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Ruang Umur Perkembangan bayi / kanak- Tanda Tanda Penyakit Kanak-

kanak mengikut umur Kanak Berkeperluan Khas
Austistic Spectrum Disorder

Physica 0-1 tahun

l Terdapat kekakuan otot yang
Tinggi dan berat badan
tidak normal
bertambah dengan pesat

Mampu mengangkat kepala,

mencapai objek serta duduk

Mampu menggengam objek

boleh berjalan sendiri tanpa

boleh memanjat dengan

dapat menendang dan
membaling bola

2-3 tahun Dapat imbangkan badan

dengan stabil

Mampu melompat dan berlari

Mampu naik tangga

menggunakan kedua-dua kaki

3-4 tahun
Mampu menangkap bola
dengan kedua-dua tangan

Dapat melukis bentuk-bentuk


Dapat menyesuaikan diri dan

meneroka pelbagai permukaan
di taman permainan
Catches and throws a ball with Difficulty with running and
more coordination. playing sports.

Runs faster and better. Challenges with activities that

require coordination, such as
Skips or gallops. catching a ball.

Increased reliance on assistive

devices for mobility.

Draws recognizable pictures. Challenges with independent
Dresses and undresses
independently. Difficulty with tasks that
involve both fine and gross
Jumps rope. motor skills.

Rides a bike with training Limited participation in

wheels. physical activities compared to
Gets better at running, jumping,
and throwing.

Area Age Age Related Milestone Special Needs Type Chosen

Symptoms /Signs
Cognitive 0-1
Recognizes familiar faces. Disease: Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD)
Responds to sound and touch.
Limited or lack of response to
Begins to explore objects with social cues, such as a lack of eye
hands and mouth. contact or response to facial

Limited interest in engaging with

others, including caregivers.

Challenges with communication,

such as delayed or absent

Recognizes common objects and Limited or absent speech
pictures. development.
Lack of interest in playing with
Sorts objects by shape and color. peers or engaging in imaginative
Starts saying simple words.
Repetitive behaviors or
Understands simple instructions. movements, such as hand-


Names familiar colors. Limited social interaction and
difficulty forming connections with
Uses more words and simple others.
Challenges with understanding
Enjoys simple picture books and using verbal and nonverbal

Intense focus on specific objects or

topics of interest.

Understands the concept of Difficulty with pretend play or
counting. engaging in imaginative activities.

Engages in pretend play. Challenges with adapting to

changes in routine or
Solves simple puzzles. surroundings.

Recognizes and names familiar Limited interest in or awareness of

objects. others' emotions.

Draws simple shapes and lines.

Recognizes and matches basic


Understands basic concepts of time Limited ability to engage in
(morning, night, today, tomorrow). reciprocal conversations.

Identifies and names letters and Repetitive behaviors or insistence

numbers. on sameness in routines.

Challenges with understanding

and expressing emotions.

Begins to understand basic math Limited interest in forming
concepts. friendships or challenges in
maintaining them.
Recognizes some words. Challenges in adapting to new
social situations.
Solves more complex problems.
Limited flexibility in thinking or
Understands cause and effect. understanding abstract concepts.

Begins to read and write



Area Age Age Related Milestone Appropriate Activities

Emotional 0-1
Forms attachments to caregivers. Hold and hug the baby to make
them feel safe.
Begins to show preference for
familiar people. Show the baby their reflection in a
Smiles and responds to facial
expressions. Make funny faces and let them

Experiences a range of emotions. Look at pictures showing happy or
sad faces.
Begins to engage in parallel play. Ask, "How does this face feel?"
and copy the expressions.
Memberontak apabila tidak
memenuhi kehendak
Read simple books about
Mula menggunakan perkataan emotions.
mudah untuk mengekspresikan diri Talk about how characters might
feel in the story.
Dapat mengekspresikan perasaan
yang mudah seperti sedih, gembira
dan marah

Shows empathy. Make cards with happy, sad, and
other faces.
Expresses a wider range of
emotions. Talk about each feeling and when
we feel that way.
Demonstrates pride in
accomplishments. Use puppets to act out feelings.

Shows preference for certain Ask the child to show how they
playmates. feel using puppets.

Begins to play cooperatively with Play a game acting out happy or
other children. sad without talking.

Begins to understand the concept of Guess each other's feelings

sharing. through actions.

Expresses complex emotions Draw or write about feelings each

through play day.

Forms friendships and engages in Provide a variety of toys and
group play. activities for shared play.

Understands and follows basic rules. Play outdoor games like tag or
hide-and-seek with clear rules.

Shows increased independence and
decision-making. Provide materials for a creative
project and let them decide what
Shows increased consideration for to make.
others' feelings.
Engage in role-playing scenarios
that involve different emotions.

Area Age Age Related Milestone Appropriate Activities

Language 0-1
Cries, coos, and babbles. Sing simple lullabies, nursery
rhymes for babies.
Responds to familiar voices.
Read age-appropriate books to the
Begins to imitate sounds. baby using different tones and

Make simple sounds like clapping,

snapping, or blowing kisses.


Uses single words and simple Sing simple songs with repetitive
phrases. lyrics.

Follows simple instructions. Use action songs with clear

instructions (e.g., "Head,
Shoulders, Knees, and Toes").

Points to body parts when named. Sing a song that names different
body parts while pointing to each
Engages in simple conversations. one.

Pretend to have a phone

conversation with a toy phone.

Asks and answers questions. Use story cubes with images on
each side.
Uses more complex sentences. Roll the cubes and ask the child to
create a story based on the

Ask the child to draw a picture and

describe it using as many details as

Speaks clearly and uses correct Look for examples of correct
grammar. grammar in books or stories and
practice them together.
Tells simple stories.
Use puppets to act out simple

Understands and follows more Involve the child in cooking
complex instructions. activities with multi-step
Develops an interest in reading and
storytelling Establish a regular story time
routine before bedtime.
Writes or attempts to write letters
and numbers Provide worksheets with large
letters for tracing and let them
Reads simple words and sentences. practice.

After reading a short story, ask the

child to retell it in their own

Area Age Age Related Milestone Appropriate Activities

Moral 0-1
Spiritual Establishing a sense of security Allow the child to have a comfort
towards caregivers. object, like a favorite stuffed
animal or blanket.

Displaying basic signs of empathy, Read books or stories that
such as comforting others or highlight characters expressing
showing concern. empathy.

Beginning to understand and Act out different emotions for the

respond to simple emotional cues in child to guess.
Provide activities where children
Engaging in parallel play with other can play side by side without
children. direct interaction such as drawing.

Demonstrating basic sharing During snack time, model and

behaviours, encourage sharing with peers.

Beginning to understand simple rules Introduce games with
and routines at home and in play straightforward rules, like "Simon
settings. Says."

Engage in role-playing scenarios

Responding to gentle guidance and where the child practices
limits set by caregivers. responding to guidance.

Imitating the moral behavior of Model moral behavior through

caregivers and adults. actions and verbal communication.

Developing a sense of right and Read stories with moral themes

wrong through observation and and discuss the characters’
guidance. actions.

Displaying signs of an emerging Talk with the child about situations
conscience, understanding basic where they might feel guilty.
moral principles.
Encourage group activities like
Demonstrating guilt when having building a fort or putting together
done something perceived as wrong. a puzzle.

Engaging in cooperative play with

peers, sharing toys and taking turns.

Beginning to understand the concept

of teamwork.

Expressing a growing sense of Discuss concepts of fairness during
fairness and justice. play and daily activities.

Showing concern for the well-being Provide opportunities for the child
of others and offering assistance. to help others, such as picking up
toys or sharing.
Beginning to articulate simple moral
reasons for actions. Talk with the child about different
choices and their impact on
Understanding that certain others.
behaviors are right or wrong based
on societal norms.

Demonstrating a more deep Assign simple responsibilities like
understanding of others' feelings. feeding a pet or setting the table.

Offering comfort and support to Discuss and act out appropriate

others in distress. ways to comfort someone feeling
sad or upset.
Adopting family and cultural values.
Explore cultural celebrations and
Beginning to make choices based on practices together.
personal moral reasoning.
After reading stories or watching
Recognizing and understanding the movies, discuss the moral lessons
consequences of one's actions. learned.

Demonstrating a growing sense of Introduce age-appropriate chores

responsibility for one's behavior. and tasks.

Area Age Age Related Milestone Appropriate Activities

Individual 0-1
Differences Show different personality traits. Create cards with different
emotions and discuss when each
Have unique likes and dislikes for emotion might be felt.
things like light and sound.
Take a nature walk and pay
Forming special bonds with attention to different sounds and
caregivers in their own ways. natural light.

Identify a hobby or activity that

the child enjoys doing with a


Start liking certain activities, toys, Create simple choice games where
or foods. the child can choose between two
options, such as picking a favorite
Some talk a lot, while others may color or animal.
not be as chatty.
Play a game where the child gives
Toddlers explore differently as a thumbs up for things they like
some are cautious, others and a thumbs down for things they
adventurous. don't.

Create a simple obstacle course

with both cautious and
adventurous elements.

Kids play differently as some will Provide building blocks, LEGO sets,
play alone, others together. or art materials for solo creative
Some focus easily, others get
distracted quickly. Set up short art projects that can
be completed in a brief time.
Children show independence in
their own ways. Introduce a simple journal where
children can draw or write about
their day.

Unique traits like being shy or Encourage each child to bring a
outgoing become clear. small item that represents them.

Kids have preferences for how they Set up learning stations with
like to learn. different activities (reading,
drawing, hands-on tasks).
How kids express and handle
emotions varies. Provide various art supplies for
children to create art expressing
different emotions.

Develop specific likes and may have Take the child to different places
hobbies. like parks, museums, or nature
trails to explore various interests.
Kids make friends differently.
Arrange playdates with groups of
Use different ways to solve children to encourage diverse
problems. interactions.

Play board games that involve

strategy and decision-making.


Kids have clear ways they like to Create visual charts or diagrams
learn such as seeing, hearing, or for lessons.
Sit in a circle and create a story
Kids get better at interacting with together.
Work on puzzles with increasing
Some keep trying to do something, difficulties.
others may give up easily.


Sadowska, M., Sarecka-Hujar, B., & Kopyta, I. (2020). Cerebral Palsy: Current Opinions on

Definition, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Classification and Treatment

Options. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Volume 16(16), 1505–1518.


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