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rHigh-resolution computed tomography

and diffuse lung disease

David M Hansell md frcp frcr, Professor fidence that this procedure is able to
of Thoracic Ipiaging^ational Heart and bring to the diagnosis of diffuse lung
Lung Instituteland Division of disease. More recently, the role of HRCT
Investigating Science, Imperial School of has been broadened to include the eval-
Medicine, 'fondon^Consultant uation of disease reversibility and the
Radiologist, Department of Radiology, identification of various forms of small
Royal Brompton Hospital, London airways disease.
J R Coll Physicians Lond 1999;33:525-31

Technical considerations
The key factors that define the HRCT
High-resolution computed tomography technique are thin sections, widely
(HRCT) dominates the recent literature spaced, with the data reconstructed
about the imaging of diffuse lung without any 'smoothing' of the image1.
diseases. The detailed images of the Despite this apparently simple defi-
lungs available from HRCT occupy the nition, there may be striking differences
middle ground between the sometimes in the appearances of images of the
vague impressions provided by chest same patient obtained on two different
radiography and the microscopic, but CT scanners, even when the same
necessarily localised, information technical factors are applied. Such dis-
obtained from a lung biopsy. The crepancies rarely cause diagnostic
evidence accumulated so far allows a confusion (and are analogous to the
reasonably objective view to be taken sensation of playing tennis with an
of the value and limitations of HRCT. unfamiliar racquet). The two basic
The main uses of HRCT (Table 1) have advantages of the HRCT technique are:
changed little since its introduction 15
• the ability to identify fine
years ago, and reflect the increased con-
parenchymal detail (Fig 1)
• a reduction in radiation dose at
least sixfold compared with
Table 1. Roles of high-resolution conventional CT protocols.
computed tomography.
The effective radiation dose from a
• to detect diffuse lung disease in standard HRCT protocol is about 12
patients with a normal or near times that of a frontal and lateral chest
normal chest radiograph and/or
abnormal lung function tests
HRCT should not be confused with
• to narrow the differential diagnosis
or make a confident histospecific spiral (also known as helical or
diagnosis in patients with obvious continuous volume) CT scanning. Spiral
but non-specific radiographic CT involves the continuous acquisition
abnormalities of data by moving the patient table con-
• to investigate patients with tinuously into the CT scanner such that
suspected bronchiectasis or a 'corkscrew' or spiral of information is
unexplained severe obstructive acquired. The data can be reconstructed
airways disease
in many ways, but are most usually
• to guide the type and appropriate
presented as a series of conventional-
site of lung biopsy
looking (thick) transaxial sections.
• to assess disease reversibility,
However, spiral CT is not necessary for
particularly in patients with
fibrosing lung disease the routine evaluation of diffuse lung
Basic high-resolution computed reviewed by considering the HRCT Furthermore, an increase in lung densi-
tomography anatomy and signs appearances of four of the commonest ty, indistinguishable from widespread
diffuse lung diseases: cryptogenic GGO, occurs in normal individuals
There is close correspondence between fibrosing alveolitis, lymphangitis carci- breath-holding at near residual volume.
the abnormalities seen on HRCT images nomatosa, sarcoidosis and extrinsic When GGO is patchy in distribution, it is
and the macroscopic appearance of allergic alveolitis (subacute) (Fig 3(a)-(d)). readily recognisable.
pathological specimens2. Because of At a histological level, the changes
this correlation, precise anatomic terms responsible for GGO may be complex,
Ground glass opacification
can be used to describe many of the and include partial filling of the air
HRCT patterns of diffuse lung disease, The greatest number of problems in spaces, considerable thickening of the
rather than the sometimes whimsical interpreting HRCT images is caused by interstitium or a combination of the two.
terms used to describe its radiographic GGO5-6; at its most subtle, it is an almost It needs to be appreciated that this
appearances. The smallest structures imperceptible and uniform increase in pattern is in itself diagnostically non-
visible on HRCT images are less than 1 density of the lung parenchyma, such specific, but other HRCT features often
mm and may be less than 200 pm. that the lungs appear slightly grey by help to refine the differential diagnosis
Thus, the occasional interlobular septa, contrast to the darker air within the (see Fig 3(d)). Diseases characterised by
which are approximately 100 pm thick, bronchi (the black bronchus' sign). Such patchy or uniform GGO are listed in
will be visible in the lung periphery in minor density differences are suscepti- Table 2.
healthy individuals (Fig 2). The inter- ble to many technical vagaries. Importantly, GGO usually represents
lobular septa bound the secondary pul-
monary lobule (which is regarded as the
smallest anatomical unit of the lung sur-
rounded by a connective tissue septum).
Since many diffuse lung diseases have a
characteristic distribution in relation to
the secondary pulmonary lobule, it is
useful to consider abnormalities seen
on HRCT in terms of their relationship to
the various components of the sec-
ondary pulmonary lobule2-4.
The most frequently encountered
HRCT signs of disease, namely a reticu-
lar or nodular pattern and ground glass
opacification (GGO), can be briefly
potentially reversible lung disease7, but This situation occurs in patients with a normal chest radiograph), and the
there are exceptions. Widespread fine primarily vascular disease, for example assimilation of this basic sign with other
intralobular fibrosis may also produce a chronic thromboembolic disease. In HRCT features to determine whether
pattern of GGO8, but in this situation patients with airways disease, areas of the cause is infiltrative lung disease,
there is usually accompanying distor- underventilated (and consequently vascular disease or small airways
tion and dilatation of the bronchi underperfused) lung are of decreased disease9.
('traction bronchiectasis') (Fig 4). It is attenuation relative to areas of over-
erroneous simply to equate GGO on perfused lung which appear as areas of Diagnostic accuracy of high-
HRCT images with active alveolitis'. GGO. In these situations, the vessels resolution computed tomography
Patchy density differences in the lung within the apparent areas of GGO will
parenchyma (often referred to as a appear engorged (Fig 5). The improved sensitivity of HRCT over
mosaic attenuation pattern) may be One of the greatest challenges in chest radiography and, in some
seen in patients with conditions that HRCT interpretation is the recognition instances, lung function testing, has
result in regions of underperfused lung. of GGO (most often in the face of a been shown in a number of conditions.
Table 2. Conditions characterised by patchy or uniform ground glass opacification
as the dominant abnormality on high-resolution computed tomography.
• extrinsic allergic alveolitis (subacute)
• pneumocystis carinii or cytomegalovirus pneumonia
• acute respiratory distress syndrome/acute interstitial pneumonia
• bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma
• pulmonary oedema
• idiopathic pulmonary haemorrhage
• non-specific interstitial pneumonitis
• desquamative interstitial pneumonitis
• alveolar proteinosis
• respiratory bronchiolitis - interstitial lung disease

For example, in one study of patients abnormalities, often at a stage when tion. However, those studies that can be
with extrinsic allergic alveolitis 11/14 patients are asymptomatic and have an compared show that the average sensi-
(79%) of HRCTs showed GGO compared apparently normal chest radiograph. tivity of HRCT for the detection of
with only 5/14 (36%) on chest radio- It is impossible to combine the diffuse interstitial lung disease is
graphy10. In many of the connective evidence from many of the studies that approximately 94%, compared with
tissue diseases, notably rheumatoid have compared the sensitivity of HRCT 80% for chest radiography. The superior
arthritis, systemic sclerosis and Sjogren's to chest radiography because of sensitivity of HRCT reflects its ability
syndrome, HRCT reveals a variety of differences in CT scanning technique, both to detect extremely subtle density
coexisting interstitial and airway observer experience and patient selec- differences in the lung parenchyma, for
example in cases showing emphysema dition with such a heterogeneous features and clinical picture are com-
or GGO, and also to show disease in appearance should be considered a patible. Nevertheless, it is easy to over-
radiographically inaccessible parts of single disease entity (Fig 8). look the fact that several diffuse lung
the lung, for example early fibrosing With increasing experience, several diseases have reasonably characteristic
alveolitis in the costophrenic recesses conditions are now regarded as having appearances on a plain chest
(Fig 6). Several rudimentary image a diagnostic appearance on HRCT (Table radiograph. In this respect, the diagnos-
processing techniques can be used to 3), such that lung biopsy of any sort is tic gain of HRCT over chest radiography
enhance the ability of HRCT to detect rarely sought provided that the HRCT is sometimes overstated in, for example,
extremely subtle parenchymal abnor-
malities11-12, but these are time-
consuming and are not routinely applied.
The increased sensitivity of HRCT
compared to chest radiography is not,
as is often the case with diagnostic tests,
achieved at the expense of reduced
specificity: false-positive diagnoses of
diffuse lung disease are relatively
uncommon with HRCT, in contrast to
the frequent difficulty of deciding
whether or not a chest radiograph
shows real diffuse lung disease.
Several diffuse lung conditions have
a more or less diagnostic appearance
on HRCT. Thus, the appearance of
bizarre-shaped cavitating lesions con-
centrated in the upper lobes is virtually
pathognomonic of Langerhans cell
histiocytosis (Fig 7). By contrast, the
relatively recently defined histopath-
ological entity of non-specific interstitial
pneumonitis has a wide variety of
parenchymal patterns and distributions
on HRCT - to the extent that there is
some question as to whether a con-
Table 3. Diffuse (interstitial and
airways) lung diseases with
'diagnostic' high-resolution computed
tomography appearances.

• cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

(usual interstitial pneumonitis
histological subtype)
• centrilobular emphysema
• sarcoidosis
• Langerhans cell histiocytosis
• extrinsic allergic alveolitis (subacute)
• lymphangioleiomyomatosis
• alveolar proteinosis
• bronchiectasis
• constrictive obliterative bronchiolitis
• diffuse panbronchiolitis

suggest that this constellation of signs is

virtually diagnostic19.

Other uses of high-resolution

computed tomography
The clinical use of HRCT is not confined
to diagnosis. HRCT can be used both to
delineate precisely the extent of disease
fibrosing alveolitis with its typical basal The confidence with which an HRCT and to gauge disease reversibility (more
reticulonodular pattern. However, it is diagnosis of specific diffuse lung disease controversially termed disease activity ).
the added confidence that HRCT brings can be made depends heavily on The HRCT signs which denote reversible
to the diagnosis of many diffuse lung experience. This is borne out in the disease are largely applicable, irrespec-
diseases that is one of its most sequence of published descriptions of tive of the histopathological diagnosis
important assets. The greater degree of the HRCT appearances of extrinsic (listed in Table 4). These secondary uses
confidence, which is not easily quanti- allergic alveolitis. Early reports of HRCT have been mainly applied to
fied in clinical studies, was first high- suggested that the findings of GGO and patients with fibrosing alveolitis20 in
lighted by Mathieson et al'3, and has a faint nodular pattern were non- which the extent21 and pattern22 shown
been subsequently reiterated14-17. specific18, whereas more recent studies on HRCT are strongly predictive of
response to treatment and prognosis.
HRCT has elucidated the sometimes
complex mixed obstructive and restric-
tive functional abnormalities found in
Key Points some diffuse lung diseases such as
extrinsic allergic alveolitis, sarcoidosis
► High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) lends precision to the detection
and fibrosing alveolitis admixed with
of early diffuse infiltrative lung disease, particularly when interpreted in
emphysema. Specifically, patients with
conjunction with lung function tests
fibrosing alveolitis and coexisting
► The degree of diagnostic advantage of HRCT over chest radiography is disease­ centrilobular emphysema may have
specific and does not apply equally to all diffuse lung diseases apparently normal lung volumes as
► Several diffuse lung diseases have sufficiently characteristic appearances on
measured by plethysmography (because
of the opposing functional effects of the
HRCT to obviate the need for biopsy confirmation of the diagnosis
two diseases), and a strikingly low gas
► Estimation of disease reversibility and prognostic information can be extracted diffusing capacity. The coexistence of
by careful interpretation of HRCT images, especially in fibrosing lung disease these two diseases, responsible for spu-
riously normal lung volumes, can be
Table 4. Summary of reversible patterns on high-resolution computed cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. Thorax
tomography. 1998;53:1080-7.
21 Gay SE, Kazerooni EA, Toews GB, Lynch
JP 3rd, ef al. Idiopathic pulmonary
Pattern of disease Reversibility fibrosis: predicting response to therapy
and survival. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
Ground glass opacification ++++/- 1998;157:1063-72.
Air space consolidation +++/- 22 Wells AU, Hansell DM, Rubens MB,
Nodular pattern ++/- Cullinan P, et al. The predictive value of
Interlobular septal thickening +/— thin-section computed tomography in
Reticular pattern with architectural distortion --------- fibrosing alveolitis. Am Rev Respir Dis
+ = reliability of sign of reversible disease; - = reliability of sign of irreversible disease.
Address for correspondence: Professor D M
Hansell, Department of Radiology, Royal
Brompton Hospital, Sydney Street, London
SW3 6NP.
E-mailmiansell@rbh.nthames.nhs.uk (
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