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Masterwork Monsters

Troll Races and Champions

Masterwork Monsters:
Troll Races and Champions
Trolls are one of d20 Fantasy’s evergreen opponents,
capable of challenging characters for most of their
adventuring careers. While their deadly rend and
ability to heal makes them a tough fight for low
and mid-level parties, these same abilities allow a
small group of trolls to remain a challenge when
faced against higher-level adventurers as well.
Unfortunately the very thing that gives them this
longativity can also make them tiresome, as their lack Written by Adam Windsor
of flashy abilities and regenerative abilities quickly Edited by Peter M. Ball
reduce combat to a slow process of attrition.
The truth is that d20 Fantasy games are filled
with monsters that can claw, bite and maul unwary
adventurers. For all their utility, trolls need more
variety if they are to remain an interesting and
memorable challenge throughout the campaign.
They need options that allow them to become more
than a ravening beast that heals quickly, and new Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons,
tricks that can be played during those encounters Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards
where you want a troll to be an unintelligent of the Coast, Inc.
rampaging monster.
Troll Races and Champions presents four new Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast
troll sub-races, and a fast-and-easy template for are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in
creating trollspawned creatures. It also contains the United States and other countries and are used
four new prestige classes specifically designed for with permission.
troll characters. With new sub-races such as the
slime-covered bog troll or militaristic iron troll, and ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trade-
new classes such as the sly snatcher and terrifying marks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used
trollclan warlord, Troll Races and Champions offers all according to the terms of the d20 System License
the tools you need to give troll-kin a starring role in version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found
your campaign. at

Design Assumptions
The material presented here reflects the following assumptions about trolls:
• Trolls are an archetypal monster in both folklore and d20 Fantasy games.
• Trolls in folklore and fantasy fiction have a much wider series of associations than the standard d20 monster. Common
representations include trolls that live beneath bridges in fairy tales, the warlike trolls of Norse mythology, and stone
trolls that fear the sun and turn to statues at sunrise.
• The default d20 troll is limited by its role as a ravening beast: there need to be other options for this creature to give it
more flexibility in campaigns.
• There is value in being able to quickly generate new 'troll-like' creatures.

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

New Troll Races

Many creatures in d20 Fantasy games are incredibly This hunchbacked humanoid has rubbery, green-black skin
fecund, able to cross-breed with a variety of and frog-like features. Its long arms dangle to the ground,
different species. Others are incredibly diverse, knuckles dragging alongside webbed feat. There are gills on
with numerous sub-races that vary extensively in its neck, and tufts of matted hair grow like reeds from its
abilities and outlook. To date trolls have not shared head and back.
in this diversity, enjoying only the existence of a
single aquatic sub-species. Bog trolls look something like a cross between a
Below are four new troll species, giving you new common troll and some type of newt or eel. They
ways to challenge your player characters and fit trolls are smaller than their cousins, only standing a foot
into different environments in your campaign.. taller than most humans, but they gangly arms still
give them considerable reach.
As indicated by their name, bog trolls live in
Bog Troll swamps, marshes and bogs. They favor lowland
Medium Giant (aquatic) territories where they are unlikely to come into
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp) conflict with other troll species. Most make their
Initiative: +1 homes in water-logged earthen burrows, with
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Swim 20 ft. (4 squares) entrances that can only be accessed underwater.
Armor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, Gathering in small family groups or packs, bog
flat-footed 15 trolls primarily live on eels, fish and water fowl
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+10 which are catch with their claws or primitive nets
Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d6+3) or Net +4 ranged woven from reeds. Their lust for more substantial
(entangle) fair often drives them to hunt humanoids, preying
Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d6+3) and bite on travelers that venture too close to their swamps.
+1 melee (1d4+1); or Net +4 ranged (entangle) Bog trolls are extremely territorial, and they are
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with claws) willing to attack creatures many times their own
Special Attacks: Long arms size in order to protect their lair.
Special Qualities: Amphibious, bogslime, low- A typical adult bog troll stands over 6 feet tall
light vision, regeneration 5, scent, troll-blood and weighs 300 pounds. A bog troll’s scaled and
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +1 rubbery hide is moss green or a mottled pattern of
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 11, green and black. Their hair is usually muddy brown
Cha 6 or greenish black.
Skills: Hide +6, Move Silently +6, Survival +2, Bog trolls speak Giant.
Swim +12
Feats: Stealthy, Track Combat
Environment: Any marshes Bog trolls are as fearless as any of their ilk, but
Organization: Solitary, gang (2–4) or pack (5-10) possess a savage cunning that catches many
Challenge Rating: 3 experienced troll slayers off-guard. While a bog
Treasure: Standard troll will press an attack to the death once engaged,
Alignment: Usually neutral evil it usually seeks to begin a battle by striking from
Advancement: By character class surprise whenever it can. Groups of bog trolls often
Level Adjustment: +4 strike from several directions at once, surrounding
their opponents.

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions
Bogslime (Ex): The skin of a bog troll exudes • Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d6) and bite (1d4).
a thick, slimy mucus that helps protect it from fire • Special Attacks: Long arms (see above)
and acid. The bog troll gains fire resistance 5 and • Special Qualities: Bogslime (see above),
acid resistance 5 from this slime. regeneration 5, scent, troll-blood.
Once the bogslime has absorbed 20 points of • Automatic Languages: Giant. Bonus Languages:
fire or acid damage, it has been burnt off and takes Common, Aquan.
2d6 minutes to build up again. During this time the • Favored Class: Ranger.
bog troll has no fire or acid resistance. • Level adjustment +4.
Long arms (Ex): A bog troll has unusually
long, wiry arms. Not only can it use its claws to Cave Troll
attack opponents at a range of 10 feet, but it gains a Large Giant
significant advantage when trying to grasp prey. A Hit Dice: 8d8+48 (84 hp)
bog troll gains a +4 racial bonus to grapple checks. Initiative: -1
Regeneration (Ex): Fire and cold deal normal Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
damage to a bog troll. If a bog troll loses a limb Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, -1 Dex, +8 natural),
or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d4 days. touch 8, flat-footed 16
The bog troll cannot reattach a severed limb. Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+18
Troll-blood (Ex): For all effects related to race, Attack: Greatclub +13 melee (2d8+12) or slam
a bog troll is considered a troll. +13 melee (1d6+8) or rock +4 ranged (2d6+8)
Skills: A bog troll has a +8 racial bonus on any Full Attack: Greatclub +13/+8 melee (2d8+12)
Swim check to perform some special action or or 2 slams +13 melee (1d6+8) or rock +4
avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on ranged (2d6+8)
a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
can use the run action while swimming, provided it Special Attacks: Rock throwing
swims in a straight line. Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., fast healing
5, light sensitivity, low-light vision, scent, troll-
Bog Trolls as Characters blood
Bog troll characters possess the following racial Saves: Fort +12, Ref +1, Will +0
traits. Abilities: Str 27, Dex 8, Con 23, Int 4, Wis 7,
• +6 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +8 Constitution, –2 Cha 6
Intelligence (minimum 3), –4 Charisma. Skills: Climb +8, Jump +12, Listen +4, Spot +3
• Space/Reach: 5 feet/10 feet. Feats: Awesome Blow, Improved Bull-Rush,
• A bog troll’s base land speed is 30 feet, its base Power Attack
swim speed is 20 feet. Environment: Any underground
• Low-light vision. Organization: Solitary or pack (2–8)
• Racial Hit Dice: A bog troll begins with four Challenge Rating: 7
levels of giant, which provide 4d8 Hit Dice, a Treasure: Standard
base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
bonuses of Fort +4, Ref +1, and Will +1. Advancement: By character class
• Racial Skills: A bog troll’s giant levels give it skill Level Adjustment: +5
points equal to 7 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum
1). Its class skills are Hide, Move Silently and This thick-bodied humanoid has a small, rounded head
Survival. with heavy brows and a broad, brutish jaw. It sniffs at the
• Racial Feats: A bog troll’s giant levels give it air with wide, flared nostrils as its dull eyes turn in your
two feats. direction. With an inarticulate growl, it lurches forward.
• +5 natural armor bonus.
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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

Cave trolls are a brutish, degenerate offshoot of the Fast Healing (Ex): A cave troll’s regenerative
troll race. Millennia ago a tribe of trolls were driven abilities have atrophied when compared to the
underground by a series of violent earthquakes and common troll, but it still heals 5 hit points per
trapped there by shifts in the cavern’s structure. round.
Unable to return to the surface, they explored Light Sensitivity (Ex): Cave trolls are dazzled
the extensive underground caverns forged a new in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight
home among the creatures that lived there. Over spell.
the course of hundreds of years they adapted to Rock throwing (Ex): Adult cave trolls can can
their environment, growing strong enough to hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small
tunnel through stone and learning to use rocks and objects) with a range increment of 50 feet, up to a
rubble as crude weapons. maximum range of five range increments.
Generations of inbreeding and isolation have Troll-blood (Ex): For all effects related to race,
given cave trolls a more brutish appearance and a cave troll is considered a troll.
cruder features than their common cousins. Manny
cave trolls are albino, with small, reddish eyes and Cave Trolls as Characters
skin that has been bleached white from their years Cave troll characters possess the following racial
in the darkness. Those few cave trolls that retain traits.
their green pigment are often stronger than their • +16 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +12 Constitution,
brethren, rising to become the leader of their –6 Intelligence (minimum 3), –4 Wisdom, –4
pack. A typical adult cave troll stands 10 feet tall Charisma.
and weighs over 800 pounds, with males standing • Large size. –1 penalty to Armor Class, –1 penalty
slightly taller than females. Some have white or pale on attack rolls, –4 penalty on Hide checks, +4
green hair, but most are bald. bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying
Despite their limited intelligence, cave trolls limits double those of Medium characters.
have proliferated in the caverns beneath the earth • Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet.
and small tribes of the beasts can be found in most • A cave troll’s base land speed is 40 feet.
underground caves and tunnel complexes. They • Darkvision out to 120 feet and low-light
usually gather in small packs, numbering no more vision.
than ten: larger groups invariably break up due to • Racial Hit Dice: A cave troll begins with eight
rivalry amongst the stronger trolls. levels of giant, which provide 8d8 Hit Dice, a
Individual cave trolls are sometimes forced out base attack bonus of +6, and base saving throw
of a pack, usually after losing a challenge against the bonuses of Fort +6, Ref +2, and Will +2.
current leader. These solitary creatures occasionally • Racial Skills: A cave troll’s giant levels give it skill
find a home in a new pack, but most end up living points equal to 11 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum
a hermetic existence or joining forces with more 1). Its class skills are Listen and Spot.
intelligent creatures such as orcs and goblins. • Racial Feats: A cave troll’s giant levels give it
Cave trolls speak a crude form of Giant. three feats.
• +8 natural armor bonus.
Combat • Natural Weapons: Slam (1d6).
Cave trolls fight with brutish simplicity. They move • Special Attacks (see above): Rock throwing.
directly toward the enemy, hurling rocks as they • Special Qualities: Fast healing 5, light sensitivity,
approach, then engage them in melee. They have scent, troll-blood.
no fear of death, reacting to most injuries with • Automatic Languages: Giant. Bonus Languages:
savage anger. They often pursue the last creature Goblin, Orc.
to hurt them, allowing well-organized foes to lure • Favored Class: Barbarian.
the cave troll back and forth between them. • Level adjustment +5.
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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

Iron Troll While the strength and regenerative ability of the

Medium Giant common troll make them a formidable guardian,
Hit Dice: 3d8+12 (25 hp) their brutish nature makes them dangerous and
Initiative: -1 difficult to control as part of an organized military
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) in chainmail, base speed force. Sages theorize that the iron trolls were created
30 ft. by an ancient priest or wizard in an attempt to rectify
Armor Class: 16 (–1 Dex, +2 natural, +5 this situation, creating an army that possessed the
chainmail), touch 9, flat-footed 16 strengths of the common troll without their savage
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6 demeanor.
Attack: Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+6) or Iron trolls lack the full regenerative prowess of
Composite Longbow (Strength +4) +1 ranged other troll races, but they possess greater intelligence
(1d8+4) and the ability to operate as a coordinated unit in
Full Attack: Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+6) or battle. Their affinity for metal-work and electricity
Composite Longbow (Strength +4) +1 ranged suggest that some form of elemental energy had a
(1d8+4) part in their creation, although some sages suggest
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. that this may simply be the result of a powerful
Special Attacks: ⎯ blessing by an unknown deity that has adopted the
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., electrical iron trolls as his own.
affinity, low-light vision, regenerative healing, Iron trolls are disciplined and militaristic race.
troll-blood They have a strict hierarchy of command and
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +2 obedience, with orders given and carried out from
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 9, commander to officer to soldier to non-combatant.
Cha 8 Only the magisters, iron trolls gifted in the use
Skills: Craft (armorsmithing) +7, Intimidate +4, of magic, have some freedom to act according
Listen +1, Spot +1 to their own desires and even they must pay heed
Feats: EnduranceB, Iron Will, Weapon focus to the words of their commander. Discipline is
(greatsword) maintained with harsh punishments for failure and
Environment: Any insubordination, and iron troll society is considered
Organization: Squad (2-8), platoon (11–20 brutal and unforgiving by most other races.
plus 1 officer (1st-3rd fighter)), or regiment Communities of iron trolls can often be hired
(30–100 plus 100% noncombatants plus 5-10 by powerful rulers for service as soldiers or guards.
officers, 1-2 magisters (2nd-5th wizard) and 1 Their discipline and skill makes them highly effective
commander (4th-7th fighter)) hirelings, but their pride and strict loyalty to their
Challenge Rating: 3 own commanders prevents them from working
Treasure: Standard effectively with other forces. Prior attempts to field
Alignment: Usually lawful evil a unit of iron trolls with less disciplined troops
Advancement: By character class such as orcs and ogres have repetitively resulted in
Level Adjustment: +2 failure.
A typical adult iron troll stands 6 feet tall and
This seven-foot troll has dark gray skin, a long, hooked nose weighs 200 pounds. An iron troll’s hide is generally
and large ears. Its mouth is filled with dozens of sharp some shade of gray, often with a metallic sheen.
teeth and a biliously yellow tongue. Long fingers are wrapped Their hair is usually black or iron gray.
around the hilt of a sharp greatsword, and it wears a suit Iron trolls speak Giant and Common.
of battered chainmail. Its beady eyes watch your every move,
waiting for an opportunity to strike.

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Troll Races and Champions

Combat • Bonus Feat: Endurance.

Iron trolls fight as a coordinated military unit, using • +2 natural armor bonus.
terrain to their advantage and adapting their tactics • Special Qualities: Electrical affinity, regenerative
to counter their enemy’s strengths and exploit healing, troll-blood.
their weaknesses. They generally target any visible • Automatic Languages: Common, Giant. Bonus
divine casters in the early stages of any conflict in Languages: Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, Terran,
an attempt to deprive their opponents of magical Undercommon.
healing. Iron trolls retreat or call for reinforcements • Favored Class: Fighter.
if they find themselves overmatched. • Level adjustment +2.
Electrical Affinity (Ex): Iron trolls are immune
to electrical damage. A magical attack that deals Stone Troll
electricity damage kick-starts the iron troll’s latent Large Giant (Earth)
regenerative capacity, healing them of 1 point of Hit Dice: 7d8+35 (66 hp)
damage for every 3 points of damage the attack Initiative: +4
would otherwise deal. Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Regenerative Healing (Ex): An iron troll’s Armor Class: 18 (–1 size, +2 leather armor, +7
natural healing rate is 3 hit points per day per level natural), touch 9, flat-footed 18
or hit die (double that if taking complete bed rest). Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+16
If an iron troll loses a limb or body part, the lost Attack: Club +11 melee (1d8+7) or slam +11
portion regrows in 3d6 days. An iron troll cannot melee (1d4+7) or bite +11 melee (1d4+7)
reattach severed limbs. Full Attack: Club +11 melee (1d8+7) and slam
Troll-blood (Ex): For all effects related to race, +6 melee (1d4+3) and bite +6 melee (1d4+3);
an iron troll is considered a troll. or 2 slams +11 melee (1d4+7) and bite +6
Skills: Iron Trolls gain a +2 racial bonus on melee (1d4+3)
Craft skill checks related to metal Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab
Iron Trolls as Characters Special Qualities: Light sensitivity, low-light
Iron troll characters possess the following racial vision, petrification vulnerability, regeneration
traits. 5, stone in the sun, troll-blood
• +8 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +8 Constitution, +2 Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +2
Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma. Abilities: Str 25, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 9,
• Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet. Cha 6
• An iron troll’s base land speed is 30 feet. Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
• Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning
• Racial Hit Dice: An iron troll begins with three Reflexes
levels of giant, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a Environment: Any forest, mountains or
base attack bonus of +2, and base saving throw underground
bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +1, and Will +1. Organization: Solitary, hunting party (2–4) or
• Racial Skills: An iron troll’s giant levels give family (2-8)
it skill points equal to 6 x (2 + Int modifier, Challenge Rating: 6
minimum 1). Its class skills are Craft (any metal- Treasure: Standard
related craft), Intimidate, Listen and Spot. Alignment: Usually neutral evil
• Iron Trolls gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft skill Advancement: By character class
checks related to metal Level Adjustment: +4
• Racial Feats: An iron troll’s giant levels give it
two feats.
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Troll Races and Champions
This large humanoid hunches forward, its long arms dragging Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
against the earth. Its broad bulk is covered in a mottled green stone troll must hit with its slam attack. It can then
and brown hide that resembles moss growing on a stone. Its attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
face is crushed inwards, broken only by a wide, bulbous nose provoking an attack of opportunity.
and a mouth filled with slab-like yellowed teeth. Light Sensitivity (Ex): Stone trolls are dazzled
in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight
The origin of stone trolls is not known, but most spell.
sages agree they were once normal trolls who were Petrification Vulnerability (Ex): A stone troll
somehow exposed to elemental energies from the suffers a -4 penalty to all saving throws against
plane of earth. Their own legends seem to suggest petrification, including those incurred due to
that they were an early attempt to create a warrior exposure to direct sunlight.
race similar to the iron troll and link their origins Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal
to a strange fusion of common troll and earth damage to a stone troll. If a stone troll loses a
elemental. limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6
Stone trolls are more articulate and gregarious minutes. The creature can reattach the severed
than normal trolls, and rescued prisoners tell of member instantly by holding it to the stump.
endless hours spent listening to their former captor Stone in the Sun (Ex): A stone troll is highly
cheerfully explaining the diverse ways they may be susceptible to sunlight. The creature must make a
cooked and eaten. Their homes are often primitive, DC 20 Fortitude save for each round of exposure
as are the crude weapons the stone troll wields. to the direct rays of the sun. If it fails the save, it is
Their clothes are often little more than poorly cured permanently turned to stone.
hides and leather, giving them a pungent odor that Troll-blood (Ex): For all effects related to race,
is almost as torturous as their conversation. a stone troll is considered a troll.
Stone trolls favor mountainous or forested
terrain: regions where they can easily find cover Stone Trolls as Characters
from sunlight. They generally gather in groups Stone troll characters possess the following racial
of no more than six or eight: any larger gathering traits.
would rapidly depopulate an area of food. Groups • +14 Strength, +10 Constitution, –2 Intelligence
are often composed of family members or small (minimum 3), –2 Wisdom, –4 Charisma.
hunting parties of young adult males. They are • Large size. –1 penalty to Armor Class, –1 penalty
almost always encountered underground or at night on attack rolls, –4 penalty on Hide checks, +4
due to the danger presented by direct sunlight. bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying
A typical adult stone troll stands 9 feet tall and limits double those of Medium characters.
weighs 600 pounds. A stone troll’s leathery hide is • Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet.
earthy brown, mottled green and brown, or gray- • A stone troll’s base land speed is 30 feet.
brown. Their hair is usually black or brown. • Low-light vision.
Stone trolls speak Giant and Common. • Racial Hit Dice: A stone troll begins with seven
levels of giant, which provide 7d8 Hit Dice, a
Combat base attack bonus of +5, and base saving throw
Stone trolls are carnivorous and have a voracious bonuses of Fort +5, Ref +2, and Will +2.
apatite. They see any creature smaller than • Racial Skills: A stone troll’s giant levels give
themselves as a source of food, and react to most it skill points equal to 10 x (2 + Int modifier,
encounters with immediate violence. Preferring minimum 1). Its class skills are Listen and
fresh meat to carrion, they often capture some Spot.
of their foes alive and store them for future • Racial Feats: A stone troll’s giant levels give it
consumption. three feats.
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Troll Races and Champions

• +7 natural armor bonus. affect those types. If its type renders it immune
• Natural Weapons: Slam (1d4) and bite (1d4). to an effect that would normally affect a troll, it
• Special Attacks: Improved Grab. remains immune unless the effect specifically
• Special Qualities: Light sensitivity, petrification targets creatures of the troll type. In addition, the
vulnerability, regeneration 5, stone in the sun, trollspawn may use magic items with racially specific
troll-blood. qualities as though it were of the giant type.
• Automatic Languages: Common, Giant. Bonus Armor Class: The trollspawn’s natural armor
Languages: Goblin, Orc, Terran. bonus improves by +1 over that of the base
• Favored Class: Fighter. creature.
• Level adjustment +4. Special Qualities: A trollspawn retains all of
the base creature’s special qualities except immunity
Creating New Troll or resistance to acid and fire (see below), and
additionally gains two more special qualities:
Creatures Darkvision: The trollspawn can see in the dark
up to 90 feet.
While the troll subraces and prestige classes Immunity to acid or fire: If the base creature has
presented in this book are useful when fleshing immunity to fire or acid, remove these immunities
out the role of trolls in your campaign, you may and replace them with energy resistance 10 against
find that you want even more diversity among your the appropriate energy type.
troll-like adversaries. The template below is a fast Low-Light Vision: The trollspawn can see twice
and easy way to make a wide variety of creatures as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchling,
more troll-like. and similar conditions of poor illumination. It
retains the ability to distinguish color and detail
Trollspawn under these conditions.
Trollspawned creatures generally resemble a normal Regeneration 5 (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal
creature of their race, except they have patches of damage to a trollspawn. If a trollspawn loses a limb
gray-green, leathery skin across their bodies. These or body part, the lost portion regrows in 2d6 hours.
patches are often marked with warts or other skin The trollspawn cannot reattach a severed limb.
blemishes. Resistance to acid or fire: If the base creature has
resistance to fire or acid, reduce their resistance by
Creating A Trollspawned Creature 10 points (to a minimum of zero).
‘Trollspawn’ is an acquired or inherited template Scent: The trollspawn can detect approaching
that can be added to any creature of the following enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense
types that is not already a troll: animal, dragon, giant, of smell. It can identify familiar odors just as
humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid. humans do familiar sites.
It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special Alignment: Usually evil (any).
abilities except as noted here. Challenge Rating: HD 5 or less, as base creature
Type: Animals with this template become +1; HD 6 to 10, as base creature +2; HD 11 or
magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is more, as base creature +3. If the base creature has
unchanged. Creatures possessing the trollspawn fire or acid vulnerability, reduce the CR by 1.
template gain the trollkin subtype if the base Level Adjustment: +3
creature does not already have it.
Trollkin Subtype: The trollspawned is considered
both a troll and a creature of its normal type for the
purposes of spells, abilities, and effects that would

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

Troll Champions
Many races have their great, iconic champions: eat, to feast, and to consume. They fearlessly attack
elves have the arcane archer, dwarves the dwarven any creature they encounter, determined to gorge
defender, and trolls have debased warriors and themselves on its still warm flesh.
adepts that exemplify the best and the worst of troll
nature. Presented here are four mighty champions Abilities: Wisdom is the most important attribute
of troll-kind. for an adept of the ravening maw, as it is required
for their spellcasting. Strength is also important,
as it makes their bite more powerful, and more
Adept of the Ravening difficult for foes to escape.
Maw Among the various troll races only iron trolls
lack adepts of the ravening maw among their ranks,
Hunger; a compulsive, gnawing and ever-present primarily due to their lack of a viable bite attack.
need to feed. It is a constant part of troll life and Most members of this class were previously adepts,
it drives many of their decisions. Whatever trait but on occasion a cleric or particularly debased
of their unique biology allows them to regenerate troll druid have been known to follow the path of
lost limbs and heal from almost any damage they ravening maw.
sustain also leaves them unable to ever feel truly
satiated regardless of how gorge themselves. It is Training and Culture: Few adepts of the ravening
this endless hunger that spurs trolls into battle with maw receive any kind of training, instead developing
a reckless disregard for their own lives, even when their abilities as a result of natural talent or divine
faced with fire or acid. calling.
For some trolls, hunger and feeding become Adepts of the ravening maw quickly become
more than an overriding biological urge. Whether the leader of their packs, although many choose to
they are blessed with a more philosophical mindset serve as the power behind a weak-willed chieftain
than their compatriots or simply more consumed rather than take the role themselves. These adepts
by the force of their hunger, they elevate the act often lead their packs into a feeding frenzy, leading
of feasting from a compulsive urge to a religious them forth to fulfill the divine task of feasting.
directive. Several civilized lands have learned to equate an
Adepts of the ravening maw believe that their increase in troll attacks with the rise of a new adept
constant hunger is a divine calling; that trolls have of the ravening more in troll territory.
an insatiable appetite because it is their purpose to
Hit Die: d6

Adept of the Ravening Maw

Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special Spells Per Day
Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Maw +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Improved Grab +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 A Taste of the Prey +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +4 +1 +1 Greater Maw +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +4 +1 +1 Swallow Whole +1 level of existing class

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Troll Races and Champions

Requirements Current Damage Improved Damage

To qualify to become an adept of the ravening maw, 1d4 1d6
a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
1d6 1d8
Race: Troll
Base Attack Bonus: +6 1d8 2d6
Knowledge (religion): 4 ranks 2d6 3d6
Survival: 4 ranks
Additionally, the adept’s bite becomes her
Feat: Track, Weapon focus (bite)
primary natural attack, if it is not already. Any other
Spells: able to cast divine spells
primary existing attack she currently possesses, such
Special: must have a bite attack
as a claw, becomes a secondary natural attack.
Improved Grab (Ex): From 2nd level, an
Class Skills
adept who successfully bites an opponent can then
The adept of the ravening maw’s class skills (and
attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
the key ability modifier for each) are Climb (Str),
provoking an attack of opportunity. If she wins
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal
the grapple check, she establishes a hold. An adept
(Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int),
with a creature gripped in her mouth cannot cast
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Spellcraft
spells with verbal components.
(Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Survival (Wis).
A Taste of the Prey (Su): An adept of the
ravening maw does not easily let prey escape. From
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
3rd level, she gains a +4 bonus to Survival checks
Class Features
made to track any creature he has bitten in the past
All of the following are Class Features of the adept
7 days.
of the ravening maw prestige class.
Greater Maw (Ex): The adept’s mouth and teeth
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The adept
grow even larger, and the shape of her entire head
of the ravening maw gains no new weapon, armor
distorts in order to accommodate her enormous
or shield proficiencies.
jaws. At 4th level the damage from her bite attack
Spells per Day: For the purposes of determining
increases again, according to the progression table
spells per day, caster level, and (for spontaneous
under “Maw” above.
spellcasters) spells known, whenever a level as
Swallow Whole (Ex): A 5th level adept can try
an adept of the ravening maw grants the ability
to swallow a grabbed opponent of up to one size
“+1 level of existing class”, the character adds
category smaller by making a successful grapple
one effective level to one of their previous divine
check. The swallowed creature takes bludgeoning
spellcasting classes. If the character had more than
damage equal to the adept’s bite damage each round
one divine spellcasting class before becoming an
from the adept’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can
adept of the ravening maw, she must choose one
cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing
class to which they will add the new level. Note
weapon to deal 15 points of damage to the adept’s
that the character does not gain any other benefit a
gizzard (AC 10). Once the creature exits, the
character of that class would have gained (such as
adept’s regenerative abilities close the hole; another
metamagic feats, and so on).
swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.
Maw (Ex): The adept’s teeth grow longer and
A large adept’s gizzard can hold 1 Medium,
sharper, and her mouth widens to accommodate her
4 Small, 16 Tiny, or 64 Diminutive or smaller
increasingly deadly fangs. The adept’s bite attack
opponents. Creatures that have been swallowed
damage increases, as shown on the table below.
have no effect on an adept’s ability to cast spells
with verbal components.

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

Iron Mage Training and Culture: With their typical

There are many devastating arcane spells of fire organization and efficiency, the iron trolls have
and acid, but such magic is anathema to those few established several academies where new iron mages
trolls with the natural gifts to master arcane magic. can be trained by those who have already mastered
With two of magic’s most potent weapons denied the skills. Those few members of other troll races
to them, these arcane spellcasters often turn to who possess the gifts needed to become an iron
electricity and other energy types as a replacement. mage are usually trained at these establishments.
The first iron mage was a magister with a Iron mages enjoy considerable respect and
regiment of iron trolls. Seeking a way to utilize his admiration in iron troll society, and elite iron troll
race’s affinity for electricity as a tactical advantage, regiments will often compete to have an iron
he spent years researching a means of converting mage as their magister. This celebrated status has
fire and acid spells into devastating electrical attacks. been known to make many members of the class
When he had mastered the technique, he used his arrogant and headstrong.
powers to decimate the iron troll’s opponents while
Hit Die: d6
healing his allies wounds.
Iron mages focus their training on warfare and Requirements
combat. They expect to be in the thick of battle, To qualify to become an iron mage, a character
casting spells in the very face of the enemy. It is must fulfill all the following criteria:
not uncommon to see an iron mage, clad in massive Race: Troll
full plate, in the front line of the charge with his Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks
fists crackling with electrical energy. Feats: Combat Casting, proficiency with heavy
Abilities: An iron mage’s spellcasting ability
Spells: able to cast lightning bolt
score (whether it be Intelligence or Charisma) is
their most important ability. Intelligence is also Class Skills
important for their skill list and for extra skill The iron mage’s class skills (and the key ability
points. The unusually keen intellect and electrical modifier for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft
affinity of the iron trolls make them the most likely (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken
to become iron mages; indeed, the majority of iron individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft
mages that have been trained have been members (Int)
of that race.
Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus

Iron Mage
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special Spells Per Day
Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Electrical Substitution
+1 level of existing
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3
+1 level of existing
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Conductive Casting
+1 level of existing
4th +3 +1 +1 +4
Improved Electrical +1 level of existing
5th +3 +1 +1 +4
Substitution class

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

Class Features Improved Electrical Substitution (Ex): By

All of the following are Class Features of the iron 5th level, an iron mage’s connection with electrical
mage prestige class. energy has grown so strong that he can convert a
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The iron spell that does acid, cold or fire damage to electrical
mage gains no new weapon, armor or shield damage with negligible effort.
proficiencies. A preparation-based caster who is a 5th level
Spells per Day: For the purposes of determining iron mage no longer needs to specify ahead of time
spells per day, caster level, and (for spontaneous which of his spells are electrically substituted: he
spellcasters) spells known, whenever a level as an can choose at the time of casting.
iron mage grants the ability “+1 level of existing A spontaneous caster who is a 5th level iron
class”, the character adds one effective level to one mage no longer suffers an increase in the casting
of their previous arcane spellcasting classes. If the time of his electrically substituted spells.
character had more than one arcane spellcasting
class before becoming an iron mage, he must Sly Snatcher
choose one class to which they will add the new Trolls are famed for their direct approach to combat,
level. Note that the character does not gain any charging their enemies front lines and relying on
other benefit a character of that class would have their regeneration to protect them while they rend
gained (such as metamagic feats, and so on). and claw their way to victory. The sly snatcher
Electrical Substitution (Ex): Iron magi have a prefers a more subtle approach, abandoning the
natural affinity for electrical energy. Whenever the direct charge in favor of lurking in the shadows and
iron mage casts a spell which inflicts acid, fire or launching a silent, devastating surprise attack.
cold damage, they may substitute electrical damage Sly snatchers are stealthy killers who ambush and
instead. The descriptor of the spell changes swiftly throttle their targets before slipping away
appropriately. with the body. They are rarely interested in the
Preparation-based casters must specify which stand-up fights favored by other trolls, though they
of their spells have electrical substitution when often use the distraction of such a battle to surprise
preparing their spells. These spells use a slot of its an enemy whose attention is focused elsewhere.
normal level. Sly snatchers specialize in killing their victim
Spontaneous casters may choose to electrically before he can make a sound, using their long reach
substitute their spells as they cast them, but such to grab and choke their prey with grim efficiency.
spells take longer to cast. If the spell’s normal casting Communities located near troll lands know better
time is 1 action, casting an electrically substituted than to travel alone when leaving their village, and
version is a full-round action for a spontaneous their children are taught to stay close to home if
caster. For a spell with a longer casting time, it they don’t want the trolls to carry them away.
takes an extra full-round action to cast the spell.
Conductive Casting (Ex): Iron magi know Abilities: Sly snatchers require a high Strength
that electricity passes easily through metal, and in order to aid their grapple checks, and a high
learn how to use that fact to their advantage in Dexterity to assist them with stealth and attacking
spellcasting. From 3rd level, when casting a spell from surprise.
with the electrical descriptor, an iron mage suffers Most sly snatchers are rogues, but bards, rangers
no arcane spell failure chance for carrying a metal and other classes with a talent for stealth can
shield or wearing any form of armor that is entirely prosper in this class. Many bog troll sly snatchers
or principally made of metal (generally this means a are rangers, skilled at tracking and snatching their
chain shirt, any heavy armor, or any medium armor prey without being seen.
except hide).

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions
Training and Culture: For most trolls, the Class Features
principal value of sly snatchers is that they are All of the following are Class Features of the sly
skilled in capturing fresh food for the tribe. Iron snatcher prestige class.
trolls treat this class a little differently, training sly Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The sly
snatchers as scouts and raiders who snatch enemy snatcher gains no new weapon, armor or shield
troops for questioning. proficiencies.
Regardless of their breed sly snatchers tend to Grasping Grip (Ex): A sly snatcher is extremely
be trained on an individual basis, with an existing adept at catching opponents. She gains a +1 bonus
masters passing on the necessary skills. Since it is per sly snatcher level when making grapple checks.
difficult to teach stealth and grappling techniques Agile Grappler (Ex): A sly snatcher learns how
to more than one student at a time, and trolls are to protect herself while in a grapple. From 2nd
not the most patient of tutors to begin with, it is level she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)
rare for more than one sly snatcher to be taught at while grappling, even against opponents who are
the same time. not involved in the grapple.
Silencing Grip (Ex): Sly snatchers rely on silence
Hit Die: d6
and surprise to capture a victim and make off with
Requirements them before the alarm is raised. At 3rd level a sly
To qualify to become a sly snatcher, a character snatcher who pins an opponent one or more size
must fulfill all the following criteria: categories smaller than the snatcher also renders
Race: Troll that opponent silent. The victim cannot call for
Hide: 8 ranks help, or cast spells that include verbal components,
Move Silently: 8 ranks while the sly snatcher’s pin is maintained.
Spot: 4 ranks At 5th level, a sly snatcher has grown so skilled
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net) in her techniques that she can silence any opponent
Special: Improved grab; or improved unarmed with whom she is grappling for as long as the
strike and improved grapple grapple is maintained, provided that opponent is
of a smaller size category than her.
Class Skills Threatening Grip (Ex): A sly snatcher
The sly snatcher’s class skills (and the key ability learns how to make rapid strikes out of a grapple
modifier for each) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), without affecting her ability to grip an opponent.
Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Commencing from 4th level, a sly snatcher who is
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), grappling still threatens all squares in her reach, just
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use as though she was not grappling.
Rope (Dex). Damaging Grip (Ex): A sly snatcher learns
Skill points per level: 4 + Int bonus the best techniques to use when hurting a grappled

Sly Snatcher
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Grasping Grip
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Agile Grappler
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Silencing Grip (Pin)
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Threatening Grip
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Damaging Grip, Silencing Grip (Grapple)

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Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions

opponent. Whenever a sly snatcher uses a grapple Yellowfang was known to be a skilled rogue. Any
check, a natural weapon or a light weapon to damage troll or trollkin race can enter this class, as the
an opponent she is grappling, she gains a +2 bonus warlord relies on intimidation and bullying rather
on the damage roll. than racial loyalty, discipline and clever tactics.
Training and Culture: Trollclan warlords are
Trollclan Warlord swaggering bullies who awe the members of their
Trolls are not a sophisticated race at the best of
pack into obedience through displays of strength
times, with most trolls living in small packs or
and brutality. They enjoy their position at the top
tribes that have little contact with other groups.
of troll society and make no effort to teach others
Even the comparatively organized iron trolls have a
their skills for fear of creating rivals. In fact, many
culture modeled on a simple hierarchy of a military
of them will actively sabotage the aspirations of
their most gifted followers in order to retain their
In these simplistic troll societies leadership goes
position of authority. Prospective warlords must
to the strongest, or at the very least to those who
thus develop their skills for themselves, without the
appear strongest. Trollclan warlords are powerful
aid of a school or mentor.
warriors, capable of demanding and enforcing
obedience. They lead by strength and intimidation, Hit Die: d12
browbeating others into following them and brutally
punishing those who question their rule. Requirements
Trollclan warlords lead from the front of To qualify to become a trollclan warlord, a character
any battle, shouting orders at their pack and must fulfill all the following criteria:
bellowing dire threats in order to cause panic and Race: Troll
demoralization amongst the enemy. More than Base Attack Bonus: +8
one hardened veteran has fled before the fearsome Intimidate: 8 ranks
onslaught of a trollclan warlord as he crashed into Feats: Iron Will
the front ranks of his opponents.
Class Skills
Abilities: Strength, Dexterity and Constitution are The trollclan warlord’s class skills (and the key
all of importance to the trollclan warlord, just as ability modifier for each) are Climb (Str), Craft
they are to any warrior on the battlefield. Charisma (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump
is also of importance due to the warlord’s frequent (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).
use of the Intimidate skill.
Most trollclan warlords were once fighters or Skill points per level: 2 + Int bonus
barbarians, though the notorious warlord Snaggran

Trollclan Warlord
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Special
Bonus Save Save Save
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Lord of the Trolls +1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Awesome Presence
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Lord of the Trolls +2
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Greater Awe, Mind of War

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Troll Races and Champions

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the
trollclan warlord prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The trollclan
warlord is proficient with all simple and martial
melee weapons, with all forms of armor and with
shields (but not tower shields).
Lord of the Trolls (Ex): The presence of a
trollclan warlord incites trolls and trollspawned
creatures to a blood frenzy. Any troll within 30
feet of a trollclan warlord gains a morale bonus to
attack rolls and Will saving throws. This bonus is
+1 for a 1st level warlord, increasing to +2 for a
warlord of 4th level or higher.
Awesome Presence (Ex): A trollclan warlord is
a terrifying adversary. He can attempt to demoralize
a number of creatures equal to his prestige class
level with a single Intimidate check. The trollclan
warlord uses the same skill check against each
Greater Awe (Ex): A 5th level warlord who
successfully demoralizes an opponent may choose
to cause that opponent to become frightened for
1 round instead of being shaken. If the warlord
is using his Awesome Presence ability to affect
multiple opponents at once, he must choose the
same result for all the targeted characters.
Mind of War (Ex): The mind of a trollclan
warlord is filled with thoughts of struggle and
destruction. This fierce, chaotic pattern of
thoughts gives him a significant resistance to mental
attacks. A 5th level warlord gains a +2 bonus to
all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Troll Races and Champions

A Henchman Production
for the Clockwork Golem Workshop
Written by Adam Windsor
Edited by Peter M. Ball
For additional product support and details
on upcoming releases in the Masterwork
Characters series, visit our website at

Page 15
Masterwork Monsters
Troll Races and Champions
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