Surface Mining Numerical Practices

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Week 1

1. Which of the following is not a type of fault?

(A) Reverse fault
(B) Oblique fault
(C) Normal fault
(D) Horizontal fault

Ans: D

Refer to Lecture number 01

2. Which statement is TRUE in context of Dip direction?

(A) The angle between geological surface and horizontal, measured in vertical plane,
oriented perpendicular to strike
(B) The angle between geological surface and vertical, measured in vertical plane, oriented
perpendicular to strike
(C) The angle between geological surface and vertical, measured in horizontal plane,
oriented perpendicular to strike
(D) All of the above

ANs: A

Refer to Lecture number 01

3. Which of the following statement is WRONG for Indian surface mines?

(A) Higher OMS (output per man shift) with respect to underground
(B) Lower percentage of extraction with respect to underground
(C) Higher ground vibration due to blasting with respect to underground
(D) Required more land acquisition for mining with respect to underground

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 04

4. As the thickness of overburden increases, the stripping ratio will

(A) Increase
(B) Decrease
(C) Does not change
(D) Becomes ZERO

Ans: A

Refer to Lecture number 04

5. The deepest surface mine of the world is
(A) Udachny diamond mine
(B) Neyveli Lignite Mine
(C) Bingham copper mine
(D) Muruntau Gold Mine

Ans: C
Refer to Lecture number 02

6. Choose the correct pair in reference to this figure.

1. Bench toe
2. Bench crest
3. Pit bottom
4. Bench face

(A) P – 1, Q – 2, R – 3, S -4
(B) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1, S -4
(C) P – 2, Q – 1, R – 3, S -4
(D) P – 2, Q – 1, R – 4, S -3

Ans: D

Refer to Lecture number 05

7. The statement made on the minerals are

[1] Minerals has well defined chemical composition
[2] Minerals has specific crystal structure
[3] Minerals are naturally occurred
[4] Minerals are basically metallic oxides

(A) Only [3] is right

(B) [2] and [3] are right
(C) [1], [3] and [4] are right
(D) [1], [2] and [3] are right

Ans: D

Refer to Lecture number 01

8. Surface mining is the excavation of rock mass in _________?
(a) Horizontal slicing
(b) Vertical slicing
(c) Vertical or horizontal slice depending on depth
(d) None of these

Ans: a

Refer to Lecture number 05

9. Most of the coal deposits are _____

(A) Sedimentary – bedded deposit
(B) Igneous – bedded deposit
(C) Metasomatic – vein deposit
(D) Magmatic – vein deposit

Ans: A

Refer to Lecture number 03

10. The selling cost of coal per tonne is Rs 2100. Mining cost per tonne is Rs. 400. Overburden
handling cost per cubic meter is Rs. 130. The break-even stripping ratio for this case,
rounded off to 2 decimal number, is ______

Answer: 12.5 – 13.5

Explanation: (a) Selling cost of coal = Rs. 2100/te

(b) Mining and beneficiation cost of coal = Rs. 400/te

Profit earned per tonne of coal = (a-b) = 2100-400 = Rs. 1700/te

Overburden handling cost = Rs. 130/cubic metre

Therefore, Break even stripping ratio will be equal to = 13.08

Week 2

1. Geiger–Müller counter can be used in ________

(A) Resistivity Geophysical Prospecting
(B) Seismic Geophysical Prospecting
(C) Gravity Geophysical Prospecting
(D) Radio-active Geophysical Prospecting

Ans: D

Refer to Lecture number 06

2. RIGHT chronology of Phases of mining a deposit is _______

(A) Geophysical prospecting  Geological exploration  Orebody modelling  Feasibility
study  Mine development Mine closure.
(B) Geophysical prospecting  Orebody modelling  Geological exploration  Feasibility
study  Mine development Mine closure
(C) Geological exploration Geophysical prospecting  Feasibility study  Orebody
modelling  Mine development Mine closure
(D) Geophysical prospecting  Geological exploration  Feasibility study  Mine
development  Orebody modelling  Mine closure
Ans: A

Refer to Lecture number 06

3. Feasibility analysis is carried out to identify -

(A) Geo-mining culture of the area
(B) Financial acceptance of the Mining Project
(C) Grade of the deposit to be mined
(D) Required land acquisition for mining

ANs: B

Refer to Lecture number 07

4. Exploratory core drilling helps in identifying

[1] the geological disturbances

[2] grade of ore

[3] atmospheric conditions

[4] the litholog

(A) Only [1], [2] and [4] are right
(B) Only [2] and [4] are right
(C) Only [4] is right
(D) All are right

ANs: A

Refer to Lecture number 06

5. The first initial excavation made in the surface mine is called -

(A) Commencement cut
(B) Mine inauguration
(C) Box cut
(D) Horizontal slicing

Ans: C

Refer to Lecture number 07

6. Choose the correct sectional view at X-X’ section of the figure shown below -




Answer: (A)

Refer to Lecture number 09

7. The statements made on a continuous mining system are

[1] Minerals are excavated by BWE
[2] Ore mineral is transported by Dumpers
[3] Shiftable and mobile transfer conveyors are used
[4] Explosives are used for blasting of ore minerals

(A) Only [3] is wrong

(B) Only [1] and [3] are right
(C) Only [2], [3] and [4] are wrong
(D) Only [1], [2] and [3] are right

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 08

8. The mine which is using Drilling and blasting, is basically adopting a -

(A) Discrete mining system
(B) Continuous mining system
(C) Either a discrete or a semi-continuous mining system
(D) Either a continuous or a semi-continuous mining system
Ans: C

Refer to Lecture number 08

9. DPR stands for

(A) Departmental Performance Report
(B) Detailed Project Report
(C) Descriptive Profit Report
(D) Detailed Pheasibility Report

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 07

10. The volume of rock to be removed for making a box cut of 200 m × 100 m with the bench
angle of 70 degree and ramp inclination of 1 in 15 and bench height of 10 m in m3, is ______

Answer: 287800 – 287900

Length BC =nm 200

bench height (Hb) Mm= Nn 10
Width ml= EF 100
Ramp slope = slope of plane Ajkn (slope Ab) Nn/AB 0.066667
AB = 150
Bench slope = slope of plane BCmn = Eflm (slope Cm) phi 70
BN=CM=EM 3.639702

Volume - 1 = (1/2) area BCMN × Hb 3639.702

Volume - 2 = (1/2) area IHLK × Hb = Volume 1 3639.702
Volume - 3 = area KLMN × Hb 200000
Volume - 4 = (1/2) area LMEF × Hb 1819.851
Volume - 5 = (1/3) area CDEM× Hb 44.15811
Volume - 6 = (1/3) area CDEM× Hb =Volume -5 44.15811
Volume - 7 = (1/2) area ABIJ × Hb 80459.55
Volume - 8 = (1/3) area ABN× Hb = to substract 909.9256
Volume - 9 = (1/3) area IJK× Hb = to substract = Volume -8 909.9256

Total Volume 287827.3

Week 3

1. In Rotary drill, drill is advanced through ___________.

(A) Failure of rock under abrasion
(B) Failure of rock under compressive hammering
(C) Failure of rock under dissolving
(D) Failure of rock under jet piercing

Ans: A

Refer to Lecture number 11

2. Drilling is essentially required in blasting to _______

(A) Weaken the rockmass
(B) Place the explosives inside the rockmass
(C) Divide the rockmass into block
(D) None of the above

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 11

3. Match the following for a drilling system

Component Function

(P) Drill (1) Utilization of energy in fragmentation of rock

(Q) Drill rod (2) Reduction of energy loss due to regrinding
(R) Drill bit (3) Conversion of original form of energy into mechanical
(S) Flushing medium (4) Transmission of energy from prime mover to applicator

(A) P – 3, Q – 1, R – 2, S – 4
(B) P – 4, Q – 1, R – 3, S – 2
(C) P – 3, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 2
(D) P - 2, Q – 1, R – 3, S – 4
Ans: C

Refer to Lecture number 11 and 12

4. Tri-cone drill bit is a

(A) cross bit
(B) button bit
(C) rotary roller bit
(D) button drag bit
Ans: C

Refer to Lecture number 12

5. The reliable way of exploratory drilling carried out prior to Mining for obtaining core is ____
(A) Percussive drilling
(B) Rotary drilling
(C) Rotary-percussive drilling
(D) DTH drilling

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 11

6. In Down the hole hammer drill to transfer energy, the piston strikes directly on the _______.
(A) Adaptor
(B) Bit
(C) Drill
(D) None of these

Ans: B

Refer to Lecture number 11

7. Pick up the CORRECT statement from the following relation between drilling component and
(A) Drill bit is used to transform the energy from prime mover to applicator.
(B) Drill converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.
(C) Flushing medium used in drilling reduces energy loss due to grinding.
(D) Drill rod transmit the energy from applicator to prime mover.
Ans: C

Refer to Lecture number 11

8. The cutting principle of the Percussive drills is _______.

(A) hammering
(B) Rotary action
(C) Shearing
(D) ploughing

Ans: A

Refer to Lecture number 11

9. Choose the right sequence of power/pressure transfer in a drilling system _____

(A) rod Bit Shank  rock

(B) rod Shank  Bit rock
(C) rod Bit rock Shank
(D) Shankrod –Bit  rock

Ans: D
Refer to Lecture number 11

10. Penetration rate of a DTH drill may be estimated using the following formula PR = -
0.0283UCS + 15.11 for 240 mm diameter, where, PR is in m/hr and UCS is in MPa. Actual
penetration rate for different diameters may be estimated as PR2 = PR1 × (D1/D2)1.5.
Where, PR1 & PR2 are penetration rate for D1 & D2 diameter respectively.
Consider a case where, a drill machine is drilling rock of 50 MPa UCS with 150 mm diameter.
Then the penetration rate in (m/hr) will be ___________.

Answer: 27 – 28

Explanation: It is given that, UCS of rock is 50 Mpa

Diameter (D1) is 240 mm

Using the formula for penetration rate (PR1) = -0.0283*UCS + 15.11

= -0.0283*50 + 15.11 = 13.695 m/hr

Using the formula for actual penetration rate for different diameters

PR2 = PR1*(D1/D2)1.5

= 13.695*(240/150)1.5

= 27.71 m/hr

Week 4

1. In blasting, the term Peak particle velocity ‘’PPV’’ is a measure of ____________

(A) Escape velocity of fly rock
(B) Luminous intensity
(C) Speed of deflagration
(D) ground vibration

Explanation: (D)

PPV is Peak Particle Velocity, which is used to measure the ground vibration

2. The following figure represents blast pattern of a bench. Labeled the figure correctly.

1- Burden
2- Spacing
3- Bench height
4- Charge length
5- Stemming
(A) P – 3, Q – 1, R – 4, S – 5, T – 2
(B) P – 4, Q – 1, R – 3, S – 5, T – 2
(C) P – 2, Q – 5, R – 3, S – 1, T – 4
(D) P – 4, Q – 5, R – 3, S – 1, T - 2

Explanation: (D)

P – Charge length
Q – Stemming
R - Bench height
S – Spacing
T – Burden

3. Deflagration is a ______________.
(A) Rapid burning of explosive but not an explosion
(B) Change in the inclination of drill hole
(C) Marking with red flag for the misfire shot.
(D) Disintegration of rockmass.

Explanation: Deflagration: This is an exothermic process in which the transmission of the

decomposition reaction is mainly based upon thermal conductivity. It is a superficial phenomenon in
which the deflagration front advances through the explosives in parallel layers at a low speed which,
usually, is not over 1 m/s.

Detonation: This is a physiochemical process characterized by its high speed of reaction and the
formation of shock waves and large quantities of gaseous product at an elevated temperature,
which build up a great expansion force.

4. Pick up the WRONG statement from the following.

(A) Distance between first row of the blastholes and bench crest is called burden
(B) Distance between two holes in a same row is called stemming.
(C) The extra drilling beyond the height of the bench is called sub-grade drilling.
(D) Increasing the value of burden and spacing, results in higher production per hole.

Explanation: Burden: Distance between first row of the blastholes and bench crest.

Spacing: Distance between two holes in a same row.

Stemming: To confine the explosive charge inside the hole, crushed stones etc. are used. That is
called stemming.

Sub-grade drilling: The extra drilling beyond the height of the bench.

Production: burden × spacing × bench height

5. In the figure given below, the blastholes are shown along with their delay time, in
ms. Identify the drill pattern and the blasting pattern.

(A) Rectangular pattern, extended- V cut

(B) Staggered pattern, V- cut
(C) Rectangular pattern, V –cut
(D) Staggered pattern, extended V- cut
Explanation: Drilling pattern: Rectangular: second rows of blastholes are exactly behind the
first row.
Blasting pattern: From the delay sequence: V cut pattern

6. Which of the following is NOT affecting the proper fragmentation of rock?

(A) Correct type of explosive
(B) Correct amount of charge per hole
(C) Correct type of exploder
(D) Correct stemming

Explanation: Type of exploder has no role on efficient breaking of rock.

7. Match the following Properties and their measuring instruments/principles.

(P) Measurement of change in resistance (1) Ground vibration

(Q) Image processing (2) Fragmentation

(R) Microphone (3) VOD

(S) Piezoelectric property (4) Air over pressure

(A) P – 1, Q – 2, R – 3, S -4
(B) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 1, S -4
(C) P – 2, Q – 1, R – 3, S -4
(D) P – 3, Q – 2, R – 4, S -1

Explanation: The VOD measurement instruments are based on the resistance wire continuous VOD
Image processing techniques are used to visualize the fragmented rock pieces and to calculate their
size distribution.

Microphones are used to measure the air overpressure or noise.

Some crystals generate electrical energy when mechanical stress is applied and deform when
electrical field is applied. Such behavior is called piezoelectric property. This type of piezoelectric
sensors is used to measure the ground vibration.

8. Pick up the CORRECT statement from the following:

(A) P - wave can travel in vacuum.
(B) S –wave can travel only in solid.
(C) Rayleigh wave can travel in liquid.
(D) P- wave can not travel in liquid.

Explanation: P- wave is a mechanical wave and that cannot travel in vacuum. It requires a medium to

S- wave, Rayleigh wave can travel only in solid.

9. Pick up the CORRECT statement from the following:

(A) Blast induced ground vibration increases with decrease in charge quantity.
(B) Blast induced ground vibration increases with increase in distance.
(C) Blast induced ground vibration increases with increase in charge quantity.
(D) Blast induced ground vibration increases with decoupled charge.

Explanation: PPV ∝ Q

PPV 1/ ∝ D

PPV = Peak article Velocity

D = distance
Q = charge per delay
Fly rock is an undesirable result in blasting. Because, it has harmful effect.

10. A blasting is carried out in large coal mine bench of 10 m height with 3 m burden, 4.5 m
spacing. SME explosive is used with linear charge concentration is 20 kg/m. The stemming
length, air decking length and sub-drilling length are 2.5 m, 0.5 m, and 2 m respectively. If
the specific gravity of coal is 1.3, the powder factor for the blast in kg of explosive used per
tonne of blasted coal is __________

Answer: 0.9 -1.1

Explanation: The burden (b) = 3.0 m
Spacing (s) = 4.5.0 m

Height (h) = 10 m

Material blasted from 1 hole = b × s × h = 3 × 4.5 × 10 = 135 m3 = 135 m3 × unit weight of the blasted
material = 135 × 1.3 = 175.5 tonne

height of the explosives in the hole (he) = length of the hole + sub-grade drilling – (Air decking +
Stemming length)

= 10 + 2 – (0.5 + 2.5) = 12 – 3 = 9 m

Explosives used per hole = height of the explosives in the hole (he) × linear charge concentration

9.0 m × 20 kg/m = 180 kg

𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑔 180 𝑘𝑔

Powder factor = 𝐶𝑜𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒 = 175.5 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒 = 1.02
Week 5
1. Ripper is used to _______
(A) Push of soil
(B) Excavate or loosen the rockmass
(C) Load the fragments to truck
(D) Sorting of waste and mineral

Ans: B

Please refer to lecture number 21

2. The following figure represents line diagram of a dragline. Labelled the figure correctly.

1. Shank
2. Blade
3. Idler
4. Cylinder

(A) P – 1, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 4
(B) P – 2, Q – 3, R – 1, S – 4
(C) P – 2, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 3
(D) P – 1, Q – 4, R – 2, S – 3

Ans: C

Please refer to lecture number 21

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of Excavator-shovel?

(A) Stripping shovel
(B) Back hoe
(C) Dipper shovel
(D) Dozer

Ans: D

Please refer to lecture number 21 and 24

4. A mine is planned to produce 4 million tonne of material through ripping with a multi-tine
ripping system. The width of the ripper is set as 2 m and depth of cut for the particular
rockmass is set as 20 cm. The ripper is deployed with ripping length of 500 m. If the 700 HP
river has the ripping speed of 1.0 kmph while the return speed of 3 kmph, the hourly
production can be achieved as ___ tonne. [Sp gr of material = 2]

Answer: 595 to 605

Material ripped in one slice (tonne) = 400

Time required to rip one slice (min) = 30
Time required to return for new slice (min) = 10
Ripping quantity (tonne/h) = 600

Please refer to lecture number 23

5. The angle ‘A’ shown in the figure is _______.

(A) Rake angle

(B) Clearance angle
(C) Cutting angle
(D) Wedge angle

Ans: B

Please refer to lecture number 21

6. In general, Ripper is best applicable to ______
(A) Highly fractured soft rockmass
(B) High silica massive rockmass
(C) Rockmass with faults and reverse faults
(D) Strong rockmass free of geological discontinuities.

Ans: A

Please refer to lecture number 21, slide number 14

7. Which of the following is NOT a type of Ripper?

(A) Hinge type ripper
(B) Impact ripper
(C) Adjustable Radial type ripper
(D) Scraper type ripper

Ans: D

Please refer to lecture number 22

8. The ripping method shown in the figure is ___________.

(A) Tandem ripping

(B) Cross ripping
(C) Uni-directional ripping
(D) Bi-directional ripping

Ans: B

Please refer to lecture number 22

9. For a Rope Shovel, Match the machine components.

1) Hoisting Cable
2) Stick
3) Boom
4) Support cable

(A) P – 1, Q – 3, R – 4, S – 2
(B) P – 1, Q – 2, R – 4, S – 3
(C) P – 4, Q – 3, R – 1, S – 2
(D) P – 4, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 3

Ans: D

Please refer to lecture number 25

10. Determine the capacity of a shovel, if the capacity of the bucket is 7.0 m3 . The average time
cycle is found to be 50 second. The bucket fill factor is 0.8 and the bulk density of the material
is 2.5. Determine the hourly capacity of the shovel, in tonne/hr, if the effective loading hour
utilisation is 60 %.

Answer: 600 to 610

Material loaded in one bucket (tonne) = = 7*0.8*2.5 14

no of buckets in one hour = =60*60*0.6/50 43.2
hourly production (tonne) = =14*43.2 604.8
Week 6

1. Determine the production capacity of a shovel (in tonne per hour), if the capacity of the bucket
is 9.5 m3. The average time cycle is found to be 45 second. The bucket fill factor is 0.8 and the
specific gravity of the bulk material is 1.5. The shovel effective loading hour utilisation is 50

Answer: 450 to 460

Bc  Ff   bulk  3660
Explanation: Production of shovel is (P) =
Where, P = production in tonne/hr
Bc= bucket capacity in m3
Ff= Fill factor
ρbulk= Bulk density in tone/m3
tcycle= cycle time of shovel for one bucket filling in sec
9.5 ×0.8 ×1.5 ×3600 ×0.5
= 45
= 456 tonne/ hour

2. A coal mine is planning to excavate 40 million tonnes of coal with a stripping ratio of 3 m 3 of
overburden per tonne of coal production. The in-situ specific gravity of overburden is 2.5 and
on blasting the volume is swelled 1.2 times (swelling factor). The bucket fill factor is 0.8 for
overburden. Find the number of shovels required for overburden removal, if 42 m3 shovel is
chosen for overburden. Consider the shovel cycle time of 1 min and effective loading hour of

Answer: 18

Explanation: Yearly production target of coal is 40 million tonne.

Stripping ratio is 3 m3/ tonne

So, for producing 40 million tonne of coal, OB to be removed = 3 × 40 × 106 = 120 × 106 m3
42 ×0.8 ×60 ×4000 8064000
Shovel loading capacity = 1 ×1.2
= 1 ×1.2
= 6720000 m3 of OB per year

120 ×106
So, the number of shovels required to remove the OB = 6720000 = 17.8 = 18 numbers

3. A coal mine is planning to excavate 40 million tonnes of coal. The in-situ specific gravity of coal
is 1.2 and on blasting the volume is swelled 1.2 times (swelling factor). The bucket fill factor is
1 for coal. Find the number of shovels required for coal removal, if 24 m3 shovel is chosen for
coal. Consider the shovel cycle time of 1 min and effective loading hour of 4000/year.

Answer: 6.9-7.1

Explanation: Yearly production target of coal is 40 million tonne.

24 ×1 ×60 ×4000 ×1.2 6912000
Shovel loading capacity = 1 ×1.2
= 1 ×1.2
= 5760000 tonne of coal per year

40 ×106
So, the number of shovels required to extract coal = 5760000 = 6.9 = 7 numbers

4. Which of the below mentioned expression is correct, if P : production of shovel in tonne per
hour, Bc : bucket capacity in m3, Ff: bucket fill factor, ρbulk : bulk density in tonne/m3, tcycle:
cycle time of shovel for one bucket filling in sec.

Bc ×Ff × ρbulk × 60
(A) P = tcycle
Bc × Ff × ρbulk × 60 × 60
(B) P = tcycle

Bc × Ff × ×tcycle × 3600
(C) P = ρbulk

Bc × Ff × ×tcycle × 60
(D) P = ρbulk

Ans: B

Explanation: Refer to slide 10 of lecture 27.

5. A shovel has a bucket of capacity 12 m3. The average time cycle for loading is found to be 30
second. The bucket fill factor is 0.8 and swelling factor is 1.2. The shovel effective loading hour
utilisation is 50 percent. The height, width and length of an iron ore bench are 10 m, 20 m and
400 m respectively. Then compute the time taken (in hour) for the shovel to complete this

Answer: 165 to 168

Explanation: the volume of the bench = 10 × 20 × 400 = 80000 m3

12 × 0.8 × 60 ×60 ×0.5 17280 17280
The shovel production capacity = 30 ×1.2
= 30 ×1.2 = 36
= 480 m3/ hour

So, time required to complete the bench = 80000 / 480 = 166.66 hours

6. The dumper loading time of a shovel is 6 minutes. If dumper cycle time is 28 minutes and
number of dumpers operated at this shovel is 5, then find out the dumper waiting time (in
minutes) at the shovel pit.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4


Dumper waiting time= (dumper loading time × number of dumpers) – (dumper cycle time)

= (6 × 5) – (28)

= 30 – 28

= 2 minutes

7. A shovel has a bucket of capacity 24 m3. The average time cycle for loading is found to be 1
minute. The bucket fill factor is 0.8 and the swelling factor is 1.2. The average diesel
consumption of the shovel is 50 litre/ hour. Then, the shovel production (in m3) per litre of
diesel consumption is _____________.
(A) 12.2
(B) 19.2
(C) 22.2
(D) 39.2

24 × 0.8 × 60 1152
Explanation: The shovel production capacity = 1 ×1.2
= 1.2
= 960 m3/ hour

Diesel consumption of the shovel is 50 litre per hour.

So, shovel production per litre of diesel consumption is = 960 / 50

= 19.2 m3/litre

8. In the context of surface mining material transportation system, which one of the below is not
a continuous mode of transportation system.
(A) Mobile transfer conveyor conveyor
(B) Slurry pipe line
(C) Shiftable conveyor
(D) Dumper

Explanation: Refer to slide number 11 of lecture 28.

9. Pick up the CORRECT statement.

(A) A continuous mode of transportation requires more men power as compared to discrete
mode of transportation.
(B) A continuous mode of transportation is more productive as compared to discrete mode
of transportation.
(C) Safety and monitoring of continuous mode of transportation is difficult as compared to
discrete mode of transportation.
(D) A continuous mode of transportation is highly flexible as compared to discrete mode of
Explanation: Refer to slide number 17 of lecture 28.

10. Pick up the CORRECT statement.

(A) A dumper is a chain mounted mobile equipment.
(B) Dumper possess a cutting head for cutting soft rock.
(C) Dumper is a discrete mode of transportation system.
(D) Dumpers are not manufactured in India.

Explanation: Refer to slide number 10 of lecture 29.

BEML Limited, previously Bharat Earth Movers Limited, is an Indian Public Sector Undertaking, with
headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. It manufactures a variety of heavy equipment, such as
that used for earth moving, transport and mining. (Wikipedia)
Week 7

1. Pick up the CORRECT statement.

(A) Surface miner is used to grade the haul road.
(B) Surface miner is used in the exploration drilling.
(C) Surface miner is used to excavate the soft rock.
(D) Surface miner is used to detonate the explosive.

2. A surface miner DOES NOT have.

(A) Water sprinkling arrangement for dust suppression.
(B) Differential gear for turning.
(C) Scraper blade for smooth post-cut floor
(D) Tensioning arrangements for crawler.

3. The performance of a surface miner depends upon?

(A) Compressive strength of rock to be excavated.
(B) Engine power of the surface miner.
(C) Moisture content of the rockmass to be excavated.
(D) All the above.

4. Which amongst the following is the prime components of a surface miner?

(A) Cutting drum
(B) Drill rod
(C) Dozing blade
(D) Water sprinkling arrangement

5. The cutting angles of a machine is shown in the figure below. The TRUE statement is?

(A) a positive rake angle.

(B) a negative rake angle.
(C) a neutral rake angle.
(D) An obtuse rake angle.

6. The following figure represents line diagram of a surface miner. Label the figure correctly.

1 – Operator’s cabin
2 – Front crawler
3 – Cutting drum
4 – Discharge boom

(A) A – 3, B – 4, C – 1, D – 2
(B) A – 2, B – 4, C – 1, D – 3
(C) A – 3, B – 1, C – 4, D – 2
(D) A – 2, B – 1, C – 4, D – 3

7. Which of the following modes of surface miner operation is a direct loading method?
(A) Windrowing
(B) Front loading
(C) Side-casting
(D) All the above
8. With references to the figure related to rock cutting by point attack tool, match the angle
with the corresponding name.
Angle Name
P. α 1. Cutting angle
Q. β 2. Clearance angle
R. 𝛿 3. Wedge angle
S. ϒ 4. Rake angle

(A) P – 4, Q – 2, R – 1, S – 3
(B) P – 2, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 3
(C) P – 4, Q – 2, R – 3, S – 1
(D) P – 2, Q – 4, R – 3, S – 1

9. Pick up the WRONG statement in respect of surface miner.

(A) Surface miner may work in continuous – windrowing mode of operation.
(B) Surface miner may work in full-block – conveyor loading mode of operation.
(C) Surface miner may work in conveyor loading – windrowing mode of operation.
(D) Surface miner may work in empty travel back – side-casting mode of operation.

10. Find the performance of a surface miner (in m3/hour) with 2.5 m wide cutting drum, cutting
depth of 200 mm, cutting speed of 25 m/min operating in continuous-windrowing method.

Answer: (748-752)
Explanation: Given that, the width of the cutting drum is (S) = 2.5 m
Cutting speed is (v) = 25 m/min
Predetermined depth of cut is (d)= 200 mm => 0.2 m
Working hours (here it is asked for per hour) (w)= 1 hr
Using the formula for productivity calculation by continuous windrowing method,
S  v  d  w  60
Production (in m3) =

2.5  25  200  1 60
= 750 m3/hour
Week 8
1. Which of the following machineries is used in direct side-casting of overburden?
(A) Surface miner
(B) Ripper
(C) Dragline
(D) Back hoe

Ans: C

Explanation: Surface miner is a rock cutting machine.

Shovel and dumper is a discrete mining system for rock excavation and transportation.

Dragline is a direct method of rock excavation and side-casting system.

2. The following figure represents line diagram of a dragline. Labelled the figure correctly.

1 – Hoist rope

2 – Dragline bucket

3 – Tilting rope

4 – Drag rope

(A) A – 1, B – 3, C – 2, D – 4
(B) A – 3, B – 2, C – 4, D – 1
(C) A – 1, B – 2, C – 4, D – 3
(D) A – 3, B – 4, C – 2, D – 1

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to slide number 14 of lecture 36.

3. Which of the following is NOT a method of dragline working?
(A) Horizontal tandem method
(B) Windrow-continuous method
(C) Extended bench method
(D) Side casting method

Ans: B

Windrow-continuous is a working principle of surface miner. All other are the method of working of
dragline. (Refer to lecture number 37)

4. A dragline operates 300 days in a year, 2 shifts in a day, and 4 hours in a shift to achieve the
target production of 30 Million tonne per annum. The following parameters relate to the
loading operations:

Bucket capacity of dragline : 15 m3

Dragline cycle time : 44 s

Bucket fill factor : 0.85

Bulk density of the muck : 3.00 tonne/m3

The minimum number of draglines required to achieve the production is _____________.

Answer: 4 to 4

Explanation: In one swing, dragline can take = 15 × 0.85 × 3 = 38.25 tonne/44 s

In a year, it can operate = (38.25/44) × 60 × 60 × 4 × 2 × 300 = 7.51 Million tonne

For 30 Million tons, number of dragline required = 30/7.51 = 3.99

So, it must be required at least 4 number of dragline to fulfil the requirement.

5. Pick up the CORRECT picture of highwall mining system from the below given options.




Answer: B

Explanation: Refer to slide number 12 of lecture 40.

The given figures represent: A – longwall mining

B – highwall mining

C – Board and pillar mining

D – Front End Loader (FEL) operating in underground mining.

6. Mining a visible coal seam by making rectangular, mainly parallel, unsupported drives, using
an unmanned cutter head and coal transport system, controlled from a mining unit positioned
outside the drive is known as ___________.
(A) Longwall mining
(B) Highwall mining
(C) Board and pillar mining
(D) Surface mining

Ans: B

Explanation: Refer to slide number 11 of lecture 39.

7. In Highwall mining, excavation (hole) is carried out ___________.

(A) From rise to dip along the seam dip
(B) From dip to rise oblique to the seam dip
(C) Horizontally along the strike
(D) Vertically downward

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to lecture number 39.

8. For a Highwall miner , Match the machine components.

1) Cutting head
2) Crawling unit
3) Push beams
4) Machine anchor
5) Reels and chains
6) Base power unit
(A) P – 1, Q – 3, R – 2, S – 4
(B) P – 1, Q – 4, R – 6, S – 3
(C) P – 5, Q – 6, R – 3, S – 2
(D) P – 1, Q – 5, R – 4, S – 2

Ans: D

Explanation: Refer to lecture number 39.

9. In Highwall mining, the machine used for excavations is _____

(A) Dipper shovel
(B) Surface Miner
(C) Auger Drill
(D) Ripper


Refer to lecture number 39.

10. The cycle time of dragline is 30 second. The dragline availability, operating efficiency and
bucket fill factor are 90 %, 80 %, and 80 % respectively. To achieve a stripping target of 2000
m3/hour of overburden material, the bucket size of a dragline, in m3, should be _______
(A) 30
(B) 20
(C) 15
(D) 10

Ans: A

Explanation: In one hour, overburden handled by dragline = 2000 m3

In 30 second, overburden handled: (2000/(60*60))*30 = 16.66 m3

So bucket capacity required to handle 16.66 m3 of overburden =

(16.66)/(0.9*0.9*0.8) =28.9 m3 or 29 m3

Hence the bucket size required to handle 2000 m3 / hour of overburden is 30 m3

Week 9

1. When the coal seams appear at outcrop in hilly area conventional method of mining i.e.
opencast or underground may not be best economic choice. Highwall mining can be used
economically and safely. So, the form of mining method suitable with highwall miner in this
case is ________________.
(A) Highwall mining from surface mines
(B) Highwall mining in benches
(C) Highwall mining from trench
(D) Contour mining of outcrop seam

Explanation: Refer to slide number 16 of lecture 40.

2. A coal seams is flat, thin and not be amenable to opencast mining. In this method, an
artificial highwall is created. This form of mining method with highwall miner is called
(A) Highwall mining from surface mines
(B) Highwall mining in benches
(C) Highwall mining from trench
(D) Contour mining of outcrop seam

Explanation: Refer to slide number 17 of lecture 40.

3. Identify the Web pillar and Barrier pillar from the below given highwall mining scenario.

(A) A – Barrier pillar, B – Web pillar

(B) A – Web pillar, B – Barrier pillar
(C) A – Rib pillar, B – Barrier pillar
(D) A – Web pillar, B – Rib pillar

Explanation: Refer to slide number 16 of lecture 41.

4. Which one of the below is a key component of bucket wheel excavator?

(A) Cutter head
(B) Push beam
(C) Bucket wheel
(D) Rake and pinion gear

Explanation: Refer to slide number 16 of lecture 42.

5. State the name of the machine given in the picture.

(A) Highwall auger miner

(B) Dragline
(C) Backhoe
(D) Bucket wheel excavator

6. In which cutting method of bucket wheel excavator, the buckets on the underside of the
wheel cut the material?
(A) Terrace cut
(B) Dropping cut
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of the above

Explanation: Refer to slide number 17 of lecture 43.

7. Determine the production capacity of a bucket wheel excavator in tonne per minute as per
the details given below.

Bucket capacity (m3) : 1.5

No. of buckets in the wheel : 14
Wheel rpm :5
Bucket fill factor : 0.6
Swelling factor : 1.2
Density of material (tonne/m3) : 1.6
Answer: 84 to 84

Explanation: It is given that,

Bucket capacity (m3) : 1.5
No. of buckets in the wheel : 14
Wheel rpm :5
Bucket fill factor : 0.6
Swelling factor : 1.2
Density of material (tonne/m3) : 1.6

1.5 ×14 ×0.6 ×5 ×1.6

Production per year = 1.2
= 1.2
= 84 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒/𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒

8. A lignite mine has stripping ratio of 5 m3 of OB per tonne of lignite production. For
production of 10 million tonne of lignite, find out the cubic meter of OB to be removed.

Answer: 50000000 to 50000000

Explanation: Stripping ratio = 5 m3 of OB per tonne of lignite production.

So, to produce the 10 million tonne,
i.e. 10 × 106 tonne = 50 × 106 cubic meter of OB needs to be removed

9. For supressing the dust in the haul road, which machine is normally used?
(A) Rock breaker
(B) Dozer
(C) Water sprinkler
(D) Backhoe
Explanation: Refer to slide no. 26 of lecture 45.

10. The Web pillar strength is calculated as per the Mark-Bieniawski formula is given in Eq. 1.

Where: Sp = Web pillar strength
SI = in situ coal strength = 6.2 MPa
W = web pillar width = 3.6 m
H = mining height = 2.44 m

Calculate the Web pillar strength (in MPa) according to the Mark-Bieniawski formula.

Answer: 8.5 to 9.0


Sp = Web pillar strength (We have find out?)

SI = in situ coal strength (Here, it is given 6.2 MPa)
W = web pillar width (Here, it is given 3.6 m)
H = mining height (Here, it is given 2.44 m)

So, SP = 6.2 ∗ (0.64 + 0.54 ∗ 2.44

= 8.90 MPa
Week 10

1. Which of the following statement is true for haul road?

(A) The roads in open cast mines that connects the point of collection of coal or minerals to
the stock yard
(B) The road that connects the point of collection of waste rock or overburden or
interburden material to the point of its discharge
(C) Roads provides ingress and egress to any surface mines
(D) All of the above

Explanation: (D) All the statements are correct

Refer to lecture number 46

2. Label the space indicated in the figure from the following options given below?

Material Purpose
(P) Subgrade 1. A
(Q) Wearing surface 2. B
(R) Sub base 3. C
(S) Base 4. D
(T) Ditch 5. E

(A) P-1, Q-4, R-3, S-2, T-5

(B) P-5, Q-2, R-3, S-4, T-1
(C) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2, T-5
(D) P-5, Q-2, R-4, S-3, T-1

Explanation: The correct option is B

Refer to lecture number 46

3. Which of the following is the defect in haul road?
(A) Ruttling
(B) Washboards
(C) Whitewash
(D) Both A and B

Explanation: The correct option is D

Refer to lecture number 46

4. Which statement is CORRECT in context of haul road?

(A) When the haul road is not well maintained, then hauling cost will go down
(B) When haul road is properly maintained, then hauling cost will go down
(C) Hauling cost is not influenced by maintenance of haul road
(D) Hauling cost is always constant.

Explanation: The correct option is B

Refer to slide number 25 to 27 of lecture number 46

5. Which of the following mode of material transportation is followed under the following
below mentioned conditions?
P. Conveyor belt 1. To bulk customer at very far location
Q. Truck transport 2. To dedicated customers requiring continuous supply
R. Railway transport 3. To small and near customers
S. Waterway transport 4. To send material at very long distance on demand

1. P-1, Q-4, R-3, S-2

2. P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
3. P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2
4. P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4

Explanation: The correct option is 4

Refer to lecture number 49

6. Which of the following is the consequence(s) of a poor haul road?

A. Dumpers life will be reduced
B. High tyre wearing
C. Problem in suspension system of dumper
D. All of these
Ans: D
Refer to lecture number 46

7. Which of the following is TRUE for berms constructed on haul road?

[1] It is constructed along the in-pit side of the haul road
[2] It arrests the dumpers from falling through the slopes of the road
[3] Minimum height of berms depends on the tire height
[4] It can be constructed with the insitu boulders backed with earthen materials

(A) All of the above are True

(B) Only [1] and [3] are True
(C) Only [2] and [4] are True
(D) Only [1], [2] and [3] are True

Ans: A

Refer to lecture number 47

8. Escape lane is required to _____

(A) arrests runaway dumpers
(B) park the idle dumpers
(C) provide space for waiting dumpers
(D) to come out from the mine in case of inundation

Ans: A

Refer to lecture number 47

9. Which of the following is NOT a safety feature of a haul road?

(A) Berms
(B) Escape lane
(C) Truck Despatch System
(D) Superelevation

Ans: C

Refer to lecture number 48

10. Width of a haul road depends on _____

(A) Length of dumper
(B) Width of the widest vehicle plying on the haul road
(C) Number of dumpers allotted to a shovel
(D) All the above
Ans: B

Refer to lecture number 48

Week 11
1. The schematic diagram represents ________

(A) Underwater excavation

(B) Slot blasting
(C) Wire saw cutting
(D) Giant saw cutting

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 53, slide number 13.

2. Which of the following is NOT a dimensional stone?

(A) Chromite
(B) Granite
(C) Slate
(D) Marble

Ans: A

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 51, slide number 12.

3. The homogeneity of a dimension stone deposit is determined by considering some relevant

factors during a geological survey of dimensional stone deposit. Pick the IRRELEVANT factor
from the options given below.
(A) Colour
(B) Calorific value
(C) Texture
(D) Discontinuities

Ans: B

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 51, slide number 16.

4. The dimensional stones are primarily used ________________.

(A) as a heat source in power plant
(B) in houses for decoration purposes
(C) In metallurgical plants as a raw material
(D) To reduce greenhouse gas emission.

Ans: B
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 51.

5. As per the International Sea Law, every state has the right to establish the breadth of its
territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding _____________ nautical miles.
(A) 4
(B) 8
(C) 12
(D) 16

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 54, slide number 10.

6. Pick up the CORRECT picture of dimensional stone mining system from the below given




Answer: A

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 53.

7. Which deposits are mainly found in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone?

(A) Sulphide
(B) Cobalt
(C) Manganese nodules
(D) Oil

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 54, slide number 21.

8. The constitutional document governing mineral exploitation on the 60 percent of the world
seabed that lies beyond national jurisdictions is ____________________.
(A) U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea
(B) Law of the Sea Treaty
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of the above

Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 54, slide number 18.

9. Mining a visible coal seam by making rectangular, mainly parallel, unsupported drives, using
an unmanned cutter head and coal transport system, controlled from a mining unit positioned
outside the drive is known as ___________.
(A) Longwall mining
(B) Highwall mining
(C) Board and pillar mining
(D) Surface mining

Ans: B

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 39.

10. Identify the machine in the below given figure.

(A) Chain cutter

(B) Diamond wire sawing
(C) Water jet cutter
(D) Disc saw cutter

Ans: D

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 53, slide number 18.

Week 12

1. Read the following statements in context of legislative requirement of a mine closure.

[1] Economic repercussions of closure of mine and manpower retrenchment

[2] Time scheduling for abandonment, abandonment cost and financial assurance
[3] The reclamation and rehabilitation plan
[4] Water quality and Air quality management in lease area

(A) All of the above are relevant.

(B) Only [1] and [4] are relevant
(C) Only [3] and [4] are relevant
(D) Only [2], [3] and [4] are relevant
Ans: A
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 60.

2. Match the following terminology with their related Characteristics

Closure terms Characteristics
(P) Final mine closure plan 1. It should be submitted within 180 days
from the date of notification
(Q) Escrow account 2. It should be submitted one year prior to
proposed closure of mine
(R) Progressive mine closure 3. The money is deposited in this account
plan which is released (upto maximum of 20
% every year) from 4th year before the
proposed mine closure date
(S) Abandoning a mine 4. Closing a mine temporarily

(A) P-1, Q-4, R-3, S-2

(B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(C) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2
(D) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
Ans: B
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 59, slide number 22.

3. Mine closure shall NOT include which of the following activity?

(A) Withdrawal of all the machineries

(B) Dismantle of the construction made in CSR
(C) Socio-economic rehabilitation
(D) Stabilisation of dump slopes
Ans: B
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 60.

4. Which of the following type of failure is mostly observed in coal mine overburden
(A) Toppling failure
(B) Planar failure
(C) Wedge failure
(D) Circular failure

Ans: D
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 58.

5. Which of the following is NOT a governing factor of pit slope stability?

(A) Slope angle
(B) Geological disturbances
(C) Annual target production
(D) Strength properties of the material
Ans: C

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 56.

6. As a mine closure strategy, arrange the following steps given below in proper order?
[1] Planting hardy plants species to green the area and create a biomass
[2] Waste/OB materials can be used to fill up the abandoned pits
[3] Covered with freshly removed soil mixed with organic manure and fertilizers
[4] Levelled and covered with soil/mud

(A) [4]  [2]  [3]  [1]

(B) [2]  [4]  [1]  [3]
(C) [4]  [2]  [1]  [3]
(D) [2]  [4]  [3]  [1]
Ans: D
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 60, slide number 25.

7. Read the statements given below:

[1] This type of failure occurs when the base material of any slope is of weaker
[2] The failure surface dips into the base of the slope
From the above mentioned statements, identify the type of failure?
Failure surface

Base material
(A) Toe failure
(B) Slope failure
(C) Base failure
(D) Toppling failure

Ans: C
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 58.

8. Read the statements given below:

[1] This type of failure occurs when the soil material is homogeneous in nature
[2] The nature of the material beneath the base of the slope is relatively of higher
[3] The slip surface is circular in this mode of failure

Failure surface

Base material

From the above mentioned statements, identify the type of failure?

(A) Planar failure
(B) Slope failure
(C) Base failure
(D) Toe failure
Ans: D
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 58.

9. Match the methods of slope stability analysis with their basic assumptions.

Methods of Analysis Characteristics

[1] Ordinary method of slices (P) Resultant interslice forces are horizontal
[2] Bishop’s simplified method (Q) Inteslice forces are neglected
[3] Spencer method (R) The resultant interslice forces have constant
slope throughout the sliding mass
(A) [1]-Q, [2]-P, [3]-R
(B) [1]-Q, [2]-R, [3]-P
(C) [1]-R, [2]-Q, [3]-P
(D) [1]-P, [2]-R, [3]-Q
Ans: A
Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 58.

10. Read the statements given below.

[1] It generally occurs when structural discontinuities plane dips or daylight
towards the pit at an angle smaller than the face angle and greater than the
friction angle of the discontinuity surface
[2] The failure surfaces are generally structural discontinuities such as joints,
bedding planes etc.
Now, after reading the above statements, identify the type of failure?
(A) Block toppling
(B) Planar failure
(C) Flexural toppling
(D) Circular failure
Ans: B

Explanation: Refer to Lecture number 57.

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