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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Score: ________________________

Grade & Section: _______________________________________________

I. Directions: Read and understand each questions or statement. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
____1. A musical score is made up of only two parts and arranged in AB sequence. What is the musical form?
A. binary B. unitary C. ternary D. rondo
____2. Music has different structures or designs. What element of music refers to the structure in a musical piece?
A. form B. melody C. dynamics D. timbre
____3. A song with ABC pattern is composed of three sections. What is its musical form?
A. ternary B. strophic C. binary D. unitary
____4. Which of the following statements is true about ternary form?
A. It is a three-part form featuring a return of the initial music after a contrasting section.
B. It is a two-part music with two contrasting melodies.
C. It has a repeated section with two or more contrasting sections.
D. It is a musical form that has the same tune with two or more sections.
____5. Music has different structures or designs. What is the element of music that refers to the structure of a song?
A. form B. melody C. dynamics D. timbre
____6. What element of art that makes drawing or painting attractive and beautiful?
A. Colors B. drawing C. pencil D. eraser
____7. It is a several colors combined to form a new color that makes the artwork more attractive?
A. Colors B. Blending C. pencil D. eraser
____8. It is defined as the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, not only at a
set point in time, but at various ages and stages within a person's life cycle.
A. Physical Fitness B. Exercise C. dance D. sleep
____9.It is one of the activities that can help us fit and healthy.
A. Physical Fitness B. Exercise C. Dancing D. sleep
____10. These are dances developed by people that reflects their way of living or their cultures?
A. Hip hop dance B. Sprinting C. Folk Dance D. Ballet
____11. Which of the following is a skill-related fitness component?
A. Speed C. Muscular Strength
B. Muscular Endurance D. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
____12. It is the ability to stay stable as we move within and beyond our base of support while dancing.
A. Agility B. Balance C. Power D. Speed
____13. Which of the following health–related fitness components measure the ability of the heart and lungs to transport
and utilize oxygen during physical activity like dancing?
A. Body Composition C. Cardiovascular endurance
B. Balance D. Muscular Endurance
____14. Kiko burns the garbage in their backyard. What will be the impact of this activity?
A. It will help the air clean. C. It will make the nearby plants healthy
B. It will pollute the air. D. It will make the nearby plants grow.
____15. What is the impact to health if we will inhale smoke pollutants from cars, industries, construction sites and
A. The lungs will be healthier. C. There will be difficulty in breathing.
B. Health will be improved. D. Fresh air will be maintained.
____16. Untreated waste water coming from factories is disposed to rivers, seas or oceans. What will happen to the
marine life?
A. The marine life will die because of water pollution.
B. The marine life will get fat because of the wastes.
C. The marine life will multiply because of the nutrients from wastes.
D. The marine life will grow faster.
____17. The drinking water is contaminated because of leaking pipeline. Should we drink the water?
A. Yes, our body can handle the contaminated water.
B. No, the contaminated water is unsafe to drink. It will cause diseases.
C. Yes, the waste cannot harm our health.
D. Yes, no problem.
____18. The non-segregated garbage in Calachuchi Street was uncollected for several days. What will be the impact
of this problem to the community?
A. The bad odor will allow pests and germs to multiply and cause illnesses.
B. The waste can be used as fertilizer to plants.
C. The kids will be happier playing near the garbage pile.
D. The community will always happy.
____19. The word _________is derived from the Greek name that pertains to the area in front of a stage of an ancient Greek theatre reserved for
the chorus.
A. Orchestra B. band C. guitar D. singer
____20. Each section of the instrument produces its own distinct quality sound is called.
A. Orchestra B. Timbre C. guitar D. singer
____21. The biggest section of the orchestra.
A. Orchestra B. Timbre C. string instrument D. singer

____22. It is the smallest and has the highest pitch in the string family.
A. Orchestra B. Timbre C. string instrument D. Violin
____23. It is a little larger in size and has slightly thicker strings than the violin’s strings.
A. Viola B. Timbre C. string instrument D. Violin
____24. It has thicker strings than the violin’s and viola’s strings.
A. Viola B. Cello C. string instrument D. Violin
____25. It has the lowest pitch among the string instruments.
A. Viola B. Cello C. Double bass D. Violin
____26. It has 47 strings which are plucked with fingers and not bowed.
A. Viola B. Cello C. Double bass D. Harp

____27. Which helps keep the body from overheating?

A. avoid sugary foods C. well hydrated
B. warm up exercise D. proper costume
____28. Which activity will oxygenate blood to your muscles as it speeds up your heart rate and breathing?
A. workout B. cooling down C. drill D. warming up
____29. It can be described as the guidelines or instructions of doing something correctly.
A. rules B. procedure C. directions D. information
____30. Suggested type of clothing to be worn during a dance class to be comfortable.
A. heavy B. lightweight C. stretchy D. two-piece
____31. What is the importance of observing the safety measures of the dancers.
A. to prevent accidents & injuries from happening. C. to produce productive and quality works.
B. for them to exert their full potential D. All of the above.
____32. What element may be a continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool or implied by the edges of shapes
and forms?
A. Art B. Color C. Harmonies D. Lines
____33. What comes from light, that when passed through a prism creates hues?
A. Color B. Harmonies C. Lines D. Shapes
____34. What is created when a line crosses itself or intersects with other lines to enclose a space?
A. Color B. Lines C. Shapes D. Spaces
____35. What refers to the space inside, around and above a sculpture or object?
A. Color B. Lines C. Space D. Texture
____36. What is the surface quality of an object?
A. Color B. Lines C. Space D. Texture
____37. It is like the soprano in the woodwind family. It is like a small flute and the sound is higher than the flute.
A. Piccollo B. Flute C. clarinet D. oboe
____38. It is an aerophone or reedless instrument. It produces sound from the flow of air across an opening creating rapid
succession of tones.
A. Piccollo B. Flute C. clarinet D. oboe
____39. It is a cylindrical instrument with a cup-shaped mouth piece and a flaring bell at the other end.
A. Piccollo B. Flute C. clarinet D. oboe
____40. It is the most dramatic among the woodwind instruments and has a double-reed mouth piece.
A.Piccollo B. Flute C. clarinet D. oboe
____41. It is called the “clown” of the orchestra because of the unusual often comic sounds it produces.
A. Bassoon B. Flute C. clarinet D. oboe
____42. It has a cone-shaped body of brass with the lower end bent into a U-shaped design and usually comes in several
A. Bassoon B. Saxophone C. clarinet D. oboe

II. Name the following Characteristics of line.

43. ______________________ 44. ___________________________ 45._______________________

III. Name the different string instruments.


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