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Mark the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)

Question 1. If we want to become a leading company in the apparel industry, we have to move with
the times.
A. attract more investors B. keep up with latest fashions
C. adopt a new strategy D. reject modern trends
Question 2. Thanks to medical advances, life expectancy has greatly improved in the last few
A. expansions B. developments C. decline D. progress
Read and mark the correct answer to each of the questions
Dorothea Dix was born in the tiny village of Hampden, Maine, in 1802. She was brought up
by her grandmother in Boston. When only nineteen years old, she established the Dix Mansion
School for girls in Boston. There was no lack of students, and the school provided a good source of
income for her and her two brothers. In 1836, however, her health failed. She suffered most of her
life from "lung trouble" and depression. She was forced to stop teaching and had to close her school.
Later that same year, having partially recovered, Dix set off for Italy but never reached her
destination. She had to halt her journey in England. During this time, she became friends with
Samuel Tuke, from whom she learned new methods for taking care of the mentally ill.
Returning to the United States, Dix volunteered to teach classes at a prison for women in
Massachusetts. When she went to the lower level of the jail where the mentally ill were housed, she
was shocked to see that they were treated far worse even than ordinary criminals, living in
miserable conditions. She vowed to spend the rest of her life improving conditions for the mentally
ill. Dix spent the next eighteen months touring Massachusetts prisons and local jails, documenting
and exposing inhumane conditions. Her reports led to legislative reforms in Massachusetts, setting
the stage for her nationwide advocacy.
When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Dix volunteered to form the Army Nursing Corps. At
first, military authorities, who were not accustomed to female nurses, were skeptical, but she
convinced them that women could perform this work acceptably. She recruited over 3,000 women
and raised money for medical supplies for the troops. Under her leadership, army nursing care
greatly improved.
After the war, Dix returned to her life's work and resumed her travels. Her work in support of
better care for the mentally ill resulted in the restructuring of many hospitals both in the United
States and abroad. She asked the federal government to use the income from public lands to help
poor mental patients, and although both houses of Congress approved this bill, President Pierce
vetoed it. Even though this plan failed, Dix was able to arouse concern for the problem of mental
illness all over the United States as well as in Canada and Europe.
Question 3. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Dorothoa Dix: Early Education and Achievements
B. The Dix Mansion School: An Educational Legacy
C. Battling Mental Illness: Dorothea Dix's Struggles
D. A Life Dedicated to Mental Health Reform
Question 4. According to paragraph 1, the Dix Mansion school closed because .
A. Dix could not attract enough students B. Dix decided to travel to Europe
C. Dix had to take care of her brothers D. Dix was in poor health
Question 5. The word ordinary in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to .
A. typical B. familiar C. natural D. popular
Question 6. The word them in paragraph 4 refers to .
A. female nurses B. the troops
C. military authorities D. nursing corps
Question 7. The word vetoed in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to .
A. admitted B. accepted C. avoided D. refused
Question 8. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Dix's health struggles significantly impacted her life and work.
B. Dix failed to use the revenue from public lands to help poor mental patients.
C. Dix's journey to Italy in 1836 was successful and provided her with new methods.
D. The tour to Massachusetts prisons and jails paved the way for Dix's nationwide advocacy.
Question 9. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Dorothea Dix's primary focus was on establishing schools for girls in Boston.
B. Dorothea Dix's interest in the improvement of mental health emerged after her experiences in a
C. Dorothea Dix's advocacy for the mentally ill was limited to the United States.
D. Dorothea Dix's involvement in the Army Nursing Corps had no impact on army nursing care.
Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 10. We last saw each other 20 years ago.
A. It is 20 years since we last saw each other.
B. We haven't seen each other since 20 years.
C. 20 years has passed since we have seen each other.
D. The last time we saw each other is 20 years ago.
Question 11. "Don't put your fingers in your mouth again, Dan." said Dan's mother to him.
A. Dan's mother asked him not to put your fingers in your mouth again.
B. Dan's mother reminded him to put his fingers in his mouth again.
C. Dan's mother told him not to put his fingers in his mouth again.
D. Dan's mother threatened to put his fingers in his mouth again.
Question 12. It is required by law that all motorcyclists wear helmets while riding on public roads.
A. All motorcyclists can wear helmets while riding on public roads.
B. All motorcyclists might wear helmets while riding on public roads.
C. All motorcyclists have to wear helmets while riding on public roads.
D. All motorcyclists ought to wear helmets while riding on public roads.
Mark the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 13. She jumped down my when I suggested that she had made a mistake in
her presentation.
A. throat B. mouth C. tongue D. neck
Question 14. Peter will order some materials from online shops to redecorate his bedroom .
A. by the time he got the New Year bonus B. after he had got the New Year bonus
C. as soon as he gets the New Year bonus D. when he got the New Year bonus
Question 15. All the houses in our street every year during the Christmas season.
A. decorate B. are decorated C. are decorating D. will be decorated
Question 16. Several youth charities have formed a/an to help these homeless teenagers.
A. improvement B. alternative C. partnership D. expectation
Question 17. Remember some milk home from the grocery store.
A. to bring B. to bringing C. bringing D. bring
Question 18. I don't usually lend people money, but in your case I'll an exception.
A. give B. take C. pay D. make
Question 19. Where is book you borrowed from me last week?
A. Ø (no article) B. the C. an D. a
Question 20. You have lunch with your family on Sundays, ?
A. don't you B. haven't you C. have you D. do you
Question 21. We had access the Internet in all the hotels we stayed at.
A. on B. with C. to D. of
Question 22. by local communities, protected areas provide numerous benefits for human
society and the natural world.
A. Managed B. Having managed C. Managing D. To manage
Question 23. In Russia, climate in winter is than in other temperate zones.
A. the most harsh B. harsher C. most harsh D. more harsh
Question 24. Recent studies have claimed that certain perfumes can profound psychological
A. fill in B. put on C. give away D. bring about
Question 25. As we were driving on the motorway to Cardiff, I suddenly that I had left
the cellar door open.
A. realized B. am realizing C. realize D. was realizing
Question 26. He is smart but , he often fails to concentrate in class.
A. attention B. inattentive C. attend D. attendant
Question 27. There's an assumption that Sue will take over the post when Dan leaves the office.
A. unspoken B. invoiced C. inferred D. unsaid
Mark the word which differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress
Question 28. A. permanent B. athletic C. exclusive D. impressive
Question 29. A. accept B. movie C. borrow D. visit
Mark the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
Question 30. She was appalled to see how much damage the storm had caused.
A. distracted B. shocked C. surprised D. confused
Question 31. Frequent smoking can compromise your health, so you should consider quitting it.
A. jeopardize B negotiate C. contaminate D. identify
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 32. My grandpa bought an antique Christmas tree and we redecorated them with a big star
on the top.
A. and B. on C. bought D. them
Question 33. Since we produce mostly airbag components, our customers have high-level
requirements regarding the reliance of our products.
A. mostly B. high-level C. components D. reliance
Question 34. Last night, I have an allergic reaction after drinking beer.
A. have B. allergic C. beer D. after
Mark the word whose underlined part differs from the three in pronunciatio
Question 35. A. national B. potential C. natural D. pollution
Question 36. A. black B. map C. chat D. fame
Read and mark the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered blanks
The 20th century has been a big era for the British newspaper. Many, many new papers have
emerged all over the country. (37) cities have their own privately-published papers that circulate
weekly, and there are several major publications that are published daily. For instance, one of
Britain's most popular papers is The Guardian, (38) used to be the Manchester Guardian.
The Times is also still going strong. There are even newspapers that combine serious news with
large sections devoted to celebrities like The Daily Mail, which is still a popular paper. The (39)
of some papers also changed. In 1914, The Times
published its first half-tone photo. In 1915, the Daily Mail ran its first comic strip, Teddy Tail and in
1924, the Sunday Express published its first crossword puzzle.
Currently, like with the rest of the world, the newspaper industry is struggling as more people
(40) from paper and ink cartridges to join the Internet revolution. (41) ,
newspapers provide an important service for the world.
Question 37. A. Much B. Each C. Every D. Most
Question 38. A. who B. whom C. which D. that
Question 39. A. format B. edition C. movement D. attention
Question 40. A. go through B. turn away C. take over D. break down
Question 41. A. Additionally B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However
Read the following passage and mark the correct answer to each of the questions
Climate change poses major challenges to environmental stability, economic growth, and
human development in the East Asia and Pacific region. The region is home to some of the most
vulnerable countries in the world to climate-related extreme weather events and impacts such as sea
level rise pose an existential threat to the many small island countries in the region. Without
concerted action, between 3.3 million and 7.5 million people could fall into poverty by 2030.
East Asia and Pacific is also critical to global efforts to combat climate change. The region
accounts for 39 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and 60 percent of the world's coal
consumption. The good news is that the region is uniquely placed to act. All countries in the region
have made pledges as part of the Paris Agreement, and many of the largest economies of the region
have recently made ambitious commitments to reduce emissions and achieve carbon neutrality.
To face the existential climate crisis while still actively pursuing their development goals,
countries of the region must tackle several urgent priorities: strengthening resilience to climate
impacts; shifting rice cultivation methods to protect food security and reduce emissions; protecting
forests and natural areas to act as carbon sinks and shield coastlines; transitioning to renewable
energy from fossil fuels; and finding innovative ways to finance that shift, and to create markets for
The World Bank has been a longstanding partner for the region on climate change-producing
knowledge, collecting data, providing finance, and working together with governments for
significant actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve climate resilience, and prepare for
– and respond to-natural disasters. In East Asia and Pacific, 39 percent of new World Bank
commitments in fiscal year 2023-$2.9 billion-contributed to climate action.
Question 42. The main idea of this passage is that .
A. the immediate causes of climate change in East Asia and Pacific Region are directly related
to its development achievements.
B. East Asia and Pacific Region is struggling to combat climate change with the aid of the World
C. the consequences of climate change in East Asia and Pacific Region are far more serious than in
other areas.
D. the World Bank is the biggest partner to assist East Asia and Pacific Region to prevent climate
Question 43. According to the passage, in East Asia and Pacific, .
A. the sea level rise is the most alarming in the world
B. the countries have not made formal commitments in the Paris Agreement
C. a number of island countries are in danger of disappearance as a result of sea level rise
D. people consume nearly half of the total amount of the world's coal
Question 44. The word critical in paragraph 2 mostly means .
A. potential B. alarming C. disappointing D. crucial
Question 45. The word their in paragraph 3 refers to .
A. countries B. priorities C. crisis D. goals
Question 46. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. The East Asia and Pacific Region faces significant challenges from climate change.
B. The region accounts for 60 percent of the world's coal consumption.
C. Many people would be severely affected by climate change without collaborative measures.
D. The World Bank has only provided finance for East Asia and Pacific to combat climate change.
Mark the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 47. Joe is not here with us. He will know how to fix this technical issue.
A. If only Joe were here with us to help fix this technical issue.
B. Joe will know how to fix this technical issue even if he is not here with us.
C. Provided that Joe is here with us, he won't know how to fix this technical issue.
D. We wish Joe were here with us and fix this technical issue.
Question 48. I put my smartphone on the table. The recruiter then called me back.
A. Not only did the recruiter call me back but I also put my smartphone on the table.
B. Hardly had I put my smartphone on the table when the recruiter called me back.
C. Only after the recruiter had called me back did I put my smartphone on the table.
D. Had it not been for the recruiter's call, I wouldn't have put my smartphone on the table.
Mark the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 49. Tim and Jessica are talking about the future of housing.
Tim: "I believe that few people are able to afford luxurious houses in the next 10 years."
Jessica: " . Jobs will be more available and people can earn easily."
A. You can say that again B. No worries
C. Surely that's not the case D. I am afraid I go along with you
Question 50. Shella and Tom are making an arrangement for their weekend.
Shella: "Shall we go out and have a small drinks party?"
Tom: " . What time are we planning to start?"
A. You're right B. I am not really in the mood
C. That's what I am thinking D. Not necessarily

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