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Anunnaki Activity is Our History ANUNNA Files Part 28 Everything we perceive in our reality is the echo of something actually thought of or implemented at a higher dimension. Charles Fort was not wrong- we are owned. Deceived Even our histories are manufactured because these designs are control mechanisms and that allow offworld manipulators to guide the flow of modern events. The 600 year Anunnaki epochs are nodal points where religious programming is patterned, where actual governments are toppled and set back progress and development and where humanity experiences tragic exterminations, whole populations decimated that are at peace and show signs of impending progress. Remember, our own modern technological, information- based civilization is less than 200 years old. If our owners only have a 600-year window of opportunity to base their projections on our progress to keep us at Ground Zero Development then they must have a continuous stream of data from observation posts (many lunar craters are such devices) as well as Earth-based agents The manipulation is ancient and quite revealing, demonstrating that (A) something wants to keep humans miseducated, ignorant and primitive, often introducing accusations against Group B; (B) something seeks to be mankind's benefactor but has been severely demonized throughout history. The Great Deluge story became the most prolific piece of propaganda ever. All variations of the idea attribute the blame for the Great Flood on earth to MAN for his rebellions against God and because of the wicked children of the angels who taught humans forbidden secrets- all lies being the opposite of the truth. The friendly Anunna who taught humans how to live were demonized by those Anunna seeking to keep mankind enslaved. After the Deluge in 2239 BCE the slavery continued in the form of religious programming. The priesthoods took the reins of public education and soon had all people believing they were born in sin. History repeated itself when the spiritually free movements of Gnosticism were stamped out by the official Roman Church that continued to perpetuate a religious institution inducing men to blame themselves for their physical and spiritual plight. The 600 year intervals are curious because of the events that transpired and how those events shaped the histories that followed. Remember, our reality construct maintains the architecture of a hologram, events are not random but serve as reflections of prior events just as new events that unfold are actually ghosted reflections from a future already set in stone in the collective though we as individuals have great freedom to decide what, where we want to be. This is better covered in my work, Nostradamus and the Planets of Apocalypse. The underlying theme of the 600 year Anunnaki NER date-events is that of religious programming, not any particular religion for they all have their use in population control. The second theme evident is change of government. The third is depopulations We have organized recorded world history and in our posts and videos we mention these periods: Technolithic Civilization/Contact Period: 3439-2647 BCE [792 years] when Anunna arrived in Old World and built a vast civilization. Post-Technolithic Civilization/Abandonment & Shock Period: 2647-2239 BCE [408 years] Anunna vanish, leaving behind Homo Anunna, their descendants from unions with the Adamu (homo sapiens), who still possess their technology but not their expertise. Heliolithic Period: 2239-1687 BCE [552 years]: Post- cataclysmic culture. Total collapse of advanced tech, Old Bronze Age master builders of stone. Writing is developed. Post-Heliolithic Period [Great collapse & fragmentation of Old Bronze Age civilizations with widespread migrations] 1687 BCE. Ancient world known to archeology and tradition begins to emerge. Also post-cataclysmic, having suffered a major reset, a 25 year winter, starvation, loss literacy. By now it should be apparent to the reader why the first three archives were so full of information about the world before the Deluge. What happened then is happening now. Jesus specifically told us that the Last Days would be ". . . as the days of Noah.” During Noat'’s lifetime he saw how the Anunnaki corrupted mankind, caused him to degenerate by lowering his standards, ethics, morality. They passed newer and newer laws and enforced formerly unknown practices until all vestiges of rights, privileges and immunities were divested from the people. They enslaved mankind without humanity actually realizing it. New social reforms, new sciences, new histories antithetical to the true histories previously taught were introduced and cherished institutions like marriage and family unity were trampled. Those seeking to live virtuously were looked upon with contempt and scorn because they did not fit the new social norms.

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