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Assignment 2

Hayley Mitchelson
Decision Making Framework
Assessment Two: Task
• Use the decision-making framework to select a practice for your case study
(this is to be different from the practice/strategies you presented in
assessment one). Based on this information, create and record a 10-minute
presentation for a team working with a person with autism.
• The aim of this presentation is to illustrate collaborative decision making and
will include recommendations about the use of the practice. Accompanying
the recording and slides of the presentation, submit a written evaluation
(1200 words). This is a research-informed critical evaluation of the
application of the decision-making framework.
Breaking Down the Task
1. As a team* apply the decision-making framework in your context
2. Create a video explaining to a target audience how your team applied
the decision-making framework
3. Evaluate the process you used in applying the decision-making

*Team is anyone involved in the decision-making

Step 1: Apply the decision-making framework

- Adaptions for the
individual and the context
- Evaluation

Note. You are not required to

implement the strategy.

Select a practice to address a question

Step 2: Presentation
• Identify the target audience
• Create a 10-minute presentation on how the team applied the decision-
making framework
• Record the presentation

• You do not have to deliver the presentation to the actual audience

• Assessment is on the application to the practice and appropriateness
to the audience, not how well you present
Step 3: Evaluation
• Evaluate the decision-making process with attention to collaborative
practice and social validity
• Evaluate the selection of the practice with attention to best available

well Research
What would
What we you do next
did time?

could be
Criteria and Marking (55%)
• Presentation

• Written assessment

• Presentation and written assessment

Assessment Two Support
• Three steps to creating a video

What to Submit
• Upload one file (Word document or PDF)
• Upload one video file
• Use headings in your word document and include a written evaluation
Assignment 2

Good luck!
Autism Centre of Excellence (ACE)

Researching What Sharing Creating

Matters Knowledge Connections

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