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Present technical specification is intended for sealing materials U-30MES-5NT

(a, b), UT-32NT, delivered for aviation industry as well as with company and
ministry of civil aviation, operating and repairing of aviation technology.
Sealing material for surface and internal welding of sealing valves, welding and
bolted joints of aviation designs, devices and another articles, worked at
internal temperature from minus 60° to 130° C in air and fuel medium.
Sealing material containing composition on basic liquid thiokol.
Sealing material maintain with properties, vulcanized at temperature not
below 18° C. Speed of vulcanization of sealing material depends on spreadable
life (maximum the spreadable life, slowly run vulcanization), from temperature
and humidity, spreadable life of sealing materials is decreased and
vulcanization speed is increased.
Sealing material is recommended for use in contact with non-anodized
aluminium alloys (with cad plated and non-cad plated) and anodized,
magnesium oxidized alloy, cad plated steel and not protected. On surfaces to
be sealed by sealing material U-30MES-5NT apply by spatula or pressure gun,
and for dilution with solvent – by brush.
Requirement for quality of products, ensure safety for life and health of
people, put in section 1,2,6. Requirement of present TU is necessary.
Example of symbolic notation during ordering of sealing materials.

Note : It is permitted to deliver the sealing material UT-32 NT with mixing kind
of peeling (metal, mesh – metal sealing ) material.
1.4. Paste, used for manufactured of sealing materials, should correspond with
norms, given in below table .

Name of Norms for paste

U-303-5 NT UT-32 NT No. 9
Appearance Uniform paste forming
Colour black from white Black
to gray
Standard viscosity 25 - 40 10 - 30 -
as per
viscosimeter VZ-1,
(nozzle 5.4), C
Standard viscosity not standardized
as per necessary determination
viscosimeter VRK-
(nozzle 5.4), C
HAL_NK_Spec_MTA-10K-10 & HAL_NK_Spec_MTA-10K-15

This standard is meant for heat insulation and sound Thickness, mm, minimum
absorber mats, intended as heat insulation and sound
absorption material for industrial equipments,
apparatus and different transportation means. 1
Basic parameters and dimensions. 1.2.1 Mats
depending on thickness, are subdivided by grades in
accordance with table 1. Table 1
Grade of mats
ATM-10s-5 5
ATM-10s-10 10
ATM-10s-15 15
ATM-10s-20 20
ATM-10s-30 30
ATM-10s-50 50
ATM-10k-5 5
ATM-10k-10 10
ATM-10k-15 15
ATM-10k-20 20
ATM-10t-5 5
ATM-10t-10 10
ATM-10t-15 15\
ATM-10t-20 20
ATM-10t-60 60

1.2.2 Mats must be manufactured with following dimensions: length 1100 mm.; width 500, 600,
700 and 800 mm. Tolerance on length ±50mm, along width ±50 mm. 1.9 Surface density of mat
(weight 1 m ) depending on the thickness and surface density of fabric must correspond to requirements,
indicated in table 2, and density of mat (kg/m ) – requirements indicated in table 3. Table 2 Surface density
of mat, g/m
, maximum ATM-10s ATM- ATM-10t TM-10 surface density of fabric g/m ,
Thickness of mat, 10k maximum
mm Minimum 50 120 200 300
5 330 738 738 350 630 940 1320
10 480 895 895 500 770 1080 1470
15 685 1100 1100 700 960 1270 1660
20 820 1290 1290 850 1120 1440 1830
___ ___
30 1100 1200 1480 1800 2200
___ ___
50 1700 1800 2100 2430 2830
___ ___
60 3000 2250 2500 2850 3250
Table 3 Density ATM- ATM-10k ATM-10t TM-10 surface density of fabric g/m ,
of mat, kg/m , 10s maximum
maximum 50 120 200 300
Thickness of mat,
mm Minimum
5 66 148 148 70 126 188 264
10 48 90 90 50 77 108 147
15 46 73 73 47 64 85 111
20 41 65 65 45 56 72 92
___ ___
30 37 40 49 60 73
___ ___
50 34 36 42 49 57
___ ___
60 50 38 42 48 54

1.10 As per factors of technical level mats must correspond to Standard for mat
requirements to table 4. Table 4
Nomenclature of factor
ATM-10s ATM-10k ATM-10t TM-10
Humidity, % maximum 1.5 1.5 0.5 1.5

Continuation of table 4 Standard for mat

Nomenclature of factor
ATM-10s ATM-10k ATM-10t TM-10
___ ___
Heat conductivity, 0.037 0.068 0.037 0.068 0.038 0.070 0.110 0.037 0.068
Watt/(m.K), maximum, 0.105
at 25°C 125°C 300°C
Limit temperature of 450 700 900 450
use, °C

1.11 Normal coefficient of sound absorbing mats at thickness 15 mm. must correspond to factor, given in
table 5.
Table 5 Normal coefficient of sound absorption, Frequency, Hz.
Grade of mats
200 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000
ATM- 0.08 0.12 0.22 0.35 0.52 0.75 0.78 0.71 0.58 0.54
ATM- 0.07 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.51 0.75 0.77 0.72 0.65 0.62
ATM- 0.07 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.51 0.75 0.77 0.72 0.65 0.62
TM-10 0.08 0.12 0.22 0.35 0.52 0.75 0.78 0.71 0.58 0.54
These present technical specifications pertain to Leikonat glue meant for gluing of rubbers with
metals by hot vulcanization method and for using as vulcanizing agent in cold hardening rubber

1.2. Regarding physico-chemical characteristics Leikonat glue should satisfy the requirements
and values given in table.
Characteristics Value Test method
Fraction of total mass 4, 4’,4” – 201 As per point 4.2 of this TU
triphenylmethanetriisocyanate, %

Fraction of total mass of admixtures 0.1 As per point 4.3 of this TU

insoluble in dichloroethane, %, not
more than

Bonding strength of rubber 3826S 3.9(40) As per point 4.4 of this TU

with steel of grades 3 or 20 and with
duraluminium of grade D-16, MPa,
(kgf/cm2), not less than.

2.3. Leikonat glue is a highly dangerous substance, of 2nd class of hazard as per GOST
12.1.007-76. It affects nervous and cardio-vascular systems, liver and kidney. Cumulative
properties are expressed moderately. It possesses irritating action on skin and mucosa of
eye. It can affect the body through intact skin
V2 – volume of exact 0.5 N solution of hydrochloric acid, consumed in the titration of the solution to
be analyzed, cm3;

0.06123 – weight of 4, 4’, 4” – of triphenylmethanetriisocyanate, corresponding to 1 cm3 of exact 0.5 N

solution of hydrochloric acid, g;

m – weight of weighed portion of glue, g.

For the result of analysis the arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations, with permissible
deviations between them not exceeding 0.25 %, are taken.

4.3. Determination of the fraction of total mass of admixtures not soluble in dichloroethane.

4.3.2. Procedure of test.

25 g of the glue is weighed out with error not more than 0.01 g and filtered through a filtering funnel,
initially dried upto constant weight and weighed with error not more than 0.0002 g.

Residue on the filter is washed with 100-150 cm3 of dichloroethane till the filtrate becomes colorless
and dried at temperature 60-700C till constant weight.

Carry out weighing with error not exceeding 0.0002 g. Before each weighing the filter is cooled in a
desiccator for the same interval of time.

4.3.3. Processing of results.

Fraction of total mass of admixtures (X1) not soluble in dichloroethane, in percents, is calculated as
per formula.

(m 3  m 2 )  100
X1 

where :
m1 – weight of the weighed portion of glue, g;

m2 – weight of filter – crucible, g;

m3 – weight of filter – crucible, with dried reside, g.

The arithmetic mean of two-parallel determinations, the permissible deviations between which does
not exceed 0.01 %, is taken as the result of analysis.

4.4. Determination of the bonding strength of rubber with metals.

The bonding strength of rubber with metals is determined as per GOST 209-75, by method V.
The Heat shrunk Redplast tubes are meant for insulation, hermetic sealing and
strengthening of soldered joints , joints of contact terminals. cable and fittings and plug
Radplast "T" tubes are manufactured in following types :
- Semihard tubes " Redplast T-1"
- Semihard tubes " Redplast T-2".
Radplast "T-1" are manufactured from high pressure polyethylene of grade 102-14 as per
GOST 16337-77 and are used in the working range from minus 60 to plus 60 º C .
Radplast "T-2" are manufactured from self extinguishing high pressure polyethylene base of
grade 102/153-228 as per TU 6-05-1993-85 and are used in the working range from minus
60 to plus 135 º C .Manufacture of Radplast "T-2" tubes of ist class is permitted from self
extinguishing composition on high pressure polyethylene base of grade 102-114 as per TU 6-


Sl Qualification Requirement Test

No. Parameter Method

Radplast T-1 Radplast T-2

Higher Class Ist Higher Ist
Class Class Class
1. External Surface of Radplast "T" tubes should be Point 4.1
without cracks, inclusions, visible to nacked

eye. Marks of forming tools permitted

Radplast T-1 Radplast T-2

Higher Ist Class Higher Ist Class

class (variety) class (variety)
(variety) (variety)
2. Colour Conform to original 1.4/0.7-White Point 4.1
raw material
2/1- Red

3/1.5- Green

3.2/1.5- Green

4/2- Blue

6/3- Red

8/4- Yellow

12/6- White

20/10 - 100/50- Gray

3. Longitudinal 10 20 10 15 Point 4.4

Shrinkage with
respect to original
dimension (%)

4. Radial Shrinkage 50 45 50 50 Point 4.6

with respect to
original dimension
(%) (Min.)

5. Tensile Strength 100 100 120 100 Point 4.8

(Kgf/cm2) (Min.)

6. Relative Elongation 200 200 250 200 Point 4.8

at break (%) (Min.)

7. Specific volume 1x1012 1x1011 1x1014 1x1013 Point 4.9

resistance (
for wall thickness
below 1 mm (Min.)
- thickness more 1
mm (Min.)
1x1013 1x1011
1x1011 1x1010

8. Electrical Strength, 20 15 30 25 Point 4.10

KV/mm for wall
thickness below 1

-for wall thickness 1

mm and more
15 10 20 15

9. Inflamability Inflamable Self extinguishing. Point 4.11

Time of independent
burning should not
exceed 15 sec. after
removing from
The present technical specifications deal on electrotechnical felt-cord of grade SHS from glass
threads, meant for insulating electrical wires and for articles of special purpose.

Coding of the grade of cord consists in two parts, separated by a hyphen

- first part of lettering SH – cord-felt;

S - glass.

- second part – digit – nominal internal diameter of cord, mm.


1.3. Cord is manufactured with nominal internal diameter, mm :

1; 1.5; 2; 3; 3.5; 4; 5; 6; 8; 10; 12.
1.4. As regards the density of braiding, the chord should correspond to the
requirements of table 1.
Table 1.
Density of braiding
Grade of cord
N/cm N/dm
SHS – 1 8 1.0
0.5 -
SHS – 2 (1.5) 13 10..05 -
SHS – 2 10 1.0
0.5 -
SHS – 3 7  0.5 -
SHS – 3.5 9  0.5 -
SHS – 4 11  0.5 -
SHS – 5 7.5  0.5 -
SHS – 6 - 65 1.0

SHS – 8 - 555
SHS – 10 - 505
SHS – 12 - 425


4.1. Determination of the quality of chord for its appearance is done visually
in the process of manufacture or by checking it in fused condition of rejection
4.2. Density of braiding is determined on specimens by calculating the
number of threads lying under 1 cm (1dm) length of cord. Measurement is
carried out by calculating the number of threads per 10 cm. Arithmetical mean
of all determinations is taken as the result of a batch


6.2. Guarantee period of storage is – 3 years from the date of manufacture


The present specifications are published on glue VKT-2, consist of solution of

varnish KO-916 and copolymer BMK-5 in organic solvents.
Glue VKT-2 is intended for glueing fiberglass heat-insulating materials
type ATM-3 to stainless steel and titanium alloys.
The parameters of technological level, established technical conditions,
should meet the requirements of the first category of quality.

1. Technical requirements

Glue VKT-2 should be issued according to the requirement of the present

specifications on production schedules, approved in established order and formula,

guaranteeing it corrosion inertness.
1.2. Glue VKT-2 should meet the requirements and norms, specified in table 1.
The name of parameters Norm Test method
I. Appearance of glue Transparent homogeneous As per para. 4.2 of
liquid from yellow to dark- Present TU
brown form opalescence
without mechanical impurities.

2.Conditional viscosity As per GOST 8420-74

as per viscosimeter ВЗ-1 at and Para 4.3 of present
temperature TU
/20.0 ± 0. 5/°С, seconds
3.Mass fraction of nonvolatile 41 ± 2 As per GOST 17537-72
substances, % Para 4.4 of present TU
4.Strength of glued joint while tearing, Kg / m, As per 4.5 of present TU
not less:
Name of parameters Norm Method of testing
At temperature /20 ± 2/°С 25
At temperature /300 ± 2/°С 0.5

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