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Montessori school provide an environment tailored to nurturing learners’ potential based on

proven child development theories and backed by evidence of educational outcomes. The
adaptability and student interest-driven lessons foster curiosity and discovery in students across
developmental planes.

1. Enrollment

- Decide how many students you can take (15-20)

- Advertise to parents who like Montessori learning

- Have open house events to get interest

- Explain how Montessori teaching is different from regular school

2. Curriculum

- Make sure classrooms have Montessori learning materials (1)

- Focus on core areas like life skills, senses, math, language, culture

- Let students guide activities based on what interests them

3. Record Keeping

- Write down how each student is progressing

- Track what skills and concepts students have learned

- Note what teachers say students need help with

- Review progress with parents

4. Physical Plant and Equipment

Indoor Spaces:

- Open, flowing floor plan connecting classrooms

- Child-sized furniture - tables, chairs, shelving

- Cozy spaces for individual and small group work

- Uncluttered large group circle time gathering area

- Space for a library corner and listening center

- Art center with easels, supply storage

- Nooks for practical life activities like cleaning, food prep

Outdoor Spaces:

- Garden space for environmental learning

- Designated area for gross motor play

- Open lawn space to run freely

- Hardcourt space for games involving balls or cycles

- Covered patio area for outdoor classroom space

- Paths that promote movement exploration


- Full sets of Montessori learning materials per classroom

- Age-appropriate playground structures

- Portable seating and surfaces for outdoor classroom

- Gardening tools, soil, plants, water source

5. Staff/Human Resources

- Hire early childhood education or montessori certified teachers and administrative staff who
support student-led learning

- Give regular training on Montessori methods and class management

- Have teachers share ideas across age groups

- Keep small teacher-to-student ratios

6. Parents involvement and education

- Explain Montessori approach and how parents can support learning

- Regularly update parents on child’s progress such as PTA’s

- Encourage parents to observe classes to understand the approach

- Involve parents as volunteers

- Organize family engagement events such as family day, field trips, recognition, sports day.

- Offer program that enhance parents understanding education and development such as
seminars and workshop

-Collect feedback from parents to improve school processes through surveys, online platforms
and suggestion boxes.

7. Health and Safety

Preparing the Campus:

-Prior to the first day of school, the facilities manager will conduct a thorough inspection of the
entire campus, including buildings, classrooms, playground equipment, and facilities, to identify
and document potential safety hazards.

-Address identified concerns immediately by repairing, removing, or restricting access to areas

or items until they comply with health codes and injury prevention standards.
Ongoing Health and Safety Reviews:

-Conduct monthly school health and safety reviews, covering areas such as illness
management, emergency plans, medications, food safety, playground supervision, and other
relevant issues.

-Implement necessary changes, retraining, or incident prevention measures based on review

findings to address concerns and drive continuous safety improvements.

Compliance with Regulations:

-Ensure the school complies with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations sanctioned
by the state and the Department of Education.

-This includes regular inspections, obtaining necessary licenses, meeting building and fire
codes, and complying with reporting requirements.

Health and Safety Committees or Teams:

-Establish health and safety committees or teams comprising representatives from

administration, teachers, nurses, facilities staff, parents, and other relevant stakeholders.

-These committees will monitor issues, recommend policies and programs, and promote safe
behaviors within the school community.

Emergency Preparedness Plans:

-Develop detailed emergency preparedness plans for medical emergencies, natural disasters,
hazardous events, armed intruders, and other potential threats.

-Regularly review and update these plans to ensure they remain effective and relevant.

Emergency Drills:

-Conduct quarterly emergency drills involving teachers, staff, and students to simulate potential
disaster and emergency scenarios.

-Use these drills to test and strengthen the school’s contingency response plans.

Children’s Health Monitoring:

-Implement a system for monitoring children’s health on a monthly basis, utilizing the services of
the school’s hospital and conducting necessary tests.

Professional Staff Hiring:

-Hire professional staff specializing in key areas, including a school nurse to oversee medical
issues, security personnel to monitor grounds and protect against threats, a school counselor to
provide mental health services, a nutritionist to advise on dietary health, and a safety officer to
lead emergency preparedness and training.

Monthly Child-Friendly Activities:

-Organize monthly child-friendly activities and workshops that promote awareness of health and

-Activities may include first aid classes, healthy eating lessons, fire safety demonstrations, anti-
bullying talks, and other relevant topic.

Student Release Protocols:

-Implement specific protocols for student release during dismissal transitions, including a
staggered schedule with grade-level teacher supervision to validate parent/guardian

Security Cameras:

-Install security cameras in strategic locations, such as hallways, staircases, and playgrounds,
to ensure comprehensive surveillance of the school premises.

Visitor Assessment:

Implement a visitor assessment process that includes temperature checks and careful
information gathering before allowing entry into the school premises to ensure safety.

By implementing this comprehensive plan, the elementary school can prioritize the health and
security of its students, staff, and visitors, creating a safe and conducive learning environment.

8. Community Relations

- Partner with local businesses, libraries, museums for field trips

- Join community events to promote Montessori education

- Work with other schools to match Montessori curriculum

- Share ideas with other Montessori schools

- Collaborate with the barangay officials

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