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1, JANUARY 2013 165

Digital Plug-In Repetitive Controller for

Single-Phase Bridgeless PFC Converters
Younghoon Cho, Student Member, IEEE, and Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper investigates a plug-in repetitive control these methods improve overall current regulation performance,
scheme for bridgeless power factor correction (PFC) converters they may not work perfectly for harmonic components or the
to mitigate input current distortions under continuous conduction current distortion near a zero-crossing point (ZCP) where higher
mode and discontinuous conduction mode operating conditions.
From the PFC converter model and the fact that a type-II compen- control bandwidth is necessary [6]–[8]. Several previous stud-
sator is used, a design methodology to maximize the bandwidth of ies have dealt with this problem. In [8], the method is proposed
the feedback controller is suggested. After that, the error transfer using separate control parameters for continuous conduction
function including the feedback controller is derived, and the sta- mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) to
bility of the repetitive control scheme is evaluated using the error improve the current control performance. In [9], the inductor
transfer function. The implementation of the digital repetitive con-
troller is also discussed. The simulation and experimental results current sampling correction and the feed-forward gain schedul-
show that the input current THD is significantly improved by us- ing strategy for CCM and DCM have been proposed. In [10],
ing the proposed control scheme for a 1-kW single-phase bridgeless a correction factor is defined, and the inductor current sample
PFC converter prototype. and the feed-forward gains are modified based on the correction
Index Terms—AC–DC converters, bridgeless power factor cor- factor to enhance the current control characteristics in DCM.
rection (PFC) converter, digital average current control, repetitive In [11], the variable-frequency predictive digital current mode
control. control is proposed for CCM and DCM operation.
Since the current distortion is usually periodic, a repetitive
control scheme which compensates a periodic error in a con-
I. INTRODUCTION trol system can be a good solution to resolve this issue. There
RIDGELESS power factor correction (PFC) converters are several research articles about repetitive control schemes in
B which do not have a diode bridge rectifier have been ex-
tensively used in many applications due to high efficiency and
power electronic converter and inverter applications [12]–[16].
Among those documents, the repetitive control scheme for a
simple control features [1]–[3]. For the control of a bridge- traditional boost PFC converter had been studied in [15].
less PFC converter, either an analog or a digital controller can Traditionally, the early stage of the repetitive control scheme
be employed, and most of the traditional control strategies for aims to compensate the frequency components at the multiples
boost PFC converters can be directly applied for controlling the of the electrical fundamental frequency fr . If Ts is defined as
bridgeless PFC converter. Generally, a digital control scheme the sampling and iteration period of the repetitive controller, it
can easily implement various control logics and sequences for requires N memory blocks, where N = 1/(Ts · fr ) [17]–[19].
the converter operation as well as interfacing an upper level con- However, by considering only odd harmonic components to
troller in convenient. One problem of the digital control scheme be compensated rather than including even harmonics, the odd
for the bridgeless PFC converter, however, is that the current harmonic repetitive control scheme can be applied, where only
control bandwidth cannot be as high as an analog controller due N/2 memory blocks are necessary [15], [20], [21]. A similar
to the digital delay effects caused by the digital pulse-width mod- concept with the odd harmonic repetitive control scheme is
ulation (DPWM) delay and the digital computation delay. Ac- called the negative feedback repetitive controller in some studies
cordingly, the performance of the input current regulation with [15], [16], [22].
a digital controller is relatively poorer than the case with an ana- In this paper, a plug-in repetitive controller is designed for
log controller implementation. To overcome this low bandwidth the bridgeless PFC converter to compensate the current har-
of the digital current controller for boost or bridgeless PFC con- monic components. Prior to designing the repetitive controller,
verters, the input voltage duty feed-forward or the admittance the modeling of the bridgeless PFC converter is performed,
compensation methods have been proposed [4], [5]. Although and a type-II compensator-based feedback controller is sug-
gested. After that, the plug-in repetitive controller is designed to
compensate the frequency component which cannot be handled
with the feedback controller alone. By using the rectified con-
Manuscript received December 14, 2011; revised February 16, 2012 and trol variables for the bridgeless PFC converter, the frequency
April 2, 2012; accepted April 13, 2012. Date of current version September 11, component to be compensated by the repetitive controller is not
2012. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor K. Ngo.
The authors are with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, the multiples of fr but the multiples of 2fr . Accordingly, only
Blacksburg, VA 24060 USA (e-mail:; N/2 memory blocks are necessary. For proving the repetitive
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online controller operation, the design procedure of the repetitive con-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2196288 troller is addressed, and the error transfer function to examine

0885-8993/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


block and z−1 are to model the DPWM update and the compu-
tation delays, respectively [25]–[27]. For the current controller,
the feed-forward term with the gain Kff is applied to compensate
the admittance component of the input voltage variation [4]. If
Lp and Ln are the same as L, a high frequency approximated
control-to-inductor model of the converter Gid (s) is written as
follows [4]:
Gid (s) = . (1)
If the ZOH and z−1 are incorporated with (1), the z-domain
control-to-inductor model Gid (z) is derived as [28]
Vo Ts
Gid (z) = . (2)
Lz (z − 1)

B. Feedback Controller for the Bridgeless PFC Converter

In Fig. 1, the loop gain of the open-loop system including
Gcc (z) and Gid (z) is defined as follows:
Ti (z) = Gcc (z)Gid (z). (3)
Fig. 1. Single-phase bridgeless PFC converter control structure.
The performance of the current controller Gcc (z) is deter-
mined by the crossover frequency which corresponds the band-
the tendency of the error attenuation with both the feedback
width of the closed-loop system and the phase margin at the
and the repetitive controllers is derived. After that, the stabil-
crossover frequency of Ti (z). If the switching frequency is de-
ity of the entire control system is analyzed by evaluating the
fined as fs , the maximum bandwidth of a PFC converter may
derived error transfer function. The proposed control strategy
be reasonably limited around fs /6 with a proper phase margin
shows satisfactory compensating results for current distortions
using an analog controller [4], [29]. However, with the digital
in steady state as well as stable operation even during transients.
controller, it may not be possible to achieve such a high band-
Both simulations and experiments are performed to verify the
width due to the digital delays. Consequently, the performance
designed control strategy for a 1-kW bridgeless PFC converter.
of the input current regulation will decline. To examine the max-
imum bandwidth with the digital controller, let us assume that
Gcc (z) is implemented in a type of proportional-integral (PI)
or type-II compensator. In this case, the phase boost of Gcc (z)
A. Modeling of the Bridgeless PFC Converter in the high-frequency region is at best 0◦ . From this fact, it is
intuitively supposed that the phase of Ti (z) near the crossover
The bridgeless PFC converter demonstrated in this paper is
frequency is mainly determined by the phase of Gid (z) since
shown in Fig. 1. To reduce the common-mode noise effect,
almost no phase boost is arisen by Gcc (z) at that region. Ac-
diodes Dl and Dh are placed at the input stage [23], [24]. When
cordingly, the phase of Ti (z) is obtained as (4) by substituting
the switches Sp and Sn are left open, the input current ig free-
z = ej 2π f c T s into (2)
wheels through Lp , Dp , and Dl in a positive cycle of the input  
voltage v g , whereas ig flows via Ln , Dn , and Dh in a negative −1 sin (4πfc Ts ) − sin (2πfc Ts ) 180
θid = − tan × . (4)
cycle of v g . The purpose of this converter control is to regulate cos (4πfc Ts ) − cos (2πfc Ts ) π
the output voltage Vo across the load Ro as well as shaping ig
If fc in (4) is defined as the desired crossover frequency, θid
to be sinusoidal. In order to do this, the external output voltage
is understood as the maximum phase margin at that crossover
controller Gcv (z) and the internal input current controller Gcc (z)
frequency. On the other hand, if θid is decided, the maximum
are employed. In this paper, these controllers are implemented
achievable bandwidth of the closed-loop control system is sup-
in a digital controller. By considering a general and popular
posed as fc . Note that only Ts and θid are related to determine
solution in industry, the digital controller performs sampling
the maximum bandwidth.
of the control variables, computation of the control algorithm,
and updating of the pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal in a
C. Feedback Current Controller Design
single PWM switching cycle. These control actions in the dig-
ital controller induce digital delay effects. By considering the Table I shows the parameters of the bridgeless PFC converter.
digital delay effects, two modeling blocks are placed in Fig. 1. From the table and (2), the numerical expression of Gid (z) is
One is the zero-order hold (ZOH) block in front of the com- written as follows:
parator, and the other is the unit delay block z−1 between the 12.5
Gid (z) = . (5)
controller output d and the modulator. The roles of the ZOH z (z − 1)


Input filter inductance (L) 400 µH

Output capacitance (C) 1120 µF
Input root-mean-square (RMS) voltage (Vg) 120 V
Output voltage (Vo) 200 V
Switching frequency (fs) 40 kHz
Sampling frequency (Ts) 25 µs
Fig. 3. Plug-in repetitive control structure.

Fig. 4. Equivalent structure of the current controller.

obtain very accurate reference tracking for the closed-loop con-

trol system, where the tracking error is periodically repeated.
The repetitive controller Gr p (z) compensates the repetitive er-
ror which requires a bandwidth higher than Gcc (z) can handle.
As shown in Fig. 1, with the rectified control variables, the fun-
Fig. 2. Frequency response of Gi d (z), Gc c (z), and Ti (z). damental compensating frequency of Gr p (z) will be twice the
fundamental frequency fr . Hence, Gr p (z) requires N/2 memory
blocks rather than N blocks for one fundamental cycle unlike
If the target phase margin of the closed-loop system is 50◦ , the
the other applications. Note that the physical meaning of the
maximum achievable bandwidth is obtained as nearly 2.9 kHz
reduced sampling number in this case is different from the odd
from (4). By considering a little parameter mismatch, the target
harmonic repetitive controller described in [20] and [21]. Al-
bandwidth to be designed is selected as 2.7 kHz. If the sys-
though it is not discussed in this paper, it is supposed that only
tem model, the target bandwidth, and the target phase margin
N/4 memory blocks are necessary when the odd harmonic repet-
are given, the well-known K-factor approach [30], [31] can be
itive controller is employed for the bridgeless PFC converter. In
applied to design the type-II compensator-based feedback con-
Fig. 3, L, q(z), and Kr p represent the number of samples for the
troller as follows:
phase leading, the stabilization filter, and the gain of the repeti-
(z + 1) (z − 0.9867) tive controller which will be explained in a later section. From
Gcc (z) = 0.029635 . (6)
(z − 1) (z + 0.7483) Fig. 3, Gr p (z) is written as follows:
Fig. 2 compares the frequency responses of Gid (z), Gcc (z), and
dr p zL
Ti (z) up to the Nyquist frequency fnyq . As shown in the fig- Gr p (z) = = Kr p N /2 . (7)
ure, the crossover frequency and the phase margin which are ier r z − q(z)
the bandwidth and the phase margin of the closed-loop system In order to see how the loop gain of the control system is affected
satisfy the design specification, 2.7 kHz and 50◦ . The phase of by the plug-in repetitive controller, an equivalent model of the
Ti (z) is also following the phase of Gid (z) in the high-frequency control blocks in Fig. 3 can be drawn as in Fig. 4.
range as analyzed in the previous section. Here, it is assumed that the admittance component caused by
the ac input voltage is compensated by the feed-forward duty
III. PROPOSED PLUG-IN REPETITIVE CONTROLLER dff . In Fig. 4, Tif b (z) is defined as follows:
A. Plug-In Repetitive Controller for a Bridgeless PFC
Converter Ti (z)
Tif b (z) = . (8)
1 + Ti (z)
Fig. 3 shows the proposed control structure including the
plug-in repetitive controller Gr p (z) which is paralleled by the The physical meaning of Tif b (z) is the closed-loop gain of the
feedback controller Gcc (z). For convenience of the analysis, the bridgeless PFC converter where only the feedback controller
feed-forward gain dff is purposely omitted. The repetitive con- Gcc (z) is used. From Fig. 4, the relationship between the in-
trol scheme based on the internal model principle [32] is to put current reference i∗g and the current error ier r is written as

follows which is a similar form derived in [32]:

ier r (z) 1
Ge (z) = =
i∗g (z) 1 + Ti (z)
z N /2 − q(z)
× . (9)
z N /2 − (q(z) − Kr p z L (Gid (z)/(1 + Ti (z))))
If all of the magnitudes of the roots for Ge (z) are less than unity,
all the poles of Ge (z) are located in the unit circle in the z-domain
so that Ge (z) remains stable. At that situation, the roots of the
denominator (1 + Ti (z)) are identical to the roots of Tif b (z).
Hence, the roots for (1 + Ti (z)) are located within the unit circle
as long as Tif b (z) is stable. Accordingly, the stability of Ge (z) is
determined by the roots of the remaining term. Let the function
of the roots H(z) be defined as follows:
Gid (z)
H(z) ≡ q(z) − Kr p z L . (10)
1 + Ti (z)
If H(z) meets the condition below, the control system becomes
stable according to the small gain theorem [17], [18], [32]
|H(z)| < 1. (11)
Meanwhile, by setting Kr p = 0, Ge (z) can be rewritten as
ier r (z) 1
Ge (z) = ∗
= . (12)
ig (z) 1 + Ti (z)
In this case, Ge (z) represents the error transfer function of Gcc (z)
only. The entire closed-loop gain Ticl (z) which includes the
feedback and the plug-in repetitive controllers is represented as
follows from (9) or (12):
eg (z) i∗g (z) − ig (z)
Ge (z) = ∗
= ⇒ Ticl (z) = 1 − Ge (z).
ig (z) i∗g (z)

B. Practical Design Procedure

In order to design a stable repetitive controller, the design
parameters L, q(z), and Kr p should be selected to satisfy (11).  
For selecting the number of the samples for the phase leading L, Fig. 5. Trajectories for the roots of H(z): (a) q(z) = z + 2 + z −1 /4 and
the time delay effect between the controller and the actual plant (b) q(z) = 0.95.
should be considered. Generally, the time delay effect disturbs
the convergence of the error and produces an unstable repetitive this paper, two traditional methods for q(z) are introduced. One
control action. The role of L is to compensate this time delay method is to select q(z) as a low-pass filter which has zero phase
effect. By using L, the recursive error in the memory blocks is delay as follows [18], [33]:
leading the actual error. Accordingly, the stability of the repet-  
itive control system can be improved. In this paper, the time z + 2 + z −1
q(z) = . (14)
delay effect caused by the digital PWM update and the compu- 4
tation delay is supposed to be 1.5Ts . Hence, by considering a In
 fact, some
 other expressions such as q(z) =
little margin, L is chosen as 2. On the other hand, the control z + 6 + z −1 /8 can also be applied [18]. Another method is
action at the high-frequency region where the compensation is just to select q(z) as a constant number less than unity, e.g.,
not available due to the physical limitation should be restricted 0.95 [17], [34]. One easy way to select Kr p is to evaluate
for stable operation of the repetitive controlled system. Without whether H(z) satisfies (11) according to the changes of Kr p .
a proper compensation method, the stability of the control sys- As mentioned before, all the roots of H(z) should be in the
tem is not guaranteed because the magnitude of the repetitive unit circle in the z-domain to meet the condition in (11).
controller output is too high at that high-frequency range. The Fig. 5 compares the trajectories of the roots up to the Nyquist
factor to mitigate this situation is the stabilization filter q(z). In frequency fnyq 20 kHz at different Kr p . In Fig. 5(a), q(z) is

Fig. 6. Frequency responses of Ge (z): (a) q(z) = z + 2 + z −1 /4 and (b) q(z) = 0.95.

implemented as (14), whereas q(z) is just selected to be 0.95 in By considering the computation delay of the digital controller,
Fig. 5(b). Gid (z) is modified as follows:
In Fig. 5, if Kr p is less than 0.03, the trajectories of the roots
vg T s 1
converge into the unit circle for both cases. Accordingly, it is Gid (z) = · . (16)
supposed that the repetitive control system is stable because 2L z 2
condition in (11) is satisfied. However, when Kr p is 0.05, it is Fig. 7 reevaluates the trajectories of the roots of H(z) and
observed that the trajectories of the roots go outside of the unit the frequency response of Ge (z) using (16). The repetitive
circle. In this case, (11) cannot be satisfied, and the closed-loop control gain Kr p is chosen as 0.03. In Fig. 7(a), for both
system becomes unstable. q(z) = z + 2 + z −1 /4 and q(z) = 0.95, the trajectories of
Fig. 6(a) and (b) compares the frequency response of Ge (z) for the roots of H(z) are within the unit circle and therefore the
different q(z) implementation. For the purpose of comparison, operation of the proposed repetitive control scheme is stable
the frequency response of Ge (z) without the repetitive controller in DCM. Fig. 7(b) compares the frequency responses of Ge (z)
is also plotted in both of the figures. under DCM. As shown in the figure, the notches at the multi-
Regardless of the q(z) implementation methods, at the mul- ples of 120 Hz occur with the repetitive controller. Hence, the
tiples of 120 Hz, the frequency responses of Ge (z) with the proposed scheme is also useful in eliminating the current error
repetitive controller have notches which are not found in the at the multiples of 120 Hz under DCM operation.
case without the repetitive controller. This means that the error
at those frequency regions is effectively cut off with the repeti- D. Further Discussion on Stability
tive controller. On the other hand, by considering different q(z)
implementation cases, the depths of each notch at the multiples Basically, the proposed scheme can be directly applied to the
of 120 Hz are more in Fig. 6(a) than in Fig. 6(b). Accordingly, boost converter-based topology variations including traditional
although the difference is trivial, it is expected that q(z) with boost PFC converters, bridgeless PFC converters, and so on.
(14) may show better performance than q(z) with the constant One concern in applying the proposed scheme to those PFC
value of 0.95 for blocking the repetitive error component. It is converters is the stability of the repetitive controller. In order
also monitored that the magnitude of Ge (z) in Fig. 6(a) is better to improve the stability, the electromagnetic interference (EMI)
damped than in Fig. 6(b) over several kilohertz ranges. This is noise should be properly suppressed. Under severe EMI noise
caused by the low-pass filtering effect of q(z). However, this environment, the possibility of a current misreading from the
may not be a significant difference because the frequency range digital controller is increased and the misread current error can
is greater than the bandwidth of the closed-loop system. be amplified during the iteration of the repetitive control algo-
rithm. At the end, a small current misreading can drive the entire
system to be unstable. Unlike the converter used in this paper,
C. Analysis for DCM Operation where two separated inductors and two freewheeling diodes are
Since the converter operates in DCM near ZCPs or light- employed, the bridgeless PFC converter consisting of one in-
load conditions, the designed repetitive controller should be ductor and no freewheeling diodes needs more careful design
evaluated for DCM operation as well. In DCM, the control-to- for adapting the proposed scheme. This is because the latter may
inductor current model is written as follows [8]: suffer more from EMI noise than the former. In this case, one
good solution is to select a lower cut-off frequency or constant
vg T s 1 value of q(z). By doing so, the stability of the converter would
Gid (z) = · . (15)
2L z

Fig. 7. Analysis of the repetitive control system under DCM operation. (a) Trajectories for the roots of H(z). (b) Frequency response of Ge (z).

be improved, but the ability of the harmonic elimination at the

steady state will be degraded.


In order to see the effectiveness of the designed controllers,
simulation studies have been performed using the simulation
software package PSIM. All parameters used in the simulation Fig. 8. Implemented block diagram of Gr p (z).
are identical to the values in Table I. Here, the grid impedance
which always exists in actual case is modeled as a 200-μH
inductance. For the feedback controller, the transfer function in
(6) is employed. The repetitive controller is realized by
Kr p = 0.03, L = 2, N = 666, and q(z) = z + 2 + z −1 /4

0.03z 2
Gr p (z) = . (17)
z 333 − 0.25 (z + 2 + z −1 )

Fig. 8 showsthe implemented block diagram of the repetitive

controller. In addition to the feedback and the repetitive con-
trollers, the duty feed-forward term dff is implemented. Al-
though the duty feed-forward improves the current regulation
performance dramatically, it may not work perfectly as expected
in theory. One reason is that the measureable input voltage is not
the original source voltage but the voltage through the source
impedance. Unless the system has relatively much higher input
inductor compare to the grid impedance, the sensed voltage suf-
fers from the switching ripple. In this case, a low-pass filter at Fig. 9. Simulation result without and with the repetitive controller. (a) In-
put current at 1 kW operation (5 A/div). (b) Current error at 1 kW operation
the output of the voltage sensor is essential to filter out the high- (0.5 A/div). (c) Input current at 100 W operation (1 A/div). (d) Current error at
frequency switching ripple between the grid impedance and the 100 W operation (0.5 A/div).
PFC inductors, and this low-pass filter and the grid impedance
induce at least a few degrees’ phase shift between the original
source voltage and the measured voltage. Another issue with Fig. 9 compares the simulation result under the different load
the duty feed-forward scheme is that it may not work correctly conditions, 1 kW and 100 W. Before applying the repetitive con-
under the input voltage distortion or the DCM operation where troller, the peak-to-peak magnitude of the current error is almost
the desired shape of the duty cycle to regulate the phase current 3 A in each case. However, with the designed repetitive con-
sinusoidal is not exactly matched with the tendency of the input troller, both of the peak-to-peak current errors are limited to 1 A
voltage. in two electrical cycles.

Fig. 10. Input current THD comparison.

Fig. 12. Transient response under the load step change condition.

The proposed control scheme has been tested with a 1-kW
bridgeless PFC converter prototype whose parameters are the
same with the values in Table I with the exception of switching
frequency fs which is chosen as 80 kHz to reduce the current
ripple. The sampling and the iteration period Ts is kept as in the
table. In order to suppress EMI noise, a 0.68-μF filter capacitor
is paralleled with each of the diodes Dl and Dh . As a digital
Fig. 11. Zoom-in waveforms near a ZCP. controller, Texas Instruments’ 32-bit floating-point digital sig-
nal processor (DSP) TMS320F28335 was used. The DSP board
includes a four-channel digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to
Fig. 10 compares the input current total harmonic distortion monitor the real-time variables in the DSP. The feedback con-
(THD) with traditional feedback and feed-forward scheme and troller Gcc (z) in (6) and the duty feed-forward controller have
the proposed scheme. As can be seen in the figure, the proposed been implemented. The designed repetitive controller is added
method shows better THDs in entire operating range. to Gcc (z) in parallel. In practice, the grid impedance affects the
Fig. 11 shows the zoom-in current waveforms near a ZCP current control performance, but not too much.
when the output power is about 500 W. The reason of the current Fig. 13 compares the measured input voltage v g , the input
increasing right after crossing the ZCP is because of DCM oper- current ig , and the input current THD without and with the pro-
ation of the PFC converter with Gcc (z) that is designed for CCM posed repetitive control scheme. Here, the average input power
operation and the imperfect duty feed-forward compensation. P is approximately 57 W which corresponds to 5.7% of the
If Kr p = 0.0, so that the repetitive controller is not operating, rated power. As compared in Fig. 13(a) and (c), the proposed
the current distortion is noticeable. However, with the operation method helps to shape ig to be sinusoidal. The harmonic spectra
of the repetitive control action by selecting Kr p = 0.03, there of ig are compared in Fig. 13(b) and (d). Generally, the por-
is almost no current distortion near the ZCP. Consequently, the tion of the DCM operation is increased in such a low power
current error ier r is also limited within ±0.1 A. operation, and the feedback and feed-forward controllers whose
The transient response of the control scheme is simulated as design is based on CCM operation may not operate very well.
shown in Fig. 12, where the load is changed from 500 W to This causes low-frequency harmonics such as the third order,
1 kW in step. To ignore the effect of the voltage controller, the fifth order, and so on as shown in Fig. 13(b), where the in-
input current reference is intentionally changed in step while the put current THD was evaluated as 42.35%. With the proposed
load resistance is altered from 80 to 40 Ω at the same time. As repetitive control scheme, the THD is significantly improved
can be seen in the figure, the step current error is recursive for as in Fig. 13(d). In this case, the THD for the input current
several cycles. This is definitely a disadvantage of the proposed was calculated as 29.38%. Although this improvement may not
scheme. However, the recursive error totally disappears in few be meaningful in such a low power operation, it is proven that
cycles, and there is no stability issue after that point. In fact, the the proposed method improves the quality of the input current.
unnecessary repetitive control action can be effectively removed Similarly, the input voltage, the input current, and the input
in the software by detecting the rapid change of the current current THDs are compared in Fig. 14 under approximately
reference. In practice, the current reference is not changed in P = 1 kW. Since the CCM operation is dominant under this
step because of the external voltage controller. Therefore, the condition, the traditional controller works also pretty well as
recursive error in the simulation is not a problem in practical shown in Fig. 14(a), and it shows the input current THD to be
converter operation. 6.04% as plotted in Fig. 14(b). Fig. 14(c) and (d) provides the

Fig. 13. Comparison of experimental results under P = 57 W and Vg = Fig. 14. Comparison of experimental results under P = 1 kW and Vg =
110 V. (a) Input voltage and input current without the proposed repetitive control 110 V. (a) Input voltage and input current without the proposed repetitive control
scheme. (b) Input current THD without the proposed repetitive control scheme. scheme. (b) Input current THD without the proposed repetitive control scheme.
(c) Input voltage and input current with the proposed repetitive control scheme. (c) Input voltage and input current with the proposed repetitive control scheme.
(d) Input current THD with the proposed repetitive control scheme. (d) Input current THD with the proposed repetitive control scheme.

test results with the proposed repetitive control scheme. Com-

pared to the previous figures, the shape of the input current is ating under P = 250 W. Under this condition, the peak-to-peak
more sinusoidal in Fig. 14(c). Accordingly, as can be seen in value of the current error ier r was evaluated as approximately
Fig. 14(d), the harmonic contents are reduced, and the input 1.3 A. At t = 0.1 s, the proposed repetitive controller was ap-
current THD was also improved from 6.04% to 3.01%. plied. Within several cycles, the error converges to within 0.5 A
Fig. 15 shows the performance of the proposed repetitive con- without severe current distortion or unstable operation. This
trol scheme during transients. In Fig. 15(a), at the beginning, amount of the error corresponds to 38% of the current error
only the feedback and the feed-forward controllers were oper- under the previous condition.

Fig. 15. Transient responses of the PFC converter using the proposed repetitive Fig. 17. Comparison of experimental results under P = 230 W and Vg =
control scheme. (a) Performance of the current error convergence with the 240 V. (a) Input voltage and input current without the proposed repetitive control
startup of the proposed method. (b) Performance of the proposed repetitive scheme. (b) Input voltage and input current with the proposed repetitive control
control scheme during the load transient. scheme.

In order to see the operation of the proposed repetitive con-

troller during the load transient, in Fig. 15(b), the output power
was changed from 500 to 250 W at t = 0.1 s while the repetitive
controller was working. During the transient, both the input cur-
rent and the current error slowly ramp down since the voltage
controller is working, and there are no severe current spikes or
unstable operations in ig as well as in the steady state. After
the load step down is completed, ier r was also reduced with the
small load as expected in the simulation result.
In Figs. 16 and 17, the converter is tested under universal
input line conditions. For the test, the output dc-link voltage is
set to 400 V, and all control parameters are kept the same.
Fig. 16 compares the input voltage and the input current
without and with the proposed method under Vg = 90 V and
P = 220 W. Without the proposed method, the input current THD
in Fig. 16(a) was about 14.43%. However, with the proposed
method, the input current THD in Fig. 16(b) was read as 5.41%.
In Fig. 17, the input RMS voltage and the average power
were chosen as 240 V and 230 W. The input current THD was
evaluated as 25.92% in Fig. 17(a) without the proposed method,
and 13.05% in Fig. 17(b) with the proposed method. Even if the
converter and the controller are not optimized for the universal
line operation, the experimental results in Figs. 16 and 17 clearly
show that the proposed repetitive control scheme improves the
input current quality in any case.
In Fig. 18, the proposed method was used under different dc-
Fig. 16. Comparison of experimental results under P = 220 W and Vg = link capacitance conditions, C = 1120 μF in Fig. 18(a) and C =
90 V. (a) Input voltage and input current without the proposed repetitive control 150 μF in Fig. 18(b). As can be seen in Fig. 18(b), although the
scheme. (b) Input voltage and input current with the proposed repetitive control
scheme. 150 μF capacitor induces much higher double-frequency voltage
ripple—120 Hz in this case—than the 1120 μF capacitor, the

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[1] B. Su and Z. Lu, “An interleaved totem-pole boost bridgeless rectifier with circuits to implement repetitive controllers for tracking and disturbance
reduced reverse-recovery problems for power factor correction,” IEEE rejection of periodic signals,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Expr. Briefs,
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1406–1415, Jun. 2010. vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 466–470, Aug. 2005.
[2] L. Huber, Y. Jang, and M. M. Jovanovic, “Performance evaluation of [23] A. F. Souza and I. Barbi, “High power factor rectifier with reduced con-
bridgeless PFC boost rectifiers,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, duction and commutation losses,” in Proc. Telecommun. Energy Conf.,
no. 3, pp. 1381–1390, May 2008. INTELEC’ 1999, Jun. 1999, Session 8.1, pp. 1–5.

[24] P. Kong, S. Wang, and F. C. Lee, “Common mode EMI noise suppression Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai (S’85–M’89–SM’93–F’07)
for bridgeless PFC converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engi-
no. 1, pp. 291–297, Jan. 2008. neering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
[25] D. M. V. d. Sype, K. D. Gusseme, F. M. L. L. D. Belie, A. P. V. d. in 1985 and 1989, respectively.
Bossche, and J. A. Melkebeek, “Small-signal z-domain analysis of digi- From 1980 to 1983, he was the Head of the Electri-
tally controlled converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 2, cal Engineering Department of the Ming-Chi Institute
pp. 470–478, Mar. 2006. of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, where he initiated a
[26] P. Mattavelli, F. Polo, F. D. Lago, and S. Saggini, “Analysis of control- power electronics program and received a grant from
delay reduction for the improvement of UPS voltage-loop bandwidth,” his college and a fellowship from the National Sci-
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2903–2911, Aug. 2008. ence Council to study abroad. In 1986, he became a
[27] L. Corradini, W. Stefanutti, and P. Mattavelli, “Analysis of multisampled staff member at the University of Tennessee, where
current control for active filters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 44, no. 6, he taught control systems and energy conversion courses. In 1989, he joined
pp. 1785–1794, Nov./Dec. 2008. the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Power Electronics Applications
[28] S. Buso and P. Mattavelli, Digital Control in Power Electronics (Synthesis Center (PEAC), where he managed EPRI-sponsored power electronics research
Lectures on Power Electronics). San Rafael, CA: Morgan & Claypool projects. In 1993, he was with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as the Power
Publishers, 2006. Electronics Lead Scientist, where he initiated a high-power electronics program
[29] L. H. Dixon, “High power factor preregulators for off-line power supplies,” and developed several novel high power converters including multilevel con-
in Proc. Unitrode Design Sem., 1988, pp. 6.1–6, 6..16. verters and soft-switching inverters. In 1996, he joined Virginia Polytechnic
[30] H. D. Venable, “The K factor: A new mathematical tool for stability Institute and State University, where he is currently a Professor and Director of
analysis and synthesis, in Proc. Powercon 10 Proc., Mar. 1983, pp. H1-1– the Future Energy Electronics Center. He has published more than 240 techni-
H1-12. cal papers and 2 books and received 20 U.S. patents. His research interest in-
[31] Y. Cho, H. Miwa, and J.-S. Lai, “A digital single-loop control of multiphase cludes high-efficiency power electronics conversions for high power and energy
DC–DC converter for fuel cell powered truck auxiliary power unit,” in applications.
Proc. IEEE 8th Int. Conf. Power Electron. and ECCE ASIA, Jeju, Korea, Dr. Lai received several distinctive awards including a Technical Achieve-
May 30–Jun. 3, 2011, pp. 2261–2266. ment Award in Lockheed Martin Award Night, three IEEE IAS Conference
[32] P. Mattavelli, L. Tubiana, and M. Zigliotto, “Torque-ripple reduction in Paper Awards, Best Paper Awards from IECON-97, IPEC-05, and PCC-07. His
PM synchronous motor drives using repetitive current control,” IEEE student teams received three awards from future energy challenge competitions
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1423–1431, Nov. 2005. and the first place award from TI Enginous Prize Analog Design Competi-
[33] K. K. Chew and M. Tomizuka, “Digital control of repetitive errors in disk tion. He chaired the 2000 IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics
drive systems,” in Proc. Amer. Control Conf., 1989, pp. 540–548. (COMPEL 2000), 2001 IEEE/DOE Future Energy Challenge, and 2005 IEEE
[34] Y.-Y. Tzou, R.-S. Ou, S.-L. Jung, and M.-Y. Chang, “High-performance Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2005).
programmable AC power source with low harmonic distortion using DSP-
based repetitive control technique,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 12,
no. 4, pp. 715–725, Jul. 1997.

Younghoon Cho (S’10) was born in Seoul, Korea, in

1980. He received the B.S. degree from Konkuk Uni-
versity, Seoul, Korea, and the M.S. degree from Seoul
National University, Seoul, in 2002 and 2004, respec-
tively, both in electrical engineering. He is currently
working toward the Ph.D. degree at Virginia Poly-
technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
From 2004 to 2009, he was an Assistant Research
Engineer at Hyundai MOBIS R&D Center, Yongin,
Korea. His current research interests include digital
control techniques for power electronic converters in
vehicle and grid applications, multilevel converters, and high-performance mo-
tor drives.

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