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I was a person who have eager to learn and I

Tell us about yourself ? loved to learn new things. Recently I interested in
ui ux so I took online course at my skill. Actually
I loved to talked in fornt of people but somehow
Iit usually make me turn cold and nervous, but in
another way it makes me happy and exciting
sometimes so I guess I havea to work on that
problem on me. I was a perfectionist person
actually and because of this behaviour sometimes
make me hard to adapt to my new environtment.
But iam trying to work on this things by let
myself make mistake and not let my self judge
myself way too hard. And sometimes hard for
me to manage my own emotion because I wasn’t
a spoke person while I was mad or angry instead
of verbally expressing my emotion its better for
me to write how I am feeling rather than share
with people around me because I think when I
express my feeling verbally there`s probability I
would hurt them by my words even though I am
not do it intentionally.
How do you see yourself in the future ?

What do you know about ?

Why do you think this could help you achieve

your goals?

What is leadership from your perspective? In my perspective leadership is the ability to

manage people and make a good sustainable
relationship even after event or work. I was way
more amazed by a leader who able to make their
people keep have a good real

How do you cope with problems? I do believe calm is the key, because even in the
bad situation panick cant even help at all. So
instead of panick we better to thinks the solution
that could make the situation better. If I faced
complex problem i usually write it down about
everything I worry about in my book, I called it
“my own thought” and write the possibilities that
probably happen because I used to overthink
everything so write them down make me so much
easier to solve it Ijust found it effective for me
while I try to decide which university I really
want to enter while I was in senior highschool.
Because I really want to accepted by SNMPTN I
have to break down any possibility that could
happen and which university that I have chance
with. And it makes me less stress rather than I
didn’t wrote it down at all.
What is your university plan ? I want to experiece Saya ingin mengikuti
organisasi yang memiliki kultur kerja yang mirip
dengan dunia kerja di luar baik di dalam maupun
di luar kampus, saya juga ingin mengikuti lomba-
lomba esai dan lomba lainnya, saya juga ingin
mengikuti program magang ke depannya. Saya
juga aktif mengikuti volunteer yang ada baik
online maupun offline.
If you could meet your past self, what would you
tell them ?

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