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The child understands events of Jesus’ ascension, Pentecost and appreciates the work of the Holy Spirit in day to day Christian life.
1 1 JESUS The Our Experience The learner: tells why Brain Studying Appreciation Chal Christia
GIVES promise - sing the joyful Easter song. - reads out the Jesus storming Bible kbo ns
US of the - ask the learners how the disciples felt bible promised us scripture Awareness ard growing
THE Holy at Emmaus when they realized that scriptures. the holy spirit Rote s illust in Christ
HOLY Spirit Jesus was a live again. method Singing ratio page
SPIRIT Message: an n 46-47
Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit to Feed back Easter
help us. song
Scr. Jh 14:16, 16:6-7
Our Response
Teacher leads a prayer thanking Jesus
for his promise and asking the Holy
Spirit to help us.
2 The day Our Experience The learner: seeks the help Dramatisat Illustrati Effective A Mk
of Let the pupils talk about promised in - writes down of the holy ion ng what communicati char standard
Penteco their lives. a short prayer spirit happene on t R.E.
st. Message: asking for the Guided d on the sho book 3
(Gifts of The Holy Spirit came out at Pentecost help of the discussion day of Fluency wing page 29
the Holy as Jesus promised. Scr Acts 2:1-4 holy spirit Penteco the
Spirit) Our response Feed back st twel
Drawing what happened on the day of ve
Pentecost. disci
2 1 Gifts of Our Experience The learner: gets ready to Dramatisat Dramati Appreciation Imm Christia
the Holy Pupils mention some of the people who - reads out the ask for ion sing edia ns
Spirit they know who have special gifts and different gifts courage from what Decision te growing
and skills and use them well courage: of the holy the holy spirit Question happene making envi in Christ
fruits Message: spirit and d with ron page
The Holy Spirit helps us to be brave. answer Peter men 46-47
Scr: Acts 4:1-13, 18-20 and t
Our response Role play John
Pupils draw themselves using their gifts
well and display the pictures.

2 Our Experience The learner: follows the Brain Reading Awareness Copi Themati
Pupils give examples of the actions - reads out the guidance of storming out Bible es c curr
Guidanc they do when they are led by other stated the holy spirit scripture Tolerance of page 30
e people. scriptures s Goo
Message: Guided d
We should be guided by the Holy Spirit discovery Self esteem new
in our action. s
Scr: Jn. 14:25-26, Rom. 8:5 Story Bibl
Our Response telling e
Pupils demonstrates the right and
wrong situations in our experience.

3 1 Worship Our Experience The learner: seeks for the Guided Effective Imm Christia
Pupils discuss how their parents - lists down the help of the discussion Dramati communicati edia ns
encourage them to do good things. different holy spirit in sing the on te growing
God’s Message: reasons for worship Dramatisat different envi in Christ
The Holy Spirit encourages us to areas and ion ways of Tolerance ron page 52
worship God. ways of worship men
- Reasons for worship worshipping Question Patience t
- Areas for worship god and
People who help us worship. answer Appreciation
- Ways of worshipping God
Scr: Lk 2:25-27, Act: 2: 38-47 Story
Our Response telling
Read through the list of ways of
worship on the board.
2 JESUS Gifts of Our Experience lists a variety recognises Guided Identifyi Awareness Chal Christia
GIVES the Holy Mention some of the people with of gifts the and using the discussion ng the kbo ns grow
US Spirit special gifts/talents. gifts ard up in
THE God’s Message holy spirit gifts of the Brain given by Self control illust Christ
HOLY Gifts of the Holy Spirit. gives holy spirits storming the Holy ratio page 53
SPIRIT The Holy Spirit wanted us to use the Spirit n
gifts he gives us.
Identifying different people in the Bible
with special gifts
Our Response
Draw them selves using their gifts well.

4 1 THE Why we Our Experience The learner: Identifies Guided Copying Effective Mk
WORS worship Teacher describes 3 people. - reads the reasons for discussion reasons communicati standard
HIPPIN Asking why do you show him respect? ways of worshipping for on R.E.
G worshipping god worship book 3
COMM God’s Message God. Question ping Bibl Page 56
UNITY Worshipping God is the most important and God Self esteem e Christia
thing for us to do. answer ns grow
Reasons for worshipping God. up in
Developing a desire to worship God Role play Christ
Ways of worshipping God in church pg 56
and at home. Ps.99:5 Lk.4:8 Rote
method Themati
Our Response c curr.
Copy the reasons for worshipping God. Story pg
telling The
2 Praise Our Experience The learner: develops the Explanatio Writing Self esteem Bibl Christia
Dramatise a prize giving the best - writes a desire to n a prayer e ns grow
monitor. praising prayer praise god for praising Awareness in Jesus
God’s Message: his goodness. Question God page 57
We need to praise God for his & answer
goodness. Ps. 100:1-5, 135:3
Why we praise Story
How we praise telling
Our Response
Teach a song O God is good.
5 1 Thanks Our Experience The learner: develops a Story Writing Effective Christia
Demonstrates saying thank you. - writes a thankful telling a short communicati ns grow
God’s Message: simple thanks attitude to god prayer on in Jesus
We should thank God for His wonderful giving prayer. for his love, of page 58
love, care and protection. Discussion thanks Appreciation
Why we need to thank God? care and Fluency Bibl Themati
How should we thank God? protection. Demonstr Self esteem e c curr.
Lk. 17:12-18 Thes. 5:18 ation
Our Response
Learn 1 Thes 5:18
2 THE Confessi Our Experience The learner recognizes his Discussion Telling Critical Chal Christia
WORS on Make up a local story, where something reads needs to the need thinking kbo n grow
HIPPIN in the class is found broken. pronounces & confess his Guided to ard in Jesus
G God’s Message: spells words sins to god. discovery confess Love sharing illust page 59
COMM We need to confess our sins to God related to the dramatizes to God ratio The
UNITY because they separate us from Him. story (topic) the story of Question n Good
Scriptures repented and News
Lk: 18:9-14 Dan: 9: 5 Isaiah: 59:2 sinner. answer Bible
Our Response Story
Dramatise the story of the two men. telling
6 1 Asking Our Experience The learner makes a Guided Listing Creative Chal Chritian
Demonstrate asking and receiving. reads the prayer asking discovery needs of thinking kbo s grow
God’s Message scriptures for help people ard in Jesus
God wants us to ask Him for our own given Story Responding illust Page 60
needs and needs of others and He will correctly. telling to questions ratio Themati
answer. n c curr.
Scr. Mk. 1:32-34 Mtt: 7:7-11 Col. 4:2-4
Our response
Make up an asking prayer.
2 Listenin Our Experience The learner identifies ways Question Identifyi Self esteem Chal Christia
g Discuss different ways we can hear a tells some god may & answer ng ways kbo n grow
message from some one important. different ways speak to him. of God Critical ard in Jesus
God’s Message: god may Guided speaks thinking illust page 62
God wants us to listen to Him when he speak to him listens to god discussion to his ratio
speaks to us. - reads the speaking. Story people n
Scr. 1sam 3:1-10 Lk: 3:2-4 words related telling
Our Response to the topic
Dramatise the story of Samuel
7 1 Giving Our Experience The learner - demonstrates Dramatisat Answeri Sharing Offe Christia
Occasions when they give to different reads, spells, ways he can ion ng oral ring n grow
people. and give to God. question bag, in Jesus
Giving pronounces - values giving s Co- bas page 64.
God’s Message: the words. as an Brain operation kets
Giving to God is an important part of important way storming &
worship. Appreciation
Scr. Mk 12:41-44 Ex. 35:20-25 he can Giving fruit
Our Response worship god. gifts s
What do we give to God as worship?
2 THE We Our Experience a learner - mentions Rote Listing Sharing Chal Christia
WORS worship What do you enjoy doing together as a reads the ways he can method things kbo n grow
HIPPIN God at member of the family at home? scriptures bring harmony that Effective ard in Christ
G home God’s Message correctly. at home and Question spoils/d communicati illust page 65
COMM and We worship God when we live together school & answer estroy on ratio
UNITY school in harmony both at home and school. happine Self esteem n
Scr. Jn 15:12, Acts. 9:26-28 ss in a
Our Response home
Suggest in each case the way they and at
could restore harmony. school
8 1 Christian Our Experience The learner tells what Demonstr Critical Chal Christia
s as a What do you enjoy doing together as a reads, Christians do ation Listing thinking kbo n grow
worship member of the family at home? pronounces when they some of ard in Christ
ping Christians need to unite in worshipping the words worship god story the Creative illust page 66
commun God. related to the together telling things thinking ratio
ity God’s message scriptures. that n
Scriptures: Act: 2:41-47 Ephes: 4:3-5 Narration unites
Our Response us in the
Stand in a circle holding hands and church
sing a song.
2 THE Jesus Our Experience The learner identifies what Brain Chal Christia
TEACH teaches Who do you go to when you have a writes a short they go to storming Identifyi Appreciation kbo n grow
ING OF us how problem? prayer he can when they ng ard in Christ
JESUS to pray God’s Message use often have a Guided things Sharing illust page 69
By His example and instruction Jesus problem discussion they ratio
teaches us how to pray to God our want to n
father. pray
Scr. Mk: 1:35 Jn. 17:20-21 about
Our Response
Each pupil writes his/her own short
9 1 Jesus Our Experience The learner demonstrates Demonstr Naming Effective Bibl Christia
teaches Tell a local story about a farmer. reads some of some of the ation some communicati e n grow
us how God’s Message the abilities abilities god abilities on in Jesus
to use We should use the abilities that God god has given has given him Brain they Openness page 70
our has given us. Matt. 25:14-27 him. storming have Volunteering
abilities Our Response
Name some abilities the pupils have.
2 Jesus Our Experience The learner differentiates Explanatio Identifyi Self esteem Bibl Christia
teaches Mention some special duties given at reads the between n ng the e n grow
us home or in school e.g. washing plates. duties done at examples of importan Self in Jesus
responsi God’s Message home or in irresponsibilitie Discussion ce of awareness page 72
bility Jesus wants us to act responsibly all school s and responsi
the time. Scriptures Matt. 21:28-32 behaviours Story bilities
Our Response telling
Remind the pupils that sometimes
people fail to do their duty.
1 1 Jesus Our Experience The learner names Demonstr Naming Critical Bibl Christia
0 teaches Each pupil writes answers to the lists several different ways ation different thinking e n grow
us how questions. ways of Jesus he can help ways of read in Jesus
to help God’s Message helped others other people Singing helping Peer ing page 73
others We should help others as Jesus did. other assistance
Scriptures: Story people
Mark 8:1-9 Lk. 4:38-44, 5:1-7 telling
Our Response
Each pupil writes answers to the
2 Jesus Our Experience The learner develops the Brain Dramati Self Christia
teaches Tell a local story about stealing reads, desire to be storming sing awareness Bibl n grow
us to be God’s Message pronounces honest situation e in Jesus
honest We please God when we are honest. the words Explanatio on our page 75
Scriptures Luke. 19:1-8 Exo: 20:15 related to the n experien
Our Response scriptures ce
Dramatise situations on our experience. correctly.
1 1 Jesus Our Experience The learner grows in his Appreciation Chal Christia
1 teaches Discuss the things that show their names some understanding Question Singing Effective kbo n grow
us what likeness to their parents e.g. lacking, characteristic of god and the communicati ard in Jesus
God is moods etc. of god found in answer known on illust page 75
like God’s Message Jesus song ratio
In His life, Jesus teaches us what God Feed back Self esteem n
is like.
John 14:7 Mt. 8:1-5 Mark 2:14-17
Our Response
Sing the song “God is love”
1 1 Jesus Our Experience The learner suggests ways Dramatisat Dramati
2 teaches Ask the pupils who loves you at home? of showing ion sing Appreciation
us that God’s message writes down love for god how Christia
God God loves us and wants us to love Him ways of and for others Explanatio love can Tolerance ns grow
loves us and love others showing god’s n be in Christ
Jn. 3:16, 15:12-13 Matt 25:33-40 love for others shown page 76
Our Response to
Discuss ways pupils can show people
- love for God.
- love for others

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