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Nama : Ni Kadek Silawati

NIM :23540010
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Pengajar :Kadek Yati Fitria Dewi, SPd.,M.Pd.

Halaman 9 exercise F
1. She
2. Her
3. She
4. Her
5. She
6. Her
7. She
8. Her
9. She
10. Her
Halaman 10 exercise B
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
Halaman 27 exercise B
1. It’s on the corner of North Street
2. It’s on next to Bank and Library
3. It’s on across the street from Library
4. It’s on main street left nort street
5. It’s on the corner of North Street
6. It’s on main street Jackson avenue
7. Its on across the street from Drugstore
8. It’s on next to Departement Store
9. It’s on next to Movie Theater, on the corner North Street
10. It’s on the corner of Jackson Avenue, across the street from Poat Office

Halaman 28 exercise E
1. You live in Canada. I live in the United States.
2. You live in Toronto. I live in Ney York.
3. You live on Mainstreet. I live on Jackson Avenue.
4. You live at 400 Main Street. I live at 1834 Jackson Avenue.
Halaman 33 exercise C
1. 01.05 ( it is five minutes past one)
2. 02.10 (it is ten minutes past two)
3. 03.25 (it is twenty five minutes past three)
4. 05.30 (it is thirty (half) past five)
5. 06.40 (it is twety to six)
6. 07.45 ( it is a quarter to eight)
7. 08.50 (it is ten to nine)
8. 09.55 ( it is five to ten)
9. 12.00 (it is twelve O’clock)
Halaman 34 exercise A
1. 04.05 (it is five minutes past four)
2. 04.10 (it is ten minutes past four)
3. 04.15 (it is aquarter past four)
4. 04.20 (it is twenty minutes past four)
5. 04.25 ( it is twenty five minutes past four)
6. 04.30 ( it is half past four)
7. 04.35 (it is thirdty five minutes past four)
8. 05.40 ( it is fourty minutes past five)
9. 05.45 (it is fourty five minutes past five)
10. 05.50 (it is fivety minutes past five)
11. 05.55 ( it is fivety five minutes past five)
12. 05.00 (it is five O’cloock
Halaman 37 exercise 1
1. Some
2. Any
3. Any
4. Some
5. Some
6. Any
7. Any
8. Any
9. Some
10. Any
Halaman 38 exercise 2
A. Put the following sentences into the negative
1. I don’t need any pencils
2. I don’t want any water
3. I don’t see any cars
4. I don’t need any coffe
5. I don’t want any film
6. I don’t see any books
7. I don’t need any stamps
8. I don’t have any money
B. Make a quastion using the words given. use any in your question
1. Do the student eat any breakfast?
2. Do they want any coffe?
3. Do the doctor have any friends?
4. Do you see any restaurant?
5. Does tourist know any good restaurant?
6. Do John and Marry need any help?
7. Do we need any money?
8. Do Mr and Mrs Jones drink any tea?
C. Fill in the corret wor (some or any)
1. Some
2. Any
3. Some
4. Any
5. Some
6. Any
7. Any
8. Some
9. Any
10. Some
Halaman 40 exercise D-E
Exercise D
1. They’re too wide
2. They’re too tight
3. They’re too big
4. It is too narrow
5. They’re too long
6. It is too expensive
Exercise E
1. Not tonight im too sleepy
2. I can’t im too nervous
3. Not today im yoo tired
4. I can’t im too old
5. No thank you im too full
Halaman 44 exercise A
1. Who is friendly?
2. What is closed?
3. What is open?
4. What is on the table?
5. Who is in class today?
6. Who is near the window?
7. What is over there?
8. What is in the chair?
Halaman 45 exercise B-D
exercise B
1. Who do you see?
2. What do you see?
3. Who do you know?
4. What do you speak English every day?
5. What do you read newspaper every day?
6. Who do you talk every day?
7. What do you listen?
8. What do you listen music every day?
exercise C
1. When do you work?
2. When do you watch TV?
3. When do you eat lunch?
4. Where do you eat breakfast?
5. Where do you parents live?
6. Where do you friends study?
7. Where do you execises?
8. Where is my book?

exercise D
1. What time do you wake up?
2. Where do you get dressed?
3. Where do you eat breakfast?
4. What time do you go to school?
5. When do you laundry?
6. When do you take a bath?
7. Where do you watch TV?
8. What do you in the morning?
9. What do you in the Library?
10. What time do you come home?

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