Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan Salma Alzaida Xi 4 - Salma Zaida

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NAMA : Salma Alzaida



On the island of Belitung, there is a legend known as the "Mystery of the Banera Hollow
Stone". This legend began in ancient times, when a small village on the coast of Belitung was struck
by fear due to the mysterious disappearance of several fishermen. Villagers believe that an evil spirit
resides in a giant rock with a hole on the beach, known as the Banera Hollow Rock.

It is said that one dark night, a brave fisherman named Malik sailed out to sea. He tried to find
the cause of the disappearance of his colleagues who had not returned home for several days. Malik
decided to approach the Banera Hollow Rock, even though it was strictly forbidden by the locals.

When Malik's boat approached the rock, suddenly the wind blew hard, scattering large waves
that almost sank his boat. However, Malik remained persistent and climbed the rock. As soon as he
reached the top, he felt a supernatural force pulling him into a dark and mysterious rock hole.

When Malik entered the hole, he was greeted by a sparkling light emanating from inside the
cave. There, he discovered an indescribable world with stunning waterfalls, giant trees, and sparkling
plants he had never seen before. In the midst of this miracle, Malik met a beautiful woman who
introduced herself as Princess Banera.

Princess Banera tells that she is the keeper of this secret world, which has been hidden from
human view for centuries. He explained that the missing fishermen had been dragged by a strong
current into a rock hole, and he had been trying to protect them ever since.

Malik was moved and determined to help Princess Banera protect her world. With courage
and wisdom, the two of them worked together to calm the evil spirit that haunted the Banera Hollow
Rock, so that the fishermen could return home safely.

Since then, Malik has been revered as a hero by the village community, and the story of his
adventures with Princess Banera has become a legend told from generation to generation on the island
of Belitung.

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