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(pusetice Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the box. You must use the below, tense in brackets. Follow the examples = were do mdoes mhas mhave mis mare = was ™ eo » Everyone is _ praising the brave man. (present tense) > Neither Abu norl was __ correct with the answer. (past tense) 1 One of the pupils caught cheating in the examination hall. (past tense) 2 She neither food nor drink in her house. (present tense) 3 Krishnan, as well as Ahmad, _ in the room when I arrived. (past tense) 4 Love what we should show to our neighbours. (present tense) 5 A litter of tiger cubs _ taken away by the hunter. (past tense) 6 Each of us given clues to the problem. (present tense) 7 None of the ladies the cooking before 10.00 am. (present tense) 8 Either the players or the coach _—_ training in England. (present tense) 9 Many of the farmers _ from this village. (present tense) 10 the engineers know the way to the place I mentioned? (present tense) 11 Neither Kumar nor his friends present for the meeting. (past tense) 12 Beng Kee and William __ both made prefects. (past tense) 13 Ten percent of the donation __ spent on food. (present tense) 14 Either the priest or the devotees __ Tesponsible for the damage to the plants. (past tense) 15. Neither the pilot nor the passengers any idea of the danger they face. (present tense) 16 Which she like, flowers or chocolates? (present tense) 17 You chosen to be the i cl i respond bat tone ‘ass monitor because you were hardworking a4 18 Either Halim or his friends 19 Either of you 20 Nothing i m ee ors important to parents than the safety of their children. (preset doing it. (past tense) | to wash the dishes, (present tense) | | Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs. Ong Goh Chin is a farmer. He (1)____ one hectare of land. His wife and five children (2) : him run the farm where he (3) vegetables and (4) poultry. A variety of vegetables (5) grown in his farm such as sawi, kangkung, brinjals, cabbage and spinach. Insecticide (6) used to prevent insects from eating the crops. Every morning, a lorry (7) to his farm to collect vegetables. Goh Chin (8) cash for the vegetables. Goh Chin(9) Ci be up by five in the morning to start work. His eldest son (10) him to the field. The other four children (11) work only at 8.00 am. Neither Goh Chin nor his children (12) educated. He can ill afford to send his children to school because he (13) them to help him in the farm. Although he is not rich, he is happy because he (14) a Peaceful life. The whole family (15) to the city once a month to buy Provisions and to enjoy themselves. Nouns fown the names of buildings that you can find in this word maze. Mark them in the maze wet the names in the space provided. " fulol|s| Ql [alt[slc|p| x alo|a [1 [rt LL E|M L | K | T E | M 1 | LK {cl} rir /a| A A F A R z{rtli|{t |x aA|n|[c|[n|le rfclelc|t tTlilfo|[ni{. E G E M oO E/E|R[a|tT 1 6 2 7 —______ 3 8 4 9 ® Adjectives and Adverbs Rearrange the jumbled up adjectives in the box. Then, add -ly to them to form adverbs. Fill in the blanks with the adverbs you have formed. Follow the example below. das (jumbled up adjective) > sad — sadly (adverb) » He sadly described the accident to us. udetexci msingirpsur wm urheird = medmiteia = dunos = ofmcorbatle = ysh - werar mvyahe mlufagree mdyaer mairf mdentfinoc = tcaxe = attnetvie 1 GraceNgdanced ——————_and won the first prize. 2 He ee helped me because I had saved his life before. 3 I took my breakfast ____ because I woke up late. 4 The children jumped about ___ when the bell rang for recess. 5 Mrs Loh lay ___on the sofa to read a book. 6 The timid girl walked _ ___up the stage to receive her prize. 7 Themiserlyman _——_ Offered to pay for the lunch. 8 They listened to the important announcement. 9 William answered the question because he knew the answer. 10 Snakes ___ attack you unless you disturb them. 11 LastnightIslept because I was very tired. 12 We must leave ___ because it is going to rain. 13 His date of birth is the same as mine. 14 1 distributed the sweets among them, 15 It rained and the place was flooded. —_~ on gee? If you get all the correct : y answers, you are great! | nd and correct the errors in pronoun usage in the letter below. unit 3/4, Broadway, Crawley 6009, Western Australia. 26 September 2004 Dear Tajol, 1am doing well here. I like mine new apartment. He is not too large and not too small. It is comfortable. I share it with me room-mates. Theirs names are Kathy and Yuki. Kathy is from the United States. Yuki is from Japan. You will meet they when you come to visit me in the summer. Kathy and me are classmates. We have a lot in common. Her and me like to read. Us favourite author is John Gruesome. Kathy, Yuki and me share the rent and utility bills. Us don’t share the phone bill. We each pay for our own phone calls. My phone bill is very high because me call you and my family so often. Yuki doesn’t call Japan often because her parents call her twice a month. Kathy doesn’t call home at all because her parents visit she once a month. Her is lucky. Us next-door neighbours are college students too. Them go to the same college as our. They are Sonny and Lucille from Hong Kong. Them are friendly people. Them are married to each other. They don’t have any children but them have a female cat named Ling Ling. He is a Persian cat. That is early spring but the tulips are starting to bloom. Kathy, Yuki and me are going to the nursery this weekend to buy some flowers for us little garden. It will be a lot of fun to see trees with leaves on them and flowers again. The winter was too cold for me. Soon it will be summer. I'am looking forward to you're visit. Love, aclige 3 10 11 12 Fill in the blanks with the following prepositions. Your reports are due _ Monday. Please let us know if this will be a problem, Ihave to complete this 8.00 pm. I saw her coming out the store just now. Mark was very thin he got married. Today he has put a few kilogrammes. He died ____ old age. But before he died, he gave me a piece good advice. The little kitten climbed the tree and now it doesn’t know how to get _ Tan is running late. He will not be here an hour. They walk school every day. They only live one block away. She has cleaned the cupboard top to bottom, Every student fell silent the moment he walked the room. She will be back from her business trip ten days’ time. Can you meet me school? I would like you to help me clean the classroom yactice 4 7 change the incorrect prepositions in bold into the correct ones. There may be more than one answer. 1 You are early at your appointment. Please come on as there are no other patients here now. When you are on Hollywood, don’t forget to drive at the stars’ home. ss She has lived at the sea all her life. » The bookstore you are talking about used to be next at the bakery. Hui Mee and her sister walk to school because they live in the school. 6 Leave your coat on the rack above the door. ~ Mr Chan will be spending Chinese New Year on Singapore this year. He is looking forward on it.

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