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Management /3 4s «process giving information tothe public about the rode sponsored by the averter, ‘communication of mes bering on ges and vervices. ___ J. Flement of Marketing Min important ofthe marketing _ mixadverising sas of marketing promotion. Pie and aise a nc aera ig ool management, aversing apart fhe mic 2. Promotion Mix personal sling. sales promation, publicity and ‘advertising are the fou element in the promotion mix. averising bas been Considered as a most ffective method of promotion. Tt creates demand, stimulates sales, and reaches customers quickly and effectively. While the ‘ether media of promotion are individual communication or face-to-face manication advertisements mass communication 3: Mass Communication is basic purpose of advertising which {norms group of persons expeted to purchase an ance, Radio, elevsin, newspapers, blboards and magazines ef. mass communication media a2 sed for adverising. : 4, Sponsored-Disclosing ideas. messages and information an ‘advisement i sponsored by some identified advertiser 5. Controled Time, Place, Message and Directon- To mak them ‘fective and purposive the time, pace, message and direction of advertising, seconrlled.Sletion ofthe medium. message and ime sade to achieve the mest economical results 6.Bald Activity-Adversing agencies undenaking advertising activity charge the price of advertising onthe besis of personal agreements, Payment ‘is made for advertising Space, ine, language, ec are sold by advertising agencies, 7. Message to Buy-Agversoment caries a message motivating and ‘inspiring customers to purchase a particular product. Is message gives information about the arbutes ofthe goods and services adverts, .deniiable-Fiom te sponsor's wll as fom the auidienc’s point ‘ofview advensingis deninable. The mssase and presentation recognised by prospecve ensomes 9. Target Group-Althoug advertising doesnot distinguish beeen targa nntarge grup. itis designed 0 nfvence the target group. While framing an aversement the desire parchasing pover, satus, xertanment and attentiveness are considered io suit the large group. 10 Persuasive Message-Themesage of advertsngisprsvasveand informative enough to motivate potential customers It would crease sales ony when it persussveand cesive. The adverts provides infgmationto the prospect willing vo purchase is gods and serves, “O) Benet to Manutacares "1. Addition in Salesit increases sales volume. On the one had, it co an toe aos « “1 Adaiton in image-theps crest a age and epition natonly rode bt ass oF he acveriser 4, Uniformity inprces- Reta pics maintenanie is possible, hese be unormeveryiere ‘: Direct {ouch-It Helps 10 establish a direct contact Between and consumers, ) Benefits to Wholesalers and Retailers cian gifts poss pie si cosas raat ad is ua increases the rato the tract tck 4 Msupplements the selng activities. 4. The reputation cate is shared by the whleslers and retaers “+ $Teenables them ove pred infor 6 Measures snore economical sting, (iy Benefits to Consumers 1. Advertising streses quality and very open pees This forms an indirect guaranee 10 the consumes. Furhermoe. large-scale prodution assured bp advertising enables the seer io sl the produc a lower cost 2. Kaw asap demon wice min i see penile semen tee serene: + 3; Uefal in composition provides an cpp to thecsioners torompr hess deerme Eee ee eee 6-Advertising encourages waste- People ar forced tous the product | asfastas posible sine new prot ith improvements introduced. The ‘proton of any product requires the use ofexhanstngnateral resources, ‘Which ar lobe preserved by planed use ‘ (02. Discuss the wily of advertsingin the busines field, What isits ‘role in developing conom? Explain the roe of Advertising inthe Marketing Process “tis not possibe to increase sales witout advertisement.” Do you thisstatement ‘Ans. Advertising play important ol inthe developing economy of “The main bevels faders rom manufactures consomers salesmen a point of ve ay be marae in brit as flows “A. Adverising and Manufacturers: “There justification in the adage, “it pays to adverse’, because of following advantages ejoyed bythe adverisri, manufseturer or produces. "1 Lower Costs Advertising leads to lower costs of marketing and production du to increase volume of sles. Ashe urover gts nerd in ‘volume and pace, the distribution or marketing cost is averaged low because of Savings in warehousing, ansporation and order cos It alu reduces the pet tunit eos of advertising 2. Steady Demand. Theses volume one stay dat ofadserisng shouldbe established through repeated advertising, Reyular ond request ‘advertising telps to ensure a more loyal clienicle and more regular and even ‘ow of sales by keeping the name, location, products and services of the house constanly before the public, ‘3. Ineeeased Sales To increase the sales volume ofthe product by ‘Advertisement and Sales Management 9 ‘bers and excates confidence in thers ingand Consumers The lima of mashing ops i te esd oe imate customer, The advertising sa means towards this end. Advertising the consumersin he olowing ways 4.A Guiting Force in Making Purchase Decisions~ Advertsing helps smersin taking decisions regaeding the ments demons Of varios ofthe kind, spoil entre ike pis, quality et of produ fom yatious producers because advertising dvseminaes useful information “regarding products of diferent manufactares. Ia this way. i guides the ‘easier goin or a pariculr produc. 2. Elimination of Unnecessary Imermediaries~ By adverising the ‘amanufstureccomesin he direc fouch ofthe casters. On the basis improved quality, the manufacturer gets reputation in the market in this the numb of middlemen whose marginsinrease te pce areca, 44 Better Quality Goods at Cheaper Prices~Advertsngcasuresbeter sndinprove uy fe sons a ass hater ay gods at cheaper aes lo consumers 4Lmprovementin Qualits~ Goods prs athena urdrband ‘ames Whenan advenisenent appar im there nav. nprins an nage ‘ofthe product onthe mind ofthe consumer that it would be beter than the ter brands of he same goods avaiable in the market 1th use ofthe rode arts confirms his capstan, a opcat oder can be expt. It ‘wl hus, cana favourable and nce reputation foie manutiturer esting {amore and ore atracion of asim. ‘$. Consumers Surplus Acyerising increase thet product ‘pois out and emphasises the quality ofthe produc and eas consumers ‘appreciate more strongly the mlity of such goods. As such, the consumers willing 0 pay ever mor for certain products which appar to have aig totbem, 6 Education of Consumers-Thereis thin saving that avenisingis “aneducational adsnamic principle Adkerising aims tevin he yes ahout new and new products ad thei allerative uss D.Adtertsing und Society: ‘Theta of advertising othe soci) canbe dscussed underflow heads: 1, Metter standan of ving. Advertising es bxen an fete tol ‘contributing tremendously in raising the standard of tig ofthe masses crates a desire of posessng bier and never ems through he + education of buen or beter andar of ving 4 ‘Advertisement and Sales Management / 11 __ 4. Selective or Competitive Advertising Sometimes product emers sage othe life eye and when begin, advertising bees oF sletive, Here the goal of sto influence demand pectic product or service _ 5. Comparative Advertising Ths hind of Advertsing isa highly al rend in competitive markets tat i ecenly noted. Such types advertising stress on comparative features of two or moe specific brands of product/service attributes, This method is adopted in the maturity Sage when simlar products lastly appearing in the market consis still eampetiion 6. Shortage Advertsing When shorage in the supply of products ‘cours, advertising olen disappears into the background, A concrete example found inthe case of petroleum products that sings the oil crisis in 1974, virtually advertising for these products ceased. 7. Co-operative Advertising- Many times manufacturers, wholesalers andor retailers jointly sponsor and share the expenditure on advertising. Tt takes the form of co-operative advertising Such advertising would earry the ‘names of all the partes involved, From the poin of vew ofthe customers this isbeneficial. asthe could get the articles directly from the authorised outlets, © For example, the manufacturers of compursicans underake this pe of advertising 5 = Commercial Advertising Iti lo termed as business adverising ‘Aste nan suggesis such advertising is solely meant for effecting increase {nsales, Usually the following forms of commercial advertising are recognised. (a) Industrial advertising-Thiss exclusively wd for sling industrial products : (by Trade advertising Advertising eating toa trade, | (© Professonaladvertising- Undertaken by professional people such 45 doctors, accounts, ec © (@) Farm advertising Escsively wed for sling farm prods sich as ferlisers, insecticides farm implements, ct. ___ 9. Non-Commercial Advertising-These are usually published by charitable institutions preferably to solicit general and financial help (eg. calletion of donations or ste of teks) 10. Direct Action Advertising- Advertising that steses ad persuaes ‘mediate buying ofthe product is known direct action advertising. Dest ‘mal advertising is capable of achieving immediate ation a largeextent. (Qu. Write down classification of Advertising media with the help of ‘suitable example rom the current business world. Describe the types of advertising media and discuss its merits and (@ las human ouch unl by any oer media tages, Demerts or Limitations of Radio Advertising ‘Thelimitationsor demerits of radio advertising are given beion- (41 The message given by radio advertising is shor ved @)ttiscosty (0) only appeals tothe sense of hearing (4) snot stale for al kinds of products, sich as industria! goods eo cnmaeer (3) tis brie and thus details cannot be elaborated ae eee ame ofthe product (9) There is no possibilty of demonstration in his case, (8) Itisasetective media ofadvertising, ‘3. PRINT MEDIA ‘Print Media includes Newspaper and Magazines. (a) Newspaper: ‘The newspaper is @ ical advertsing-mediuen. i.has erage inthe sens that it reaches almost all homes within given area of lation. Newspapers are generally published on daly basis, Very few are as weeklies. It has been observed in India that about 40 percent of arnespaper are very common in semniurban regs. There are national fs some stale level newspapers and some local newspapers. rs depend oni circulation and select news featuresandeditoral eet the needs and reqsirements oftheir readers. The Hindus, ‘Times india and The satesman are moran national newspapers while the Pionser Nav Bharat Times, The Hind ate prominent reponal ‘There are thousands of loal newspapers in tna, ‘Example: Amar Ula DainikJagran,Tincsotnia, esofNowspaper ~ “They reach cach and every nook and comer. so thei coverage is 14/Prakhar Question Bank (hi) Advertsing in nenspapers is cheap mod of advertsng rom con point of ew {x Advertsing in newspapers cheap mod of aves nn ‘cost point of view: Disadvantagesot Newspaper: (i Visual effect may note creatdin prstice asthe papers ar usally inte on cheap newsprint Gi) Thelife of newspaper is extremely shor, so frequent advertising is ‘required. Gi) Lackcofurifomityin advertising requieent (b) Magazines : The sscond form of print media isthe magazine, totes specialised information to special audiencs, Nevspapers appl people Pticlr locales; bt agave each special ps0" people in alice. For Example: Maya Pus ulm Fare, Grbasobha Sart Advantages of Magazines (i) Audience Delivery Gi) Geographic Flexibifity ‘Gix) Continuity (iv) Efficiency (9 Creativity Disadvantagesof Magznss (Limited Messoge Cosi, (ii) Waste Coverage, Gi) Limited Effectiveness, (iv) Message Wear-out, (9) Public Criticism, A.OUTDOOR ADVERTISING hist oldest form ofadvertisng and remains the most commen mt ‘even today, Press publicity is basically indoor advertising as papers are gen’ ally ‘ead indoor, “Various forms of outdoor advertisement may be as follows- | _ 1, Posters"Posters means the papers er ard beards which ae “These posters ave prepared in very atoctive manner a9 Feommon place ing Boards Aderrismy Board arte boards, gel inbeautiful colours and pictures carrying the aches ‘boards are placed on Main Crossings, 80s 0" Halls, Educational Insitations ct. Tes: 82 mune of persons passing 0s — ‘Advertisement and Sales Management / 15 3. Eloctre Dispay-This tho test andmost ata form of outdoor advertising, Under this form, the nae, designe, ofthe products yi n Bright colours and is lighted. These displays tract the atlenton of persons pariclriy inthe night 4. Advertisment through the Means of Transport Advertisement on the means of ransprtation is becoming morc aad more popular day-by-day Under his method, backsceorsiderofbee, rack matadrs te, ae painted ‘Ot adveriserent boards are fixed. Advertisement may be made inside aso This method has proved very successful ‘.Sundwitch Board-Underthis mstho ofaaverisement, some persons ‘ar hired. These persons ae decorated in the manner that they may advertise forte preduct wherever they go. Then these persons are moved from one Ble to anoter na procession ‘6. Counter and Window Display-This sa ery common fam ofouidsor ‘verising. Under this frm, countersane windows are decorated inthe manner thatthe alinton of general pli may be drawn, These counters end windows ae fixed at some important places also, such as-Cinema Hall, Bus stand and Railway Sution ce ‘Merits of Outdoor Advertising ‘The merits of eutdoor advertising are given below () These sdverisements atict the artention fal the personseducated 5 well as unciucated (iy These adyerisement save vey long if (ily These verisements are quite succesful drawing the attention ‘ofmaximam numberof persons. (iv) Attractive colours, designs and pictures can be used in those advertisements (9) These advertisements are very convenient because almost all the Products canbe easily and effectively advertised through these media. (i) These avertisements offer a high degre of lastcity because the ‘number of posters, boards ete, may be selected according 1 the need and eqirementsof advertiser eset Tes advertssentscan suit theaventiemens budget fever sinessman, (il) These advertisements can casily and effectively moet te local advertising requirements ofa produc. (Gs) These advertisements ofa product emeritsof Outdoor Advertising The demerits of outdoor advertising are given below. — 46. Novelty Gifts-Some Gif items Wall sea eee ce mers. These items remind these cusiomers of the producer and his 17, Personal Leters-Somtines, businessmen post personal eters ers. These eters are white nthe same mane 6 persona fiends or relatives or family members . Oe Soest os upton at ‘interval. Such magazines are brought out only by big mupuzines contin complet eal abou the company adits reds, Merits of Direct Mail Advertising “The meris of direct male advertising are given blow ‘ (Direct mal advertising ctablishes direct relation between adverse customers, Ts facts that this is the only method of advertising which such direct relations. _ (i) It saves time and energy for bath the advertiser and customers. (Gi) 1 helps in making the customers permanent because the m ce beeen adverisr and customers goes on continuously. It provides very wide scope fr advertisement The ets that ithas ‘scope because the ler box may communicate the message of all the places throughout the word. sverisr may mata sercy aso direct msl advertising ‘personal correspondence between the advertiser and his, the opportuni tothe advertiser in as much detail as he ‘Advertisment and Sales Management /19 + Specify a tonget audience Indica benchmark or standard slanting point and the degroe of change sought. and * Specify time period for accomplishing the objective or objectives. ‘Comercte Meayurable Tasks: ‘The communications skin objecive should be spelled out and writen {a precise statement of what appeal oF message the advertiser wants 10 ‘communicate to the target audience ‘argst Audience: Another important featuer of good objectives iste specification of 2 well-defined target audience. Though the primary target audience for 3 ‘company’s product or sevice is deserted in situation analysis, yeti may need some refining. Benchmark and Degree of ChangeSought: ‘isimportant to kaow the target audience's present status with respect {o response variables (awareness, knowledge, image, sides or intentions), ‘and then determine the degree of change deserved by the advertising campaign. ‘Quantitative benchmarks are import i establishing advertising goals and ‘ndetermining the degree of campaign successor otherwise, Specified Time Period: ‘The final consideration in setting a bjectives is to specify the time Petiod to accomplish the objectives. Al the poople invoived in the campaign, ves and measuring the resus of ano: ae , which resus. willunderstand ha the resus wil be avaiable for evahaton and could lead and goalsagainst {tomodification or change ine current effort. Increasing brand awareness can be aocomplisied fairly quickly compared to changing consumer perospions ou band. model with foursises_Crtcismof DAGMAR Approach: aware ofthc exisicne>t 1. Pfoblems with response hierarchy: DAGMAR approach sbasedon hirachy ofeffecis model and this fact cannot be ignored that consuners onot always fellow, the sequence of communications effets Jeading to Parchase 2, Sales. asthe Advercisng Goal: Many tlie that sale isthe only Felevant measure ofvemisingobsctives and sho. lite respect and tolerance for advstising campaigns that otherwise may achieve communications objectives but fai to increase sles, 5. Practiality and Costs: Implcinenaton of DAGMAR approach is difMoult Expensive research is required to establish quantitative standards ‘and measure changes in ihe response hierarchy. tis time consuming and can lead to disagrocment over method, criteria and measures ete, ‘Advertisement and Sales Maragement/ 21 ‘otherwise the plans set will rma duc to shortage of i) Ht must specially contain the details om the allocation to specific ising Budget Process: © Cotecion of Data and Preparation of Budget: The advertising ‘sresonsbe for he planting of advertising work fle geting ion from Various sources. -_GPrexeataion nd Approvalotthe Budget There ap integer making process, afer i is developed ty the adverising head i conatation ‘wth the agency personne iso presen it before the CEO for approval (i Budget Execution: The impo task underaken for his purpose {she purchase of authorised time ard space over he media sd the gency handles the le for and on bebal of adverse {Qv) Control of Budget: It isthe duty of advertising manager to see Bisepee arse tn opera teeta int ornoe. pes Eaecrtle ecatn ofthe advising planned sep ‘Now theadvertising agency handles the job of advertisement for and on bell ‘ofthe advertise. Time, space and channel re selected for advertisement. The ‘manager should see thatthe expenses are made in accordance with the approved. plan ana economical manner. 4, Control of Budget-The fourth step in advertising budget making [process is to have a control over the budget, The advertising expenditure should coincide with the budgeted expenditure, The advertising manager should ‘remain well acquainted wil the advertising expenditure and he should ses that | ge beleeepemelgeoeeneccny meta ‘manager should also see that due mount appropriate for sheng ono rans otra ee : ‘S@EOF BUDGET ‘Size ofthe firm determines the size of advertising budget not only in tut also in composition Small firms cannot invest machin advertising They, instead, restrict ther efforts primarily to personal Publicity; Organisations with small budgets-re forced to uss types ‘that are less effective than others. The main reason for using than advertising asa means or promotional efforts is that the certain other sal firms which hve smal promotion budgets course af action They manly concentrate o advertising Advertisement and Sales Management /23 MEANING 8 DEFINTION OF BEHAVIOUR ation o marketing managercm, ther conaumer pays Consume the pls oy bas va mae In Without conser can survive isthe consumer who to purchase, when from whom to purchas, why 1 purchase and how rch 19 ‘Therefore its for he marketer fo undesiand the The marketer should know the preferonces ofthe consumer. what he disikes. The behaviour ofthe consumer tthe market place the market mechanism. The demand and supply conditions nthe, ae aflected by the decision ofthe consumer. ‘The term ‘consumer’ is usualy interrelated gnd interchanged rth ‘and bayer. Ball these three terms are completely diferent. “Buyer isthe person who buys the product “Customer isone who buysthe product but may ws tor at ‘Consumer’ isthe one who buys te product and uses i ‘Therefore, these thie terms cannot be used interchangeably ‘They all make a diferent sense. Definitions ‘Consumer behaviour has been defined by diferent authors diferent ways. Some ofthe definitions of consume behaviour ae: ‘According to Walter and Paul- “Consumer Behaviour isthe process ‘whereby indvidans decide what, where, when, how and from whom to purchase “the goods and services” nthe words of Webster- “Buyer behaviour is all psychological, social physical behaviour of potential customers as they Become aware of “evaluate, purchase, consume and tell other people about producis and purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and “The study of consumer behaviour highlights how individuals make nso spend ther available resources on consumption elated items. ‘TYPESOF CONSUNERS on fo x spower ofa consumer is family, ends, colle he i influenced by hs and shape the desteof not the family monies ‘This group inclines Advertisements ot ative impact on the dwithany produc, be) ‘Advertisement and Sales Mansyement/28 Prorkict aain and wil ts a toby that proc epativats the demand for ihe prode or ser ice (i) Roles and Status, The roles ae an importa role for For example, the role and saws ofthe CEO of cormpary would ot im io buy prods from stres or be would ot prefer non-brandet definitely he wil go fo big sores and brand ame Personal Factors 0) Age and Life Cycle. Age san important detrnnact in deciding he ot the consuner For example, Teenagers require endyeeches and ansportation, small children requte toys, games and educational “pe Lil sete stage alo alfecsthe decision-making power ofthe Consimer [Like-persons ving alone, need basic furniture and kitchen equipments whereas family would prefer complete household products Gi) Oceupation. The occupation of a person also decides his/her «_Somsumption patra. For xample, Alm sar would prefer buying expensv= elo nis anspration woul include ist by ar wl simple pon ‘2na job ill pote nearing snpl cae nM ing wl ote avs Gi Economic Conon sine day fe akterto det chose Peon who canbe their target Like he economic condition icles ihe focome generation. th sving and invexten power ae (i) Persona and Se-Concept. Tie personaly ofa penon greatly Influences his buying derision For example, aed col lving pen il ot fo the bac cour even tough he product may Have many features Personality th incr poyetlogcal chats of person 4. Atttades. tind governs de respase ia sims an eas to haviour, usually (action An atid caot be aura. To hve aide ‘meas tore inmohementin being ready fraction Ais medias ies te pasion of person for or against thing "_INPORTANCE OF CONSUMER BEHAVOURIN ADVERTISING Consumer behaviour pays ary eral role in advertising Before ‘breparng nadrising plan, a adverse othe aderising pny mtb ‘aware of the behavioural pattern of the consumers. The suocess of the eogrammes dcpends greatly onthe bes\our soy ofthe consumers The Nofconsuierteuviou deems ihe dino thetsingf etiam ‘cover the markt segnens where ca sie the conser be ou And induc the consumers to take» ds to prchas the root |__Theconsumer behaviour study also recognises the drives that should ise The advertiser may improve his product s0 a5 (0 satis the ive Forewanple driv dstrtances on login level. a ‘Advertisement and Sales Management 27 | What are the essentials of god advertising copy? “Mention the instinct mhich are taken into consideratonin advertising ev Field for ‘Ans. An advertising copy isthe means by whch the advertisers ideas ce Consumes given expression o ina message to readers, Regardless of is length and copy refers to al the reading matters ofan advertisement, incloding alin, sub-neadines et or bod andthe name ofthe frm othe initials ofthe advertise, As, we have seen that advertising has so media purpses butts ltimete gals to simulate sales As 3 eader, the pagssof« magazines or newspaper, he notices so many advertisements great variation in copy. Some copy maybe 5 sticking a the reader ation and rshtothe nearest elt purchase, ithe ire + may be sme other copy or copes hat he doesnot ike ot does ma click hismind The rst copy conforms othe requisites ofa goed copy. Acopywitt srmstiake painsin making vpa sound advertsement copy cotining 3 various aa etinnn, composent «beading sbbeadins stations ce. The flowing are Lars Tesec\othemain components fan adrtisement cops) Head, (i) Sobel, Gi Slogans) stations, x) Tet or body of Un copy, (i Menificaion ‘Mark We, shall now discuss these componenisin the following lines 4. Headline. The frst device na copy isheadlive ls main purpseisto stat attention, arose cursor interes and thereby induce further reading bas short as possible and peasanily warded toany ofthe instincts. think he or se i the message or appeal in gist aa ance lifestyles (btaviow Headlines ae of various ype. WH. Howarscasified headlines into types) Label, (i) Informative, Gi) Provocative, and (i Selective adnes. The other types may be :) Direct command headline, and 7) Tefeoncepiscios.: Question headline are compat (Lab Headlines. label hedine identifies the nae ofthe proact ‘mativatins fr about theses SLIMCA of Parle Rotting: Limcaisverlime“n enon ged by human bhai! _ESSOEXTRAMOTOROU Preteen: rit and individuals © aformative Heaties efonatveheadies given inermaton bat i et Bie prea se Se int oie poet wf Spe Sr vases whiter” soundly, Walke Rested On Horlicks Mad Mik” Pilar method otra simple, cay ‘Advertisement and Sales Management /31 ce Appeabitmakes icy pair 2 rediced pres consis the oat imporiant component of ting message, specifically incase of retaltadvervome, ‘News Appeal This 771 dominates theadventsing itells bout the oF Modification ade inthe product, Popularity Appeat it assert that he prac secs very popular, q ly used andi Not in the category. ample fc Generalty Appeabitisa general appeal through which a producer oF curse, wih Particular producvservice category in general so that the individual ‘may not be singled out ne, brand nan, Related Appeal ha wor, ora eter In this appeal, emphasis is laid on the uses of prodveserice tothe met. Those ar five such consumer related appeals 1. Serviee Appeal explainsthe various waysin which te product may by the consumer, 2. Saving Appeal-ltofers the consumer an opportunity losave money ce expenses through the use of preducUservice: It may alo poi oot how its se wil sul inthe edvation of other consumer exper Self enhancement Appeth-it sugges iat use ofa particular product some inherent quliy ote consuner, will ake te consume or handsome, For example, advertisements for cosmetics and have se-entumncoment appeals jal iliness or economic loss and then suggests thatthe use of the product wil remove the basis of fear. §,Product-trial Appea-Itoffers incenives lik re sample rediction in discount inthe hope of getting consumer's response o purchase on-produt Appeals apes arson the god wrk ft company which the vise, coer be ava of. Tes are vo sch ape {its characienstis ie product. The

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