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Aices Angel A.


1. What is the adverse effect of climate change on the environment and society?

Climate change is a serious problem that has the potential to affect the environment and society.

The effects of climate change are visible all around us: we are experiencing more extreme
weather events. This can cause flooding, drought, and the spread of diseases. Climate change
poses risks to society, including damage and loss of infrastructure due to natural disasters;
diminished crop yields and food availability as temperatures rise; higher energy costs associated
with changing weather patterns ; and increased health-care costs due to health problems caused
by heat waves or cold spells.

Climate change will have a different impact on each region of the globe, depending upon where
it is located and how readily its inhabitants can adjust to new conditions. For example, regions
that depend on one crop or natural resource are more vulnerable to natural disasters than regions
with a diverse economy. In addition, poor countries may be less able to deal with the financial
costs of adapting to climate change. Climate change disproportionately affects the poorest
communities, which often lack the resources to protect themselves from natural disasters.

2. As a Nationalian student, in what way can you converse and preserve the environment to
address the impacts of climate change on society

As a student, I feel the impact of this phenomenon on all of our lives.

First, I can communicate with my peers and preserve the environment by making sure that I take
care of my body. I do this by eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising.

Second, There are two ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. I
believe that we should use both methods together because they work in tandem with each other
and for the benefit of future generations.

We can all make small changes that will reduce our carbon footprint by, for instance, walking or
biking instead of driving whenever possible and choosing environmentally friendly products
when we do buy something new. Lastly, we can save on energy bills by using less fossil fuels to
heat or cool our homes and businesses.

3. Explain The different E-learning modalities, from devices to services.

There are three main kinds of e-learning modalities: devices, services and hybrid.

Device-based e-learning is the most common form of e-learning today. It involves using a
computer or mobile device to deliver content such as online courses, virtual reality experiences
and simulations.
Service-based e-learning: This digital learning format involves providing a service through
which learners can access various types of content such as videos, audio files and documents.
Examples include online courses offered by schools or specialized institutions.

Hybrid e-learning is a combination of device and service-based methods where learners interact
with content on their own devices while also being able to interact with other users. Facebook
(Meta), Twitter, Quora, and is examples of hybrid e-learning.

4. What are your take away of e-learning now a days.

I think it's important to understand that e-learning is not a substitute for classroom instruction.
I’ve learned that e-learning has become the norm for many people, not just those who are unable
to attend school in person. In addition to being an excellent resource, I've also learned that e-
learning can be more engaging than traditional methods.

Overall, E-learning is here to stay; it's no longer just an option, it's a necessity. The world is
changing, and we need to be able adapt as fast as possible because our jobs depend on it. I see
the future of education involving a great deal of virtual reality, but I think that we need to find
ways for students who are not interested in those subjects like history or science to learn them

5. Mention a few of the services our government should provide. Are those delivered fast
and effective? Why?

- Healthcare. In New Zealand, healthcare is paid by the government. As long as you are a
citizen of that country you get free health care. The Philippine government should also
aim to achieve those benefits for its citizens. This will greatly help the people who lives
below the minimum wage rate and people in poverty.

- Education. The standards of education in the Philippines are absurd. K to 12 is one

example of failed implementation of educational help for its citizen. In Thailand, college
students only take 12-15 units per semester while students in the Philippines take double
that amount. Not only that, Job requirements here are very strict and furiously too high!
Decrease the necessary units and specialized the curriculum to the student’s desire, skills
are more important in country like us whose main source of income is man power and

- Job opportunities. Like what I previously said, Job requirements here in the Philippines is
unbalanced, imagine applying for a janitorial job and the requirements is a college
degree. It is very deranged. Compared to the US, most jobs there does not need a degree
or diploma. Fix the Job requirements and offer more jobs for those whose skills can be
used like BPO, OFWs, and Physical Labor without the insane requirements.

- Clean water, clean air and healthy landfills. Pollution is one problem here in the capital of
the Philippines, clean air and water is scarce and demand is high. Invest more on cleaning
the water and planting more samplings to improve our situation. This will decrease price
of water and avoid illnesses generally since the air is clean.

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