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BLW 403

B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) IV Semester Examination, 2021

Public International Law

Paper No.:
Maximum Marks: 75
Time: Three Hours
(Write Your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)
Note: Aflempt any Jive questions. One question Jrom each Unit is Mandatory. All

questions curry equal marks,

1. The State of Dorse possesses two colonial holding namely "Xaka' and "Helda' which are
wo non-contiguous teritories located across intervening territory of the Republic of
Norde. "Dorse' claimed that it had a right of passage to those enclaves and between them
to the extent necessary for the exercise of its sovereignty and subject to the regulation and
control of the Republic of Norde. Dorse also claims that contrary to the earlier customary

practice between the people of Norde and the state of Dorse and the treaties of 179 and
1783 concerning these rights concluded between the nlers of Norde prior to 5
independence and Dorse, the Republic of Norde has been preventing Dorse trom
of Norde contests the claim of
exercising its ights. On the other hand the Republic
existence of regional custom of the aforementioned nature by Dorse. It further contested
that the treaties between the Rulers of Norde and the state of Dorse were not validly
entered and thus were not binding upon the Rulers of Norde. On the contrary Dorse asserts
that in their conduct the rulers of Norde did regard the Treaties of 1779 and 1783 as valid

1he has been referred

and reterence
to the International
couldCourt in their
practice. matter
of Justice (ICJ). Discuss in detail the matter with reference to the

sources of
2. law in this case
llustrate the relation of intemational law and municipal law with special reference to

India and the United States of America?

3. What is meant by the Subject of International Law? Discuss the legal personality of the

vanious subjects of intermational law.

4. Xwas a province of Y'. Following an armed insurrection and civil war spanning over
20 years, recently "X has proclaimed its independent statehood and seeks recognition by
other members of the international community. Discuss the concept of recognition and its

various nuances with reference to this particular case.


s involved in terror activities against country X*.

5. Jery, a citizen of country Z
Investigations conducted by "X reEveals that the source of tunds and armaments is countty

PaRe 1 of2

Y. Can country *Y be held responsible for the attacks in country X as per the law
regarding state responsibility? Jerry gets arrested in Z'. What does the law regarding State
Jurisdiction say in this regard?
6. Write a detailed essay on the different mechanisms of dispute settlement available under
public international law.


7. Enumeate the different maritime zones recognised by the law of the sea. What is the
breadth of territorial sea under the 1982 UNCLOS?
8. Illuminate upon the efficacy of the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea.

9. Ms. 'M', the Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of country H' in the 'K°
city of B was charged by the authorities of 'B' for committing visa fraud and providing
false statements in order to gain entry for her domestic heip from her country, in addition
to charges of violation of minimum wage regulations. Ms. "M" was arested and was
subjected to strip search. Can the behaviour mated out to Ms. "M be justilied in light of
the law of diplomatic immunities? Elaborate.
10. Critically assess the role of United Nations in the maintenance of International Peace and


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