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Detailed Lesson Plan in SHS 12 ABM

May 8, 2023

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 75% level of
proficiency must have.

a. identified the presentation and analysis,

b. explained presentation and analysis; and
c. classified the importance of presentation and analysis.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Practical Research II Chapter 4 Presentation and Analysis
Reference: Practical Research 2 books
Material: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation & DLP
Strategies: Direct Teaching
Values Integration: obedience, respect and cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

a. Preliminary

Everybody stand for our prayer!

Kindly lead the prayer Agnes.

 Dear Lord, thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you
provide for us all. Help us to
focus our hearts and minds now
on what we are learn. Inspire us
by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write. We ask all this in the
name of Jesus, Amen.
Good afternoon, class!

 Good afternoon, sir!

Before you take your seats. I want you to

pick up pieces of papers under your
chairs and align your table properly.
Thank you! You may now take your seat.

Now for your attendance, who is absent


 None sir!

Very good! Everybody is present today!

Now, I’d like to go through the ground

rules in this classroom. As I often remind
you, pay attention to your teacher when
he or she is speaking in front of the class.
Raise your hands if you want to ask or
answer a question. Unless I tell you
otherwise, do not respond in chorus and
cease talking to your seatmates.

Am I clear?

 Yes sir!


b. Review
Now, before we go through to another
lesson for this afternoon. Let us first do a
recap or review of our previews

Okay, so who can still remember our

previous discussions?

 Sir?

Yes Ronna?
 Our previous discussion was all
about chapter 3.


Now, Do you have any question to our

previous discussion?

 No Sir?!

Since, you don’t have any question in our

previous discussion. So we proceed to
our next discussion in this afternoon. But
before that let’s have a motivation first.

Can you get ¼ sheet of paper to answer

this motivation, I will give you 3 minutes to
c. Motivation

I have here a “ Jumbled words” can you

arrange this word in order for us to know
what was our topic in this afternoon ( 10

PERESTNATNIO ( Students Doing an a activity )


Times up! Finish or not finish in a count of

five submit your paper.

Based on your activity what was our topic

in this afternoon
 Sir?

 It is all about Presentation and

analysis of Data
Very good!
Today, I will discuss the chapter 4
Presentation and Analysis!

d. Demonstration

Okay, class! Are you ready to listen?

Yes, Sir!


This chapter presents the data gathered,

the results of the statistical analysis done
and interpretation of findings.

There are 3 things that involved in this


What do you think will be these things


 Sir?

Yes, Aerra?

 The presentation of data,

analysis of data and the
interpretation of data.


But, before that let as first talk about what

are the things between the chapter 3 and
chapter 4.

Anyone from the class has the idea what

are the things in there?

 Sir?

Yes, Ashley?
 The distributing of survey
questionnaire to the respondents.
Very good, that’s it!

The things that we must do between the

chapter 3 and chapter 4 are follows;

First, developing the research instrument

or adapting or adopting an instrument.

Second, distributing the instrument to the

respondents or the participants.

Next, collecting the data

Then, applying statistical technique or

computation to the data.

Now, let’s proceed to the presentation of


Do you have any idea what is

presentation of data?

 Sir?

Yes, Venjune?
 It is the presenting of the data
that you’ve gathered in
conducting your survey.


In presentation of data, it usually

presented in charts, tables, or figures with
textual interpretation.
Graph or figure
This shows relationship, comparison, and
distribution in a set data like absolute
values, percentage, or index numbers.

What are the types of graphs?

 Sir?
Yes, Edjane?
 Line graph, pie graph and bar

Very good!

The common types of graph are;

Area graph, column graph, bar graph, line
graph and pie graph.

Next is Table,
It provides exact values and illustrates
results efficiently as they enable the
researcher to present a large amount of
data in a small amount of space.
There are elements of table:
a. title b. rows c. label d. columns e.


This chapter also;

First it also summarizes background
information of the respondents and the
data collected through literature, survey
questionnaires, interviews and

Can you give me some example of the

background information of the

Yes, Jenifer?
 Sir?

 It includes age and gender.
Next, data should be sufficient, valid and

Any idea about this?

 Sir?
Yes, Arnel?

 The data should be exact with the

research that you’ve conduct.
Very good!

Then, the text presents only the highlight

of the table.

Why it should be that the only highlight of

the table should be present?

 Sir?
Yes, Althea?

 To focus on the important matter

of the presentation.

No need to include those unnecessary
Now, the next is Data Analysis.
Anyone has the idea about what data
analysis really is?  Sir?

Yes, Ithyl?

 This is to analyze the data that

you gather.

Very good!

Data Analysis is the process of inspecting,

rearranging, modifying and transforming
data to extract useful information from it.

There are also things that we must

a. Maintaining the integrity of data.
b. Improper analysis always distorts the
scientific findings and leads the readers to
believe in a wrong notion.
 Sir?
Why do we need to remember these
things? Anyone has an idea?
 To have a good analysis of data.

Yes, Dianh?

Very good!

Then, in analyzing the data, the following

must be considered:
1. the highest numerical value
2. the lowest numerical value
3. the most common numerical value
4. the final numerical value

Also, data may be analyzed quantitatively

or qualitatively depending on the level of
measurement and the number of
dimensions and variables of the study.

Showing the example of the whole

chapter 4.  Yes, sir!
Okay, class did you understand our
 None so far sir!

Do you have any questions or

clarifications?  Sir?

 We discussed about the chapter

4 which is the presentation and
Good job! analysis of data. That the data
gathered from the respondents
should be present and analyze
e. Generalization accordingly in what are the
Now who can summarize our discussion? answer they got.

Yes, Pearl?

Thank you, Pearl!

Very good!

f. Practice or application

I have here an activity to test your

learning; I want a volunteer who can
present and analyze this table.
IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a ½ sheet of paper answer the 2 questions.

1. Identified what is presentation and analysis and Interpretation of data in the
research paper chapter 4.
1. What you have learned in my discussion or in our Topic.

Prepared by:

BSED- 3 Major in Science

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