Question 1116412

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CR Oasis Public School

Paprawat,Najafgarh, New Delhi -43

Class 11 - Physical Education
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

1. The question paper consists of 5 sections and 33 Questions

2. Section A consists of question 1-17 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are

3. Sections B consist of questions 18-22 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not

exceed 60-90 words.

4. Sections C consist of Question 23-27 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 100-

150 words.

5. Sections D consist of Question 28-29 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies.
6. Section E consists of Question 30-33 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer types and should not exceed 200-

300 words.

Section A
1. Ability to tackle various situations is an example of: [1]

a) Mental Development b) Social Development

c) Emotional Development d) Spiritual Development

2. ________ is the ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living. [1]

a) Emotional Wellness b) Environmental Wellness

c) Spiritual Wellness d) Social Wellness

3. ________ is a balance between work and leisure. [1]

a) Occupational Wellness b) Physical Wellness

c) Environmental Wellness d) Spiritual Wellness

4. In which BC, the Ancient Olympic Games were started? [1]

a) 776 BC b) 775 BC

c) 772 BC d) 778 BC
5. Which of the following is not a function of IOA? [1]

a) To provide technical help for conducting b) To develop the latest equipment for games.
National Level Competition.

c) To promote the Olympic games at every d) To develop and promote Olympic
level in India. movement and amateur sports.
6. Which one of the following is not part or element of yoga? [1]

a) Dhyana b) Samta

c) Yama d) Niyama
7. Skill in action or efficiency alone is yoga. Who said this? [1]

a) Vivekanand b) Lord Krishna

c) Arjun d) Patanjali
8. According to BMI norms, an individual will come in Obese category if his / her BMI is: [1]

a) 30.0 and above b) Below 18.5

c) 25.0 - 29.9 d) 18.5 - 24.9

9. Zero-degree temperature is an example of scale of measurement. [1]

a) Interval b) Ordinal

c) Ratio d) Nominal
10. ________ carry blood away from the heart. [1]

a) Capillaries b) Veins

c) Arteries d) Bones
11. It provides protection to the vital organs of our body: [1]

a) Respiratory system b) Skeletal system

c) Cardiovascular system d) Muscular system

12. Which type of instructional strategies must be used for performing various types of physical activities for [1]
children with special needs?

a) Verbal b) All of these

c) Visual d) Peer teaching

13. What is the role of physiotherapist? [1]

a) Help special needs children to develop fine b) To build communication of children with
and gross motor skills special needs

c) To manage special needs children with d) To work for the overall development of
movement disorder children with special needs
14. Who is responsible for developing and improving their teams cohesion? [1]

a) Coach b) Audience

c) Players d) Parents
15. What is the meaning of development? [1]

a) Change in size b) All of these

c) Change in structure of body organ d) Change in maturity

16. Caffeine is a: [1]

a) Diuretics b) Medicine

c) Steroid d) Drug
17. An athlete receiving massage from a masseur for Warming up, comes under which method of Warming up? [1]

a) Strategy Method b) Active Method

c) Relaxation Method d) Passive Method

Section B
18. Why was Khelo India Programme introduced in India? [2]
19. How can asthma be cured with the help of yogasana? [2]
20. What do you mean by an Evaluation? [2]
21. What do you mean by inclusion in physical education? [2]
22. What is the function of the left atrium? [2]
Section C
23. Define First- Aid. [3]
24. Write a short note on the Ancient Olympics Games. [3]
25. What are the six yogic kriyas and what are the functions of these kriyas? [3]
26. Elaborate the procedure of measurement of leg length and upper length. [3]
27. Define in short, the concept of training load. [3]
Section D
28. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Priyanshi asked her father about the Olympics; he told her that the Olympics are divided into two parts Ancient
and Modern.

Look at the picture carefully.

(i) Modern Olympic was introduced at ________.
(ii) It was introduced by ________.
(iii) ________ is the committee for Modern Olympic.
(iv) Competitions are held after every ________ years.
29. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [4]
Govind does pranayama every morning to be fit and fine.

Identify the type of pranayama.

(i) This is ________ pranayama.
(ii) Pranayama has three parts namely, Puraka, ________, and ________.
(iii) Pranayama means ________.

(iv) Khumbhakha was further divided into ________ types.
Section E
30. Explain the procedure of skinfold measurements in detail. [5]
31. Which principles are required to be followed to make the adapted physical education effective? Explain. [5]
32. Explain the function of the respiratory system. [5]
33. Briefly describe any five skills required in the field of physical education and sports. [5]


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