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Scientific Revolution - Sigmund Freud example: childhood memories, phone


I. Sigmund Freud

 An Austrian Physician and

 founder of Psychoanalysis Unconscious Mind
 Proposed the first complete A region of the mind that
theory of personality. includes unacceptable thoughts,
 Thinks that a person’s thoughts wishes, feelings, and memories
and behaviors emerge from
tension generated by unconscious No awareness of these
motives and unresolved childhood thoughts, wishes, etc. but these
conflicts. exert influence over our conscious
thoughts and behavior
 Latency Incubation
 Hydrophobia
 Lethargy  Freud believed that dreams were
 Language Difficulties “The royal road to the
 Talking Therapy unconsciousness”, that behind
the surface image (manifest
content) lied the true hidden
meaning (latent content)
 Freudian Slip - an error in
A set of theories and speech that occurred because of
therapeutic techniques related to an unconscious wish or subdued
the study of the unconscious mind, preoccupation to something
which together form a method of (example: A boy accidentally
treatment for mental-health calling her girlfriend with a
disorders. different girl’s name)
 Freudian technique of exploring
Clinical study of treating the unconscious mind by having
diseases of the mind the person relax and say
(Psychopathology) through a dialogue whatever comes to mind no matter
between the patient and the how trivial or embarrassing

Conscious Mind

All the thoughts, feelings,

and sensations that you are aware of
at this particular moment represent
the conscious level

Preconscious Mind

A region of the mind holding

information that is not conscious
but is easily retrievable into
conscious awareness. Personality is formed through
conflicts among three fundamental
Holds thoughts and memories
structures of the human mind: the
not in one’s current awareness but
id, ego, and superego.
Structural Model of Mind Two Categories:

 Freud (1923) later developed a  Conscience contains ideals and

more structural model of the morals that exist within society
mind comprising the entities id, that prevent people from acting
ego, and superego (what Freud out based on their internal
called “the psychic apparatus”). desires.
 These are not physical areas  Ideal self contains images of
within the brain, but rather how people ought to behave
hypothetical conceptualizations according to societies ideals.
of important mental functions.

Psychosexual Stages


- the part of personality that

consists of unconscious
energy from basic aggressive To be psychologically healthy, we
and sexual drives. must successfully complete each
- Holds all of humankind’s most stage. Mental abnormality can occur
basic and primal instincts. if a stage is not completed
- the impulsive, unconscious successfully and the person becomes
that seek immediate ‘fixated’ in a particular stage.
satisfaction. This particular theory shows how
adult personality is determined by
childhood experiences.

- mediates the demands of the Dream Analysis

id without going against the
restraints of the superego.  Freud (1900) considered dreams
to be the royal road to the
unconscious as it is in dreams
Superego that the ego's defenses are
lowered so that some of the
- which develops around age repressed material comes through
four or five, incorporates to awareness, albeit in
the morals of society. distorted form.
- allows the mind to control  Dreams perform important
its impulses that are looked functions for the unconscious
down upon morally. mind and serve as valuable clues
- conscience of the mind to how the unconscious mind
because it has the ability to operates.
distinguish between reality
as well as what is right or
Defense Mechanism Ex.: A married woman who is sexually
attracted to a co-worker accuses him
‘Not being denial, just very of flirting with her.
selective about the reality I

Mechanism: Repression

Puts anxiety-producing Mechanism: Rationalization

thoughts, feelings, and memories
into the unconscious mind. The basis Displaces real, anxiety-
for all other defense mechanisms. provoking explanations with more
comforting justifications for one’s
Ex.: Three years after being actions. Reasoning away anxiety-
hospitalized for back surgery, the producing thoughts.
person can remember only vague
details about the event Ex.: A student who got rejected by a
prestigious university says that he
is glad, because he would be able to
enjoy his teenage life at a smaller,
Mechanism: Denial less competitive college.
Lets an anxious person refuse
to admit that something unpleasant
is happening Mechanism: Displacement

Ex.: An alcoholic fails to

acknowledge that he is addicted to Shifts an unacceptable
alcohol. impulse toward a more acceptable or
less threatening object or person.

Ex.: Angered by a neighbor's

Mechanism: Regression unsolicited comment, a mother spanks
Allows an anxious person to her son for accidentally spilling
retreat to a more comfortable, his milk.
infantile stage of life.

Ex.: After her parents' divorce, a Mechanism: Sublimation

ten-year-old girl refuses to sleep
alone in her room, crawling into bed A form of displacement in
with her mother. which sexual urges are channeled
into nonsexual activities that are
valued by society.
Mechanism: Reaction Formation Ex.: A graduate student works
Replacing an unacceptable tirelessly on her thesis while her
wish with its opposite husband is away on a business trip.

Ex.: Boys go out of their way to

tease and torment their crushes. Mechanism: Undoing

Unconsciously neutralizing an
Mechanism: Projection anxiety causing action by doing a
second action that undoes the first.
Reducing anxiety by
attributing unacceptable impulses or Ex.: A woman who gets a tax refund
problems about yourself to someone by cheating on her taxes makes a
else larger than usual donatioadn to the
church collection on the following

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