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Information Technology and Growth

Author(s): Dale W. Jorgenson and Kevin J. Stiroh

Source: The American Economic Review , May, 1999, Vol. 89, No. 2, Papers and
Proceedings of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Economic
Association (May, 1999), pp. 109-115
Published by: American Economic Association

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Information Technology and Growth


The rapid diffusion of information technol- output is produced from the same inputs (e.g.,
ogy (IT) is a direct consequence of the swift if some of the benefits spill over to third parties
decline in the price of computer-related equip- not involved in the transaction). This funda-
ment, which has led to a vast and continuing mental distinction between substitution and
substitution of IT equipment for other forms techniical change goes back at least to Solow's
of capital and labor. This substitution gener- seminal work and offers a simple solution to
ates substantial returns for the economic the "Solow productivity paradox" of rapid IT
agents who undertake IT investments and re- investment and slow productivity growth.
structure their activities in order to increase the (Erik Brynjolfsson and Shinkyu Yang [1996]
role of IT. There is little evidence, however, summarize the empirical literature on the
that substitution is accompanied by technical Solow paradox and Jack Triplett [1998] re-
change as this term is used by economists. views common explanations.)
While this appears highly paradoxical to tech- Why do economists persist in using this
nologists, who think of substitution of a more counterintuitive and even paradoxical termi-
IT-intensive mode of production for a less IT- nology in describing the impact of infor-mation
intensive mode as a change in technology, it technology? The reasons are very transparent,
is entirely consistent with the economic frame- at least to an economist. Substitution does not
work developed by Robert M. Solow (1957). require intervention in markets, since the ap-
What do economists mean by "technical propriate incentives for investment are pro-
change" and how could this exclude the sub- vided by the price signals that accompany the
stitution of a more IT-intensive production balance between demand and supply for IT
process for one that is less IT-intensive? Sub- equipment. Technical change, by contrast, re-
stitution represents movement along a given quires intervention, since markets fail to pro-
production function, while technical change vide adequate incentives to undertake IT
corresponds to a shift in the production func- investments. Some portion of the returns spill
tion. Substitution takes place if the intro- over to the fortunate third parties who benefit
duction of computer-intensive equipment from the deployment of IT without undertak-
produces benefits that are fully captured or in- ing inivestments in IT equipment or restructur-
ternalized by the users of IT and their sup- ing their own economic activities.
pliers. Technical change occurs only if more The goal of this paper is to provide new
evidence on the substitution of IT for other
types of capital and labor inputs in the U.S.
economy. For this purpose we extend the pi-
t Discussants: Jack Triplett, Brookings Institution; oneerinig analysis of Stephen Oliner and
John C. Williams, Federal Reserve Board. Daniel Sichel (1994) and our own earlier
* Department of Economics, Harvard University, work, reported in Jorgenson and Stiroh
Cambridge MA 02138, and Federal Reserve Bank of New (1995). We focus on the massive substitu-
York, 33 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10045. The opin-
tion toward computers in both business and
ions expressed in this paper are those of the authors only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve
household sectors as the price of computers
Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve System, or their fell dramatically in the 1980's and 1990's. We
staffs. show that. in response. Drofit-maximizing

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firms and utility-maximizing consumers sub- generated a kind of Computer Cargo Cult
stituted IT for other goods and services, among economists and economic historians,
replacing other types of equipment and econ- patiently awaiting a deluge of spillovers like
omizing on the use of labor effort. those that supposedly accompanied earlier
From 1990 to 1996 the acquisition price of technological revolutions.
IT equipment for investment fell 16.6 percent To address this issue, we summarize recent
annually, while the price of computers for con- evidence on technical change, using this term
sumption fell even faster, at 24.2 percent per in its precise, if counterintuitive, economic
year. This rapid price decline cuts two ways meaning. Technical change also goes by the
in determining the cost of deploying IT equip- name of the growth of total factor productivity
ment. First, a fall in prices reduces the acqui- (TFP) or output per unit of factor input. There
sition cost of IT equipment; second, the rate is little evidence for a revival of TFP growth
of decline itself adds to the cost of using this in the 1990's. After accounting for both the
equipment. At first blush this appears to be quantity and the quality of capital and labor
another paradox. How can a rapid decline in inputs, aggregate TFP growth was only 0.23
the price of a computer make it cheaper to ac- percent per year for 1990-1996. This is
quire a computer, but more expensive to use slightly less than the annual average for 1973-
it? The resolution of this apparent paradox is 1990 of 0.34 percent. A flood of spillovers ac-
that the cost of using a computer is different companying the massive deployment of IT
from the cost of acquiring it. The cost of using equipment would be accompanied by an in-
a computer is the annualized cost over the life- crease in TFP growth, not a decline.
time of the equipment, while the acquisition We conclude that the story of the computer
cost is the present value of these annualized revolution is one of relatively swift price de-
costs. The annualized cost includes the for- clines, huge investment in IT equipment, and
gone opportunity of waiting for an even rapid substitution of this equipment for other
cheaper computer. inputs. Perhaps surprisingly, this technological
The large decline in the annualized cost or revolution has not been accompanied by tech-
rental price of computers has induced both nical change in the economic sense of the
firms and households to alter their spending term, since the returns have been captured by
patterns and accumulate increasingly less ex- computer producers and their customers.
pensive computers. During the 1990's, com-
puter services to firms and households grew
by 20 percent per year, exceeding the growth I. Measuring the Sources of Growth
of other inputs by a factor of ten! These results
provide persuasive evidence that firms and Our analysis of the sources of economic
households respond to relative price changes growth employs the Laurits Christensen and
by substituting IT equipment for other goods Jorgenson (1973) framework to distinguish
and services. between output of investment and consump-
The question that remains is whether the tion goods and inputs of capital and labor ser-
massive substitution of IT equipment for other vices. The novel contribution of our paper is
inputs has been accompanied by technical to quantify the importance of IT equipment as
change in the economic sense. For this pur- both an input into production by firms and as
pose, it is necessary to use the tool devised by a form of consumption by households. This
Solow (1957), namely, the residual in eco- enables us to quantify the substitution of the
nomic growth, to quantify spillovers. Solow services of IT equipment for other inputs and
showed that these spillovers appear as residual to measure the growth of TFP over the period
economic growth after the growth of all other 1948-1996, beginning before the commer-
inputs, including inputs of IT equipment, are cialization of computers and continuing
taken into account. The Solow paradox arises through the present.
from the fact that this residual has slowed con- The aggregate production function de-
siderably since 1973, precisely when IT in- scribes how inputs of capital services K, con-
vestment has risen to new heights. This has sumers' durable services D, labor input L, and

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technology T, are used to create outputs of changes in rental prices. Given the large de-
investment goods I, consumption goods and cline in the rental price of computers, the sub-
services C, and a flow of services from con- stitution of IT equipment for other inputs is an
sumers' durable goods S: immediate implication of the model of capital
as a factor of production.
(1) g(I, C, S) = f(K, D, L, T). The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA,
1998) provides detailed investment data for 35
In this framework, consumers' durables are types of producers' durable goods, 22 types of
treated symmetrically with investment goods, nonresidential structures, and 48 types of res-
since the accumulated stock of investment idential] assets. The investment data include a
goods provides a flow of capital services into breakdown of computer equipment into main-
production, while the accumulated stock of frame computers, personal computers, direct-
consumers' durables provides a flow of capital access storage devices, printers, terminals,
services into consumption. These services tape drives, and storage devices beginning in
appear as both an input into the aggregate 1958, when computers first appear as separate
production function D and an output of pro- entity in the National Income and Product Ac-
duction S. counts. We combine these six components into
To isolate the impact of computers we de- a single "computer" series, which serves as
compose equation (1) as our data on the output of computers as invest-
ment goods. A central feature of BEA's esti-
(2) g(I, I., Cc, C., SC, S.) mates is that price indexes for computers and
peripheral equipment hold the quality of this
= f (Kc, K, Dc, D, L, T) equipment constant (see Nadia Sadee [1996]
for details).
where a "c" subscript refers to the computer For each asset, including computers, we cal-
portion and a "n" subscript refers to the non- culate capital stock by the perpetual-inventory
computer portion. Equation (2) can be rewrit- method, using depreciation rates from Barbara
ten in terms of weighted averages of growth Fraumeni (1997). This is a departure from
rates of inputs and outputs to obtain a growth- our previous paper, where we utilized the
accounting equation. Our analysis is limited to cohort- and asset-specific retirement patterns
the private, domestic economy, and we do not developed by Oliner (1993) which were
explicitly examine the role of computers in the subsequently incorporated into the official
government or rest-of-the-world sectors. capital stock estimates by BEA. We found lit-
tle difference between a detailed approach
A. Capital Services based on Oliner (1993) and a simplified ap-
proach that uses a geometric approximation
We employ the model of capital as a factor like that employed for other assets by BEA.
of production as summarized in Jorgenson We therefore selected a geometric deprecia-
(1996). Capital services are proportional to tion rate of 31.5 percent, which is the best geo-
the stocks of assets, including computers, but metric approximation to the Oliner-based
aggregation requires weighting the stocks by retirement profiles reported in BEA (1998).
rental prices rather than acquisition prices for We use a similar approach in estimating rental
assets. The rental price for each asset incor- prices for all assets that comprise our aggre-
porates the rate of return, the depreciation rate,gate of capital services K.
and the rate of decline in the acquisition price.
The rental prices employed in our analysis of B. Services of Consumers' Durables
economic growth also depend on features of
the tax structure for capital income that enter Consumers purchase nondurable con-
into the annualized cost of deploying capital. sumption goods and services for consump-
The rental price equals the marginal product tion but acquire consumers' durables in
of capital for a profit-maximizing firm, so that order to provide a flow of services. The treat-
firms substitute among inputs in response to ment of consumers' durables by Christensen

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and Jorgenson (1973) is exactly parallel to TABLE 1-ANNUAL GROWTH RATES, 1990-1996
that of capital goods. We impute the value
of the services of consumers' durables on the Category Prices Quantities
basis of the rental-price concept employed in Outputs:
our estimates of the services of investment
Total output 2.33 2.36
goods. Consumers maximize utility by sub- Noncomputers 2.60 2.01
stituting among consumption goods and ser- Computers -18.69 30.37
vices in response to price changes. The Investment goods (I,) -16.55 28.32
decline in rental prices of IT equipment has Consumption goods (Cc) -24.23 37.32
Consumers' durables
resulted in a massive substitution of the ser-
services (Se) -23.41 31.92
vices of this equipment for other goods and
services by households. Inputs:
BEA (1998) provides data on purchases of
Capital services (K) 3.24 1.82
13 types of consumer durable goods through Noncomputers (Kn) 3.59 1.50
1996, including "computing equipment," Computers (K,) -14.94 18.71
which made its first appearance in 1979. This Consumers' durables
services (D) 1.95 2.87
series serves as the measure of computer pur-
Noncomputers (Dn) 2.28 2.49
chases in our consumption accounts. As be- Computers (Dc) -23.41 31.92
fore, we estimate stocks of IT equipment in Labor input (L) 2.25 2.19
the household sector using the perpetual-
inventory method and depreciation rates Note: All values are average annual

from Fraumeni (1997). We employ BEA's

constant-quality price index for computing
equipment. The flows of consumption services price of computer investmen
from consumers' durable goods, including IT per year from 1990 to 1996, and the price of
equipment, are aggregated to form an index of IT equipment to households fell 24.2 percent
consumption services, D and S, using our es- annually. These dramatic decreases in the ac-
timates of rental prices for all types of quisition prices resulted in corresponding de-
durables. clines in the rental prices of the services of
computer capital deployed by firms ( 14.9 per-
II. Substitution Toward Computers cent per year) and in the rental prices of com-
puter services to households (23.4 percent per
Production costs are minimized when mar- year) during the 1990's. By contrast the price
ginal rates of substitution between inputs in of labor input increased 2.3 percent per year,
production are equal to input price ratios. Sim- while the price of the services of noncomputer
ilarly, utility is maximized when marginal capital to firms rose by 3.6 percent annually,
rates of substitution in consumption equal and the price of noncomputer consumers' dur-
price ratios of consumer goods and services. ables services to households rose at the annual
Under standard assumptions of diminishing rate of 2.3 percent.
marginal products and decreasing marginal In response to the rapid changes in relative
utility, a fall in the price of an input or a con-prices, firms and households substituted the
sumption good will lead to substitution toward services of IT equipment for other goods and
the relatively cheap input or consumption services. This required substantial investment
good. In adapting this framework to deal with in computers, as well as restructuring of both
IT equipment it is important to emphasize the production and consumption activities to ab-
fact that the appropriate prices for computersorb the new equipment. Investment in com-
services are rental prices, which reflect the an-puters rose by 28.3 percent per year, while
nualized cost of using the equipment. household purchases of computers increased
As a consequence of the pioneering work of even faster, at 37.3 percent per year. By 1996,
BEA, it is well known that the acquisition U.S. businesses spent over $160 billion (in
price of computers, holding quality constant,1992 dollars) on new computers, and consum-
has fallen rapidly. In Table 1 we show that theers spent an additional $52.7 billion! The rapid

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accumulation of IT equipment resulted in in- TABLE 2--SOURCES OF U.S. ECONOMIC GROWTH,

creases in flows of computer services of 18.7
percent and 31.9 percent per year in the busi-
Growth rate
ness and household sectors, respectively.
Source 1948-1973 1973-1990 1990-1996
The data we have presented in Table 1 pro-
vide persuasive evidence of massive substitu- Outputs:

tion toward computers in both business and Total output 4.020 2.857 2.363

household sectors. While computer services Noncomputer outputs 3.978 2.650 1.980
were expanding dramatically from 1990 to Computer outputs 0.042 0.207 0.384
1996, the output of the U.S. economy grew
goods (h) 0.042 0.171 0.258
at only 2.4 percent per year, and labor in- Consumption
put increased 2.2 percent, bringing labor- goods (Q) 0.000 0.024 0.086
productivity growth almost to a standstill. durables
Meanwhile, the growth in computer inputs ex- services (S,) 0.000 0.012 0.040
ceeded the growth in other inputs by a factor
of ten! Note that we have substantially under- Inputs:

stated the impact of IT equipment, since we Capital services (K) 1.073 0.954 0.632
have focused specifically on computers and do Noncomputers (Kn) 1.049 0.845 0.510
Computers (K) 0.025 0.109 0.123
not include closely related high-technology Consumers' durables
products. For example, much telecommuni- services (D) 0.550 0.426 0.282
Noncomputers (Dn) 0.550 0.414 0.242
cations gear is indistinguishable from IT
Computers (D) 0.000 0.012 0.040
equipment. Also, computers and semiconduc- Labor input (L) 1.006 1.145 1.219
tors are now routinely embedded in automo- Aggregate total factor
productivity 1.391 0.335 0.231
biles and machinery, but we exclude these
intermediate inputs from the aggregate pro- Notes: Contribution of inputs and outputs are real growth rates
duction function. weighted by average, nominal shares. All values are average annual
Stiroh (1998) has extended the sectoral
model of production of Jorgenson et al. (1987)
to encompass computers. At the sectoral level,
gross output rather than value added is the ap- estimates of the sources of growth for the U.S.
propriate measure of output, and intermediate private domestic economy for 1948-1996,
goods are treated symmetrically with primary broken into three subperiods: 1948-1973,
inputs. It is crucial to price intermediate inputs 1973-1990, and 1990-1996. For the entire
correctly in order to measure sectoral produc- period (1948-1996), output grew 3.4 percent
tivity growth. Triplett (1996) shows that this per year. Capital and consumers' durables ser-
is a critical issue in measuring the growth of vices were the most imnportant source of
productivity in the computer and semiconduc- growth, accounting for 43 percent of the total,
while labor accounted for 32 percent, and the
tor sectors. (See Stiroh [1998] for sectoral es-
timates of productivity and Robert McGuckin TFP residual accounted for the remaining 25
and Stiroh [1998] for further discussion.) percent. The growth of output and TFP slowed
sharply after 1973, and there has been another,
III. The Sources of U.S. Growth smaller, decline since 1990.
The growth rate of output for 1990-1996
In equation (2) we have combined data on was 2.4 percent per year, almost half a per-
investment goods, consumption goods, capital centage point less than the average for
services, services of consumers' durables, and 1973-1990 of 2.9 percent annually. By
labor services in order to analyze the sources contrast, the growth rate for 1948-1973 of
of economic growth. Growth in output is a 4.0 percent per year was a percentage point
share-weighted average of growth rates of var- greater. This contrast between growth rates
ious types of output or, equivalently, the sum before and after 1973 has generated a volu-
of a share-weighted average of growth rates of minous literature. The literature on the
inputs and the TFP residual. Table 2 reports computer revolution, postulating an increase

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in growth rates of output and TFP that is yet into computer and noncomputer com-
to be observed, is still expanding rapidly and ponents. In the 1990's computers were
has not been measurably slowed by the in- responsible for nearly 20 percent of the con-
consistency between the basic thesis and the tribution of capital inputs to growth and 14
facts we have presented in Table 2. percent of the contribution of consumers'
Although the TFP residual decelerated durables services. Taken together, computer
slightly in the 1990's, the picture for TFP inputs contributed 0.16 percentage points to
growth is subtly different from the growth output
of growth of 2.4 percent per year for
output. Most of the slowdown in output 1990-1996. These sources of growth are a
growth after 1973 can be attributed to a col- direct consequence of substitution toward
lapse in TFP growth, but the smaller decline relatively cheap computers.
of half a percent per year in output growth The resolution of the Solow paradox is
after 1990 is primarily due to a decline in thethat computer-related gains, large returns to
growth of capital inputs. The contribution of the production and use of computers, and
labor-input growth actually increased, while network effects are fundamentally changing
the contributions of capital services growth inthe U.S. economy. However, they are not
the business and household sectors fell, even ushering in a period of faster growth of out-
with rapidly rising contributions from IT put and total factor productivity. Rather, re-
equipment services. After accounting for the turns to investment in IT equipment have
quality and quantity of labor and capital in- been successfully internalized by computer
puts, only 10 percent of aggregate growth re- producers and computer users. These eco-
mains unexplained by substitution among nomic agents are reaping extraordinary re-
inputs and must be attributed to the residual. wards for mobilizing investment resources
(These TFP estimates are consistent with the and restructuring economic activities. The
estimates of the Bureau of Labor Statistics rewards are large because of the swift pace
[1998], which reports that TFP growth fell of technical change in the production of
from 2.1 percent per year for 1948-1973 to computers and the rapid deployment of IT
0.3 percent for 1973-1990, and 0.3 percent for equipment through substitution, not because
1990-1996.) of spillovers to third parties standing on the
We can break out the contribution of the sidelines of the computer revolution.
three types of computer outputs (investment,
consumption purchases, and consumers' du-
rable services) and combine all other outputs REFERENCES
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