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Topic: A Learning Management System (LMS) based on ESP Students’ Needs

Analysis in Pilot Academy

Minerva Daneya Utami

1. Akhgar, F., Heidari Shahreza, M. A., & Talebinezhad, M. R. (2023).

Translanguaging in Aviation ESP Blended MOOC Flipped Classrooms: ESP
Teachers’ Perceptions. Journal of Language and Translation, 13(1), 101-114.
This study aims to examine the perceptions of teachers who teach Aviation
English (AE) regarding translanguaging used in the classroom. Collaborating
with ten AE teachers in Iran using a questionnaire given after they taught in
online classes carried out via MOOC. The research results show that although
teachers recognize the importance of translanguanging translanguaging in
certain contexts, they do not implement it and advocate it in AE English
learning in the classroom. On the other hand, translanguanging is used by
students in explaining to their peers. The analysis has been carried
outconducted well and produces consistent arguments throughout the article. It
thus contributes to the ESP and AE literature in a way that provides insight
worthy of consideration regarding teachers' perceptions and practices in the use
of translanguaging in the classroom to teach AE.

2. Aldiab, A., Chowdhury, H., Kootsookos, A., Alam, F., & Allhibi, H. (2019).
Utilization of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in higher education
system: A case review for Saudi Arabia. Energy Procedia, 160, 731-737.
This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis of modern Learning
Management Systems (LMS) that are commercially available and widely used
in learning in higher education. This was done using the case study method
using universities in Saudi Arabia as the sample. The findings show that the
popular LMS are Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas and D2L (Desire to Learn), but
the most widely used (90%) in Saudi Arabia is Blackboard LMS. It was
concluded that LMS basically have similar characteristics and features,
unfortunately they are not equipped with features that help in carrying out
laboratory experiments even though this is considered important for
engineering and science learning. This article has conclusively provided a
comparison of a range of modern LMS available today. This article has largely
contributed to exposing the inherent shortcomings of LMSs that cannot
accommodate laboratory learning for distance learning.

3. Alshehri, A., Rutter, M. J., & Smith, S. (2019). An implementation of the

UTAUT model for understanding students' perceptions of learning
management systems: A study within tertiary institutions in Saudi
Arabia. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
(IJDET), 17(3), 1-24.
This research specifically examines the level of acceptance of Blackboard LMS
by adopting the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).
Quantitative analysis was carried out by examining 171 questionnaires that had
been filled in by the target sample, namely undergraduates at King Khalid
University. The conclusion of this research is that the direct contributors to
behavioral intentions to use LMS are performance expectations, social
influence and technical support, with technical support as the most fundamental
thing in determining acceptance and use of LMS. This research has clearly
explained the basis of the hypothesis and then used the extended UTAUT
model to test it so as to provide robust results. This research contributes to a
broader understanding of students' behavioral intentions in using LMS as a
learning medium by incorporating technical support factors as an extension of

4. Amin, F. M., & Sundari, H. (2020). EFL students’ preferences on digital

platforms during emergency remote teaching: Video Conference, LMS, or
Messenger Application?. Studies in English Language and Education, 7(2),
This research aims to examineexamines students' preferences in using three
different learning platforms (Video Conference, Learning Management
System, and Messenger Application) to learn English as a Foreign Language
(EFL). Descriptive analysis and thematic analysis were used to analyze 140
questionnaires that had been distributed at universities in Jakarta and Aceh,
Indonesia. The findings show that overall students prefer face-to-face learning
compared to online learning. However, LMS through the Google Classroom
platform provides the highest language learning potential, meaning focus and
authenticity compared to the other two channels. On the other hand, Cisco
WebEx, video conference platform, wins in terms of authenticity and meaning
focus, while WhatsApp, the messenger platform, is most preferred because of
its meaning focus, learner suitability, positive impact and because of its
practicality. It contributes to the LMS literature by providing a comparative
analysis of comparative channels or platforms in EFL learning, thereby
exposing their advantages and disadvantages compared to other platforms.

5. Asrifan, A., Vargheese, K. J., Syamsu, T., & Amir, M. (2020). ESP course
design: the need analysis on tourism department in Indonesia vocational high
schools. Journal of Advanced English Studies, 3(2), 69-77.
This research conducted an analysis of ESP needs in the Tourism Program at a
vocational school and developed adapted English language materials.
Fundamental analysis with a qualitative approach was carried out using two
questionnaire instruments and semi-structured interviews. The findings show
that ESP in Tourism Vocational School requires speaking skills and language
components which are delivered through video and image media. Material
development is needed in the presentation of speaking, listening and reading
exercises. The analysis has consistently put forward robust arguments
throughout the article. It has contributed to the ESP literature by developing
English language materials adapted to the needs of Tourism Programs in
Vocational Schools.

6. Assassi, T. (2020). Algerian Aeronautics Professionals’ Needs Taxonomy: A

Target Situation Needs Analysis. International Journal of English
Linguistics, 10(6), 90-103.
This research is a language needs analysis (LNA) aimed at Algerian
aeronautics students and students at Aures Aviation Academy taking into
account ICAO linguistic requirements and the conditions of ESP courses at the
academy. Data was collected using a series of methods, namely two types of
questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and classroom observations. The
analysis concluded the main linguistic requirements that pilots, and air traffic
controllers must have been listening and speaking to guarantee the quality and
accuracy of communications in in-flight medical and weather exchanges. The
article has well explained the findings and summarized them into a conclusion
that emphasizes the importance of linguistic needs analysis for a successful
professional career in aviation. The analysis strengthens the ESP literature by
showing that specific linguistic abilities must be developed in aviation students.

[7.] Bosco, T. J., Gabriel, B., Florence, M., & Gilbert, N. (2020). Towards
effective tTeaching and learning ESP in mixed classes: Students’ interest,
challenges and remedies. International Journal of English Literature and
Social Sciences (IJELS), 5(2), 506-516.
This research aims to investigateinvestigates students' interest in learning
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and the challenges that hinder its
effectiveness. By usingUsing Richards' Communicative Language Teaching
Theory (CLT), a qualitative and quantitative approach was implemented in
examining the data collected by questionnaire for 45 respondents. This article
concludes that there is high interest from students in studying ESP, but there
are several factors that influence the learning process, such as fear of practice,
lack of facilities, and class size. The researcher has successfully presented his
research comprehensively based on the rules of research reports and convinced
readers that the research is valid. This study has contributed to the ESP
literature by exposing students' interest in learning, but a series ofseveral
limitations have hindered them. This can then be considered in developing
effective ESP learning.

7.[8.] Demirdöken, G. (2021). The Constructivist Approach towards Identifying

the Challenges of ESP Teachers: The Case of Aviation English. International
Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 8(2), 4.
This research aims to analyze the challenges faced by ESP teachers who teach
Aviation English in Turkish higher institutions. The analysis was carried out
using qualitative methods using a constructivist approach by observing the
teaching practices of 5 teachers followed by semi-structured interviews. There
are two main conclusions in the research where low self-efficacy and
contextual knowledge were found among teachers who taught ESP for
Aviation English. This is due to a lack of professional development and limited
experience in teaching ESP. This research has been able to provide arguments
that are worthy of consideration from the side of ESP teachers in providing
Aviation English courses. Furthermore, this analysis is important because it has
provided important insights into the experiences of ESP teachers in the field of
Aviation English.

8.[9.] Dinçer, N., & Demirdöken, G. (2023). Ab-Initio Pilots’ perspectives On the
Use of Simulation in The Aviation English Course. Journal of Teaching
English for Specific and Academic Purposes, 011-022.
This research aims to find outdetermine how the Aviation English course can
be integrated into simulation-based learning for prospective pilots. The analysis
was carried out by providing an AE course integrated with flight test
experience to 20 college students and 7 of them were interviewed. The analysis
concludes that the use of simulations in AE courses is seen as important by
students because it can provide a learning environment that is aligned with ESP
teaching, due to high student engagement in simulation-based teaching. ESP
innovation with simulation will be useful for prospective pilots. This analysis
has been carried out in a comprehensive manner and provides arguments that
are consistent with the research findings. This then contributes to the ESP
learning literature that the integration of simulations in AE teaching will
increase students' interest in the material and then encourage them to better
understand English language teaching.

9.[10.] Ekayati, R., Manurung, I. D., & Yenni, E. (2020). Need analysis of ESP for
non-English study program. Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics,
Literature, and Language Teaching, 4(2), 322-332.
This research seeks to map the needs for ESP material for non-English study
students. This was carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach method
which collected 80 questionnaire data filled out by students who had completed
general English courses. The conclusion shows that although current abilities
related to speaking and listening skills are at a low to medium level, there are
different needs depending on the field of science. Therefore, ESP teaching
must be adapted to students' needs based on their respective fields of
knowledge. The research has comprehensively provided arguments that align
throughout the article and match the findings. This has contributed to the ESP
literature that English language teaching in general at university level cannot
meet the needs of ESP based on the field of study.

10.[11.] Eraslan Yalcin, M., & Kutlu, B. (2019). Examination of students'

acceptance of and intention to use learning management systems using
extended TAM. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2414-2432.
This research uses the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (e-TAM) to
examine the extent of Turkish students' acceptance and interest in using
Learning Management Systems (LMS). The method used is quantitative by
providing questionnaires to 282 students from two different universities in
Turkey who actively use LMS. This study concludes that LMS usage intentions
among students are influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
and social norms, while perceived LMS usefulness is influenced by perceived
ease of use, social norms, and user interface design. Finally, the perception of
ease of use of the LMS is influenced by user interface design and computer
self-efficacy. The analysis has provided a good argument by presenting the
hypothesis skillfully and then providing good results. This analysis contributes
to the LMS literature by examining students' behavioral intentions regarding
LMS use at the university level. Apart from that, the model also uses two
different sample groups.

[12.] El Arbaoui, F. Z. (2023). ESP Needs Analysis in Moroccan Higher

Education: Business and Management Students as a Case Study. Journal for
Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Teaching, 7(38), 1-
This research aims to conduct a needs analysis on the design of ESP courses in
the field of Business and Management Studies in the Moroccan context. The
research used a questionnaire given to 234 students. The conclusion shows that
there is a positive attitude towards learning English with productive skills such
as speaking and reading being the ones most desired to be mastered. This also
produces output in the form of task-based ESP teaching material designs in the
form of class presentations, report writing, participation in mock interviews
and public speaking competitions. This has been presented with concrete
arguments throughout the article. The article contributes to the ESP literature
by explaining the main developments in ESP analysis in higher education as
well as providing a conceptual framework that can be applied to examine the
ESP needs of students studying Business and Management Studies

11.[13.] Gandini, E. A., & Horák, T. (2020). Promoting positive washforward

through personalised test feedback and other benefits: Piloting a computer-
based testing system. Language Learning in Higher Education, 10(1), 235-244.
This research is the development of a computer-based version of the test of
English as a foreign language (EFL) which is used at the University of Central
Lancashire (UCLan) as an English language test method for international
students. The development research method used in this research involves
observing the practice of computerized English language testing. Meanwhile,
the pilot test was carried out involvinginvolved 9 international students who
took summer classes. The results of the pilot test showed that students viewed
the computerized test positively, including the feedback feature obtained. So
overall this supports the implementation of fully online tests, especially
because of the administrative and business benefits. This argument has been
strengthened by the findings obtained and confirmsthat confirm the conclusions
presented. The analysis supports the EFL literature by providing empirical
evidence based on pilot tests carried out, so that further development of
computerized EFL tests can then be carried out.

12.[14.] Garone, A., Pynoo, B., Tondeur, J., Cocquyt, C., Vanslambrouck, S.,
Bruggeman, B., & Struyven, K. (2019). Clustering university teaching staff
through UTAUT: Implications for the acceptance of a new learning
management system. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5), 2466-
This research uses the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
(UTAUT) framework to examine the acceptance of learning management
systems (LMS) among university teaching staff. Quantitative analysis was
carried out on 244 university teaching staff in Belgium using a questionnaire.
Cluster analysis yielded three distinct groups of technology adopters reflecting
LMS acceptance among teaching staff: those with high (early adopter),
medium (early majority) and low (late majority) scores. The conclusion shows
that early adopters are a group that is happy with innovation and in turn is
ready to use LMS. The analysis has consistently provided arguments that align
with research findings. The analysis has also contributed to the LMS literature
by examining LMS acceptance readiness on the part of educators, which can
then be used in determining technology adoption policies by professional
educators across institutions.

13.[15.] Giannarou, E. K. (2021). Learner Needs Analysis in an ESP Class. Open

Journal of Modern Linguistics, 11(2), 174-200.
This research is a needs analysis of the English language learning needs for
adult students at the Greek Merchant Marine Academy. Analysis was carried
out on data collected through a questionnaire that examined reasons for
learning, proficiency and reasons for dropping out of the course. The
conclusion shows that learners find learning English useful because they will
need to be able to read and understand machine operational manuals and
construct forms in the future. The preferred teaching method is group work and
finds value in the textbook series at the Maritime Academy but suggests
modifying teaching materials to include technical vocabulary practice
assignments and group activities. The analysis is well done and provides
conclusive arguments throughout the article. This article has contributed to the
field of ESP by providing need analysis for a particular field, as well as
providing appropriate insights for developing English language learning
tailored to the needs of learners.
14.[16.] Giannikas, C. N. (2019). Technology-enhanced curriculum development
in the ESP tertiary context. In S. Papadima-Sophocleous, E. Kakoulli
Constantinou & C. N. Giannikas (Eds), ESP teaching and teacher education:
current theories and practices (pp. 95-110).
This research includes a pilot study in the application of English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) in first year students of the Department of Chemical
Engineering. The method used was a pilot study to test a personalized ESP
curriculum by providing it to 20 students through surveys and student
reflections. The research findings show the existence of transformation and
development of student learning methods in facing a curriculum equipped with
the technology developed in this research. The author has explained his
arguments well so that he comes to the conclusion that a digitally rich ESP
curriculum needs to be immediately embraced in the current digital context.
This research shows its importance by showing that developing an ESP
curriculum that is integrated with technology is important in the ESP literature.

15.[17.] Ginaya, G., Somawati, N. P., & Mataram, I. G. A. B. (2021).

Implementation of E-Learning for ESP in Tourism During the Covid-19
Pandemic. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(4), 572-578.
This research investigates electronic learning media that is used to study
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in tourism during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Descriptive study is a method used to examine data from online questionnaires
to six lecturers who teach English at the Tourism Department of Bali State
Polytechnic. The conclusion shows that the Learning Management System
(LMS) used to teach ESP at this institution is based on several considerations
regarding accessibility, supporting media and communication features. To
reach this conclusion, this research has provided good descriptive analysis in
presenting the findings and discussing the results. This research is important
because it has contributed to the ESP literature in relation to learning through
LMS due to the limitations presented by the Covid-19 Pandemic in its context
in Indonesia.
16.[18.] Gu, H. Gu, H.Y., Bo, H. & Ren, L. (2019). Developing ESP teaching
materials based on the analysis of information engineering majors’
needs. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 7(10), 121-131.
This article provides needs analysis in studying ESP in the context of
engineering and then discusses the development of teaching materials and
teaching methods that suit the needs of engineering students in China. Analysis
was carried out on data obtained from an online survey on 45 undergraduate
students. The findings show a tendency for students to choose to use e-
textbooks and interactive teaching methods in studying ESP in engineering. It
has presented the findings well and then aligned them with the main argument
that it is important to update engineering ESP materials to suit student needs
thereby improving learning outcomes. The analysis contributes to ESP in
engineering by exposing students' needs in ESP teaching practices and
demonstrating the need for developing electronic textbooks and providing
online courses that engineering students can take.

17.[19.] Hasan, M., Islam, A. S., & Shuchi, I. J. (2021). Using mobile-based
formative assessment in ESL/EFL speaking. Journal of Languages and
Language Teaching, 9(1), 117-125.
This research examines the mobile-based formative assessment (MBFA)
literature and its implementation in developing ESL/EFL speaking skills.
Qualitative research conducted by examining secondary sources in the form of
a series of literature on this topic which focuses on university level adult
ESL/EFL speaking classrooms. This research concludes that there is a certain
level of effectiveness in using MBFA in ESL/EFL speaking classes, when
compared with other methods. This depends on the strategies and principles
used by the teacher in its implementation. Therefore, the research argues that
MBFA should be tried out by teachers to be implemented in other linguistic
skills such as reading, writing and listening. The arguments in this paper are in
accordance with the findings and make it conclusive at the end of the article.
This analysis contributes to the ESL/EFL literature because it has provided
insight that MBFA is effectively implemented in the English-speaking
18.[20.] Hattani, H. A. (2019). ESP needs analysis at the Moroccan university:
Renewable energy engineering students at EST Fes as a case study. Journal of
English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 4(1), 101-115.
This research conducted a needs analysis of ESP teaching in the Moroccan
context involving renewable energy engineering students at the Higher School
of Technology (ESTF). A quantitative survey by distributing questionnaires to
30 people was carried out to obtain research data. The conclusion shows that
the ESP learning needs for renewable energy engineering students relate to
speaking and writing abilities as well as other productive skills. At the same
time, students have high motivation and good attitudes towards learning
English because it plays an important role in their future careers. The analysis
has been carried out well and incorporates arguments that are in line with
research findings. It has contributed to the ESP literature by exposing the
special needs of engineering students and encouraging the development of ESP
teaching and learning curricula according to student needs.

19.[21.] Jamali, M., & Krish, P. (2021). Fostering 21st Century Skills Using an
Online Discussion Forum in an English for Specific Purpose
Course. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 18(1), 219-240.
This research aims to examine the use of online discussion forums (ODF)
which are used as a Learning Management System channel for English for
Specific Purpose (ESP) learning in its use for working on group assignment
projects. The analysis was carried out using the case study method on 21
undergraduate students with data sourced from reflective journals and
interview data. The research results concluded that LMS in the form of ODF
has facilitated English language learning with linguistic achievements. Several
factors were found that caused students to view this optimistically, namely
increased self-confidence and attention. This article has comprehensively
provided good arguments throughout the article based on its findings. It has
contributed to the LMS literature by providing evidence that ODF is a
convenient and flexible platform for students' linguistic improvement through
discussion and sharing knowledge related to group assignments.

20.[22.] Kaya, S. (2021). From Needs Analysis to Development of a Vocational

English Language Curriculum: A Practical Guide for Practitioners. Journal of
Pedagogical Research, 5(1), 154-171.
This research is a needs analysis of the English language teaching and
curriculum provided to cabin crew. The research was conducted using a mixed
design and a concurrent triangulation approach involving two groups of
participants, namely 352 Vocational School of Civil Aviation students, 10
teachers from four different institutions and four professional cabin crew.
Findings show that language needs include speaking and listening skills. Based
on the results of the needs analysis, Hilda Taba's curriculum development
model was used to develop a vocational English curriculum. The analysis has
provided important arguments based on the results of the analysis that point to
the importance of developing English language curricula for different
vocational purposes. The importance of this research lies in how the existing
results have provided procedures that can be applied for ESP teachers to design
a curriculum that is in accordance with the needs analysis that has been carried

21.[23.] Korba, P., Sekelová, I., Mikula, B., & Koščáková, M. (2023). Needs
Analysis of Aircraft Mechanics’ English Language Skills. Aerospace, 10(2),
This article conducts a needs analysis in English language learning for aircraft
mechanic students in Slovakia. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods
were used to analyze data from questionnaires given to 80 respondents as well
as data from document analysis. The analysis found that the most important
English language skill for an aircraft mechanic to have is reading, although
other language skills including writing, listening and speaking are the most
common communication activities that aircraft mechanics must have and need
to be included in English courses. The analysis has provided a consistent
argument throughout the article providing good research results and
conclusions. The article has contributed to the ESP literature by providing
empirical evidence regarding the needs of aircraft mechanic students regarding
the specific English language learning requirements they require to be able to
perform their jobs in the future.

22.[24.] Lapele, F. (2019). Need analysis on the material development of teaching

ESP speaking. ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and Research
Journal), 5(2), 336-349.
This research is a needs analysis of ESP learning in speaking skills for non-
English language vocations at universities. A narrative design using interview
instruments and teacher documentation was carried out. The results of the
research concluded that the teacher had implemented needs analysis in
accordance with the requirements for developing ESP speaking, which exposed
the general need for speaking learning. It is also shown that there is a more
precise needs analysis by carrying out learning needs analysis, linguistic
analysis, discourse, genre and means analysis to show students' needs more
comprehensively. The arguments in this research have been expressed well and
are in line with research findings. This has contributed to the ESP literature
which shows the importance of needs analysis in designing learning plans and
developing materials to develop speaking skills.

23.[25.] Latif, H. A. (2019). Needs analysis of English for specific purposes on

Islamic boarding school students. VELES (Voices of English Language
Education Society), 3(2), 136-144.
This article carries out a needs analysis in learning English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) in the context of learning for students in Islamic boarding
schools. The analysis was carried out using qualitative methods involving 93
students and a teacher by collecting data through questionnaires and interviews.
The article concludes that learning English at Islamic boarding schools will be
tailored to specific objectives such as fiqh, islamic history, ahlaq, da'wah, and
others. Apart from that, with a dormitory-based education system, teachers can
design language learning for a longer duration in the students' daily activities.
The arguments made in this article are in line with existing findings. Moreover,
it has opened up insights into the literature on ESP in the context of Islamic
boarding schools where the findings expose different needs and how these have
been addressed by the teachers involved.

24.[26.] Mahmood, A. S., Saad, N. S. M., & Nur, N. M. (2023). Teaching English
to Aircraft Maintenance Students: Challenges and Needs. International
Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(1), 112-125.
This research discusses the challenges encountered by English language
teachers in providing instruction to aircraft maintenance school students in
Malaysia. The method used was semi-structured interviews with three teachers
from three different aviation schools. The findings show that the challenges
faced include teaching and designing materials, activities and syllabi in the
context of Aviation English. Challenges related to students are lack of
textbooks, student motivation, low language skills of students and excessive
teacher workload. The analysis was well carried out and reflects what was
found in the field. This analysis has contributed to the ESP teaching literature
regarding the challenges teachers encounter in teaching Aviation English. It
provides important insights into teaching English to aviation students that have
not been reviewed before.

25.[27.] Mahmood, A. S., Saad, N. S. M., & Nur, N. M. (2023). The Ups and
Downs of Learning and Using English: Aviation Students’
Voices. International Journal of Language Instruction, 2(1), 1-15.
This research seeks to investigate what causes success and challenges for
aviation students in learning and using English. This research was conducted
qualitatively by interviewing six aircraft maintenance student participants in
Malaysia. The conclusion obtained is that students find greater success than the
challenges encountered in learning English with three main themes of
opportunity, feelings and progress. Research has well provided their arguments
based on data and research findings. This analysis has contributed to the ESP
literature by providing what drives successful English learning and at the same
time exposing the challenges students encounter in learning. This can then be
used as a consideration for further ESP development in building modules
tailored to the needs of aviation students.

26.[28.] Malikovna, K. R. N., & Alisherovich, A. J. (2022). English For Specific

Purposes in the Aviation. The Peerian Journal, 5, 135-137. Retrieved from
This paper is an exploratory research that aims to analyze the extent to which
Aviation English may become a significant specialization in ESP taught at
aviation universities. Exploratory analysis was carried out by considering a
series of ESP theories and connecting them with appropriate ESP teaching
approaches for learning in the context of aviation universities in Uzbek. The
analysis shows that there is a need which then encourages the creation of a
curriculum in the Uzbek context so that ESP learning in the target language can
occur more easily and effectively in accordance with the standards created by
ICAO. In presenting this article, the argumentation, although supported by a
series of references, is not done well because the citations are presented
incorrectly. However, the article has contributed to the ESP literature by
providing a new perspective on establishing AE as an ESP specialty based on
ICAO standards.

27.[29.] Matarirano, O., Panicker, M., Jere, N. R., & Maliwa, A. (2021). External
factors affecting blackboard learning management system adoption by
students: Evidence from a historically disadvantaged higher education
institution in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education, 35(2),
This research aims to examine the factors that influence the level of use of
Blackboard Learning Management Systems (LMS) based on the General
Extended Technology Acceptance Model for ELearning (GETAMEL), namely
through perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the technology. The
method used was a survey of 125 students in South Africa. The findings show
that perceived ease of use is influenced by self-efficacy, entertainment, and
anxiety while perceived usefulness is influenced by subjective norms and
enjoyment. This study has been able to fully explain a series of factors that can
influence the adoption of LMS as technology used in the classroom learning
process. Overall, this study has provided another insight that the adoption of an
LMS by students depends on its ease of use as well as the enjoyment and
benefits they experience.

28.[30.] Pershukova, O., Matviyenko, O., Vasiukovych, O., & Nikolska, N. (2021).
Flipping the Aviation English class for distant learning: experience from the
field. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 104, p. 03006). EDP Sciences.
This research is an empirical test of the efficiency of learning Aviation English
using the flipped classroom approach at the National Aviation University. The
analysis was carried out using mixed methods with a convergent design and
involved 272 students in two different Aviation Transportation study groups.
This research concludes that the flipped learning method adopted for distance
learning Aviation English has been accepted and is effective. This is
demonstrated by increasing professional language competency for aviation and
students gaining a good impression during learning. The analysis has been
carried out well and provides arguments that are in line with existing findings.
This analysis contributes to the ESP course by providing evidence that the
flipped class to accommodate distance learning of Aviation English is efficient
and given positive responses by students so that it can be considered as an
approach in learning ESP in Aviaton English.

29.[31.] Pershukova, O., Pazyura, N., & Vasiukovych, O. (2023). Using interactive
learning in future aviation professionals teaching English. Educational
Dimension, 8, 41-54.
This research aims to analyze the extent to which interactive learning
implemented in ESP courses can increase motivation to learn English in
aviation students. The research was carried out by teaching students Aviation
English and then testing the students' proficiency level according to the
Language Proficiency Assessment Scale (ICAO, Level 4) on 23 participants.
The research results concluded that the use of interactive learning, which
involves simulations, role-playing and games, has increased students' learning
motivation and level of language competence. This analysis has explained the
argument well and then produced a conclusion that there is a positive
relationship between providing interactive learning and increasing student
competence in studying AE. This analysis provides evidence that the
interactive approach in ESP is an important way of teaching foreign languages
at university level, especially for improving students' communicative
competence in accordance with ICAO's specific requirements.

30.[32.] Petraki, E., & Khat, K. (2022). Challenges and constraints in the design of
an ESP course in Cambodia: implications for higher education
institutions. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(2), 260-275.
This research conducted a needs analysis from a stakeholder perspective to
develop and design an ESP course for students at university level in Cambodia.
Thematic analysis of data collected through documentation and semi-structured
interviews was carried out with 24 stakeholders. The analysis shows that there
are a series of challenges to the development of ESP in the Asian context,
namely the lack of appropriate ESP training for teachers, low teacher
motivation, low English proficiency of students and the inherent complexity in
developing materials. Apart from that, several ESP designs specifically for
STEM fields in the context of higher education are proposed. The article has
provided arguments tailored to the findings. This article contributes to the ESP
literature by providing a systematic and research-based approach to designing
ESP courses for science fields at the university level.

31.[33.] Prasetya, R. E. (2021). Effectiveness of teaching English for specific

purposes in LMS Moodle: lecturers' perspective. Journal of English Language
Teaching and Linguistics, 6(1), 93-109.
This study investigates the extent to which Moodle as a Learning management
system (LMS) can effectively assist English language learning. Data was
collected using semi-structured interviews and open questionnaires given to a
number of English teachers. This article concludes that the effectiveness of
English language learning carried out using Moodle will depend on the
teacher's pedagogical abilities and the teacher's experience in using Moodle as
an LMS. In this case, the author has been able to provide an overview of how
the effectiveness of English language learning through LMS Moodle can be
encouraged by teachers who have prepared a series of curricula, learning
methods and others that are adapted to the context, which are carried out
electronically. This article exposes the important role of teachers in using LMS,
because the differences in the learning landscape directly and using LMS
require them to prepare different ways of learning.

32.[34.] Putri, E., & Sari, F. M. (2020). Indonesian EFL Students’ Perspectives
Towards Learning Management System Software. Journal of English
Language Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 20-24. DOI: 10.33365/jeltl.v1i1.244
This research aims to explore LMS as an English learning strategy based on
student perspectives. A qualitative method using data collection through
questionnaires and interviews was carried out on 33 university students in
Lampung, Indonesia. It is concluded in this paper that LMS has been able to
help students improve their English language skills through reading, speaking,
listening and writing skills as well as providing independent learning
experiences. However, at the same time they also experience difficulties in the
technical aspects of using the LMS. The authors have successfully explained
their findings and then explained them to the conclusion that overall there is
positive feedback regarding the use of LMS as a learning medium. Lastly, this
study is important because it has once again provided evidence that LMSs have
been beneficial in learning from a student perspective in the context of
locations in Indonesia.

33.[35.] Rachmawati, D. L., & Hastari, S. (2022). Formative Assessment as an

Innovative Strategies to Develop ESP students’ Writing Skills. VELES (Voices
of English Language Education Society), 6(1), 78-90.
This research aims to evaluate the formative assessment process carried out by
ESP teachers in Indonesia on students' writing skills. The case study method
was carried out involving two EFL teachers in the Business English course and
their 40 students. Data was collected using questionnaires, semi-structured
interviews and classroom observations. Analysis reveals that formative
assessment has encouraged teachers to develop aspects of writing skills and
build a good attitude towards Business English. This formative assessment also
increases the involvement of educators and students thereby providing better
learning improvement and reflection. The analysis has consistently stated
research arguments that are supported by research findings and is concluded at
the end of the article. This analysis then contributes to the ESP literature by
providing empirical evidence regarding the power of this type of formative
assessment in improving English writing skills in students at the university

34.[36.] Rafiq, K. R. M., Hasmim, H., & Yunus, M.M (2021). Sustaining
Education with Mobile Learning for English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A
systematic review (2012-2021). Sustainability, 13 (17), 9768.
This research is a systematic review of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
learning through the Mobile learning for English Language Teaching (ELT)
channel. This analysis was carried out with a literature review of 28 articles
that had been extracted based on certain inclusion and exclusion criteria in the
period 2012 to 2021. The results of the analysis show that the use of mobile
applications has helped ESP by encouraging the acquisition of special
vocabulary that is different from English in general because in mobile learning
the emphasis is on vocabulary and language competence. This analysis has
comprehensively examined the range of available literature on ESP and mobile
learning thereby exposing gaps in research. Furthermore, this is important
because it shows which mobile devices are ready to use as well as in
encouraging continuous learning in ESP and mobile learning topics.

35.[37.] Raza, S. A., Qazi, W., Khan, K. A., & Salam, J. (2021). Social isolation
and acceptance of the learning management system (LMS) in the time of
COVID-19 pandemic: an expansion of the UTAUT model. Journal of
Educational Computing Research, 59 (2), 183-208.
This research aims to examine Learning Management System (LMS) in
learning during the pandemic using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use
of Technology (UTAUT). Quantitative methods were employed by distributing
online questionnaires to 516 student respondents from the University of
Karachi, Pakistan. Research found that social isolation, performance
expectancy, social influence, and effort expectancy influence the use of LMS
by students in Pakistan. This shows that LMS will be used by students because
there is a good perception of the benefits of using e-learning during social
restrictions due to the pandemic. This article has comprehensively presented
empirical research regarding LMS adoption as a learning medium during the
pandemic. Overall, this article contributes to the LMS literature by providing
an expanded UTAUT model to further investigate LMS acceptance among

36.[38.] Sari, L. I., & Sari, R. H. (2020). Exploring English Language Needs of
Indonesian Marine Pilots: A Need Analysis and Its Implications in ESP
Classrooms. TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation & Safety
of Sea Transportation, 14(4), 909-917.
This research aims to examine the English language needs of Marine Pilots in
Indonesia by conducting a needs analysis. This was done using a qualitative
descriptive method involving 14 marine pilots and 2 English teachers with data
collection through open questionnaires, interviews and observations. The
article provides the conclusion that the language skills required by marine
pilots range from speaking ability, linguistic competence, grammar and writing
skills which must be adapted to Standard Marine Communication Phrases
(SMCP). Role-playing games and simulations were then suggested for
inclusion in the English language teaching syllabus for marine pilots. This
article has provided arguments that are consistent with the findings thereby
producing conclusive output. The article has contributed to the ESP literature
by providing a basis for considerations for designers of special learning
materials for prospective marine pilots based on student needs from various

37.[39.] Satvindar Singh, R. K., Cheong, C. Y. M., & Rahman, N. A. A. (2021).

Spoken and written communication needs of aviation management trainees.
International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES), 3(3), 535-
This research aims to determine the scope of English use among Aviation
Management Trainees (AVM) and to conduct a study of the types of oral and
written communication activities carried out by AVM. Mixed methods were
used by carrying out data collection using questionnaires on 100 people from 7
different aviation companies and semi-structured interviews with 20 AVM
personnel. This study concluded that English language proficiency is the
utmost importance for AVMs as indicated by the finding that AVMs must use
it in oral and written communication activities in their daily work. The analysis
has comprehensively explained the existing findings and then linked them to
the claim of the importance of English language proficiency for aviation
workers. This analysis has contributed to the ESP literature by demonstrating
again that language and communication skills are important areas of study and
need to be prioritized in the design of ESP for AVM.

38.[40.] Semahat, A., & Özcan, F. H. (2021). Needs Analysis in Curriculum

Design: Language Needs of Tourism Students. Sakarya University Journal of
Education, 11(2), 305-326.
This research conducted a needs analysis for tourism students in the Vocational
English Course. The analysis was carried out by distributing questionnaires and
semi-structured interviews to 70 students, 112 graduates, 9 contents experts
and 50 tourism professionals. This involved quantitative data analysis using
SSPS and qualitative analysis in translating interview transcripts. The analysis
concluded that there are four language skills that are considered important for
tourism students: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Among them,
listening and speaking skills are considered the most important to support their
profession in the future. This analysis has provided conclusions that are in line
with the arguments presented throughout the article. This analysis contributes
to the ESP curriculum development literature by conducting a needs analysis
that not only includes student and teacher perceptions, but also content experts
and professionals in the field as employers.

39.[41.] Simkova, I., Bondarenko, O., & Bielovetska, L. (2021). Web-Based

Applications to Develop Students' Creativity in English for Specific
Purposes. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in
Education, 10(2), 684-692.
This article reports the results of research examining the use of web-based
applications in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) learning to develop students'
creative thinking skills. Mixed methods were used by collecting data from 310
students at two Ukrainian universities using questionnaires and interviews.
Comparative analysis was also performed on the data. This results in the
conclusion that ESP teachers who select appropriate web-based applications
can support the development of students' creative thinking skills. The
comparative analysis also found that there were positive experiences from
students at two different universities. The arguments presented in this study are
in accordance with research findings and are consistent throughout the article.
The analysis has contributed to the ESP literature by showing that appropriate
utilization of technology channels can improve the quality of ESP learning.

40.[42.] Sinaga, R. R. F., & Pustika, R. (2021). Exploring Students’ Attitude

Towards English Online Learning Using Moodle During Covid-19 Pandemic at
SMK Yadika Bandar Lampung. Journal of English Language Teaching and
Learning, 2(1), 8-15.
This research seeks to analyze students' attitudes and the efforts they make to
overcome difficulties in learning English through Moodles a Learning
Management System. Qualitative research explored 30 questionnaires and
interviews with 6 students regarding students' attitudes and their affective and
conative cognitive characteristics. The research results show that students show
a positive attitude towards learning English through Moodle and view this as
important, but they also find it difficult to self-manage to carry out independent
learning through this platform. The research has expressed its arguments well
as demonstrated by a series of findings. This study contributes to the LMS
literature by providing an analysis of students' attitudes towards using LMS in
the vocational school context, which is rarely researched, because it is usually
tested in the tertiary context.

41.[43.] Singh, R. K. S., Cheong, C. Y. M., & Rahman, N. A. A. (2022). Reading

Needs and Perception of Using Authentic Materials in Teaching Aviation
Management Trainees. LSP International Journal, 9(1), 137–148.
This research is a needs analysis of the reading abilities of aviation
management personnel (AVM) to reveal their aviation English teaching needs.
Mixed methods were applied by conducting interviews with 40 respondents
and distributing questionnaires which were completed by 90 participants. The
research results show that AVM personnel need to receive reading training
material from an early age for their professional interests because they will face
work-related challenges related to the documents they will use in the future.
The article has provided a clear argument by emphasizing the importance of
teaching English reading to meet their future employment needs. This article
contributes to the ESP literature that needs analysis is important to carry out
before and throughout the implementation of AE courses to align student needs
with English language teaching materials.

[44.] Syakur, A., Zainuddin, H. M., & Hasan, M. A. (2020). Needs analysis
English for specific purposes (ESPesp) for vocational pharmacy
students. Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and
Education (BirLE) Journal, 3(2), 724-733.
This article is a needs analysis for ESP teaching in the context of pharmacy
schools at the vocational level. The analysis was carried out using the research
and development method, using interviews and questionnaires to collect data
given to 40 Surabaya Pharmacy Academy students. The findings show that
there are several special topics that must be covered in the ESP pharmaceutical
context, namely basic pharmacy, prescription pharmacy, health and medicine,
healthy lifestyle, and microbiology and pharmacy. Required English language
skills include reading, writing and grammar. This paper has been able to
provide good arguments based on its findings, but has not been able to link
them to the output required in ESP. Nevertheless, this article has contributed to
the ESP literature by presenting findings regarding topics that need to be
emphasized in teaching pharmaceutical English.
42.[45.] Sylvia, T., & Hutabarat, L. T. (2021). A Development of E-Learning-
Based Instructional Media for English at Medan Civil Aviation
Academy. Data Science: Journal of Computing and Applied Informatics, 5(1),
This research aims to develop a Learning Management System (LMS) for
learning Basic English for the Medan Civil Aviation Academy. Research and
development methods are used to design learning plans using LMS in this
institution, which will then be tested on a sample of 24 cadets. The conclusion
shows that the use of the Moddle Learning Management System (LMS) for
English education at ATKP Medan has provided high effectiveness compared
to conventional teaching, thereby improving learning outcomes. This analysis
has been well presented by demonstrating how LMS development was carried
out and then testing and test results. Furthermore, the importance of this
research in the LMS literature as a whole is to show the effectiveness of LMS
when compared with conventional learning in the context of teaching English
for aviation cadets.

43.[46.] Tarnavska, T., Glushanytsia, N., Akilli, E., Nahorna. O., & Kostenko, D.
(2023). Professionally Significant Personality Traits and Soft Power Skills
Development in ESP Teaching. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special
Issue on CALL (9), 202-218.
The purpose of writing this article is to examine the professionally defining
personality traits that ESP teaching should possess. A multidisciplinary
approach involving students in four pilot groups and five ATC groups to
conduct ESP training with the new curriculum. The conclusions in this research
reveal that Aviation English training is an important subsystem of a
professional pilot and ATC training system to develop their dialectical abilities.
This then led to the organization of better language teaching for pilots and
ATCs. The analysis has been carried out well, resulting in arguments that are in
line with what was hypothesized. This article has enriched the ESP literature by
providing evidence that Aviation English is important in improving the
professionalism of pilots and ATC. This also shows that it is important to
integrate soft power skills in the ESP pilot and ATC training curriculum.
44.[47.] Tien, H. H. (2021). Integrating project-based learning into English for
specific purposes classes at tertiary level: Perceived challenges and
benefits. VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, 37(4), 128-148.
This paper is an exploratory study of English language learning applied using
the project-based learning (PBL) method in English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) for marketing classes. This was carried out by distributing questionnaires
and conducting interviews with students at fourth year universities with a
sample size of 64. The conclusion obtained was that the integration of PBL into
ESP classes had benefits that outweighed the challenges. By getting these
conclusions, the researcher was able to achieve his goal of examining the
benefits and challenges of the ESP method, especially PBL, in different
contexts. This then shows that different methods in ESP can produce different
challenges and benefits depending on the context. This research has contributed
by explaining the role of PBL in ESP education, in a specific context, namely
Higher Education in Vietnam.

45.[48.] Torres, J. C. S. (2023). Considerations for Aviation-Related English

Teachers Capacitation: A Reflection About Training Aviation-Specialized
English Instructors. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic
Purposes, 057-067.
This research aims to analyze the extent of teachers' capacity in teaching
aviation-specific English, including learning content and professional
qualifications in teaching aviation-type ESP. Qualitative methods were used to
analyze data obtained through questionnaires filled out by 26 English teacher
respondents from various countries. The research conclusion shows that
teachers must at least have experience in the field to design Aviation English
content. The minimum professional requirements are undergraduate and
specifically have an interest in aviation. Research has been able to explain its
arguments to reach the conclusion that special professional requirements are
needed so that teachers can adapt and edit teaching materials tailored to
Aviation English learning needs. Finally, this analysis contributes to the ESP
literature by providing insight into the professional requirements of teachers
teaching AE.
46.[49.] Turnbull, D., Chugh, R., & Luck, J. (2020). Learning Management
Systems, An Overview. Encyclopedia of education and information
technologies, 1052-1058.
This research is a literature review of empirical research on Learning
Management Systems (LMS) in its implementation in Australia and China.
This literature study compares the similarities and differences in the use of
research methods, research approaches and data collection methods in 23
studies that have been filtered based on certain inclusion criteria. This article
concludes that differences in methodology, approaches and data collection
methods indicate different research preferences of the two countries, with
Chinese studies tending to re-examine previous research while Australian
studies more often examine emerging phenomena. The researcher has clearly
presented his findings and strengthened the arguments in his conclusions. In
general, this article can be the basis for further collaborative research in
reviewing LMS in both countries to develop research designs.

47.[50.] Wolf, M. K., & Lopez, A. A. (2022). Developing a Technology-Based

Classroom Assessment of Academic Reading Skills for English Language
Learners and Teachers: Validity Evidence for Formative Use. Languages, 7(2),
This research intends to design a class-based formative assessment tool to
examine the extent to which English language learner (EL) students' learning
has been successfully implemented. This research used an exploratory study
approach to examine the usefulness and validity of an assessment tool tested on
three teachers and 62 EL students. The research concluded that the tool
developed had the potential to carry out formative assessment, but limitations
in teacher understanding and limited skills in using the tool had hampered its
comprehensive implementation. The analysis has been carried out well as
indicated by the existence of arguments that are in line with the findings and
conclusions presented. This analysis has contributed to the EL literature by
providing an alternative formative assessment tool that can be used by teachers
to measure EL students' English language and literacy skill gains.
48.[51.] Zou, M., Kong, D., & Lee, I. (2021). Teacher engagement with online
formative assessment in EFL writing during COVID-19 pandemic: The case of
China. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(6), 487-498.

This study examined English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers'

perceptions of online formative assessments implemented in three Chinese
universities during the Covid-19 period. The qualitative case study method was
used involving three teachers who taught English writing skills. The findings
show that formative assessment of writing ability is determined by three types
of teacher involvement: distracting, auxiliary, and integral. This is manifested
by a variety of emotional, physical-cognitive, and social investments in the use
of information and communication technology in formative assessment. Apart
from that, teacher confidence, digital literacy and teaching experience also
influence the level of individual engagement. The article has clearly provided
the main argument which then provides a conclusive conclusion and
summarizes the findings. The analysis contributes to the EFL literature because
it has enriched knowledge regarding the level of engagement of EFL writing
teachers in online formative assessment by identifying three types of teacher

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