with immigrant digital characters. Journal Od Education Technology, 13(1),
Conclusion Kahne, J. E., & Middaugh, E. (2012). Digital
The explanation above has shown the media shapes youth participation in politics.
characteristics of digital citizenship of civic Phi Delta Kappan, 94(3), 52–56.
education teachers. Teachers are digital
citizens with immigrant digital characters. 12
This can be seen from the following: the Kopcha, T. J. (2012). Teachers’ perceptions of the
ability to access the internet every day as barriers to technology integration and
shown by the frequency of teachers accessing practices with technology under situated
social media every day and Android-based professional development. Computers and
mobile phones. The mobile phone system is Education, 59(4), 1109–1121.
included in the category of smartphones so

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(2008). Digital citizenship. The internet,
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Massachusetts London, England: The MIT
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Prensky, M. (2011). H. sapiens digital : From
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Ribble, M. (2011). Digital Citizenship in Schools.
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