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Outdoor Safety at Home: In Pictures

● Securely cover birdbaths and ponds with wire mesh or leave them empty until children are at
least 5 years old.
● Always supervise children for safe fun with water, even if they can swim.
● For pedestrian safety, always supervise children, hold hands near cars, roads, and driveways.
Child Safety Around Play Equipment and in the Garden
● Always supervise your child for safety around play equipment.
● For play equipment, stick to age-appropriate equipment.
● Ensure playground equipment is in good condition and check for safe ground surfaces.
● Safe play: Buckle your child into swings if available, avoid overcrowded areas, and avoid
clothing or hats with cords.
Playground Safety: Children 1-8 Years
● Playground injuries are typically minor but can include fractures and dislocations from falls.
● All playgrounds must comply with AS 4685:2017, the Australian Standard for playgrounds.
● Active supervision by adults is essential to prevent injuries.
Bicycles, Scooters, and Skateboards: Safety
● Use protective gear such as helmets, wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads.
● Choose equipment that is the right size and in good condition.
● Teach children to follow road rules and ride in safe places.
● Ensure proper supervision until children are at least 12-13 years old.
Sun Safety: Babies, Children, and Teenagers
● Sun protection is crucial to avoid sunburn, skin damage, eye damage, skin cancer, and
weakened immune systems.
● Sun protection needs vary throughout the day and year; UV radiation is highest between 9 am
and 4 pm.
● Shade, protective clothing, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essential for sun safety.
● Sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, broad spectrum, and water resistance is recommended.
● For babies under 6 months, sunscreen isn't recommended; shade, clothing, and hats are
● Role modeling sun safety is important; set an example for your child by following sun safety
precautions yourself.
I hope these notes are helpful for you! If you need more information or have specific questions on
any of these topics, feel free to ask.

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