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Table of contents

I. SWOT Analysis:....................................................................................................................... 2
1. Microenvironment:............................................................................................................... 2
1.1. The company:.............................................................................................................. 2
1.2. Suppliers:..................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Marketing intermediaries:............................................................................................2
1.4. Competitors:................................................................................................................ 2
1.5. Publics:........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5. Customers:................................................................................................................... 3
2. Macroenvironment:.............................................................................................................. 3
2.1. Demographic:.............................................................................................................. 3
2.2. Economic:.................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Natural:........................................................................................................................ 4
2.4. Technological:..............................................................................................................4
2.5. Political:.......................................................................................................................5
2.6. Cultural:....................................................................................................................... 5
3. SWOT Analysis:...................................................................................................................6
II. STDP Analysis:........................................................................................................................8
1. Segmentation:....................................................................................................................... 8
2. Targeting:..............................................................................................................................9
3. Differentiation:..................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Promotion:................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Products:...................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Packaging:...................................................................................................................10
4. Positioning:.........................................................................................................................10
III. 4Ps Analysis:........................................................................................................................ 12
1. Product................................................................................................................................12
2. Price....................................................................................................................................12
3. Place................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Promotion........................................................................................................................... 14
4.1. Communication as the Strongest Component............................................................14
4.2. Communication Objectives:...................................................................................... 14
4.3. Integrated Communication Strategy:.........................................................................15
a. Advertising:.............................................................................................................15
b. Direct Selling:......................................................................................................... 16

I. SWOT Analysis:

1. Microenvironment:

1.1. The company:

Durex, the number one top-selling condom brand globally, has a rich history that dates
back to 1915. It was initially established in London, UK by the London Rubber
Company. The brand name Durex symbolizes its core values - Durability, Reliability,
and Excellence. Over the years, Durex has managed to claim the spotlight with each
new ad release, demonstrating its strong market presence. In July 2010, the brand was
sold to Reckitt Benckiser, marking a new chapter in its illustrious journey.

1.2. Suppliers:
Durex has significantly expanded its operations beyond the United Kingdom,
leveraging the benefits of lower labor costs in countries such as China, India, and
Thailand. This expansion occurred after the launch of its first condoms. The company
has established various manufacturing facilities, including Karex, RB Bangpakhong,
Healthy Life Co., Ltd, and Shop Theatre. These facilities play a crucial role in
maintaining Durex’s position as a global leader in the condom market.

1.3. Marketing intermediaries:

Durex has gained popularity largely due to its effective marketing campaigns. The
brand is well-known and its products are readily available in almost any store. This
includes major retail outlets such as Big C and Coopmart, as well as DKSH Vietnam.
Furthermore, Durex has embraced the digital age by making its products available on
various e-commerce platforms, thereby increasing its accessibility to a wider audience.
This strategic availability across multiple platforms has significantly contributed to
Durex’s global recognition and success.

1.4. Competitors:
Durex operates in a competitive market with several key players. These include Trojan
Condoms, a well-known brand in the industry. Astroglide Lubes is another competitor,
offering a range of lubrication products. Kimono Microthin Condoms and Beyond
Seven Condoms are also competitors, both known for their thin and high-quality
condoms. Lastly, Magnum, a brand recognized for its larger-sized condoms, also
competes in this space. Each of these brands brings unique offerings to the market,
contributing to a diverse and competitive landscape.

1.5. Publics:
Durex is not just a top-notch brand for condoms and personal lubricants, it’s also
renowned for its witty and creative advertisements. These ads have become a
significant part of our culture, often sparking conversations and influencing public
opinion. As a major player in the industry, Durex holds a substantial role in shaping
societal norms and attitudes towards sexual health. Its influence extends beyond its
products, contributing to real change in perceptions and behaviors. This combination
of high-quality products and impactful marketing makes Durex a truly influential

1.6. Customers:
Durex has a broad target audience that encompasses individuals of all ages, genders,
and sexual orientations who are sexually active or planning to be. The brand primarily
caters to those who value safety, pleasure, and innovation in their sexual experiences.
It’s observed that people between the ages of 20 and 30 are the most frequent users of
Durex products, likely due to their heightened sensitivity to sexual behavior. On the
other hand, individuals aged 35 and up, who are often in long-term partnerships or
marriages, tend to prefer other means of protection, making Durex products less
relevant to this age group.
The ideal Durex customer resides in large cities where condoms are widely available in
supermarkets and convenience stores, such as Circle K and Walmart. These individuals
typically have high incomes, adopt modern lifestyles, and maintain open-minded
attitudes toward sexual issues. This strategic targeting allows Durex to effectively
reach its audience and maintain its position as a leading brand in the market.

2. Macroenvironment:

2.1. Demographic:
The environment in Vietnam presents a unique opportunity for Durex. The population
between the ages of 25 and 45, which constitutes nearly 29% of the country’s total
population, is a key demographic for the company. This group, particularly the
growing male segment, is the primary consumer of Durex products. The rising trend in
this demographic opens up potential avenues for the company to increase sales.

Moreover, Durex has strategically focused on Generation Y, the first generation to

experience the explosion of technology and global internationalization. This has led to
a rise in income levels and comprehensive education in Vietnam. These factors
combined provide a favorable environment for Durex to thrive and expand its market

2.2. Economic:
Vietnam’s significant growth in GDP and CPI, improved living conditions, increased
spending on commodities, and record-high consumer confidence have created a
favorable environment for foreign multinational companies, including corporations
like Durex. The rise in economic prosperity has led to an increase in consumer
spending, presenting opportunities for businesses to expand their operations.

Health and lifestyle are top priorities for Vietnamese consumers. This focus aligns well
with Durex’s offerings, providing the company with opportunities to expand its
operations and customer base in Vietnam.

Sex is regarded as a necessary part of life in Vietnam. Recognizing this, Durex

continues to promote its products on social media through engaging and amusing
content. This strategy not only aims to boost sales but also to uplift the mood of the
Vietnamese people during challenging times. The combination of these factors makes
Vietnam an attractive market for Durex to grow and thrive.

2.3. Natural:
Long-term viability is a significant factor affecting the purchasing decisions of
Vietnamese consumers. They are more inclined towards products that offer long-term
benefits and sustainability. In response to this consumer behavior, Durex can leverage
its environmentally friendly practices to appeal to these customers. By promoting its
commitment to environmental sustainability, Durex can align its brand with the values
of its consumers, thereby influencing their purchasing decisions and enhancing its
market presence in Vietnam. This strategy not only caters to the consumers’
preferences but also contributes to global environmental conservation efforts.

2.4. Technological:
The advent of technology has significantly broadened the reach of Durex to its
customers. It has not only facilitated customer access to Durex products but also
improved the company’s supply chain operations and production processes.

Moreover, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning has
enabled Durex to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior. These technologies can
be used for product recommendations and predictive analytics, allowing Durex to
better understand and cater to customers’ preferences.

By leveraging technology and data-driven insights, Durex can effectively tailor its
products and marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs of its customers, thereby
enhancing customer satisfaction and driving business growth.

2.5. Political:
Government regulations play a significant role in the production, marketing, and sales
of sexual health products like condoms and lubricants. Companies like Durex are
required to comply with safety and quality standards set by these regulations.
Non-compliance can have serious implications, affecting the company’s reputation and
market presence.

Political stability in economies is another crucial factor for Durex’s growth. Stable
political environments often translate into favorable business climates, enabling
companies to operate efficiently and effectively.

Furthermore, public health campaigns initiated by the government can significantly

shape consumer awareness about sexual health. Durex can leverage these campaigns to
reach potential consumers, promoting its products while contributing to the broader
goal of improving sexual health awareness. By aligning its marketing strategies with
these campaigns, Durex can enhance its brand image and expand its customer base.

2.6. Cultural:
Cultural sensitivities and taboos around discussions of sexual health can indeed pose
challenges for companies like Durex. Durex must address these sensitivities in its
marketing and educational efforts, ensuring that its messaging respects cultural norms
while promoting sexual health.
The generation gap and lack of sex education in schools and families often result in
young people lacking knowledge and support as they navigate their sexual lives. This
presents an opportunity for Durex to step in and provide much-needed sex education
and information. By leveraging social media platforms, Durex can reach out to young
people, providing them with accurate information and support, thereby filling the
education gap.
In doing so, Durex not only promotes its products but also contributes to a broader
societal need for comprehensive sex education. This approach can enhance Durex’s
brand image, making it a trusted source of information and products for sexual health.
It’s a win-win situation for both Durex and its consumers.

3. SWOT Analysis:
Strengths Weaknesses
- Experience in the industry: Started in - Ethical issues: Television advertising the
1915, in the UK by London Rubber Company. brand and not the product due to government
London Rubber trademarked “Durex” in 1929. restrictions due to which Durex is not able to
In 1999 LRC (parent co.) merged with another position itself in some markets. Also, various
company to form SSL International before regulations such as:
selling to Reckitt Benckiser in July 2010. (1) condom ads must only FOCUS on disease
Through all these years of changes in Durex’s prevention;
management, the brand has emerged as a (2) MUST NOT make mention of
market leader and is currently manufacturing 1 contraception;
billion units/year in 17 factories worldwide. (3) MUST NOT condone casual sex;
- Financially strong: Reckitt Benckiser is the (4) MUST NOT make a comparative claim,
world’s 3rd largest company in cleaning & These factors are restricting the growth of the
consumer healthcare products and is a stable company.
company. Furthermore, Reckitt Benckiser has - High price: because of the high price,
guided the brand with its existing resources to consumers tend to choose the substitutes.
make it a bigger condom brand than ever - Over-dependence: Durex’s main business is
worldwide. condoms and 95% of its revenues come from
- Brand awareness: Creating awareness the condom business & acceptability is low for
through different media like TV ads, print other alternatives like Oral contraception,
media, Radio, and Magazines & NGOs has Dams & IUDs which may affect their business
made people choose good quality condoms. in the future.
- Market leader: Availability in 140 countries - Large efforts put into the promotion of sex
& having a 22% market share itself explain health, which may benefit competitors:
the leadership position in the highly Although Durex is the market leader
commoditized market. worldwide, the efforts & money put on by the
- Distribution: Strength in distribution is a co. are not fully capitalized because any effort
key element to Durex’s success, as this is a put in to create awareness results in higher
product that relies on POS availability via sales of the industry as a whole &
various channels like Pharmacies, Grocery comparatively lesser sale for Durex.
Stores, Convenience Stores/Gas Stations,
Mega stores like Walmart, Adult Stores,
Vending machines, Health Clinics, and
E-commerce sites.

Opportunities Threats
- Increasing awareness: With people getting - Low brand loyalty: Due to the
more & more aware of the adverse effects & commoditized market & availability of local
STDs there is an increase in the usage rate & brands company is facing intense problems
overall demand. resulting in low brand loyalty. The main game

- Technology advance: Rapidly advancing is the availability & the retailers pushing the
technology makes manufacturing more particular co.’s condoms.
efficient, and less costly; more effort can be - Differentiation: Due to the restrictions
placed on distribution. imposed by the government it’s tough for the
- Maturing diaspora: People are maturing, company to distinguish their offerings from
even in developed countries. And these people others because they cannot communicate value
are accepting that sex plays an important part easily. At the same time, condoms are limited
in life and there is no use in keeping things in product design when it comes to innovation.
bottled up. This mentality improves the overall Thus differentiation from different brands
market potential for sexual well-being becomes a challenge.
products. - Many alternative products: Due to the
- Vietnamese people’s preference over alternatives available in the market such as
foreign products: Vietnam's industry does not Oral contraception, Dams & IUDs, the
have enough resources or reputation to condom business has a serious threat of a
produce condoms, so consumers will tend to decrease in sales.
use foreign products such as Durex.

II. STDP Analysis:

1. Segmentation:
Young and inexperienced Older and experienced
consumers consumers

Demographic - Age: 16-24 years old - Age: over 35 years old

- Gender: both genders - Gender: both gender
- Generation: Y, Z - Generation: Y
- Income: working to middle class - Income: working to upper class
- Education: high school, - Occupation: post-graduated,
university workers

Psychography - Aware of love as well as sex - Aware of sex life, feeling and
education health
- Be influenced by advertisement, - Having experiences in sex and
creative design, etc. wanting to try new different
- Open mind feeling
- There is a tendency to participate - Less price considering
in parties or events which have - Caring about quality and feeling
alcohol and sex

Behavioral - Occasion:
+ Normal day
+ In the time when have high sexual needs (Winter holidays in
Western or Valentine’s day.etc.)

- Benefit: - Benefit:
+ Avoiding unwanted pregnant + Avoiding unwanted pregnant
+ Avoiding social diseases like + Avoiding social diseases like
genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, etc. genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, etc.
+ Providing many types of
products which support users to
have good sex life.
- User status: potential/regular/ - User status: potential/regular.
first-time users.
- Usage rate: light to medium - Usage rate: medium to heavy
users users.

- Loyalty status: Low to medium - Loyalty status: medium to

because they can be appealed by high.

other products

2. Targeting:
The segmentation shown above suggests that Durex's target market should be men
between the ages of 20 and 45. While condoms are intended for all age groups, the
majority of users are between the ages of 20 and 30. Ages 20 to 30 are the most sexually
sensitive, whereas those aged 35 and beyond are more likely to be married or in
committed relationships, thus they would rather use alternative forms of protection.
Products made by Durex are less relevant to people over 35. The ideal client should
reside in a large city with plenty of supermarkets and convenience stores (like Circle K
and Walmart) stocking condoms. The target market for Durex enjoys attending events
and parties and going out with friends to laugh and have the most fun possible. They live
contemporary lifestyles, have excellent incomes, and have an accepting attitude about
sexual matters. Those are some main products of Durex that serve both kinds of
● Durex Extra Safe: is suitable for customers who want to make sure their condom is
safe. Durex Extra Safe targets young and inexperienced customers because they need
absolute safety in their sex lives.
● Durex Invisible with the slogan “Our thinnest ever condom” attracts many customers
because of its thin design which gives a true feeling to users

3. Differentiation:

3.1. Promotion:
The greatest difference between Durex and other firms is the product marketing
approach via the public content connection (Content PR). The idea of each
advertisement, as well as 23 postings on TV or social media has drawn Durex
Vietnam's attention from thousands of people on the goods. The company slogan is
"Feeling is everything" which is always part of any advertisement product. The Durex
Vietnam PR team completed their work successfully, which is shown by the way they
not only seize special opportunities but also social media trends. For instance, the
Durex marketing team in Vietnam at the 2019 Hanoi Summit based on a peaceful

3.2. Products:
Durex not only pays great attention to its high-quality goods in promotional strategies.
Your new development of technology is why Durex's average prices are above the
local preservative brands, such as Thailand and Japan. Though prices are fairly high,
Durex still gains a high level of customer loyalty due to its reputation and product

quality. Durex always puts quality over quantity. Just once in 2018, Durex removed the
below standard batch from its retrieval team. They were also proven in the Vietnamese
market by proceeds of them. In 2016 gross Durex condom income was 20,000,000
dollars. This rate grew significantly in 2017 by roughly 30%. Last year, the total
number of condoms Durex sold in Vietnam was 4.2 million.

3.3 Packaging:
The ODM Group states that packaging is the strength of Durex which both appeals to
and absorbs its customers compared to other condom brands. In reality, consumers
often pay attention to the packaging of the goods first when purchasing any product.
For young adults, vivid packaging is one of the main factors leading to their purchase

4. Positioning:
Durex positioned itself as a company that is more than just a condom brand but a
company that takes care of the emotional and sexual well-being of couples globally. The
brand focuses on the strong emotional experience and feelings of customers when using
the products, therefore, thickness and scents are two dimensions that the company
considers and produce diversity. (Chien, 2020) Durex sells 16 different products of
condoms that not only have diversity in thinness and scents but also other factors such as
gel support, ribbed and dotted, and flavored. (Durex, n.d.)

Figure 1: Thickness comparison in general. (Author) (Brands in order from left to

right: VRT Excellent, Okamoto, Azodra, Power Man, OK, Durex)

Consumers must not only consider the packaging when selecting a product but also
fully understand the product's properties. When it comes to condoms, thinness is
normally the most significant consideration that consumers consider. The above map
compares two key characteristics of each condom brand: “price” and “thinness level”.
Even though Durex is very expensive, consumers are still satisfied with the product's
consistency due to its thinness. Furthermore, Durex's key consumers are middle-class
young people aged 16 to 35, so this price is appropriate for them. (Thao, 2021)

Figure 2: Scent comparison in general. (Author) (Brands in order from left to right:
ONE, Okamoto, OK, Pretex, Durex)
Durex also confirms its role in condom production technology with two elements:
"price" and "scent." Durex condoms, according to the survey, are among the most
valuable condoms with a scent, particularly strawberry scent. Durex's target market is
young and novice couples. These individuals enjoy new experiences, flavors, and
adventures. As a result, diversifying and changing the fragrance will help them have a
better sex experience and emotions, which can contribute to increased loyalty. (Thao,

III. 4Ps Analysis:
The Durex condom brand is renowned for its creative advertising and communication
campaigns. Part of its success lies in its marketing strategy, notably the Durex 4P strategy,
which helps the brand sell over 1 billion condoms annually, capturing a quarter of the global
market share. Let's delve into Durex's 4P strategy, which has propelled a rather intimate
product category to become the top choice for consumers worldwide.

1. Product

Product Diversification

According to Vinaresearch's contraceptive measures report, condoms are the top choice
for customers at a rate of 86.7%. They're preferred due to their simplicity, ease of use,
lack of side effects like medicines, versatility in sexual encounters, and portability.
Concerning inconvenience in usage, 67.8% of users feel a reduction in sensation during
sex, and 48.4% find them cumbersome and uncomfortable.

Understanding that today's customers not only prioritize safe sexual activities but also
demand 'quality,' Durex innovates its product lines with superior features such as
ultra-thin condoms, fruit-scented options, and easy-on designs with ribs and dots. This
diverse product range caters to customers' preferences and needs. As Durex’s main target
is the youngsters that try having sex for the first time, they focus mostly on the quality as
well as the safety of their product. Continuous innovation is a competitive strength that
maintains Durex's leading position in the market, fostering trust in its quality, reliability,
perfection, and creativity.

2. Price
Premium Product Positioning

Durex employs a strategy of positioning its brand and product line as premium, resulting
in comparatively higher prices than Japanese or Thai condom brands in the market.
While a higher price strategy enhances brand stature and credibility among customers, it
might not sustain a long-term competitive advantage due to prices not aligning well with
the purchasing power and living standards of Vietnamese consumers. However, from the
point of view of Durex’s customers - Youngsters are new to sex, so spending more money
for safety is worthwhile.

Condom products are not purchased frequently and require careful consideration.
Consumers are sensitive to pricing. According to Vinaresearch market reports, consumers
are willing to spend an average of 14,500 VND on a condom product.

Durex's products, however, surpass this average significantly, with prices ranging from
200,000 to 300,000 VND per box of 12 condoms (around 16,000 to 30,000 VND per
condom). Additionally, condoms can be inconvenient to use, and there are many
alternative products available at similar prices. Consequently, consumers tend to easily
switch to other products and brands during the purchasing process.

3. Place

Diverse Distribution Channels

Durex holds the largest market share in the condom industry in the US, capturing 26% of
the global market and distributing a billion units daily through three primary distribution

- Reckitt: has representative offices for product reception

- DKSH: the first distributor for this specialized healthcare product line

- Retail stores within cities

In Vietnam, Durex's distribution system covers up to 95%, including major supermarkets

like CoopMart, Big C, Lotte Mart, pharmacies, and retail stores like Circle K, Mini Shop,
Family Mart, among others.

Moreover, Durex develops its online distribution channels through its official website, and e-commerce platforms like Lazada, and Customers
purchasing Durex products have opportunities for point accumulation, knowledge
guidance, and promotional offers.

Durex intensifies customer appreciation activities by offering gifts to loyal customers to

maintain their loyalty. The brand also establishes a free consultation system and customer
care not only related to product issues but also psychological aspects and sexual

4. Promotion

4.1. Communication as the Strongest Component

In the 4P framework, communication could be considered Durex's strongest and most

acute aspect, swiftly reaching and impressing buyers, and contributing significantly to
its current market leadership.


- Bold PR and marketing campaigns

- In the Vietnamese market:

Durex's global marketing strategy targets individuals aged 18 to 35. It focuses on

various media channels such as TV, social media, and digital platforms, or sponsoring
youth events and distributing trial samples. The brand has launched numerous creative,
bold, and humorous advertising campaigns.

Durex, with its "unlike any other" marketing strategy, has pushed many creative
departments to acknowledge their advertising strategies, or more accurately, their
integrated promotional strategies.

Segmenting its market into two primary age groups, 18-31 and beyond 31, its younger
age group, Durex promotes its information and products more through media but, like
other companies, implements multiple promotional strategies to attract the market.

4.2. Communication Objectives:

Being a consumer product, Durex naturally seeks a larger market and higher sales,
hence its promotional objectives:

+ Building an image

+ Creating an impression

+ Disseminating information

+ Product promotion

4.3. Integrated Communication Strategy:

a. Advertising:

Durex's marketing team showcases immense creativity with daring yet not overly
explicit advertisements. They incorporate humor and follow market trends
effectively. Short-term advertisements with brief duration efficiently communicate
necessary information, leaving readers comfortable, viewers amused, successfully
executed across media channels like TV, Facebook, Social Media, Digital platforms,
etc. Moreover, Durex collaborates with organizations or individuals, particularly
those influential among the youth, to advertise their products, for instance, Saigon

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Durex executed a communication campaign

known as "Let's not go back to normal." They depicted what's considered the
"norm" for women, with those using condoms being shamed and men not wearing
them due to discomfort. Durex believes the current situation presents a unique
opportunity to redefine what "normal" truly means.

"Wear it to protect it": This campaign aimed to encourage both men and women to
use condoms during sexual intercourse, likening it to wearing masks when going

"Bao đủ hàng cho 14 ngày vàng" (over 7400 interactions, 661 comments, and 110
shares): This message narrates an incident when Hanoi citizens hoarded meat and
vegetables, fearing being locked inside the city. The message reassures consumers
that Durex products will always be available, even during a 14-day quarantine.

"Don't go out" (over 1500 interactions, 158 comments, and 33 shares): During
COVID-19, the Vietnamese government urged people to stay home to prevent the
spread of the coronavirus. Durex's message not only encouraged staying home for
community safety but also implied practicing safe sex by using condoms during this

"Safe above and below" (over 10,000 interactions, 642 comments, and 236 shares):
This message on Durex's Facebook page reminded people not only to wear masks
when going out to prevent virus transmission but also to use condoms during sexual
intercourse for everyone's safety. The image combined condoms and masks, an
innovative marketing tactic linking the product with the current situation.

b. Direct Selling:

Customers can directly access Durex products by engaging with enthusiastic

advisory staff or through Durex Vietnam's fan page. Additionally, Durex actively
interacts with customers on social media by presenting detailed product functions,
answering customer queries, establishing reliable information, and understanding
unique customer requirements to drive purchase behavior. They provide various
consumer codes, and discounts, to measure user behavior and use compelling
phrases that resonate with users, like "Your boyfriend may disappoint you, but
Durex never will." Communication between the customer communication
department and potential Durex users is always flexible. Through clever and
intelligent approaches.


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