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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

1. dry leaf is a….

a. living thing
b. thing that was once alive
c. thing that has never lived
2. When we……, we take carbon dioxide out
a. Breathe out
b. Breathe in
c. Sleep
3. Here are the characteristics of living things, except (kecuali)…
a. they need food and air
b. they grow and need water
c. they don’t have young and they don’t breathe
4. The characteristics of amphibian are….
a. they have fur and they give birth
b. they live on land and in water
c. they lay eggs and they have a pair of antennae
5. ……breathes using gills.
a. Fish
b. Butterfly
c. Elephant
6. The life cycle of butterfly is….
a. egg-larva-pupa-adult
b. larva-pupa-adult-egg
c. egg-pupa-larva-adult
7. Animals can…. from one place to another place to get food or get away from a danger.
a. move b. take c. eat
No. 8-9. Look at the food chain below!

8. The producer is….

a. grass
b. deer
c. lion
9. The primary consumer of the food chain above is….
a. grass b. deer c. lion
10. …. is a living thing that makes its own food
a. consumer b. primary consumer c. producer
11. The function of stem is….
a. To keep the plant upright
b. To help the plant reproduce
c. To hold the plant firmly from the soil
12. The function of flower is….
a. To keep the plant upright
b. To help the plant reproduce
c. To hold the plant firmly from the soil

13. This is a….

a. Small intestine
b. stomach
c. large intestine
14. The human organ that is located next to the heart is…
a. Large intestine
b. Brain
c. Lungs
15. The function of the brain is….
a. Digest the food
b. Takes blood rich in oxygen from the lungs and pumps it into different parts of the body
c. Controls other organs by sending messages to them
II. Answer the following questions with the correct answer!
1. Mention 5 human organs.

2. Mention 5 characteristics of living things.

3. Mentions 5 animals that lay eggs and give birth

Lay eggs:

Give birth:

4. Mentions 5 parts of the plants.

5. What is:
a. Herbivore :
b. Carnivore :
c. Omnivore :
6. Explain the function of :
a. Leaves :
b. Root :
c. Stem :
d. Flower :
e. Lungs :
f. Brain :

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