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General students’ characteristics

11 years old, moderately quick at learning, English as a second language

Existing knowledge
Already exposed to the general sports in Malaysia.
Learning styles

‘Which Sports Analysing Students

Kinesthetics and visuals

Do You Like’
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
name and differentiate various sports
tell about their favourite sports

based on have conversations with peers about their favourite sports

ASSURE Model Stating Learning Objectives Methods

Discussion, lecture and activities
Slideshow and video show
Tools and sources
Topic Laptop, projector, LCD and speaker
Selecting Methods,
Unit 6; Sport (Year 5 English Medias & Sources
Textbook) 1. PowerPoint slides:
pictures of various sports
Main Skill Focus 2. YouTube video:
Speaking short clips of sports games
Content Standard
Utilising Medias & Induction set (5 minutes)
2.3 Communicate appropriately Materials
The teacher acted out some sports and students guessed to stimulate their existing knowledge.
to a small or large group Step 1 (10 minutes)
Learning Standard Students went through the slideshows and had discussion with the teacher.
Step 2 (15 minutes)
Narrate short basic stories and Students watched the YouTube video, paid attention to how the certain sports showed are
events Requiring Students’ played and answered questions from the teacher regarding the video.
Step 3 (10 minutes)
Learning Outcomes Involvement
The teacher taught students sentences to tell others about ‘my favourite sports’ and give
1. Students are aware of the example.
Then, students constructed their own sentences.
different sports names in Step 4 (10 minutes)
English. Students did an activity where they needed to be in pair and exchange conversations about
their favourite sports.
2. Students can explain about Summary and Closing (10 minutes)
which sports they like and The teacher made a simple conclusion and each students completed a worksheet where they
need to match the sports and their characteristics.
Students achievements:
The results from the conversation exchanges activity of speaking skills.
The results of the worksheet.
Improvements made:
Evaluation Conducting more fun activities and assessing quizzes to students.

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