Ijeei, Laximipriya

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International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics - Volume 14, Number 4, December 2022

Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Vector Quantized Eigen

Matrix and Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree Network
Laxmipriya Samal 1, Hemanta Kumar Palo 2, and Badrinarayan Sahu 3

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
laxmipriyasamal@soa.ac.in, hemantapalo@soa.ac.in, badrinarayansahu@soa.ac.in

Abstract: This article presents a novel Vector Quantized Eigen technique for effective
classification of Power Quality (PQ) events. The Stockwell Transform (ST), and Empirical
Mode Decomposition (EMD) are used as baselines to develop individual feature matrices. The
MATLAB platform has been used to generate the PQ events synthetically. Several statistical
parameters along with the Vector Quantized Coefficients and Eigenvectors are computed from
each matrix for further analysis. Finally, a novel Vector Quantized Eigen Mapping algorithm
(VQEM) is proposed in a combinational platform for better efficacy. The lower-order Eigen-
coefficients (LECs) are more revealing as compared to the Principal Coefficients, hence are
contemplated. The reliability of the proposed VQEM is attributed to the vector dimensionality,
correlation, and Probability Density Function (PDF) of VQ to cluster irrelevant data and the
feature selection ability of eigenvectors. For classification, the Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree
(CSDT) algorithm is chosen as it assumes implicitly the cost of all the recognition errors to be different.
Results reveal an improved classification accuracy, the highest %Best cost savings, and a lower
Friedman Ranking (F-Rank) with the proposed technique as compared to other cited works of literature in
this field.

Keywords: Power quality disturbance; Feature extraction; Eigenvalue decomposition; Vector

quantization; Cost-sensitive decision tree; Classification accuracy

1. Introduction
Power quality (PQ) disturbances such as sag, swell, transients, etc. occurring in a signal during its
generation and distribution lead to malfunctioning of electrical devices and components. A survey
conducted by the Electrical power research Institute shows the loss due to faulty power systems
amounts to approximately $15 billion to $24 billion in the U.S. economy each year [1]. The last decade
has addressed the issue to some extent; however, the provisioning of clean power for domestic and
industrial use still concerns society [2-7]. The complexity involved in identifying the sources of
disturbances, characterization, and classifying them using appropriate signal processing models
makes the domain a challenging field of research in recent years.
The community has relied on several tools such as the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT), WT,
Hilbert Transform (HT), Stockwell Transform (ST), Curvelet transform, EMD, etc. to deal with PQ [4-
15]. However, these conventional algorithms often result in high-dimensional data comprising redundant
information. It leads to a decrease in classification accuracy and an increase in memory space and
classification time [5-6], [9-10], [12-14]. The application of feature selection and optimization
algorithms has indeed alleviated these issues. The claimed accuracy has been 82.2%, 98.2%,
97.4%, and 98.5% using KNN, expert system, PNN, and DT respectively with 50 dB noisy
data [8]. Similarly, the EMD and WT statistics have improved the accuracy to 97.57%,
95.28%, and 95.33% respectively with the PNN and SVM classifiers [7] [16]. Other feature
selection techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component
Analysis (ICA), Vector Quantization (VQ), Sequential Forward Selection (SFS), maximum
relevance minimum redundancy algorithms, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Competitive Swarm
Optimization (CSO), etc. Whale and wild-goat Optimization Algorithms (WOA) have
outperformed the conventional high-dimensional feature vectors of faulty signals [9, 11-14, 17-

Received: August 18th, 2022. Accepted: December 30th, 2022

DOI: 10.15676/ijeei.2022.14.4.9

Laxmipriya Samal, et al.

18]. These algorithms maximize the interclass division and minimize the intra-class
compaction, hence motivating the authors.
In this work, the authors illustrate a two-stage feature selection algorithm by combining the
VQ and Eigen Value Decomposition (ED). The objective is to extract appropriate parameters
from a few chosen disturbance signals, which can improve recognition accuracy. The VQ
algorithm obeys vector dimensionality, correlation, and Probability Density Function while
forming cluster centers, hence remaining more versatile than the conventional PCA in
analyzing the non-stationary signal [18]. On the contrary, the application of ED helps to select
the relevant features from the clustered VQ coefficients using a projected feature space.
Furthermore, the design of the VQ codebook depends on the number of levels, whereas, the ED
technique is dimensional-dependent. Thus, the simultaneous application of both the levels and
dimensions is likely to fetch more information that is relevant and hence considered. This study
conceptualizes the formation of the novel Vector Quantized Eigen Mapping algorithm
(VQEM) algorithm differently. It extracts the lower-order Eigen coefficients (LECs) for the
intended analysis, unlike PCA, which emphasizes the principal components (PCs). The basic
argument is to retain only those eigenvalues having the least distance among the extracted
coefficients, which can provide a greater number of correlated features for better utility and
efficiency. The authors have applied the Bhattacharyya distance norm and observed that the
LECs provide a minimum distance as compared to the PCs [17]. Finally, the extracted features
are considered in a combinational platform for more available information and enhanced
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 elaborates on the proposed feature
extraction technique. Section 3 briefs the classification algorithms employed. Section 4
discusses the simulation results and section 5 concludes the work with new research directions.

2. Proposed Feature Extraction

This work investigates thirteen types of PQ events comprising single and multi-stage
disturbances. These events are Pure Sine, Swell, Swell with Harmonics, Sag, Sag with
Harmonics, Flicker, Flicker with Harmonics, Harmonics, Interruptions, Interruptions with
Harmonics, Notch, Spike, and Sag with Harmonics, and Interruption. These signals are
synthetically generated using the mathematical models in MATLAB. Each signal has a
fundamental frequency of 50 Hz with a sampling rate of 3.2 kHz ( samples per
cycle ). The virtual value of the voltage has been volts. The signal comprises ten
cycles with 64 samples per cycle giving a total of samples per signal. The
chosen feature mapping techniques are then applied to the conventional algorithms as
explained below.

A. Mapping of ST Matrix
The proposed mapping of the ST matrix [15] is accomplished as shown in Figure 1.

The explanation of Figure 1 is given below.

The formulation of the ST feature vector is accomplished as follows.
For the time series PQD signal , the discrete FT (DFT) can be
expressed as
where andare the total numbers of samples and the sample time interval respectively and
The ST of the time series PQD signal can be represented using the Gaussian
function as

Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Vector Quantized Eigen

Figure 1. Proposed Mapping of ST Matrix

The computation of ST has been formalized as follows.

a. Compute the -point DFT of the signal to obtain .

b. Estimate the localized Gaussian function for the desired frequency .

c. Shift the spectrum to . This is a one-pointer addition.

d. Multiply -times with to obtain .

e. Determine the inverse FT of to to extract the row of the S-matrix

for the frequency .

f. Continue performing steps (c) to (e) until the rows of at each are defined.

The complex ST vector of a signal is given by


The formation of the ST-statistical vector is briefed below.

• For a PQ disturbance signal with samples, the corresponding ST-matrix can be
expressed as


• where is a complex matrix of size in which each row and each column
correspond to a certain frequency and time respectively. The term denotes the
number of disturbance signals present in a PQ event.

• From the matrix , ten-statistical parameters such as the Mean (F1), Standard Deviation
(F2), range (F3), Skewness (F4), kurtosis (F5), crest factor (F6), the form factor (F7), The
Shannon entropy (F8), energy (F9), and RMS (F10) are computed as given in equation (4)
for the Sag-PQ event. The resultant matrix has a dimension , which is
very small as compared to the ST-matrix of size .

Laxmipriya Samal, et al.


The formation of the ST-Eigen matrix using ED [17] is briefed below.

• Apply ED to in equation (1) with necessary zero paddings to fetch a reduced feature
vector of size .

• Retain the last thirty-one LECs per signal based on a threshold for further processing. For a
PQ event comprising signals, the size of the ST-LEC vectors thus
becomes .
The application of the VQ [13, 18] to the ST-matrix has been formulated as follows.
• Apply VQ to each column of the ST-matrix of dimension . The resultant ST-VQ
vector of a signal has the size .

• For a PQ event comprising signals, the size of the ST-VQ matrix

becomes .

The proposed ST-VQEM vector for the Sag PQ event is formulated as given below.
• The ST-VQ matrix of the Sag PQ event ( ) is expressed as


• Apply ED to each column of equation (4) with necessary zero paddings. The resultant
matrix has a size of out of which only 250 LECs or ST-VQEM features are retained
for further processing.

B. Mapping of Empirical Mode Decomposition Matrix

The EMD [7] is represented by the intrinsic mode frequencies (IMFs) corresponding to the
high and low-frequency decompositions. This work considers only three IMFs as in this most
of the energy and the frequency contents exist [10]. Figure 2 represents the proposed mapping

Figure 2. Mapping of EMD-Matrix

Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Vector Quantized Eigen

Ten chosen statistical, ED, and VQ techniques are applied to each IMF level as explained
earlier. The resultant sizes of the EMD-statistical, EMD-EM, EMD-VQ, and EMD-VQEM
feature matrices are , , , and 30 respectively.

3. Cost-Sensitive Decision Tree Classifier (CSDT)

Most of the conventional classifiers assume constant misclassification error cost, thus
remaining cost-insensitive. However, the cost differs when the classifiers have different instances of
false negatives and false positives. On the contrary, the CSDT algorithm implicitly assumes the cost of all
the recognition errors to be different. It considers the real costs corresponding to a feature value
since , hence remaining a better alternative.
Thus, it introduces the concept of cost-sensitive machine learning which minimizes the average cost
during learning. The classifier selects suitable points considering the numeric attributes involving every
possible cut point and eliminates redundant data. Details on the CSDT can be found in [19-23]. The
CSDT is simulated to determine the effectiveness of the developed feature vectors. The results are
compared to that of the DT classifier for validation. The lowest cost of classification has been computed
as given below.
Consider a signal of a PQ event comprising a feature set with feature
values, , . In CSDT feature space, a feature value is ranked by an augmented value
is a constant. Given a PQ event level as , the learning algorithm creates the
predicted label corresponding to a feature value . The actual cost of a PQ event comprises different
costs such as corresponding to the cost of false positive, false negative, true
positive true negative misclassification respectively. The computation algorithms to estimate the
classification cost of the feature set are given by
The cost of misclassification is calculated as.

where denotes the cost of misclassifying an event into another PQ event and is the
conditional probability that the feature value belongs to class .
The lowest cost of recognizing all the feature values of an event is computed as
In this equation, denotes the learning algorithm predicting all the feature values of the set as
belonging to the desired class . denotes the learning algorithm predicting all the feature elements of
the set as to the desired class . is the lowest cost of recognizing all the feature values of
an event. The cost of saving is expressed as in [19].

5. Results and Discussion

The proposed feature mapping techniques are applied to validate the improved
classification performances using 10-fold cross-validation. The %Best cost savings, F-rank,
classification accuracy, misclassification error, the effect of feature dimension, and
computation time have been used as the performance measures to validate the effectiveness of
the proposed feature vectors.

A. Comparison of Cost of the Classification Algorithm (%Best)

Table 1 compares the ST and EMD statistics in classifying the PQ events based on the
highest savings in cost (% Best) and the F-rank [24]. The F-Rank statistically sorts the
classifiers based on the reliability of the feature vectors. The % Best indicates how nearer the
classifier saves the cost to the best outcome. The EMD-Statistical vectors have provided the
best % cost savings with all the chosen classifiers as compared to either ST statistics or WT
statistics. The reason is, that the EMD extracts the oscillatory modes or the IMFs embedded in
the signal using a sifting process and describes subtle changes in frequency accurately. The
technique extracts the single-frequency components using several combinations of sinusoidal

Laxmipriya Samal, et al.

signals, hence representing non-stationary PQ signals accurately. It is flexible and the mono-
components or narrow band of frequencies makes it more adaptive for aperiodic signals.

Table 1. Comparison of Classification Algorithms (% Best) Versus F- rank using Statistical

Classifier Feature Vector % Best F-rank
DT Stat 71.4% 20.6
DT ST-Stat 79.8% 17.3
DT EMD-stat 85.5% 15.3
CSDT Pure-Stat 73.5% 19.9
CSDT ST-Stat 85.1% 15.7
CSDT EMD-Stat 92.6% 4.1

Table 2 provides the highest savings in cost (% Best) versus the F-rank corresponding to
the chosen classifiers using different derived feature vectors. The statistical parameter cannot
address the dynamism involved in a feature vector. On the contrary, the Eigenvectors signify
the optimum modes and estimate distinct correlated variables using the orthogonal linear
transformation. Thus, it improves the reliability and discrimination of the features with greater

Table 2. Comparison of Cost of the Classification Algorithms (% Best) Versus F-Rank using
the Derived Feature Vectors
Classifier Method % Best F-Rank Method % Best F-Rank Method % Best F-Rank

DT EM 71.4 20.6 VQ 73.5 19.8 - - -

DT ST-EM 79.8 17.3 ST-VQ 81.8 17.2 ST-VQEM 82.6 16.9

DT EMD-EM 85.5 15.3 EMD-VQ 87.5 12.7 EMD-VQEM 88.5 10.7

CSDT EM 73.5 19.9 VQ 76.4 18.1 - - -

CSDT ST-EM 85.1 15.7 ST-VQ 90.5 8.2 ST-VQ-EM 92.7 4.7

CSDT EMD-EM 92.6 4.1 EMD-VQ 97.1 1.9 EMD-VQEM 97.7 1.1

Table 3. The % Best cost saving compared with the earlier methods to the proposed method is
% %
Literature Patterns Feature Feature Selection Classifier
Best Accuracy

MDA 71.5
Jabeur, et al., 2020 Spain financial MLR 75.13
bond rating Fisher’s test -
[20] data SVM 67.50
DNN 68.35
Krawczyk, et al., SMOT SE: 75.98
imbalanced KEEL Repository datasets evolutionary algorithm -
2014 [21] CSDT SP: 92.98
Credit card fraud detection, DT 35.33
Bahnsen, et al, 2015 Real-world churn modeling, credit RF 77.37
sampling -
[19] example scoring, and direct LR 63.39
marketing CSDT 88.69
Li, et al., 2015 [22] Bio-medical UCI Repository ASCP and ARA <70 -
C5.0 85.0
Sahin, et al., 2013 Fraud credit
Statistical SVM 78.3 -
[23] detection card
CSDT 94.9
PQ EMD-VQ-EM+EMD-Stat VQ+ Eigen Value 96.9%
Proposed work CSDT
Disturbance EMD-VQ-EM Decomposition 99.7%

Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Vector Quantized Eigen

The proposed VQEM combines the nonlinearity phenomena of VQ and the linearity
phenomena of ED. It exhibits better outcomes among all the derived feature vectors as
observed in this Table.
The % Best cost saving as the performance measure of patterns has been successfully
employed in the field of fraud detection, credit card recognition, ECG beat classification, Medical
Diagnosis, bond rating prediction, etc. [19-23] The measured value however varies based on
the type of data, features extraction and selection methods, and the classification mechanism. A
summary of the % Best cost saving compared with the earlier methods to the proposed method
is provided in Table 3.

B. Comparison of Classification Accuracy

The accuracy has been computed and compared in Table 4 using the relation

The cases correctly classified are considered zero cost, whereas equal costs have been
considered for both FN and FP.

Table 4. Comparison of Classification Accuracy (%) using Different Feature Mapping

Classifier Feature Vectors FN FP TN TP Pp Se Sp Accuracy
DT Pure-Stat 2656 1764 5923 6619 78.95 71.36 77.05 73.9%
DT ST-Stat 1820 920 5891 6287 87.23 77.55 86.49 81.6%
DT EMD-Stat 1319 451 5999 6555 93.56 83.24 93.01 87.6%
CSDT Pure-Stat 2143 1692 5715 6309 78.85 74.64 77.15 75.8%
CSDT ST-Stat 1315 485 5931 6529 93.08 83.23 92.44 87.3%
CSDT EMD-Stat 546 176 6543 6621 97.4 92.38 97.38 94.8%
DT EM 2150 1950 5712 6138 75.89 74.05 74.55 74.2%
DT ST-EM 1683 867 5872 6341 87.97 79.02 87.13 82.7%
DT EMD-EM 1250 430 5924 6505 93.8 83.88 93.23 88.1%
CSDT EM 2088 1592 5701 6299 79.82 75.10 78.17 76.5%
CSDT ST-EM 1289 411 5900 6499 94.05 83.44 93.48 87.9%
CSDT EMD-EM 530 131 6528 6592 98.05 92.55 98.03 95.2%
DT VQ 2104 1916 5697 6145 76.23 74.49 74.83 74.6%
DT ST-VQ 1652 748 5870 6357 89.47 79.37 88.69 83.5%
DT EMD-VQ 1045 465 6000 6650 93.46 86.42 92.80 89.3%
CSDT VQ 2070 1120 5679 6164 84.58 74.80 83.52 78.8%
CSDT ST-VQ 540 415 6485 6578 94.06 92.41 93.98 93.2%
CSDT EMD-VQ 530 131 6528 6592 97.05 91.55 97.03 98.1%
DT ST-VQEM 1511 739 5898 6322 89.53 80.71 88.86 84.5%
DT EMD-VQEM 889 465 6479 6565 93.38 88.18 93.30 90.7%
CSDT ST-VQEM 528 192 6530 6611 97.17 92.52 97.14 94.6%
CSDT EMD-VQEM 33 21 6725 6841 99.39 99.21 99.38 99.4%
TP: true positive, PF: false positive, TN: true negative, FN: false negative, Sp: specificity, Pp: precision, Se:

Figure 3 and Figure 4 provide the CSDT training accuracy and the training loss Versus the
Number of Iteration for EMD-VQEM+ EMD-Stat feature vectors for convenience and

Figure 3. The CSDT Training Accuracy using EMD-VQEM+ EMD-Stat

Laxmipriya Samal, et al.

Figure 4. The CSDT Training Loss using EMD-VQEM+ EMD-Stat

C. Comparison of Computation Time

The time for the feature extraction and classification have been tabulated in Table 5. A 7th
Generation Intel Core i3 processor with 4 GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD laptop, and Windows 8
operating system under MATLAB R2016a, win64 platform has been used for this purpose.
Among the classifiers, the DT has provided the fastest response followed by the CSDT as
observed in this Table. However, the classification time has been reduced using feature
mapping techniques due to the reduction in feature dimension.
In general, practical data is always associated with noise in any power distribution system.
Thus, the authors intend to evaluate the proposed method under noisy conditions. The Gaussian
white noise has been widely popular in analyzing PQ disturbance signals. The features are
extracted from the noisy data having SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of 25, 35, and 40 dB noise
levels and tested for 20, 25, 30, and 40-dB. A comparison of the noisy PQ signals to classify
the PQD events has been made in Table 5.

Table 5. Comparison of the Feature Extraction and the Classification Time of the Proposed
Feature Classification Time (T2) Total Time (T1+T2)
Methods Extraction
Statistical 4.18s 0.79s 0.92s 4.97s 5.1s
VQ 0.428s 0.24s 0.69s 0.668s 1.118s
EM 1.56s 0.76s 0.85s 2.32s 2.14s
VQEM 0.571s 0.19s 0.42s 0.761s 0.991s
ST-Stat 11.42s 0.87s 0.88s 12.29s 12.3s
ST-VQ 0.610s 0.56s 0.84s 1.17s 1.45s
ST-EM 1.58s 0.84s 0.91s 2.43s 2.49s
ST-VQEM 0.442s 0.29s 0.35s 0.732s 0.792s
EMD-Stat 12.54s 0.77s 0.79s 13.31s 12.43s
EMD-VQ 0.433s 0.54s 0.81s 0.973s 1.361s
EMD-EM 2.31s 0.75s 0.79s 3.06s 3.1s
EMD-VQEM 0.492s 0.21s 0.24s 0.702s 0.732s
ST-VQEM+ ST-Stat 11.89s 0.92s 0.94s 12.38s 12.39s
EMD-VQEM+ EMD-Stat 12.63s 0.80s 0.83s 13.40s 12.48s

D. Classification Accuracy Versus the Feature Dimension

Table 6 provides the impact of feature dimension on the classification accuracy, highest %
Best cost savings, and the computation time corresponding to CSDT in classifying the chosen
PQ events. The mixtures of the statistical vectors and the VQEM reveals an enhanced
classification performance due to more available information as observed in Table 6.

Power Quality Disturbance Classification using Vector Quantized Eigen

Table 6. Impact of Feature Dimension on The Classification Accuracy, Highest %Best Cost
Savings, and the Computation Time for CSDT Classifier
Feature Vectors Dimension of a PQ Total Time for
Event Classification Feature
% Best cost
, Accuracy Extraction
and Classification
ST-Stat 85.1% 87.3% 12.3s
ST-EM 85.4% 87.9% 2.49s
ST-VQ 90.5% 93.2% 1.45s
ST-VQEM 92.7% 94.6% 0.792s
EMD-Stat 92.6% 94.8% 1.243s
EMD-EM 93.7% 95.2% 3.1s
EMD-VQ 97.1% 99.1% 1.243s
EMD-VQEM 97.7% 99.4% 0.732s
ST-VQEM+ ST-Stat 96.9% 95.9% 24.28s
99.7% 99.7% 25.11s

Table 7 provides a comparison of the classification accuracy using the proposed techniques
with noisy data. The accuracy in Table 7 is slightly less than that of Table 6.

Table 7. Comparison of the Classification Accuracy using the Proposed

Techniques with Noisy Data
Noise Feature Set
20dB 80.1% 88.7% 85.4% 93.5%
25dB 83.9% 90.4% 87.2% 95.9%
30dB 85.1% 92.6% 89.5% 97.4%
35dB 85.7% 93.2% 90.7% 98.6%
40dB 86.5% 94.8% 91.2% 99.2%

Table 8 provides a comparative table of the proposed work with that of the earlier work based
on accuracy.

Table 8. Comparison of Proposed Work with Existing Literature

Literature Feature Mapping Classifier Accuracy Events
Vector Algorithm
Pozzebon et al., DWT PCA RBFN 92.57% 7
2010 [9] Without PCA 90.29%
Lee et al., 2011 ST, TT ST-stat, PFS of ST, MLP 97.2% 11
[25] GA, SFS, SBS
Manjula et al., WT Statistical PNN 95.28% 10
2012 [7] EMD 97.57%
Babu et al., 2017 EMD-HHT 3 IMFs, statistical 95.33% 3-phase
[16] events
Saini et al., 2018 WT-EMD Statistical SVM 97.58% 11
[4] PNN 99.34%
Hafiz et al., 2019 ST Statistical PNN 74% -
[10] EMD KNN 98.8%
Das et al., 2019 ST WOA SVM 99.50% 15
Proposed EMD-VQ- VQ+ Eigen Value CSDT 99.7% 14
Technique EM+EMD-Stat Decomposition

Laxmipriya Samal, et al.

4. Conclusions
This article extracts a novel VQ Eigen Matrix (VQ-EM) from the PQ signals for improved
classification accuracy. The proposed technique has been compared with several feature
mapping techniques such as the statistical, ED, and VQ for the classification of thirteen-PQ
events. The VQ method of feature mapping remains more efficient than either the ED or the
statistical methods as observed in this work. While the statistical technique does not consider
the dynamics involved in a signal, the ED parameters are projected variables, and hence cannot
represent the signal in a true sense. On the contrary, the VQ method follows vector
dimensionality, correlation, non-linearity dependency, and Probability Density Function (PDF)
shape while clustering the features. It suits well when the feature set is closely matched or
densely clustered as revealed by these results. The two-state feature mapping method using
both the VQ and the ED has further improved the recognition accuracy. The proposed
combination of nonlinearity phenomena corresponding to VQ and linearity phenomena of ED
has a possible reason for improving the identification system modeling. A further improvement
in the recognition accuracy has been manifested when the proposed VQ-EM is considered
along with the statistical parameters due to an increase in available information as revealed
from this investigation. The proposed algorithms are giving superior classification accuracy
with both ideal and noisy environments including noise levels from 20dB to 40dB. If the
proposed system is embedded in real-time data, it can provide better accuracy as compared to
the state-of-art methods in both hardware and real-time environment. However, due to the
unavailability of adequate laboratory facilities, it could not be tested at this instant.

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Laxmipriya Samal has received her B.E. and M. Tech. degree in Electronics
and Communication Engineering from the BPUT, Odisha, and the Siksha ‘O’
Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Odisha in 2003 and 2009 respectively.
She is currently working towards a Ph.D. degree at the Siksha ‘O’
Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Odisha, India. Her research interests
include Power quality disturbance and applied signal processing.

Hemanta Kumar Palo completed his Master of Engineering from “The Birla
Institute of Technology”, Mesra, Ranchi in 2011 and his Ph.D. in 2018 from
the Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University. He is having 20 years of
experience in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Currently, he is working as an Assoc. Prof. in the Dept. of ECE, SOA
University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. He has published around 70 papers in
international journals and conferences. His research interests include signal
processing, speech processing, and power electronics.

Badrinarayan Sahu completed his M-Tech in the year 2004 from UCE Burla,
Sambalpur, and his Ph.D. from Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University. Currently,
he is serving as a Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering at Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. His areas of interest are signal processing, image
processing, and power quality recognition.


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